British Vietnamese Returning to Vietnam for Tech "Boom"
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Her Lao
2016-05-16 23:46:36 UTC


The Obama administration considering lifting of weapons ban on Vietnam, to allow the 100M people communist country to better counter its larger, 1.4B people communist comrade from the north, the red Chinese...as the latter would intend to use force to control roughly 90% of the sea in Asia that map-makers conveniently designated "South China Sea," which, btw, doesn't mean it belongs to China...

.... Again, it's only a cartographer's way of designating bodies of waters... like the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Philippine Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Arabian Sea, etc.....

... It doesn't mean just because you see your country's name attached to a map, then that area belongs to you... something the forever-authoritarian Chinese don't seem to understand (legally) or appreciate (educationally and/or intellectually...


Her Lao
2016-05-17 03:33:02 UTC

And since China and Vietnam have been warring against each other for centuries, if not millenniums, it is logical to assume if there is "war," it is against Vietnam, NOT, say, against the USA or Japan or Korea... since the latter two have around 30,000 soldiers stationed in their countries...

Vietnam, on the other hand, is basically all alone. It is big and strong enough for the mighty 1.4B Chinese not to disregard; but it is not strong or sophisticated militarily for China to absolutely crush push comes to shove... and getting rights to 90% of the mighty "South China Sea" where there could be billions of tons of oil and natural gas, for China's 1.4B people... it is indeed a situation of "push comes to shove"...
Her Lao
2016-05-22 22:14:56 UTC
Post by Her Lao
And since China and Vietnam have been warring against each other for centuries, if not millenniums, it is logical to assume if there is "war," it is against Vietnam, NOT, say, against the USA or Japan or Korea... since the latter two have around 30,000 soldiers stationed in their countries...
Vietnam, on the other hand, is basically all alone. It is big and strong enough for the mighty 1.4B Chinese not to disregard; but it is not strong or sophisticated militarily for China to absolutely crush push comes to shove... and getting rights to 90% of the mighty "South China Sea" where there could be billions of tons of oil and natural gas, for China's 1.4B people... it is indeed a situation of "push comes to shove"...

As a result ---- without a sophisticated Navy, that is --- the Vietnamese are partly depending on helpless and hapless civilians like these fishermen to put out dozens to hundreds of small fishing boats in or around those islands contested by Vietnam and China, in hope that the Chinese don't sink them, be it one small boat or dozens...

But, as the Chinese foreign ministry woman said, the Chinese claim legal, historical, and de facto rights to 90% of the "South China Sea" so little countries like the Philippines and Vietnam are just HOPING against hope that the Chinese don't sink their little fishing boats, because such acts of desperation (putting out tiny civilian fishing boats) hopefully would invoke international condemnation, IF the Chinese sink them...
Her Lao
2016-05-22 22:26:59 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Post by Her Lao
And since China and Vietnam have been warring against each other for centuries, if not millenniums, it is logical to assume if there is "war," it is against Vietnam, NOT, say, against the USA or Japan or Korea... since the latter two have around 30,000 soldiers stationed in their countries...
Vietnam, on the other hand, is basically all alone. It is big and strong enough for the mighty 1.4B Chinese not to disregard; but it is not strong or sophisticated militarily for China to absolutely crush push comes to shove... and getting rights to 90% of the mighty "South China Sea" where there could be billions of tons of oil and natural gas, for China's 1.4B people... it is indeed a situation of "push comes to shove"...
As a result ---- without a sophisticated Navy, that is --- the Vietnamese are partly depending on helpless and hapless civilians like these fishermen to put out dozens to hundreds of small fishing boats in or around those islands contested by Vietnam and China, in hope that the Chinese don't sink them, be it one small boat or dozens...
But, as the Chinese foreign ministry woman said, the Chinese claim legal, historical, and de facto rights to 90% of the "South China Sea" so little countries like the Philippines and Vietnam are just HOPING against hope that the Chinese don't sink their little fishing boats, because such acts of desperation (putting out tiny civilian fishing boats) hopefully would invoke international condemnation, IF the Chinese sink them...

That being the reality of the situation, Obama and the USA are saying, See, you are safer with us... since you KNOW the populous Chinese WILL, if you have no help, make you no more than just a tributary of it, like imperial China wanted to make ALL its small neighbors...

But, of course, communist Vietnam knows "being with" the USA and the West also means its top leaders HAVING TO RELINQUISH some power in terms of arbitrary detention for civilians for MERELY SPEAKING OUT against what they think as political and politician corruption... because the government, via the ruling communist elites, see that as a danger to their exclusive rule... because once you allow protests and challenge to your "correct" and "wise" and "the only one allowed" political ideology, you will eventually lose such exclusive claims to ruling... since different people with different ideas will start to entice different segments of the population to vote for them, etc.