Satan's workers like Librals, Atheists, Communists are Ruining America
(too old to reply)
Her Lao
2014-09-17 22:31:00 UTC

Now, they have accomplished theirs and their Dark Master's aim: to cast God aside, by not invoking the Lord's name, when soldiers pray to Him for guidance.

Folks, this is the slipper slope that's taking America and Americans farther and farther away from the Lord Jesus and his Father, God, which is Jesus himself in Heaven...

Atheists, Socialists, Librals, Communists... and Satan's other endless legions of followers, they are going to get all of us condemned or killed, when the Lord can't take it no more and He releases giants waves of waters via tsunamis, when he releases trillions of tons of ashes and volcano lava, when he shakes the earth with his thoughts which would crumble roads, buildings, and mountain sides...

Folks, you have to take a side: be on the Lord Jesus and his Father, God's, side or be on the side of the Devil and his two other Twins, Evil and Satan.

Remember, if you believe in the Lord Jesus the Savior and welcome him, you WILL GO TO HEAVEN, to be with all the thousands of saints and your loved ones who have died ahead of you.

But if you believe in the Devil and his Twins, Evil and Satan, you WILL GO TO HELL for eternity...

Where is Hell?, you ask... Well, Hell is where Satan, the Devil, and Evil live; it is a dark place with fire pits everywhere and it is so hot you're constantly sweating, which means you must constantly drink water to replenish the fluids you lose....

But as you know, if there are billions and billions and BILLIONS more of Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Communists, Librals, Thor and Zeus and Osiris and Witch and Ancestor worshippers, etc. --- from the time Jesus and God created the universe, 6-10,000 years ago to the present time ---- and everyone must drink many gallons of water everyday, to keep the hot and sweatiness down, you will eventually run out of water.... just like what's happening here in central and southern California, where no matter how deep you dig and drill, there's LESS AND LESS water to be found, to be sucked out...

Remember, HELL is a dark, foreboding place, and you CAN'T grow rice, wheat, corn, or water melons. Sure, you can last a bit longer without food, you say, but without water --- because it is a hot, hot place --- you will die of thirst pretty quick!

Come to the Lord and be PROUD when you mention HIS NAME and the name of his Heavenly Father, God, whenever and wherever you are in need of help and guidance!

Don't cast aside His name, or be ashamed of Him or His name... like Librals, Communists, Atheists, Socialists, and primitive Ancestor worshippers are...

Call to him and voluntarily welcome Him to your heart before it is too late! Remember, you have until your last BREATH here on earth... but don't wait until your last breath to call onto Jesus the Savior, because you could be killed instantly through a car accident, a gun fire, or a train or a meteor and you don't have time to utter His name!

Do it before it is too late!
Her Lao
2014-09-17 23:53:54 UTC
On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 5:31:00 PM UTC-5, Her Lao wrote:



Luckily, that Atheist bustard didn't die during his first enlisting, his first service and sacrifice for America.

Now, he could re-enlist and doesn't have to call on God every time there's a meeting, now that his boss, Satan, is also allowed to be called upon, during solemn meetings and services...