SOH: "ຄໍາອວຍພອນປີໃໝ່"(New Year 2022 Blessing)
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Sulilec @Gmail.com
2021-12-28 18:03:44 UTC
(New Year 2022 Blessing)

ໃນວາລະອັນຈົບດີປີນີ້ ໃກ້ປີໃໝ່ມອງແລເຫັນ
ຮຽນຂໍຄໍານັບສົ່ງຈິດອວຍພອນ ທຸກມຸມພົງໄພແດນດິນບ້ານ
ບ້ານບໍ່ແມ່ນແຕ່ເຮື່ອນເຈົ້າ ເຮື່ອນເຮົາສ້າງ ຊື່ໆ ຫ້າກໜ່ວຍໂລກກໍ່ເອີ້ຍ” ເຮື່ອນ” ທ່ານເອີຍ.
ຈົ່ງສຸກຢູ່ຮ່ວມສ້າງ ບ້ານເກົ່າຮ້າງກໍ່ໃຫ້ເບິ່ງໃໝ່ດີ ດອກນາ...

ປີໃໝ່ສາກົນໄກ້ຮອດແລ້ວ ຈົ່ງຢ່າໃຫ້ມີແປ້ວວ່າງໃຈ ແດ່ທ້ອນ
ໂປຍໄພທຸກຍ້າກຮ້າຍ ຈົ່ງກາຍເວັນຮ່າງໜີ
ໂລກີຍະໂປຍໄພ ສະໜຽດຈັງໄຮໃກໝີບໍ່ຫອນຮອດ
ອາກາດໜາວເຢັນຮ່ວມຕ້ອນ ສະບາຍດີຢ່າໜັກນ່ອງ

ເລົ່າເຈັບເສັ້ນເຈັບເອັນທັງມວນ ໄຂ້ໄອແລະຫວັດໃຫ່ຍ
ນອນບໍ່ຫຼັບກິນບໍ່ແຊບ ແນບຂ້າງຈົ່ງຮ່າງຄີງ ແທ້ເດີ
ເລົ່າໄຮ້ດີ ຈົ່ງຫາຍໄປຈາກທຸກມຸມໂລກ ໂປຍໄພຫາຍຊ່ວງ
ປວງປະຊາຊາວເຊື່ອ ທົ່ວດອມດ້ານຢູ່ສະບາຍ... ທ່ານເອີຍ.
Sulilec @Gmail.com
2021-12-28 18:13:45 UTC
Hellelele...GOOGLE at A quick glad translation....I think it is at 85% accuracy, not bad GOOGLE!!

New Year Greetings
(New Year 2022 Blessing)
In this year-end agenda, look forward to the new year
Learn to send greetings to all corners of the village
The house is not just your house, we just built a house.
Enjoy living together to build a dilapidated old house so that you can look good ...

The International New Year is approaching, so do not be discouraged
Suffer the evil, go beyond the abscess
The world is full of deadly evils
Cold weather, welcome, do not spare

Relieves aches and pains in the ligaments, including coughs and colds
Do not sleep, do not eat, do not eat close to your body
Bad news, disappear from all over the world
People all over the world are fine ... sir.
Posted on 12/28/21; 1:13 pm; Eastern Time
