On Tue, 2 Jun 2015 19:17:55 +0000 (UTC), Anibal Hickey
[…] Galileo Galilei had nothing to do with Relativity.
Incorrect. Galilei *introduced* the principle of relativity (under that
name) in his «Dialogo», using the metaphor of “Galileo’s ship”. The
principle was used and refined by Newton («Philosophiæ Naturalis
Principia Mathematica», 1687), Poincaré (« L’état actuel et l’avenir de
la physique mathématique », 1904), *and* Einstein (papers that would
become SR,
starting 1905; GR, work starting 1907 at the latest, and beyond).
Relativity refers to the Theories of Relativity, Special Relativity and
General Relativity. Both of which came out 1905/1915.
An oversimplification that is to be expected by the nym-shifting troll.
You are a shameless nym-shifting troll, a stupid one, projecting your own
dishonesty and incompetency on other people, miles long more intellingent
and knowledgeable then you.
There are no Relativity papers or notes published by Galileo.
Try this: STFU! YOU are the one simplifying over the notion of Relativity.
You really _ARE_ stupid, name shitter.