Her Lao
2015-04-19 00:48:26 UTC
I always have said this (I have always said this): teachers at the upper middle school to high schools are, for the most part, just to get the "student move along" and "get deeper into their interests."
You can't really teach young people by the upper middle school and high school levels; at those more advanced stages, HABITS are already formed AND HARDENED, both good and bad habits.
You really need to GET TO THEM WHEN THEY'RE STILL BETWEEN 1st and 5th grades.
To me, even though I've never taught young elementary school students, except when I was doing student teaching, THIRD GRADE is really around what I would consider a crucial or "turning point" in a person's life IN EDUCATION.
If the kids are able to READ, WRITE, and UNDERSTAND the written words, and do arithmetic (simple counting, adding, subtracting, etc), around the 3rd-4th year, probability of them going on to do well in the middle school and high school ARE VERY HIGH.
If they struggle to read and write during these 2-3 very crucial years, as seen from 2nd through 4th grades, they WILL likely struggle in upper elementary, in middle school, and in high school.
This is why I have always argued we need to pay ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS better, make it more difficult, so you'd recruits the most gifted and dedicated from college... so all of them don't go on to mindless jobs like creating stupid gadgets that come out every business quarter that people think they CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT... stupid gadgets that really don't do any thing for any one that they can't live without.
I, for example, have NEVER USED any Apple products in my entire life, and it is a company that is approaching a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR IN MARKET CAP, the largest and most useless company in the world, whose sole focus is ENTIRELY gadgets to fill people's time...
The other bright college graduates --- if you don't recruit them, of course --- are those going into "business" and advertisement... people who sit for ENDLESS HOURS to come up with the most idiotic ("creative," they call them) ideas TO CONVINCE YOU YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T CAMP OVER NIGHT BY APPLE STORES TO RUSH INSIDE THEM TO THROW THEM TONS OF MONEY FOR STUPID GADGETS they've just completed in China (with work conditions that literally drive many low paid Chinese workers to commit suicide)!
Smart, creative, and educated YOUNG PEOPLE graduating from good colleges and universities SHOULD BE PAID TO TEACH SOCIETIES CHILDREN --- to study and to learn about worms, frogs, trees, soil, rivers, oceans, stars, chemicals, computers and how they work (rather than how much you could get out of people if you come up with so programs that make bird digitals flutter!), violence and how to solve them, how ecosystems work, etc. ---- NOT to sit for hours to come up with schemes to milk shopper's pockets for every dime they have (and for some don't even have for which they must borrow)...