Post by not to mentionPost by y***@gmail.comPost by s***@yahoo.comDue to the fact that Laos is so poor. Vietnam had established a rat
business program for Laos. In the current market, a rat is selling
for 10-15,000 kips. Vietnam plans to raised million rats per month
to sell for the Laotian people.. Wow wow wow... what a phak Lat song
sai government...
It is a good business in Asia where the ROT is huge. The rat is
easier to raise than another animals and it grows very fast. Rat meat
has a good protein and no fat. It is very popular for tourists to
enjoy a tast of Vietnam. Let them raise more rat and we will go back
to eat its meat to support the Asia's economics.
It is good that they establised the rat business instead of the dog
that will bark all night long to bite our people.
Soon or later the Vietnamese rats will populate the Lao's rats and
they will be multiply into a large numbers in the land of Lan Xang.
We should thank the Vietnamese for their advices and heavely lobbied
the Lao government for not allowing the Chinese to build the Beung
That Luang Chinese project in Laos.
Being poor, you had to do what you had to do to survive so it is ok.
to raise rat as a new business opportunity.
Click the below links to see for yourself.
this is another way of spreading disease through lao's kingdom and
kill the lao folks eventually, the communist gov will allow more viet
citizen come into laos and naturize them as lao citizen. this old
trick lao communist played along so they will keep staying power
forever. wake up lao folks you people should stand up for this trick.
don't just stay laissez faire laissez passer like this use your cyber
contact spread out and ask for condemnation on this government
practice soon.....
For your information, field mice or field rats are vegetarians, they
eat grain from the rice fields.
During the Black Death years, the plague years, the rats in the cities
and slums of Europe were spreading the plague, people died but these
field rats are not slum rats they eat the same grain that your father
and your mother ate. They eat the rice from the rice fields.
All of you people stop acting so high and mighty. Meat is meat,
protein is protein, grain is grain, vegetable is vegetable and roots
are roots. Stop being such a Prince. Who are you to say that chicken
is better than rats or cows are better than dogs, oysters are better
than escargot, taro is better than potato or even crocodile is better
than fish? Stop acting like such ignorant fools and grow the Hell up.
As a Lao person I have eaten numerous species of bugs, fish, eels,
snakes, frogs, dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, horse, fish, crocodile,
worms, centipedes, skorpians, dung beetles, crickets, cicadas,
starfish, sea urchin, octopus, shrimp, lobsters, Dungnese crabs,
Alaskan King Crabs, Maryland Blue Crabs and Crabs from the rice
paddies. You name it, I have eaten it and yes I have eaten rats.
Guess what? I have eaten the forbidden flesh. That's right human
flesh. There's nothing wrong with it. I bet all of you that I am
healthier than any of you.
My wife and I donate blood once a month every month and the Red Cross
happily accept my pint of blood every month because my blood is free
of diseases, germs, viruses and undue chemical. The accident victims
or the soldiers in Iraq who receive my blood every month are thankful
that people like me donate.
You all need to open your f'in eyes and make your own choices. Don't
let someone else's standards be your standards. Make your own way and
set your own standards. Stop being a sheep and grow the fuck up!
It isn't about following the Eastern or Western ways. Not about being
Democrats or Republicans. not about being black white, yellow, red or
brown. Not about being rich or poor. Not about being civilized or
uncivilized. Not about being from the city of London or from the hills
of Longchang. It is about being human first. It is about doing what
you can with what you got. Play the hand that you are dealt. Who
are you to set standards? Get off your high horse and stop looking
down on people.
When I die do you think that the people who gets my heart or my kidney
or my irises will care that I ate a rat? They will be happy that they
got a healthy heart for transplant so that they can breath another
day. They will be happy to get my irises so that they can see their
grandchildren get married. They will be happy that someone like me
cared enough to donate my kidneys so that they can get off the
dialysis machine.
Let us not judge let's we be judged. Let those who have not sinned
cast the first stone. Start acting like men and stop this childish
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Hak Pang,