Leader for Life, Tsar-like KGB Col. Putin & Russia At A Political Crossroads?
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Her Lao
2021-01-24 01:15:21 UTC

I understand there still are, there always will be, a lot of people yearning --- because they have too much to lose in wealth and connection, too much to lose in political freebies, too twist a sense of the world and its dynamism (believed to be pure chaos that must be prevented by the righteous and "correct leadership" and "correct ideas" at all cost --- to stay backward, primitive, autocratic, and stupid in the name of "peace and harmony," but MODERN LIFE and YOUTH all over the world are finding, more and more, such attitudes, such yearnings for the past, to be intolerant and incompatible with modernity, technologies, scientific imperatives... even in historically autocratic societies.

From a larger, civilization angle, we are NOT moving in the direction of the current Chinese, Lao LPDR, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia direction.

It may be slow and it may be chaotic and it always will be dangerous and deadly... but slowly people and countries are moving into PLURAL SOCIETIES where professional politicians --- the good, the bad, and the ugly ---- are vying for the hearts and pockets of masses of citizens, each set of individuals or groups or ideas taking over for some time... so compromises among people with very different ideas, world views, and beliefs may be hammered out, in business, in jurisprudence, in education, etc.

This attitude of "I am the best; I have the "correct" ideas... and you either do as I say or you shut the fuck up or else, you will pay..." I think .... over the next 50 to 100 years... this primitive, chauvinistic, physical, and/or mentally coercive approach to politics and governance WILL die out....
Her Lao
2021-01-24 02:09:38 UTC