(too old to reply)
2014-12-18 17:41:01 UTC

ah crap. sony has just canceled the interview. that's a nice way to cave to the terrorists. i was planning to see the movie but now hell no can do.
2014-12-20 18:56:26 UTC
Easy for those who don't own Sony stock to say. Imagine if the attack is real. What then? They are doing it right to call it off.

Couple years ago a thai group made movie about their mythical gna mo. They were smart to call it off for not insulting the lao.
Her Lao
2014-12-21 13:20:26 UTC
ah crap. sony has just canceled the interview. that's a nice way to cave to the terrorists. i was planning to see the movie but now hell no can do.
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-12-21 18:40:03 UTC
Post by Her Lao
ah crap. sony has just canceled the interview. that's a nice way to cave to the terrorists. i was planning to see the movie but now hell no can do.
THAT NUKE ISSUE will OPEN the DOOR for WESTERN COUNTRIES to BRING the ISSUE UP to UN security council WHICH CHINA will NOT be able to BLOCK an WESTERNERS FLOODING of NORTH KOREA which is TOO CLOSE to home for China's COMFORT. CHINA will HATE DOUBLE if the JAPANESE show up in CHINA to COURT CHINESE GIRLS as in WORLD WAR 2. CHINESE has NOT FORGET THOSE PAINS YET. now that CHINA had step up to be the TOP PLAYER in the COMMIE PARTY, CHINA wants REVENGE. the JAPANESE and his ally better WATCH-OUT those 740 millions troops coul flood down to the PACIFIC OCEAN SHORE. to SECURE the OCEAN PORTS so that the US get no place to LAND her fleet.for a FAST DEPLOYMENT of DEFENSE FORCE CHINA is working to get HIGH SPEED RAIL down to those PORTS.
Her Lao
2014-12-22 20:26:56 UTC

Don't mess with the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
-- Obama

Obama has now gone off the reservation, so watch out, good people of the free world!

White, established people in American, especially those in Washington, are scared of him. Conservatives hate and are scared of him. Communists and Putin are scared of him.

Again, don't mess with an angry Brother!

Now, that little fat boy, "The Great Leader of the Democratic Republic of Korea," is learning what happens to your 1940s infrastructures, if you anger the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-12-22 22:05:34 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Don't mess with the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
-- Obama
Obama has now gone off the reservation, so watch out, good people of the free world!
White, established people in American, especially those in Washington, are scared of him. Conservatives hate and are scared of him. Communists and Putin are scared of him.
Again, don't mess with an angry Brother!
Now, that little fat boy, "The Great Leader of the Democratic Republic of Korea," is learning what happens to your 1940s infrastructures, if you anger the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
Just let the two KOREAS PULL each othere's hairs when the hairs are ALL PULLED they will settle PEACEFULLY because ther is ZERO HAIRS to pull out any more. just like those ANIMAL in AFRICA when they see the POOL of wster is shrinking theeir AUTOPILOT BRAIN KICKS IN and time fir hundreds to thousands MIGRATION to find the place where WATER is plenty. the same thing happened to us that's why we ran away from tge land DIRECTLY HNDER our feet to this new COLD PLACE of MINNESOTA, USA.
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-12-22 22:13:22 UTC
Post by Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
Post by Her Lao
Don't mess with the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
-- Obama
Obama has now gone off the reservation, so watch out, good people of the free world!
White, established people in American, especially those in Washington, are scared of him. Conservatives hate and are scared of him. Communists and Putin are scared of him.
Again, don't mess with an angry Brother!
Now, that little fat boy, "The Great Leader of the Democratic Republic of Korea," is learning what happens to your 1940s infrastructures, if you anger the Brother from the south side of Chicago!
Just let the two KOREAS PULL each othere's hairs when the hairs are ALL PULLED they will settle PEACEFULLY because ther is ZERO HAIRS to pull out any more. just like those ANIMAL in AFRICA when they see the POOL of wster is shrinking theeir AUTOPILOT BRAIN KICKS IN and time fir hundreds to thousands MIGRATION to find the place where WATER is plenty. the same thing happened to us that's why we ran away from tge land DIRECTLY HNDER our feet to this new COLD PLACE of MINNESOTA, USA.
Just when we found out we got ONLY ONE more IRON EGG(hand grenade) left to wipeou the group of zombie RUNNERS we used that LAST IRON EGG into a RIVER for fish. HAHA we ONLY got a fish the same size as the IRON EGG. we went home that day and was the last time I EVER call the banana house a HOME. we fled out thst MORNING tookus walking down hill for about 2 hours.
Her Lao
2014-12-24 06:59:15 UTC

That's a lot of armed forces GENERALS crowding around that thick, 1990s screen, watching their young fat leader playing free, Bruce Lee UFC EA games!
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2014-12-24 15:00:10 UTC
Post by Her Lao
That's a lot of armed forces GENERALS crowding around that thick, 1990s screen, watching their young fat leader playing free, Bruce Lee UFC EA games!
COMMIES are known to BLOCK the people from going OUT to the WWW CHINA did the same in 2000 there use to be several HMONG CHINESE chating AOUND the WWW but all of a sudden they can NOT chat with us anymore EXCEPT a few email or OLD TRUSTED TELEPHONE CALL & POSTAL MAIL ONLY. making it too much a trouble chatting with them so I QUIT around 2005 or 2006.COMMIES rely on BRAIN WASHso ALLOW ACCESS to INTRANET ONLY does the JOB PERFECTLY.