2015-11-11 23:33:48 UTC
To honor Veteran's Day in 2015... have a happy Veteran's day and always.--(Sulilec)
Title: Are You The One For?
"Husband is not just anyone,
But he is of one man to a woman,
Who is his wife."
Husband must be a "true male" or "true man".
The word "Husband" is a human word
Means specifically a grown man of human descendant of human raise.
He is of one man to a woman who is a wife of same mankind.
A person who is of compatible, physically and mentally,
To a wife he has chosen to be his life-longing sharing that can be a soulmate.
Husband and wife is not a form of partner sharing equal terms or friends.
They are, however, a person who is of one man to one woman
Of distinctively different entity of his and her own being
Which form from birth of a person,
A character that fit together in a form of unity as man and woman.
A join of unity to share life
To serve a purpose of building a family together.
Husband is a man in nature to have and to hold a wife.
In time of comfort, joy, happiness, for a wife
Who resides with him at the same house,
Who is true female descendant of having ovary ( one of female body parts),
Which use to bear a child for him so he could have a family.
Without a wife, he cannot be called a husband,
And so it hold true in vice versa.
Having a husband is like having a life-long person
Who can grow together,
Weather it is in time of needs,
Time of rest, and time of fright and fearful.
But then in time of rejoin is more rewarding
Than anything else that is given a task as a husband.
Being a husband is not a job,
But becoming a husband for her (a wife) is a duty
That everlasting life to have,
That the husband would gladly do.
He is of man in nature therefore must have common sense,
All is for a wife he choose to have relationship.
At the same time, it is agreed in a human term of marriage
Of certificate that husband and wife come together
Before matrimony which take up license of the country
Which both people are resigned
In conscent to become Husband and Wife,
Agree by the state and the involved people
Such as parents, consins, relatives, friends, and more...
The agreement may also involve religious practice,
Accept the consequences of two people,
Decide to join together,
Because of loves and compatibility,
Specifically of one man, one woman ideally share life together
With families of both side and friends which uptake.
Husband is needed and always form from love and commons,
Not only that, he is to spend a great deal of time
Doing things together, simply and largely,
For comforting, for joy, for happiness,
Being together in the same dwelling,
With the acceptance the differences between each other.
This is all to join in a relationship that must work,
That must share responsibilities and chore of life,
Of gladly perform or not in perfection or not,
Which can be share equally
From strange of one's own ability.
A husband will never equal a wife.
Like in basic Algebra mathematically,
That a letter A will never equal B entity.
This is because letter A will never be a letter B, and vice versa,
No matter how much one tries.
But the relationship between both
Is much more complex than can explain,
Which is important and necessary
To keep both a husband is to a wife together.
His duty, his completeness in man
And his manhood including his upbringing
Is to be a complete man for a wife who he has chosen.
A husband must be mentally and physically healthy and stable,
A person of highly understand reason of necessary for a wife,
Look-out for her benefits and needs, including well-being
Which compose of 4 ingredients humanly uniform of man (Male)
In Buddha perspectives (Buddhist Teaching in Nature of Man).
A person who is a head of family.
The one who is to care for member of the family,
A person who brings breads and butter or the main dish of meals.
He must have ability to care, emotionally and physically
For purpose of a wife, than himself, his children, and others.
This is for, a fulfillment of family's need,
He must have given up his single life as one person,
But rather choose to share life with one woman, a wife.
He may give-up self to serve family that share and have,
For the greater cause of join and happiness
which must bring for his beloved wife.
The husband is more likely to be a gentlemen,
By performing his very best to be a husband for her (wife),
He is function fullest to satisfy
In small or in large of family's need and faithfulness.
Husband is appreciate and love always,
Because he has ability foreseeing,
And he is believe given from above (By wife)
To be with a wife who he loves, treasures, and admires,
United in a single house,
Form together in one single bed,
Happen naturally in both people's mind.
He has the ability to foresee
And will always yield that the wife is first, not last.
He helps fulfilled and that wife is satisfied,
Not only for her (wife) basic needs
As a wife ought to be.
For most, husband is to see
The need of her (wife) children
To care for her fresh and blood
Which seems fit to her liking, joy, and wishes,
He must try to make situation better for her always,
In which would as a return care for himself.
Caring for wife emotional and physical need
Are form of duty for husband that hold as a responsibility.
His greatest as a husband,
As a return would care for his being as a person,
Which may extend to both sides of family.
Husband must not complaint about too much "games"
Which life brings of being husband.
Husband may give up life for one who he loves (Like see in military or heroic epics and story),
And work toward the cost of his wife and his own family.
Husband is needed always for a wife to have a home
Or a place to stay together which he harvestly provides
And the necessary to be a home for her and only to her.
He must be faithful and courageous and strong.
He does not complaint of not-wanting to be a husband anymore.
Because a grown person who become a husband value to be a husband,
For a wife that he has chosen to join together and live a life together,
In one place, one house, to have a family which share as one family.
He ought not to complaint of wife
Which must committed to her duty,
Must not complaint about taking time or any time spent
That benefit for family together,
Which means, husband must need spend time together,
Weather in quality and even perchance.
For most, he must not obstruction of information
About his income, his every day activity, his joy and happiness,
His frustration and anger that must express appropriately and freely.
This is because he is already a grown man
Who can handle his own emotion, his own thoughts,
He has power to choose to share emotions and expression
Or not to share to anyone including his wife.
But he must tell wife truthfully and most-liking to her best interest.
It is necessary for a husband communicate well with wife at all time.
A regular phone call if far away,
Or communicating face to face to keep up with daily activity
Is a must to do for husband to keep up.
At the same token, husband may part in space and time
For other tasks of duties,
Which husband must also do.
A husband cannot be too lazy to be a husband,
His looks and appearances as a husband
Is of important for her (a beloved-wife) to recognize
And acknowledge who he is, always.
His beauty of looks, physically and mentally
Must complete that of a wife
Who is comparatively not that much age different.
Husband is made only for a wife, "presently",
And live their life fullest together in the same time frame and space.
Understand that husband is needed,
For her (wife), he is a leader, a lover, a must to have in a family for her,
For plan of life to have a family together.
He is a person of master plan in the mind
Of family he would like to have
Which share with his beloved wife at home, always.
His plan can be included small and large gifts, quality time spent or not,
Even at family events: Must introducing family members,
News or not about family of his side
And to keep track of his family member's well-being, benefits,
Values and tradition, customs and culture,
In a comparatively language, health, access, and ideal sharings...
All these, which must let know to wife at all times,
Not only for bed time story together.
Husband must born to complete a wife,
He must be a man who has ability to understand
Her (wife) needs emotionally, verbally, and physically.
It is an angel chosen or God chosen put into human law perspective,
To pair two different background people
Chose to join and to come together
To share life and reproduce self for the betterment of
Human raise and conquer world that which is in.
Furthermore, as the education of West Charlotte High School
Which has philosophized explain clearly in 4 conceptual reasons,
A relationship of husband and wife must share at least in four matters:
(1)They must be able to join understanding at least one language,
(2) There must be communicatable physically and verbally,
(3) tThere must be love and understanding for one another,
(4) There must be common belief of some nature.
Husband hold true in all these being for a wife
To share a joyful life together
To become of commons backgrounds,
To carry on his genes in human kinds.
Most importantly, husband must see wife comes first!,
Before the state or temple or church.
He sees that his wife must come first before all else.
He must love his wife and care for his wife to complete a task as a husband.
For most, a husband must have a descent upbringing
As husband ought to be, and that his father is a husband to his mother,
Knowledge of which important, and that husband and wife runs in family.
As an example for him to carry on or he must have some form of
Husband idea to be in his mental stages of thinking before marriage.
He is taught from the beginning to be a man for his woman (wife)
The teaching of being a man is born from a mother's wound.
In addition, a husband is a word of a man fully-grown
To be a person ready physically, emotionally,
To be a responsible husband so that
He can marry to deserve a wife to himself,
So that he can build a grass-root of family,
Taken from the eye of the state, religion, family, and friends.
A husband and a wife together
Is a form of highest happiness man can have.
A family must have a place to stay
To raise family of his descendant and to hold his belongings.
He must be a responsible person,
He must give in, he must serve and understand the need of family
By conforming to a husband's duty to have and to hold together
With his wife to whom work together along his side as a system of oneness.
Understand that family which form from first
By becoming a husband and a wife
Is a united family of mankind put together,
That a person must care about one another and always,
Care for her (wife) even tiny speck of her hair, words, and belonging (health and good natures).
He must be the man for her always,
Same as she (wife) with him always.
Because that is a person who born to become a husband.
Husband is just not anyone, but he is born and raise.
He is to make known where he is about
And performing in a great cost of manors and kindness,
Courageous and truful to her in a hard time and joy.
He must have some form of education of mankind,
All is for wife to feel at ease...
Another one of husband's duty is,
Since he is born and raise to be a husband,
So his manliness is so that he can withstand life lesson,
To be with a single woman to whom his wife he loves.
He must born and raise to be a man to be a husband For her (wife)
Which to hold a duty as a husband,
Who is of a good Samaritan in nature for all.
This is because a husband is a good Samaritan for all.
A character that only man, a righteous mind person can be.
Again, husband is a love of his wife always.
He is not only born to be serve to be a husband,
But he is born of common sense and characterize by gene,
Acknowledging his own task to be a husband,
Of his own kind and character with must have in senses:
Sense of humors, expressible in words and actions,
He must have a look and intension of a husband to her (wife) always.
There is no day, that he (husband) would not know his duty
What a husband ought to do,
Weather it's time to take care of basic need like cutting-grasses,
Care for the house, care for himself,
All these are the cost for to have a wife in his dwelling.
Husband natural instinct is like a tiger living in tall grass
Who knows its environment for hunting.
A man who has power to hold a wife, not only in his arm,
But having a wife to serve his family's needs, and hold his heart,
That he wants and is to have, acknowledgable in his mind.
He knows and acknowledge in time of man
That his born to be a husband
For somebody who is his wife,
Without failing because he is a husband,
And will always be,
Because he is made to be a husband for her,
That very person that very characteristic-specific
Are all for so that he can have a wife,
To share together in good time, bad time
In the most fearful and comforting,
he is there for her and always.
This is a husband by faith in man.
November 9th, 2015, continue to November 11th, 2015; 6:28 P.M., (Total of 6 pages)
Title: Are You The One For?
"Husband is not just anyone,
But he is of one man to a woman,
Who is his wife."
Husband must be a "true male" or "true man".
The word "Husband" is a human word
Means specifically a grown man of human descendant of human raise.
He is of one man to a woman who is a wife of same mankind.
A person who is of compatible, physically and mentally,
To a wife he has chosen to be his life-longing sharing that can be a soulmate.
Husband and wife is not a form of partner sharing equal terms or friends.
They are, however, a person who is of one man to one woman
Of distinctively different entity of his and her own being
Which form from birth of a person,
A character that fit together in a form of unity as man and woman.
A join of unity to share life
To serve a purpose of building a family together.
Husband is a man in nature to have and to hold a wife.
In time of comfort, joy, happiness, for a wife
Who resides with him at the same house,
Who is true female descendant of having ovary ( one of female body parts),
Which use to bear a child for him so he could have a family.
Without a wife, he cannot be called a husband,
And so it hold true in vice versa.
Having a husband is like having a life-long person
Who can grow together,
Weather it is in time of needs,
Time of rest, and time of fright and fearful.
But then in time of rejoin is more rewarding
Than anything else that is given a task as a husband.
Being a husband is not a job,
But becoming a husband for her (a wife) is a duty
That everlasting life to have,
That the husband would gladly do.
He is of man in nature therefore must have common sense,
All is for a wife he choose to have relationship.
At the same time, it is agreed in a human term of marriage
Of certificate that husband and wife come together
Before matrimony which take up license of the country
Which both people are resigned
In conscent to become Husband and Wife,
Agree by the state and the involved people
Such as parents, consins, relatives, friends, and more...
The agreement may also involve religious practice,
Accept the consequences of two people,
Decide to join together,
Because of loves and compatibility,
Specifically of one man, one woman ideally share life together
With families of both side and friends which uptake.
Husband is needed and always form from love and commons,
Not only that, he is to spend a great deal of time
Doing things together, simply and largely,
For comforting, for joy, for happiness,
Being together in the same dwelling,
With the acceptance the differences between each other.
This is all to join in a relationship that must work,
That must share responsibilities and chore of life,
Of gladly perform or not in perfection or not,
Which can be share equally
From strange of one's own ability.
A husband will never equal a wife.
Like in basic Algebra mathematically,
That a letter A will never equal B entity.
This is because letter A will never be a letter B, and vice versa,
No matter how much one tries.
But the relationship between both
Is much more complex than can explain,
Which is important and necessary
To keep both a husband is to a wife together.
His duty, his completeness in man
And his manhood including his upbringing
Is to be a complete man for a wife who he has chosen.
A husband must be mentally and physically healthy and stable,
A person of highly understand reason of necessary for a wife,
Look-out for her benefits and needs, including well-being
Which compose of 4 ingredients humanly uniform of man (Male)
In Buddha perspectives (Buddhist Teaching in Nature of Man).
A person who is a head of family.
The one who is to care for member of the family,
A person who brings breads and butter or the main dish of meals.
He must have ability to care, emotionally and physically
For purpose of a wife, than himself, his children, and others.
This is for, a fulfillment of family's need,
He must have given up his single life as one person,
But rather choose to share life with one woman, a wife.
He may give-up self to serve family that share and have,
For the greater cause of join and happiness
which must bring for his beloved wife.
The husband is more likely to be a gentlemen,
By performing his very best to be a husband for her (wife),
He is function fullest to satisfy
In small or in large of family's need and faithfulness.
Husband is appreciate and love always,
Because he has ability foreseeing,
And he is believe given from above (By wife)
To be with a wife who he loves, treasures, and admires,
United in a single house,
Form together in one single bed,
Happen naturally in both people's mind.
He has the ability to foresee
And will always yield that the wife is first, not last.
He helps fulfilled and that wife is satisfied,
Not only for her (wife) basic needs
As a wife ought to be.
For most, husband is to see
The need of her (wife) children
To care for her fresh and blood
Which seems fit to her liking, joy, and wishes,
He must try to make situation better for her always,
In which would as a return care for himself.
Caring for wife emotional and physical need
Are form of duty for husband that hold as a responsibility.
His greatest as a husband,
As a return would care for his being as a person,
Which may extend to both sides of family.
Husband must not complaint about too much "games"
Which life brings of being husband.
Husband may give up life for one who he loves (Like see in military or heroic epics and story),
And work toward the cost of his wife and his own family.
Husband is needed always for a wife to have a home
Or a place to stay together which he harvestly provides
And the necessary to be a home for her and only to her.
He must be faithful and courageous and strong.
He does not complaint of not-wanting to be a husband anymore.
Because a grown person who become a husband value to be a husband,
For a wife that he has chosen to join together and live a life together,
In one place, one house, to have a family which share as one family.
He ought not to complaint of wife
Which must committed to her duty,
Must not complaint about taking time or any time spent
That benefit for family together,
Which means, husband must need spend time together,
Weather in quality and even perchance.
For most, he must not obstruction of information
About his income, his every day activity, his joy and happiness,
His frustration and anger that must express appropriately and freely.
This is because he is already a grown man
Who can handle his own emotion, his own thoughts,
He has power to choose to share emotions and expression
Or not to share to anyone including his wife.
But he must tell wife truthfully and most-liking to her best interest.
It is necessary for a husband communicate well with wife at all time.
A regular phone call if far away,
Or communicating face to face to keep up with daily activity
Is a must to do for husband to keep up.
At the same token, husband may part in space and time
For other tasks of duties,
Which husband must also do.
A husband cannot be too lazy to be a husband,
His looks and appearances as a husband
Is of important for her (a beloved-wife) to recognize
And acknowledge who he is, always.
His beauty of looks, physically and mentally
Must complete that of a wife
Who is comparatively not that much age different.
Husband is made only for a wife, "presently",
And live their life fullest together in the same time frame and space.
Understand that husband is needed,
For her (wife), he is a leader, a lover, a must to have in a family for her,
For plan of life to have a family together.
He is a person of master plan in the mind
Of family he would like to have
Which share with his beloved wife at home, always.
His plan can be included small and large gifts, quality time spent or not,
Even at family events: Must introducing family members,
News or not about family of his side
And to keep track of his family member's well-being, benefits,
Values and tradition, customs and culture,
In a comparatively language, health, access, and ideal sharings...
All these, which must let know to wife at all times,
Not only for bed time story together.
Husband must born to complete a wife,
He must be a man who has ability to understand
Her (wife) needs emotionally, verbally, and physically.
It is an angel chosen or God chosen put into human law perspective,
To pair two different background people
Chose to join and to come together
To share life and reproduce self for the betterment of
Human raise and conquer world that which is in.
Furthermore, as the education of West Charlotte High School
Which has philosophized explain clearly in 4 conceptual reasons,
A relationship of husband and wife must share at least in four matters:
(1)They must be able to join understanding at least one language,
(2) There must be communicatable physically and verbally,
(3) tThere must be love and understanding for one another,
(4) There must be common belief of some nature.
Husband hold true in all these being for a wife
To share a joyful life together
To become of commons backgrounds,
To carry on his genes in human kinds.
Most importantly, husband must see wife comes first!,
Before the state or temple or church.
He sees that his wife must come first before all else.
He must love his wife and care for his wife to complete a task as a husband.
For most, a husband must have a descent upbringing
As husband ought to be, and that his father is a husband to his mother,
Knowledge of which important, and that husband and wife runs in family.
As an example for him to carry on or he must have some form of
Husband idea to be in his mental stages of thinking before marriage.
He is taught from the beginning to be a man for his woman (wife)
The teaching of being a man is born from a mother's wound.
In addition, a husband is a word of a man fully-grown
To be a person ready physically, emotionally,
To be a responsible husband so that
He can marry to deserve a wife to himself,
So that he can build a grass-root of family,
Taken from the eye of the state, religion, family, and friends.
A husband and a wife together
Is a form of highest happiness man can have.
A family must have a place to stay
To raise family of his descendant and to hold his belongings.
He must be a responsible person,
He must give in, he must serve and understand the need of family
By conforming to a husband's duty to have and to hold together
With his wife to whom work together along his side as a system of oneness.
Understand that family which form from first
By becoming a husband and a wife
Is a united family of mankind put together,
That a person must care about one another and always,
Care for her (wife) even tiny speck of her hair, words, and belonging (health and good natures).
He must be the man for her always,
Same as she (wife) with him always.
Because that is a person who born to become a husband.
Husband is just not anyone, but he is born and raise.
He is to make known where he is about
And performing in a great cost of manors and kindness,
Courageous and truful to her in a hard time and joy.
He must have some form of education of mankind,
All is for wife to feel at ease...
Another one of husband's duty is,
Since he is born and raise to be a husband,
So his manliness is so that he can withstand life lesson,
To be with a single woman to whom his wife he loves.
He must born and raise to be a man to be a husband For her (wife)
Which to hold a duty as a husband,
Who is of a good Samaritan in nature for all.
This is because a husband is a good Samaritan for all.
A character that only man, a righteous mind person can be.
Again, husband is a love of his wife always.
He is not only born to be serve to be a husband,
But he is born of common sense and characterize by gene,
Acknowledging his own task to be a husband,
Of his own kind and character with must have in senses:
Sense of humors, expressible in words and actions,
He must have a look and intension of a husband to her (wife) always.
There is no day, that he (husband) would not know his duty
What a husband ought to do,
Weather it's time to take care of basic need like cutting-grasses,
Care for the house, care for himself,
All these are the cost for to have a wife in his dwelling.
Husband natural instinct is like a tiger living in tall grass
Who knows its environment for hunting.
A man who has power to hold a wife, not only in his arm,
But having a wife to serve his family's needs, and hold his heart,
That he wants and is to have, acknowledgable in his mind.
He knows and acknowledge in time of man
That his born to be a husband
For somebody who is his wife,
Without failing because he is a husband,
And will always be,
Because he is made to be a husband for her,
That very person that very characteristic-specific
Are all for so that he can have a wife,
To share together in good time, bad time
In the most fearful and comforting,
he is there for her and always.
This is a husband by faith in man.
November 9th, 2015, continue to November 11th, 2015; 6:28 P.M., (Total of 6 pages)