Her Lao
2015-12-09 23:39:10 UTC
POWER will ALWAYS corrupt. The more power a person has, relative to others, the more he or she WILL corrupt.
Of course, if you're the one with THE POWER, what you do is NEVER deem by yourself to be corruption; you simply say you're just doing "good things for people."
I WILL DO THE SAME THING, if I had power.
YOU TOO WILL DO THE SAME THING, if you had power.... and I mean the KIND OF POWER wielded by people in POSITION of influence and authority in companies and government...
This is why NO ONE SHOULD BELIEVE some politician, some ideology, or government when they say YOU SHOULD ALLOW THEM AND THEM ALONE TO DECIDE on everyone's behalf, because they are the best, the most moral, the only incorruptible, the most ethical, the fairest, the most righteous, the most correct, etc.
NEVER believe individuals or groups or politicians who tell you, "Trust me, I will only work FOR YOU and THE PEOPLE and the Country."
If you keep up with the reading, Chelsea, the daughter of the Clintons... who's in her late 20s or early 30s... and having done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT HAS CONTRIBUTED MORE TO HUMANKIND THAN you or me... except her short stings at the various TV shows, corporations, etc.... but this young woman EARNS fees up to $60,000 a speech!
THAT may be just lucrative business earning to you, if you're making it. But IT IS THE BEST FORM OF POWER AND CORRUPTION in human affairs and conducts.
Believe me, SUCH corruption --- the use of power or connection to make big incomes when you haven't really "earned it" --- happens in America; it happens in Laos; it happens in China; it happens in Russia; it happens in Zimbabwe; it happens in Switzerland; it happens in France; it happens in Australia; it happens in Japan...................
It happens EVERYWHERE where humans live in large group, where some are MUCH MORE POWERFUL, MUCH MORE WELL CONNECTED TO POWER, than others/the masses....
POWER will ALWAYS corrupt. The more power a person has, relative to others, the more he or she WILL corrupt.
Of course, if you're the one with THE POWER, what you do is NEVER deem by yourself to be corruption; you simply say you're just doing "good things for people."
I WILL DO THE SAME THING, if I had power.
YOU TOO WILL DO THE SAME THING, if you had power.... and I mean the KIND OF POWER wielded by people in POSITION of influence and authority in companies and government...
This is why NO ONE SHOULD BELIEVE some politician, some ideology, or government when they say YOU SHOULD ALLOW THEM AND THEM ALONE TO DECIDE on everyone's behalf, because they are the best, the most moral, the only incorruptible, the most ethical, the fairest, the most righteous, the most correct, etc.
NEVER believe individuals or groups or politicians who tell you, "Trust me, I will only work FOR YOU and THE PEOPLE and the Country."
If you keep up with the reading, Chelsea, the daughter of the Clintons... who's in her late 20s or early 30s... and having done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT HAS CONTRIBUTED MORE TO HUMANKIND THAN you or me... except her short stings at the various TV shows, corporations, etc.... but this young woman EARNS fees up to $60,000 a speech!
THAT may be just lucrative business earning to you, if you're making it. But IT IS THE BEST FORM OF POWER AND CORRUPTION in human affairs and conducts.
Believe me, SUCH corruption --- the use of power or connection to make big incomes when you haven't really "earned it" --- happens in America; it happens in Laos; it happens in China; it happens in Russia; it happens in Zimbabwe; it happens in Switzerland; it happens in France; it happens in Australia; it happens in Japan...................
It happens EVERYWHERE where humans live in large group, where some are MUCH MORE POWERFUL, MUCH MORE WELL CONNECTED TO POWER, than others/the masses....