now on religious issues: i don't know much about islam and muslims. the fact that these suicide bombers are willing to strap bombs around their waists and blow up public places in the name of allah is fucking mad. it's no easy to disagree with trump or marine lepen or many far-right movements in europe on this point.
While CONCURRENTLY the overwhelming number of terrorists attacks with guns, IEDs, etc., AS WELL AS SUICIDE VESTS, have been Muslims, Islam is not unique in producing people who act like this.
ALL RELIGIONS, to lesser or greater, enable their followers to make "sacrifices" of the various kinds, because such "sacrifices" are said, BY ONE LEADER OR ANOTHER, one interpreter or another, as necessary and sufficient devotion, faith, and loyalty to THE RELIGION (whatever the fuck it is).
You have Buddhists in Burma torching Muslim minority villages and burning some alive. Monks were among the leaders of such movements to target the minority Muslims.
I know, as my great leader Trump would say, it is NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT to say bad things about any religion, especially "one of the more peaceful, Buddhism," but the FACT of the matter is, when you devote so much of your time, belief, resources, and waking hours to ONE SUPERSTITION OR ANOTHER, and say without it, there's no value, there's no worthwhile goals in life, there's no purpose, there's no guiding principles, etc., ad nauseam, ALL IT TAKES IS JUST SOMEONE === or, more often than not, a SERIES OF LEADERS === to come along and say in order for X, Y, and Z to happen, for you, on earth, up there Beyond the Oort Cloud where the MAGICAL CREATOR is... you MUST do A, B, and C, etc.
Remember, Christendom === Christians and their very peaceful religion of Jesus and his Dad, GOD, the Creator of the Universe who came to be born to a VIRGIN JEWISH GIRL in the Middle East === brought THE DARK AGES to Europe, lasting from around the time the first Emperor was CONVERTED in early 300 AD (forget about the official fall of Rome, 476AD... by then, it's juts formal record keeping)... all the way through much of the 1600s, during which WITCHES and ANY ONE who challenged the CHURCH was routinely tortured, locked up in dark dungeons, OR BURNT IN PUBLIC SQUARES...
One of the first public torture and killing, by Christians, was the fraying of the genius mathematician and astronomer Hypatia, who was in charge of the greatest Library of the world at Alexandra, Egypt, under the Romans by Hypatia but was started by Alexander the Great of GREECE (which was supplanted by Rome betwen 100BC-100AD)...
One of the last well known public burning of a well known educator who questioned the Church and Christian, GIORDANO BRUNO, took place in Rome, 1600. Even better known scientists like Copernicus and Galileo, TOO, would have been burnt, had they persisted a bit further in teaching and preaching SCIENCE, which, among other things, TAUGHT that the EARTH REVOLVED AROUND THE SUN (something that was already postulated and taught during CLASSICAL GREECE but which was bannished, with penalty being death to anyone who would teach it or advance it under THE CHURCH, from around 400AD through most of 1600s and 1700s)....
Again, point is, SUPERSTITIONS ARE ALWAYS BAD, over-all.
When people believe some GUY FROM BEYOND THE OORT CLOUD talks to them, who made them special, who leaves them holy or divine plans, books, commandments with which to live and die by, YOU WILL INEVITABLY HAVE BARBARITY, at one juncture or another, during the existence of such superstitions...
The Buddha, the former prince who gave up his life of luxury and power to travel, to study, and to observe human conditions, of course, is being taken by his most devoted followers as nothing less than another "god," too, in terms of HIS KNOWLEDGE of depth, breadth, and height... and THAT'S why, as a superstition, it is NO LESS dangerous than any other...
Of course, if you talk to a Buddhist, a REAL ONE... or a Muslim, a REAL ONE, or a Hindu, a REAL ONE,... or a Christian, a REAL ONE, of course... they'd tell you just how nice they are, how educated, how tolerant, how peace loving, etc., etc. they and their fellows are....
EXCEPT PERSONAL ANECDOTES are not very sound basis for history, for arguments, for meaningful debates and discussions...