Her Lao
2015-07-03 11:04:29 UTC
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America REMINDS US ALL --- native born and naturalized citizens, AS WELL AS THOSE YEARNING TO COME TO THESE SHORES --- how and why America is, despite all its many flaws clichés included, the greatest country on earth.
Please, notice, that the NATIVE AMERICANS are truly the only original "Americans" because when they got here, 12-15,000 years ago, THERE WAS LITERALLY NO OTHER HUMANS HERE... so they are, in more ways than one, the true and original owners and caretakers of THIS LAND...
And the Native people likely did NOT invite Donald Trump's ancestors to come to these shores; but that narcissistic Orangutan-like man's ancestors ---- yes, very rich Orangutan, I have to admit --- made their way here, anyway, most likely ILLEGALLY.
But, over time, we all become "real Americans."
Again, as the majestic 14th Amendment says, either by SIMPLY BEING LUCKY ENOUGH TO BEING BORN HERE or being "NATURALIZED," if you're born elsewhere and made your way here and goes through a set of processes that enable you to learn the language, know the culture, and respect its laws.... we are all CITIZENS, with rights that, despite the abuses we all suffer now and then...
Very few other countries GIVE THESE KINDS OF PRIVILEGES to its citizens and those HOPING TO BECOMING CITIZENS by simply making their way to these shores.
For example, you and your ancestors could have been living in Japan or Germany for GENERATIONS and you're not a citizen of those societies, those countries. And for that you enjoy NO RIGHTS, not on paper and not in practice as in the law. If you live in societies like Germany and Japan, even if you're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th generation, if you're from OUTSIDE, you are STILL considered an outsider, an illegal alien. Yes, there are STEPS, even in Japan and Germany, that you could embark to become a citizen, IF YOU'RE BORN THERE and your parents and grandparents are born there.
But the point is, if you or your parents and grandparents were original from OUTSIDE OF GERMANY or Japan, YOU BEING BORN IN THOSE COUNTRIES don't automatically get you citizenship.
In America, again, DESPITE ALL THE UGLINESS WE HAVE TO FACE ON A DAILY BASIS, if you're born in America, you INSTANTLY GET AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP!---- even if your ancestors or parents CAME HERE ILLEGALLY, like that Orangutan-like man Donald Trump parents or ancestors, an ugly, narcissistic, lunatic man that around 12% of Conservative Republicans think the greatest and OUGHT TO BE PREZ of these united states.
Just so you know, 12% Conservative Republicans ARE NOT SMALL NUMBERS; they number in the TENS OF MILLIONS! And THAT is one of those "ugly" things in America I have noted, a few times now. But, again, despite that, we have one of the greatest PIECE OF NATIONAL LEGISLATIONS in the world, the 14th Amendment.
That's why, EAC YEAR --- each and every year --- TENS OF MILLIONS of people around the world FIGHT THEIR WAY TO THESE SHORES.
And out of those, a few hundred thousand to a million or two manage to get here, even if most get here illegally or in some complicated circumstances. But, again, NO MATTER, once they are here and they give birth to a boy or a girl, he or she IS AUTOMATICALLY CITIZEN of the United States of America!
Again, the NATIVES, the original people on these shores, did not invite us; but we are here, we've been coming here for over 500 years now, and it is through the FRESH AND NEW BLOOD AND SWEATS of immigrants over these decades and centuries and generations.... that have made these united states into the COUNTRY we are... diverse, complex, sometimes-ugly, but always united in the pursuit of larger goals and an ever MORE PERFECT UNION... with MORE RIGHTS to more individuals and groups, and with LESS discrimination and practices to less and less individuals and groups...
We attract MILLIONS of the other countries "best and brightest;" and we attract MILLIONS of the down and out and persecuted or simply those who want to, for all kinds of reasons, get the fuck away from their original country to come here to re-start their lives... even if they're poor as dirt and know not a single word of the language of this country...
We all, they all, come here and HELP BUILT THIS COUNTRY... each in our own small ways... from picking fruits and shoveling shit in barns, in our vast nation of endless pursuits.... to creating programs that run our computers and machines and devices...
I laugh when I hear knuckleheads like Donald Trump & Conservative Whites and a few clueless Asians and a few clueless Hispanics/Latinos, and a few clueless Blacks say "all illegal immigrants need to be returned to where they came from."
I wonder of such idiots want to "return" to where they or their parents came from... because, again, outside of Native Americans, ALL OF US or our parents or ancestors CAME HERE uninvited; so if SOME PEOPLE want to deport "illegals," I wonder if such intolerant idiots want to self-deport first?
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America REMINDS US ALL --- native born and naturalized citizens, AS WELL AS THOSE YEARNING TO COME TO THESE SHORES --- how and why America is, despite all its many flaws clichés included, the greatest country on earth.
Please, notice, that the NATIVE AMERICANS are truly the only original "Americans" because when they got here, 12-15,000 years ago, THERE WAS LITERALLY NO OTHER HUMANS HERE... so they are, in more ways than one, the true and original owners and caretakers of THIS LAND...
And the Native people likely did NOT invite Donald Trump's ancestors to come to these shores; but that narcissistic Orangutan-like man's ancestors ---- yes, very rich Orangutan, I have to admit --- made their way here, anyway, most likely ILLEGALLY.
But, over time, we all become "real Americans."
Again, as the majestic 14th Amendment says, either by SIMPLY BEING LUCKY ENOUGH TO BEING BORN HERE or being "NATURALIZED," if you're born elsewhere and made your way here and goes through a set of processes that enable you to learn the language, know the culture, and respect its laws.... we are all CITIZENS, with rights that, despite the abuses we all suffer now and then...
Very few other countries GIVE THESE KINDS OF PRIVILEGES to its citizens and those HOPING TO BECOMING CITIZENS by simply making their way to these shores.
For example, you and your ancestors could have been living in Japan or Germany for GENERATIONS and you're not a citizen of those societies, those countries. And for that you enjoy NO RIGHTS, not on paper and not in practice as in the law. If you live in societies like Germany and Japan, even if you're the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th generation, if you're from OUTSIDE, you are STILL considered an outsider, an illegal alien. Yes, there are STEPS, even in Japan and Germany, that you could embark to become a citizen, IF YOU'RE BORN THERE and your parents and grandparents are born there.
But the point is, if you or your parents and grandparents were original from OUTSIDE OF GERMANY or Japan, YOU BEING BORN IN THOSE COUNTRIES don't automatically get you citizenship.
In America, again, DESPITE ALL THE UGLINESS WE HAVE TO FACE ON A DAILY BASIS, if you're born in America, you INSTANTLY GET AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP!---- even if your ancestors or parents CAME HERE ILLEGALLY, like that Orangutan-like man Donald Trump parents or ancestors, an ugly, narcissistic, lunatic man that around 12% of Conservative Republicans think the greatest and OUGHT TO BE PREZ of these united states.
Just so you know, 12% Conservative Republicans ARE NOT SMALL NUMBERS; they number in the TENS OF MILLIONS! And THAT is one of those "ugly" things in America I have noted, a few times now. But, again, despite that, we have one of the greatest PIECE OF NATIONAL LEGISLATIONS in the world, the 14th Amendment.
That's why, EAC YEAR --- each and every year --- TENS OF MILLIONS of people around the world FIGHT THEIR WAY TO THESE SHORES.
And out of those, a few hundred thousand to a million or two manage to get here, even if most get here illegally or in some complicated circumstances. But, again, NO MATTER, once they are here and they give birth to a boy or a girl, he or she IS AUTOMATICALLY CITIZEN of the United States of America!
Again, the NATIVES, the original people on these shores, did not invite us; but we are here, we've been coming here for over 500 years now, and it is through the FRESH AND NEW BLOOD AND SWEATS of immigrants over these decades and centuries and generations.... that have made these united states into the COUNTRY we are... diverse, complex, sometimes-ugly, but always united in the pursuit of larger goals and an ever MORE PERFECT UNION... with MORE RIGHTS to more individuals and groups, and with LESS discrimination and practices to less and less individuals and groups...
We attract MILLIONS of the other countries "best and brightest;" and we attract MILLIONS of the down and out and persecuted or simply those who want to, for all kinds of reasons, get the fuck away from their original country to come here to re-start their lives... even if they're poor as dirt and know not a single word of the language of this country...
We all, they all, come here and HELP BUILT THIS COUNTRY... each in our own small ways... from picking fruits and shoveling shit in barns, in our vast nation of endless pursuits.... to creating programs that run our computers and machines and devices...
I laugh when I hear knuckleheads like Donald Trump & Conservative Whites and a few clueless Asians and a few clueless Hispanics/Latinos, and a few clueless Blacks say "all illegal immigrants need to be returned to where they came from."
I wonder of such idiots want to "return" to where they or their parents came from... because, again, outside of Native Americans, ALL OF US or our parents or ancestors CAME HERE uninvited; so if SOME PEOPLE want to deport "illegals," I wonder if such intolerant idiots want to self-deport first?