Post by nurk_fred2000Post by àºà»àº²àº§à»àºà»àº¡àº·àºPost by àºà»àº²àº§à»àºà»àº¡àº·àº"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of
comfort & convenience, but where he stands in times of challenges &
controversy." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
***From the Steve Kombat Kraven Chronicles...
Background info...
...and Charles Bronson came in wanting to buy a resident fishing
license (he had just moved to town) and I wouldn't sell him one,
offered to sell him a non resident one instead and he declined...after
moving to another shop Bronson came in (immediately recognising me) to
buy a spear gun to shoot trout in the river behind his house, wouldn't
sell him one of those either (its illegal) so Bronson started mouthing
"...and I was teaching Kung Fu five nights per week and fighting in
tournaments on weekends...Bronson came at me and I stopped his attack
and I put him outside...He came back the next day (mouthing off only)
and asked to see the owner who was initially thrilled to see such a
celebrity in his store...things got ugly and when Bronson demanded to
the owner to fire me the owner said "Kombat you're fired, but first
throw this idiot (Bronson) out of the store and then go get us some
lunch, I'm starving..."
Steve Kombat Kraven Kramer
Kung Fu Expert and Bronson Basher
***Steve Kombat Kraven Chronicles
Background info...
The Kraven had moved to Chaing Mai to start his Jungle Safari/Photo
Snapper business and was in an all out push to dig up clients...What
better tool than to use the internet to find prospects...In his
brouchures "the Kraven" continually embellished his skills and
achievements and rarely delivered the goods...Nature photography was
his emphasis and a smelly Indiana Jones Safari garb was his dress...
"...and I know where the elephants lay..."
"...and these cell phones/cameras are so easy to use now, way easier
to use than my professional gear...I don't even know what half the
buttons are for on those..."
Steve Kombat Kraven Kramer
Professional Jungle Safari Snapper