As a gun and bible loving, God fearing, peaceful religious Cons, I wish this spineless President would send in 20,000 American troops and MAKE the Turks and Saudis and Qataris and all other Gulf States contribute tens of thousands, too, saying, with a righteous finger pointing at them: You either do it our way, as we tell you, OR NO MORE WEAPONS AND FIGHTER JETS coming your way.
Let them buy Russian and Chinese weapons and fighter jets, if they want.
But once a REAL MAN like Ben Carson or Donald Trump assumes office at the White House, you gonna see, we gonna kill them all. All of them. Just bomb the hell out of them and incinerate the whole place, through carpet bombing, so there won't be any more converting into these Islamists again in the future.
We gonna kill them all, whether it is 20,000 or 50,000 or 500,000 or 5M or 500M... if they don't bow and submit to God and us, righteous Christian nations and the good guys, we have the means and will to kill then all, using all means at our disposal!
And then as the Great Man Donald Trump, future-president Donald Trump, said: bomb the shit out of them and TAKE THE DAMN OIL; that's what you sacrifice so much form ain't it? Why not take the damn oil, once you've bombed the shit out of these Islamist Middle Easterners?
Put barb wires around those oil fields and signs saying: AMERICAN PRIVATE PROPERTIES, NO TRESS PASSING, OR YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD... and all of them should be the message!