Lhl, KC, Casalao, S.Paksong, HT, B. Tummada, please check your mailbox!
(too old to reply)
2011-11-27 09:49:47 UTC
Please check your email, friends!
2011-11-27 10:06:01 UTC
Please check your email, friends and brothers.
2011-11-27 16:45:00 UTC
Post by ໜຸ່ມອາລົມເສັຽ
Please check your email, friends and brothers.
☼. Thank you Social Culture of Lao FBI, Spam Detective Division.
You had done a good work for our tiny Laonork intellectual
communities here.
Stand tall to fight the enemy from everywhere and from
We Lao peace-loving people do appreciate your contribution to
our forum.

♫ Love and respect, Laohaklao 1954.


I missed Iowa. Too bad they lost to Nebraska on Friday.
2011-11-27 22:39:06 UTC
Post by ໜຸ່ມອາລົມເສັຽ
Please check your email, friends and brothers.
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated 27
2011, which has been added to my top secret file.

Iowa has one more football game (bowl game). GO HAWKS!!!
2011-11-28 02:12:39 UTC
Thank you my long forgotten friend. Before we retire, we should
get together as Hawkeyes
Re-union. ha!!!ha!! Take a look closely at this individual facial
expression. There are a lot abnormalities
about this person. Psychologically speaking, it could be some things
seriously wrong about this person.
For example:

a) .He carries AK-47,
b). He flies an air plane both in U.S and in Laos,.
c). He does some thing weir that most people do not want to do.
d). He went to Laos just to perform Lao traditional dancing.

If you run his personal behavior into a regression analysis, his
behavior can be concluded that some points
are out of normal human behavior pattern. In other words, by that
demonstrative evidence he may have the
same personal character like Mr. Unabomber- .Ted Kaczynski. Better
watch out!!! People. This psychopath
may hunt people down in crazy fashion if his emotional state is being
disturbed. What do you think?

They are both classified in the same category.

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Sokdee. LHL
2011-11-28 03:44:22 UTC
  Thank you my long forgotten  friend. Before we retire,  we should
get together as  Hawkeyes
Re-union. ha!!!ha!! Take a look closely at this individual facial
expression. There are a lot abnormalities
about this person. Psychologically speaking, it could be some things
seriously wrong about this person.
 a) .He carries AK-47,
 b). He flies an air plane  both in U.S and in Laos,.
 c). He does some thing weir that most people do not want to do.
 d). He went to Laos just to perform Lao traditional dancing.
If you run his personal behavior into a regression analysis, his
behavior can be concluded that some points
are out of normal human behavior  pattern. In other words, by that
demonstrative evidence he may have the
same personal character like Mr. Unabomber- .Ted    Kaczynski. Better
watch out!!! People. This psychopath
may hunt people down in crazy fashion if his emotional state is being
disturbed.  What do you think?
     They are both classified in the same category.
Sokdee. LHL
ໜ້ານອກ... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ພໍດີ
ໜ້າໃນ ແລະ ໜ້າທີ່... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ງ
2011-11-28 04:55:51 UTC
ບະ...ໝໍນ້ອງຊາຍ TKM ນີ້ ຄືໃຈເຢັນແທ້ນໍ ໃຊ້ພາສາແບບນີ້ ອ້າຍໃຫຍ່ໂຕຄົນນີ້
ຂໍຊົມເຊີຍ ຊົມເຊີຍເດີ. ສົງໃສວ່າຍັງອີ່ມເຫລົ້າກັບ turkey ຈາກ
Thanksgiving ຢູ່...555!
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
  Thank you my long forgotten  friend. Before we retire,  we should
get together as  Hawkeyes
Re-union. ha!!!ha!! Take a look closely at this individual facial
expression. There are a lot abnormalities
about this person. Psychologically speaking, it could be some things
seriously wrong about this person.
 a) .He carries AK-47,
 b). He flies an air plane  both in U.S and in Laos,.
 c). He does some thing weir that most people do not want to do.
 d). He went to Laos just to perform Lao traditional dancing.
If you run his personal behavior into a regression analysis, his
behavior can be concluded that some points
are out of normal human behavior  pattern. In other words, by that
demonstrative evidence he may have the
same personal character like Mr. Unabomber- .Ted    Kaczynski. Better
watch out!!! People. This psychopath
may hunt people down in crazy fashion if his emotional state is being
disturbed.  What do you think?
     They are both classified in the same category.
Sokdee. LHL
ໜ້ານອກ... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ພໍດີ
ໜ້າໃນ ແລະ ໜ້າທີ່... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ງາ��
2011-11-28 05:42:39 UTC
ຄວາມດີນັ້ນ ຕົກນ້ຳບໍ່ໄຫລ ຕົກໄຟບໍ່ໄໝ້...!
Post by ໜຸ່ມອາລົມເສັຽ
ບະ...ໝໍນ້ອງຊາຍ TKM ນີ້ ຄືໃຈເຢັນແທ້ນໍ ໃຊ້ພາສາແບບນີ້ ອ້າຍໃຫຍ່ໂຕຄົນນີ້
ຂໍຊົມເຊີຍ ຊົມເຊີຍເດີ.  ສົງໃສວ່າຍັງອີ່ມເຫລົ້າກັບ turkey ຈາກ
Thanksgiving ຢູ່...555!
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
  Thank you my long forgotten  friend. Before we retire,  we should
get together as  Hawkeyes
Re-union. ha!!!ha!! Take a look closely at this individual facial
expression. There are a lot abnormalities
about this person. Psychologically speaking, it could be some things
seriously wrong about this person.
 a) .He carries AK-47,
 b). He flies an air plane  both in U.S and in Laos,.
 c). He does some thing weir that most people do not want to do.
 d). He went to Laos just to perform Lao traditional dancing.
If you run his personal behavior into a regression analysis, his
behavior can be concluded that some points
are out of normal human behavior  pattern. In other words, by that
demonstrative evidence he may have the
same personal character like Mr. Unabomber- .Ted    Kaczynski. Better
watch out!!! People. This psychopath
may hunt people down in crazy fashion if his emotional state is being
disturbed.  What do you think?
     They are both classified in the same category.
Sokdee. LHL
ໜ້ານອກ... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ພໍດີ
ໜ້າໃນ ແລະ ໜ້າທີ່... ແຕ່ງໃຫ້ງາມໆ
2019-01-08 01:39:02 UTC
2019-01-08 01:36:41 UTC
2011-11-27 21:48:14 UTC
Post by ໜຸ່ມອາລົມເສັຽ
Please check your email, friends!
What is A Psychopath?

Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or
development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who
represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and
untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and
emotionless. The violence continues until it reaches a plateau at age
50 or so, then tapers off.

Their emotionlessness reflects a detached, fearless, and possibly
dissociated state, revealing a low-state autonomic nervous system and
lack of anxiety. It's difficult to say what motivates them - control
and dominance possibly - since their life history will usually show no
long-standing bonds with others nor much rhyme to their reason (other
than the planning of violence).

They tend to operate with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of
entitlement, an insatiable appetite, and a tendency toward sadism.
Fearlessness is probably the prototypical (core) characteristic (the
low-fear hypothesis). It's helpful to think of them as high-speed
vehicles with ineffective brakes.

Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances mimic the
state of mind of a psychopath.

There are four (4) different subtypes of psychopaths. The oldest
distinction was made by Cleckley back in 1941 between primary and

PRIMARY PSYCHOPATHS do not respond to punishment, apprehension,
stress, or disapproval. They seem to be able to inhibit their
antisocial impulses most of the time, not because of conscience, but
because it suits their purpose at the time. Words do not seem to have
the same meaning for them as they do for us. In fact, it's unclear if
they even grasp the meaning of their own words, a condition that
Cleckley called "semantic aphasia." They don't follow any life plan,
and it seems as if they are incapable of experiencing any genuine

SECONDARY PSYCHOPATHS are risk-takers, but are also more likely to be
stress-reactive, worriers, and guilt-prone. They expose themselves to
more stress than the average person, but they are as vulnerable to
stress as the average person. (This suggests that they are not "fully
psychopathic." This may be due to distinctive genetic variations.)

They are daring, adventurous, unconventional people who began playing
by their own rules early in life. They are strongly driven by a desire
to escape or avoid pain, but are unable to resist temptation. As their
anxiety increases toward some forbidden object, so does their
attraction to it. They live their lives by the lure of temptation.

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Compare there are similarities between these two pictures of a