Her Lao
2016-01-21 14:11:21 UTC
Secretary of the Air Force, Deborah James words notwithstanding, I think the Pentagon will likely build another 200 or so F-22, given the current uncertainty climate of the world... with China and Russia upping their games when it comes to fighter jet procurement.
Now that the Pentagon has been able to build the compromised jet (F-35) for the Marines and Navy --- both of which CAN NOT easily use the much larger, faster, and more powerful F-22 because the Marines are a mobile, first-call to battle branch of the armed force and where they go, no fast, powerful fighter jets could safely accompany UNLESS those jets could hover like the old British harrier jet or the new F-35
And since the F-22 is way too powerful and big to safely land on the deck of a carrier, unlike the come compacted Super Hornet F-18.... the Navy should be happy with their larger-wined F-35, too...
And, so, while the Air Force WILL still get is quota when it comes to the F-35s, because, again, despite all the BS to the contrary, it is a VERY CAPABLE fighter jet... JUST NOT as powerful or fast as the older F-22... I am sure the PENTAGON is thinking about re-starting production for more, upgraded F-22, with an entirely NEW SET OF SUPER COMPUTATIONAL ARCHITECTURE...
Indeed, the only thing lacking in the F-22 is the slower and more limited computational architecture built in it, from the 1990s, when the F-22 first came on-line.
Computer power and sophistication, as we all know, double every, what was it?, 18 months.... so no matter how you TRY TO UPGRADE it, the F-22 is stuck with an original computational architecture from the 1990s.
If the US builds more and I think they will, the F-22, while retaining its powerful twin engines and body shape, WILL be fitted with an entirely new and even more powerful computational architecture than the F-35, which is smaller. And that make sense, since the F-22 WILL BE THE FIRST AND ONLY JET to fly into dangerous enemy air space, to take out important enemy assets before all other jets could go... so the Pentagon would want the new F-22 to have EVERYTHING the Air Force wants and more... this is especially true of the Republican wins the White House and maintains Congress...
Remember, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and all GOP presidential candidates want to double or triple the Pentagon budget, something they said Obama has gutted... which is absolutely not true, since the current Pentagon budget, the public one we are allowed to see, is almost $700B a year, with the TOTAL from under the table and/or the "discretionary" chunk from the government likely pushing the REAL Pentagon budget closer to $1T a year already...
I think the US currently as about 189 or so F-22s... they figure if they augment that number by another 200 or so, plus around 2,000 to 2,400 or so of the smaller F-35s, they'd be safer, with China's military budget getting close to 1/3 or so of the USA in recent years...
It WILL BE EXTRAORDINARILY EXPENSIVE... but, hey, it's not rich people's money the Pentagon and the US politicians are playing with... it's mostly the middle class and working class labor and wealth they're using, so, why not?
But I think it'd make sense, if the Pentagon would reduce the total F-35 to around 1,500, if they're going to re-start the F-22, which costs around AT LEAST twice as much as the smaller and slower F-35, on a per unit cost basis... in real terms...
Note that the Pentagon and "researchers" never put out a definitive cost for the F-22... it's always pegged between $150M to as high as $400M per unit... and, knowing the government and how it spends our money, I think it's closer to the $400M per unit than it is to the $150M per unit...
Think about it: the F-22 is superior in EVERY WAY to the compromised F-35, and the latter cost $100M to $150M currently... the F-22 must cost a whole lot more! The only thing that the two have on common are the INFORMATION that flows into the fighter jets and the missiles they carry... with the F-35 having a set of faster and better super computers, true, because its computer architect is of 2015, while the one physically built into the F-22 was from the 1990s, updated notwithstanding. But that can be quickly remedied if the F-22 are to be built again...
Secretary of the Air Force, Deborah James words notwithstanding, I think the Pentagon will likely build another 200 or so F-22, given the current uncertainty climate of the world... with China and Russia upping their games when it comes to fighter jet procurement.
Now that the Pentagon has been able to build the compromised jet (F-35) for the Marines and Navy --- both of which CAN NOT easily use the much larger, faster, and more powerful F-22 because the Marines are a mobile, first-call to battle branch of the armed force and where they go, no fast, powerful fighter jets could safely accompany UNLESS those jets could hover like the old British harrier jet or the new F-35
And since the F-22 is way too powerful and big to safely land on the deck of a carrier, unlike the come compacted Super Hornet F-18.... the Navy should be happy with their larger-wined F-35, too...
And, so, while the Air Force WILL still get is quota when it comes to the F-35s, because, again, despite all the BS to the contrary, it is a VERY CAPABLE fighter jet... JUST NOT as powerful or fast as the older F-22... I am sure the PENTAGON is thinking about re-starting production for more, upgraded F-22, with an entirely NEW SET OF SUPER COMPUTATIONAL ARCHITECTURE...
Indeed, the only thing lacking in the F-22 is the slower and more limited computational architecture built in it, from the 1990s, when the F-22 first came on-line.
Computer power and sophistication, as we all know, double every, what was it?, 18 months.... so no matter how you TRY TO UPGRADE it, the F-22 is stuck with an original computational architecture from the 1990s.
If the US builds more and I think they will, the F-22, while retaining its powerful twin engines and body shape, WILL be fitted with an entirely new and even more powerful computational architecture than the F-35, which is smaller. And that make sense, since the F-22 WILL BE THE FIRST AND ONLY JET to fly into dangerous enemy air space, to take out important enemy assets before all other jets could go... so the Pentagon would want the new F-22 to have EVERYTHING the Air Force wants and more... this is especially true of the Republican wins the White House and maintains Congress...
Remember, Trump, Rubio, Cruz, and all GOP presidential candidates want to double or triple the Pentagon budget, something they said Obama has gutted... which is absolutely not true, since the current Pentagon budget, the public one we are allowed to see, is almost $700B a year, with the TOTAL from under the table and/or the "discretionary" chunk from the government likely pushing the REAL Pentagon budget closer to $1T a year already...
I think the US currently as about 189 or so F-22s... they figure if they augment that number by another 200 or so, plus around 2,000 to 2,400 or so of the smaller F-35s, they'd be safer, with China's military budget getting close to 1/3 or so of the USA in recent years...
It WILL BE EXTRAORDINARILY EXPENSIVE... but, hey, it's not rich people's money the Pentagon and the US politicians are playing with... it's mostly the middle class and working class labor and wealth they're using, so, why not?
But I think it'd make sense, if the Pentagon would reduce the total F-35 to around 1,500, if they're going to re-start the F-22, which costs around AT LEAST twice as much as the smaller and slower F-35, on a per unit cost basis... in real terms...
Note that the Pentagon and "researchers" never put out a definitive cost for the F-22... it's always pegged between $150M to as high as $400M per unit... and, knowing the government and how it spends our money, I think it's closer to the $400M per unit than it is to the $150M per unit...
Think about it: the F-22 is superior in EVERY WAY to the compromised F-35, and the latter cost $100M to $150M currently... the F-22 must cost a whole lot more! The only thing that the two have on common are the INFORMATION that flows into the fighter jets and the missiles they carry... with the F-35 having a set of faster and better super computers, true, because its computer architect is of 2015, while the one physically built into the F-22 was from the 1990s, updated notwithstanding. But that can be quickly remedied if the F-22 are to be built again...