(too old to reply)
2016-01-31 16:35:15 UTC
some of you may have followed the current american elections just a day away in iowa. i have thought that by now both donald trump and bernie sanders would have dropped out of the race but no they are at the top in the latest polls.

what's the appeal with donald trump? his bullying tactic and coming in as an outsider?

what's the appeal of bernie sanders? his promise to level with the one percenters who have amassed more that 60 percent of the wealth in america through taxes?

both bernie an donald speak to rallies of many thousands. there's something going on there. what say you, HL?
2016-02-02 15:48:33 UTC
wow... this is HUUUUUUUGE. the donald came in second. so his promise of winning all the time is a lot of hot air. All his vile comments, lies, insults, and degradations came back to haunt him.

now the fact that hillary and bernie were neck and neck says something too about bernie's vision for america.
Her Lao
2016-02-02 23:23:49 UTC
wow... this is HUUUUUUUGE. the donald came in second.

You be tellin' me MY HERO is a LOSER in Iowa?

You and KC's been workin' hard to defeat MY HERO, the Great Orangutan Man, in Iowa? Brother Ben Carson and I ain't happy at all, wit' y'all in Iowa!
2016-02-02 21:57:36 UTC
some of you may have followed the current american elections just a day away in iowa. i have thought that by now both donald trump and bernie sanders would have dropped out of the race but no they are at the top in the latest polls.
what's the appeal with donald trump? his bullying tactic and coming in as an outsider?
what's the appeal of bernie sanders? his promise to level with the one percenters who have amassed more that 60 percent of the wealth in america through taxes?
both bernie an donald speak to rallies of many thousands. there's something going on there. what say you, HL?

same sh8t different dynasty!!! He who lies the BEST wins the next 8 years!

Her Lao
2016-02-02 23:31:52 UTC
Post by j***@yahoo.com
some of you may have followed the current american elections just a day away in iowa. i have thought that by now both donald trump and bernie sanders would have dropped out of the race but no they are at the top in the latest polls.
what's the appeal with donald trump? his bullying tactic and coming in as an outsider?
what's the appeal of bernie sanders? his promise to level with the one percenters who have amassed more that 60 percent of the wealth in america through taxes?
both bernie an donald speak to rallies of many thousands. there's something going on there. what say you, HL?
same sh8t different dynasty!!! He who lies the BEST wins the next 8 years!
It's SHE who lies best....
2016-02-03 17:51:58 UTC
yep they all lie to some extent but there are some lies that are tolerable i guess.

there's one thing that TRUMP and i do agree on is that we should not have invaded IRAQ. he's been reminding folks at rallies about that. the U.S. spent close to two trillions on that fucked-up war and who made a lot of money? dick cheney and friends.
Her Lao
2016-02-03 21:42:26 UTC
yep they all lie to some extent but there are some lies that are tolerable i guess.
there's one thing that TRUMP and i do agree on is that we should not have invaded IRAQ. he's been reminding folks at rallies about that. the U.S. spent close to two trillions on that fucked-up war and who made a lot of money? dick cheney and friends.
As a business man, Trump doesn't really care, one way or another, about invading Iraq or any other country.

Now as a politician, he must make some random stream-of-consciousness noises, for votes, but as a businessman, Trump is merely pissed at both Bush and Obama that we "didn't take the oilfields."

Don't misunderstand, ALL OF US, put in powerful economic positions WON'T mind worldly activities of our political leaders either... since we are the BUYERS of those politicians... so whatever they do around the world, it's not little people and their sons and daughters, who actually do the fighting and dying, that would benefit... it's US THE BIG PEOPLE in positions to take advantage of such events...

But since we are not in economic or political positions to benefit, we bitch, of course.... after all, it is us, our kids, nephews, nieces, friends, etc.... SMALL PEOPLE.... who, again, must do the fighting and dying...

I have an 18 year-old nephew who's just finished his Marines training there in northern San Diego.... hopefully the guy doesn't get sent to fight and die there in the Mid East, for Trump, Hillary, Bush, Rubio, and others who are constantly looking for bad guys to kill around the world... but people who NEVER bother to serve...
2016-02-09 22:00:12 UTC

holly shit and allah be damned. marco rubio just did something robotic there,i mean, repeating the same line three fucking times as pointed out by gov. christie.
Her Lao
2016-02-10 03:29:20 UTC
holly shit and allah be damned. marco rubio just did something robotic there,i mean, repeating the same line three fucking times as pointed out by gov. christie.
Rubio is a nice, bright boy. He's running for the wrong office.

His disposition and attitude would have carried him further, had he been running for a Freshmen position in high school or college... not for the presidency of the United States.

All the Trump circus BS notwithstanding, eventually, the "establishment" GOP will likely take over again... either Bush or Kasich, my sense is... and if either one of those older White governors win, they, in hope of attracting the big Hispanic/Latino population, will likely pick Marco Boy as VP...

Similar, either Clinton or Sanders would pick a Hispanic as VP. For either Sanders (a Liberal socialist Jewish American) or Clinton, a White woman, to pick another White guy as VP would not do.

If Sanders wins the nomination, I think he will pick a woman... it could be Kirsten Gillibrand from New York or Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota.

If Hillary Clinton wins the nomination, I think she'd pick ex-San Antonio Mayor who is now HUD Secretary who has a twin serving in the House of Representatives... the CASTROS brothers, not the ones from Marco and Cruz homeland of Cuba... but the young, well spoken ones from San Antonio, Texas, are quiet, hard working, well spoken, and well educated... future leaders of the diverse Democratic Party... Hillary's NOT going to ignore that, if she wants to win...

Trump could pick Sarah Palin or Carly Fiorina or his daughter, and his supporters wouldn't think twice about it.... as Trump boasts, his followers are so loyal, he could SHOOT someone on a busy street in Manhattan and they'd still vote for him!
2016-02-10 19:17:38 UTC
so trump and bernie sanders won in new hampshire. it's huuuuuge for the donald. here's the surprising thing: people, at least on the republican side, don't care if donald is racist, xenophobic or even homophobic. he can practically say anything he wants and gets away with it. i can only glimpse the future of this country if donald ever becomes the next president of the united states of america.
Her Lao
2016-02-11 03:58:09 UTC
so trump and bernie sanders won in new hampshire. it's huuuuuge for the donald. here's the surprising thing: people, at least on the republican side, don't care if donald is racist, xenophobic or even homophobic. he can practically say anything he wants and gets away with it. i can only glimpse the future of this country if donald ever becomes the next president of the united states of america.
Trump said --- and he also said "I'm just jokin, okay?" --- I could shoot people in the middle of Time Square, and my supporters are so good, they'd never leave me.

There is something very wrong in both the heads of this ugly yellow haired Orangutan Man hero of mine and his supporters, that in the middle of a presidential campaign, he could get up on stage and make such bizarre jokes and APPARENTLY HE'S RIGHT: his supporters don't even blink...

In fact, they say, "See, that's why I like this man... He talks straight, like we all do"!
2016-02-13 17:00:21 UTC
a detour of american politics to ASEAN politics now... http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-parade-of-dictators-20160212-htmlstory.html
2016-02-15 21:16:09 UTC
the ASEAN club is here in palm spring.

Choummaly, 79, the head of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party -- the landlocked country's only legal party -- presides over one of the world's most repressive states. The communist government censors the Internet, detains activists without due process and strictly censors the media. Journalists can be sentenced to 15 years in prison for writing critical reports.

Choummaly recently bought a house with a $615,000 garden, according to a report by Radio Free Asia, a U.S. government-funded news service. (In 2013, the country's per capita income was $1,450). The party replaced Choummaly as its top leader during a twice-a-decade party congress last month, and he will soon step down after almost a decade in power.
Her Lao
2016-02-16 02:47:27 UTC
Choummaly recently bought a house with a $615,000 garden, according to a report by Radio Free Asia, a U.S. government-funded news service. (In 2013, the country's per capita income was $1,450). The party replaced Choummaly as its top leader during a twice-a-decade party congress last month, and he will soon step down after almost a decade in power.

I don't know why not? After all, Laos is one of the most prosperous nations in Asia, with incomes rising faster than any other Asian country, with newly created high schools and colleges in the thousands, with literacy next to zero... Besides, the old gentleman works 3 full times jobs!

He's not a corrupted public servants like the Bushes, Obamas, Clintons, etc. here in the USA! All his money is from REAL ESTATE and BUSINESS deals, which are making many smart, hard working Lao and Hmong in Laos === and a few from the West here who are smart and hard working too === millionaires many times over!

You just sale lands back and forth to each other, and to other schmuck from outside... do those paper-exchaing-hands a couple times and your account gets purdy big and fat, with enough cash to buy you, IN CASH, new mansions, new BMWs, LEXUS, MERCEDES BENZ, etc. even if the average per capita income in your country is only $200-$300 a month (an average of those who have very good jobs whom the "correct leadership's" statisticians could survey....

Anyway, welcome to Sunnyland, CA, for Laos correct leadership and her ASEAN colleagues... welcome to the land of evil doers and corruption....

Her Lao
2016-02-16 03:02:06 UTC
2016-02-16 17:25:01 UTC
strong protests in rancho mirage, california

Her Lao
2016-02-17 01:36:19 UTC
strong protests in rancho mirage, california

Strong Man and Uber Generalissimo Hun Sen's working over time --- even when he's supposed to be relaxing in Sunnylands CA --- on his endless business enterprises... on the cell phone!

30 year-ruling's not enough for him. He's in the process of "grooming" his general-son to take over their private country-plantation...

Third world dictators and their defenders never cease to give me giggles... they always pretend without them, their people and society would just collapse like a heap of garbage.... naturally, then, they say, they MUST RULE... but only with the gentliest and most benevolent wisdom as well as the "correct" rule of law, which, OF COURSE, says THEY ARE CORRECT and no one else is, if there's a disagreement, which must of course be kept to yourself, NEVER to be uttered in front of them or in public, since THAT would violet the CORRECT rule of law of the land!

It never ceases to make these neanderthal think how utterly ridiculous that attitude is: and it's not like it's Quantum Mechanics or multi-variable calculus; it's just a simple thing: just put yourself in your opponent's shoes and see how you like it, if THEY're the ones with power and they declared THEIR POWER to be THE ONLY CORRECT kind of power... and see how YOU like it...
2016-02-19 15:18:15 UTC
can you feel the bern?

2016-02-24 17:39:50 UTC

trump is running away and far ahead of the GOP contenders. it is a scary thought that a demagogue, a bully can actually become the next POTUS. but then he comes the donald.

one thing i like about this guy is that he pointed out the unecessary iraq war done by bush and his neocons at the tune of two trillion dollars.
Her Lao
2016-02-25 04:13:38 UTC
trump is running away and far ahead of the GOP contenders. it is a scary thought that a demagogue, a bully can actually become the next POTUS. but then he comes the donald.
one thing i like about this guy is that he pointed out the unecessary iraq war done by bush and his neocons at the tune of two trillion dollars.

Come on, Casalao, you gotta be a loser to say you's scare of my hero, the Great Genius Real Estate billionaires who's gonna bring so much victories and jobs to us, we'd get tired of'em!

He'd make America GREAT AGAIN --- by making America loved, feared, and honored again around the world, like Putin and Russia --- something Mr. Islamist Hussein Obama has destroyed close to 8 years!

Real Americans don't know how or why a few sick gun hating, God hating Librals able to vote Mr. Hussein Obama to office TWICE... it must be something illegal, because this man is stupid, weak, and a loser who has destroyed America!

If you support my hero, Trump the Great Orangutan Man, and if you work hard and are smart like he is, you's gonna be a billionaire, too, since he's gonna make America rich and great again, with so much victories and jobs you'd not know what to do with them!

And, yes, he WILL BUILD THAT GREAT TRUMP WALL in our southern flank; and, YES!, those stupid little Mexicans WILL BE MADE TO PAY FOR IT... no ifs or buts about it!

But, don't worry, there still will be a DOOR, called the TRUMP DOOR.. and anyone who signs a business contract with Prezdent Trump, they could come and work on picking our crops, killing and cleaning and packing out poultry and pig and beef businesses... and, yes, maintain the landscapes and lawns of my hero's many thousands of huuuuuuuuuuuuge and great businesses, from Las Vegas to New York and California to Jersey City, where he will again open Casinos, to under cut those Macau casinos ran by those communist Chinese!
Her Lao
2016-02-25 17:22:56 UTC

My hero.

This is the only man God sent down to earth at this critical time --- when hell is breaking lose everywhere, due to the LOSER we have at the White House and the FOOLS like McCain and Romney whom the current LOSER and dummy at the White House beat! --- to save us and all of humanity from Mexican rapists, Muslim terrorists, stupid and sick gun hating Libs, and all other losers, fools, and dummies!

He will, SMARTLY, RE-NEGOTIATE all the trade deals, all the nuclear treaties, and all the other such deals with foreign leaders and states, making sure we are #1 again!

And he will make our MILITARY SO GREAT, SO GREAT, nobody would want to question us or our willingness to use that awesomely superior military!

The first 100 days, when my hero is in the White House, he will demand that those little Mexicans and those little Socialist communist Chinamen... they come here and be told what the deals are gonna be, from now on!

Everyone's gonna love my hero, when he gets to be the most powerful, most respected, most feared, most admired, and most smartest negotiating commander in chief President of the United States!
Her Lao
2016-02-26 11:54:47 UTC

Please, y'all...

Please join me and David Duke, Jesus and his people (Evangelicals, Methodists, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, White Aryans, Smart Mexicans and Smart Chinaman people... the KKK, Neo Nazis, the rich, the poor, the educated, the UNEDUCATED... like my hero, I love the undeducated... a lot... the gun crazed Militias, and everyone else --- except sick Liberals and Islamists, none of which are needed or welcome --- join us and welcome our next Prezdent of the United States, Donald J. Trump!

President Trump is gonna be so good to you, if you's smart and hard working, you's gonna be a billionaire, too, by the time his second term expires!

Everything is gonna be a HUUUUUUUUUUGE victory when my hero takes over the White House...

Losers & loosers, liars & fools, and the stupid & retarded need not apply...
Her Lao
2016-02-27 13:17:43 UTC

Preview of the inaugural speech by my Hero, the Genius Billionaire Real Estate flipper President Donald J. Trump === who, except for the little tiddly sum of $200M from his father could have been a watch peddler in the street of New York, as per lightweight Marco Boy === the Greatest American genius president Jesus and His Dad have ever sent to Earth, early 21st century, to save Americans and the rest of humanity from sick gun and Bible hatin' Liberals and their criminal and Islamic gangs...

BTW, former Mexico Vicente Fox === who WILL fuckin' pay for the TRUMP WALL in southern USA and northern Mexico === can go fuck himself, let's not be all falsely politically correct like sick Liberals!
2016-02-29 04:51:17 UTC

it's tough to believe that trump doesn't know anything about white supremacy, david duke, and the KKK and he wants to be POTUS.
2016-02-29 21:55:58 UTC
anything goes at trump rally...

2016-03-01 00:18:51 UTC
hey HL, are you from mexico?

Her Lao
2016-03-02 03:27:24 UTC
hey HL, are you from mexico?
Yep, Baja California... Ensenada, about 2 hours south of where you are, Tijuana.

I hope if/when my hero, the Orange Haired Great Orangutan Man becomes prez, he returns me to my correct city in Mexico, not just drop me off somewhere in the desert, like what they did in the mid 1950s, during OPERATION WETBACK....
2016-03-07 04:55:20 UTC
if trump ever becomes the next POTUS then it means that the western world(europe and america) is shifting toward right-wing politics and reality. already slovakia is heading that way. france will follow in a year or two.

what does it mean for the rest of us especially minorities? it will mean tougher time.
Her Lao
2016-03-07 15:30:17 UTC
The problem with Whites in particular and Westerners, in general, is that they don't seem to realize that if you go around TRYING to taking too much from the world === and in that attempt, "TRYING to taking too much", means you HAD to put force behind your wants and needs, since "negotiations" like my Hero the Donald wants to do (well, he wants to "bomb the shit out of them" too)... negotiating along, WON'T get you the results you want === Whites and Westerners don't seem to understand (perhaps they do: they just don't care), that if you go around creating so much problems, when chaos spills over, MILLIONS or perhaps TENS OF MILLIONS of people can't live where they are... as different groups and individuals supporting DIFFERENT SIDES... so when chaos and death come around....

MILLIONS have to move this way or that way, go here and there, to seek refuge, to seek food, to seek shelter, etc.

And guess where many of them are gonna go? The Western world, because it is more stable, in addition to it also being richer and more able to accommodate, on average.

Now, understand, HUMAN MIGRATION, as a species, always has been going on since our earliest ancestors left East Africa... but those species-level migratory activities are NOT the usual massive population movements due to wars and chaos that envelop who countries... as we see it now, in the Middle East.... as we see it during our own tragic eras of the late 1950s through early 1970s in Southeast Asia, where TENS of millions were displaced and millions were killed or starved to death or were tortured, by both sides, to death...

Or as in the European experience in the late 1910s through the late 1940s, when TENS of millions wandered across Europe seeking food, shelter, and safety after
WWI and WWII...

Anyway, watch the SIMILARITIES between my hero, the Great Orangutan Man Trump and one of his heroes of yesteryear... Il Duce:

Her Lao
2016-03-08 17:48:58 UTC

Please, very nicely, pledge your loyalty to my hero.

He is very, very nice. Don't need to worry about nothing. He's going to rebuild America and make it great again, like it was in the 20th and 19th centuries... before Librals, Islamists, and foreigners took over...

Don't listen to this loser and fool, named Mitt Romney. He is a loser and a fool; if my hero had wanted to, he could have demanded that this fool kneel before him, when this fool, Romney, came to him in Trump Palace, with hat in hand, asking for nickels and dimes from my hero, Trump.

Strong leaders and real patriots behave like my hero and these past greats... well, NOT EXACTLY like these past but SIMILAR to them, whom my hero Trump likes... likes their toughness, not who they were, naturally...

Her Lao
2016-03-08 22:31:34 UTC

Not sure why these losers and fools keep trying to "stop" my hero from getting the Grand Ole Party's nomination, on his way to the prezidency of the United States of America where he's make America great again...
2016-03-08 22:59:26 UTC
ok let's take a break from politics. here's a few songs to sooth your soul. HL, you've gotta love these guitar licks. the way these old songs got a remake is just wonderful.

Her Lao
2016-03-09 00:04:39 UTC
ok let's take a break from politics. here's a few songs to sooth your soul. HL, you've gotta love these guitar licks. the way these old songs got a remake is just wonderful.
Exquisite, Casalao.... Infusing classic Lao with this funky kind of American folk blues... it's the way to make Lao classic relevant again....

As the Brother said: "Darlin' do me a favor... keep it to yourself!"

Or the Brother's speed's too slow for you, here, try this Lao Hmong singer's... 100% borrowed from classic Lao rhythms....

By the way, do you guys from the northeastern, Samneu sing in this style? Or is it a ubiquitous Lao from north to south?


Why is it that most of the "every day" Lao (dialects) spoken, as seen on everyday travelogue videos, so "country-ish" and NOT the crisp, more exact, and formal as used in the various classic songs, as the re-renditioned one above here (first one is a good example)?

What's the deal with the "der" attachment or fixation?... like the ubiquitous Thai "crap" fixation?

Surely, you could skip dangling, informal parts like "crap[imprecise]" (considered sophisticated, formal Thai) and "der" (informal, country-styled Lao), couldn't you?
Her Lao
2016-03-09 01:06:59 UTC

First, there was that tall loser and fool, Vicente Fox, making fun of my hero the Donald.

Now, the little guy and a fool and loser --- both, of course, WILL be made to pay for my hero's Great Trump Wall of southern USA --- Enrique Pena Nieto calling my hero names? He's like Mussolini and Hitler?

Come on, folks, you think we real Americans care about what you losers and fools call our hero, the billionaire genius business man who's gonna bring all kinds of good jobs back from Mexico, China, Russia, Africa, and Europe...

... you think we care what our hero says about fools and losers? We don't! We want an honest business man, a DOER, not a talker like all these stupid politician losers and fools we've been stuck with all these years!

And stupid bloody Brits actually tried to pass a legislation BANNING my hero from visiting Britain? You are you kidding? Who wants to visit these small people with bad teeth who eat mostly potatoes and chips?

Or why would our hero wants to visit socialist Europe anyway, when he could just go vacation in his Trump Towers all over America and Brazil and Dubai?
2016-03-09 06:18:56 UTC
a detour from the american politics again. what the hell and he's a lao http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/gang-member-face-tattoos-mugshot_us_56df2e30e4b0000de4065479

some people like tattoos. angelina jolie has khmer tatoos on her back but this lao dude has got to be nuts.
Her Lao
2016-03-09 06:29:59 UTC
Professional betters, statistics show, are better at choosing winners and losers in big-event situations than news organizational polls or ordinary citizens fleeting emotions, when they choose one candidate over the other...


Reason: because betters, those who make a successful living at gambling and betting on the various things, THOSE BETTERS spent much more time investigating their subjects... odds of winning or losing and by what margins, etc.

The stats are from "Betfair.com," a trading site in Britain, where there's less regulation, so traders or betters really bet on these things very much like buy and selling stocks in the markets...



And I said it here, first: If Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, with her having a close-to-90% favorable odd, she will likely pick a young minority VP running mates.

My guts says --- for demographic and related historicity reasons (that is, the Democratic Party will is more or less a party of 50% Whites, 50% non-Whites of Asians, Latinos, and Blacks (unlike the GOP, which is still roughly 80-90% Whites) --- Julian Castro, former mayor of San Antonio and current Housing Secretary in the Obama administration.

I can almost say Clinton --- despite cautious arguments about staying with a "safer" VP choice, usually a White male --- will NOT, again, for demographic and historical reasons, choose another White, since she is White.

(If it's Bernie Sanders, I bet he would choose a young White Liberal woman for sure; but Hillary doesn't need to choose a woman or a white; indeed, she MUST quickly consolidate the MINORITY vote and choose a young, educated LATINO candidate; and while Julian Castro (whose twin is in the House of Representative) is quite inexperienced, he's the right age to be put to work... and after 8 years, the logic goes, he will be in his late 40s or early 50s, just the right age to run on his own, etc.


There are other good candidates, such as Sec. of Labor, Thomas Perez, 51, who is also Latino... among others... but again I think Julian Castro is likely going to get the nod from Clinton, because Castro, I believe, is Mexican American, the largest community among the various Hispanic/Latino communities...
2016-03-09 21:34:49 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Why is it that most of the "every day" Lao (dialects) spoken, as seen on everyday travelogue videos, so "country-ish" and NOT the crisp, more exact, and formal as used in the various classic songs, as the re-renditioned one above here (first one is a good example)?
What's the deal with the "der" attachment or fixation?... like the ubiquitous Thai "crap" fixation?
Surely, you could skip dangling, informal parts like "crap[imprecise]" (considered sophisticated, formal Thai) and "der" (informal, country-styled Lao), couldn't you?
i am not a linguist so haven't paid much attention to the modern-day lao talk. it seems that the new lao generation is more attuned to the lao language itself like speaking clearly and complete full sentences.

now on the DER attachement, i don't hear that often though in comparison to the KRAP/KRAH fixation in the daily thai tongue. the thai people are heavy with the krap/krah addition to end every sentence.
2016-03-10 19:00:05 UTC
you know when the candidate says that he'd like to punch him in the face, his supporter really took it to heart

is this just a teaser for future things to come in trump rallies and possibly trump presidency? scary indeed.

one question i have is: why even bother to put oneself in harm's way and go protest in these right-wing rallies?
2016-03-10 23:19:38 UTC
serious stuff...

Her Lao
2016-03-11 01:23:21 UTC
serious stuff...
Tragic as it is, it's also hilariously funny; the Neo Nazi/White Power militia said:

We don't know if he's ISIS or not. Next time, we will have to kill him! I have tears running down my cheeks, both from crying and laughing! The average IQ of the supporter of my hero, the Donald, is likely 65.7! But, hey, we are electin' a GENIUS real estate flipper who's gonna make us smart, hard working patriots all rich like he is...
2016-03-12 15:45:53 UTC
serious stuff...

Her Lao
2016-03-13 06:34:51 UTC
serious stuff...

Bernie Sanders Communist pals from China buying Hotel del Coronado, for $6.5B?

Casalao, I'm sorry to hear you and KC were turned down in your offer for the Beijing Hotel, for a smaller offer of only $3.5B, because Communists in China said you couldn't own properties there in China?

Perhaps you two should tender an offer for Hotel California?, in the Beverly Hill area before it's snatched up by more Communist and Socialist friends of Bernie Sanders, who's becoming Prez in a couple months time, who's gonna invite all his Communist and Socialist pals to come and take over God's USA!

Or the one in Palm Spring.

Or the Hotel California down passed where I am, Ensenada... all the way to the tip of the Baja California Peninsula...Todos Santos...

BTW, if you haven't had a chance to drive down the Baja California Peninsula, do it before you die. It is absolutely gorgeous...

I drove down with a Mexican American friend, last year in college, for a couple days... we juts drove and drove for days, except when taking break to eat, sleep, or shop, and it's just quite interesting... Lots of Native people, shorter statures, dark haired, sort of like Asians... but also not... very interesting...
Her Lao
2016-03-18 03:44:13 UTC

Crazy, fake Liberal statistics --- used by drunken gamblers in Vegas --- that are NOT REAL like real numbers given by Jesus and his Dad...
Her Lao
2016-03-18 14:18:55 UTC

What an odd article I found in my NATURE publication reading.

Not only are "true conservatives" --- whose guns and bibles are at their constant reach, on the table in front of them --- in a panic ....

Scientists and writers in general, too.... writers who cover mostly science and research.... they are also in a semi-panic situation... given that the Great, big, fat, ugly, Yellow Haired Orangutan Man, THE IGNORAMUS, actually has a pretty good shot at being Great Leader of the Known Universe! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL
2016-03-18 17:38:49 UTC
Post by Her Lao
one thing that i picked up from the article is the mention of the rise of the far-right movement in europe such as the new polish government and the possible presidency of marine lePen in france in 2017. if that were to happen, it will change the political equation in europe and even in america for that matter. it will give credence to the far-right movement here in the US and the rest of the world.
Her Lao
2016-03-18 22:13:19 UTC
Post by Her Lao
one thing that i picked up from the article is the mention of the rise of the far-right movement in europe such as the new polish government and the possible presidency of marine lePen in france in 2017. if that were to happen, it will change the political equation in europe and even in america for that matter. it will give credence to the far-right movement here in the US and the rest of the world.
Whenever and wherever there is chaos, or there's a perception of chaos, or "repression" or "persecution" --- odd as all these variables may be --- extremism usually rises:

If it's on the left, it's usually in the form of uneducated socialism and communism like in the Soviets and most of Eastern Europe in the early to late 1900s, in China, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba, Central and South America, in places in Africa, etc., where BARELY LITERATE (sometimes totally illiterate) gun totin' knuckleheads set themselves up as the exclusive and "correct" interpreter of obscure theoretical writing by clever, thoughtful fictional writers like Ayn Rand, Leon Troksky, Kark Marx, Friedrich Engels, et al.

And, if it's on the right, it's like what happened in Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Argentina, and America of the 1950s during the McCarthy Era, when you could be accused of being a Communist or Socialist and the FBI is put on your tail, etc.

Here's another article, from a pure science forum... about the analysis of the grammar and speaking proclivity of our great political leaders over the years... in PHYSICS.ORG

2016-03-22 18:40:45 UTC
shit happened again in europe. this time in brussels...

will this affect the american election? it will for it will give trump more ammunition and reason to convince people that we need to close borders, build fences 35 feet tall and keep muslims out of america.

now on religious issues: i don't know much about islam and muslims. the fact that these suicide bombers are willing to strap bombs around their waists and blow up public places in the name of allah is fucking mad. it's no easy to disagree with trump or marine lepen or many far-right movements in europe on this point.
Her Lao
2016-03-23 00:55:04 UTC
now on religious issues: i don't know much about islam and muslims. the fact that these suicide bombers are willing to strap bombs around their waists and blow up public places in the name of allah is fucking mad. it's no easy to disagree with trump or marine lepen or many far-right movements in europe on this point.


While CONCURRENTLY the overwhelming number of terrorists attacks with guns, IEDs, etc., AS WELL AS SUICIDE VESTS, have been Muslims, Islam is not unique in producing people who act like this.

ALL RELIGIONS, to lesser or greater, enable their followers to make "sacrifices" of the various kinds, because such "sacrifices" are said, BY ONE LEADER OR ANOTHER, one interpreter or another, as necessary and sufficient devotion, faith, and loyalty to THE RELIGION (whatever the fuck it is).

You have Buddhists in Burma torching Muslim minority villages and burning some alive. Monks were among the leaders of such movements to target the minority Muslims.

I know, as my great leader Trump would say, it is NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT to say bad things about any religion, especially "one of the more peaceful, Buddhism," but the FACT of the matter is, when you devote so much of your time, belief, resources, and waking hours to ONE SUPERSTITION OR ANOTHER, and say without it, there's no value, there's no worthwhile goals in life, there's no purpose, there's no guiding principles, etc., ad nauseam, ALL IT TAKES IS JUST SOMEONE === or, more often than not, a SERIES OF LEADERS === to come along and say in order for X, Y, and Z to happen, for you, on earth, up there Beyond the Oort Cloud where the MAGICAL CREATOR is... you MUST do A, B, and C, etc.

Remember, Christendom === Christians and their very peaceful religion of Jesus and his Dad, GOD, the Creator of the Universe who came to be born to a VIRGIN JEWISH GIRL in the Middle East === brought THE DARK AGES to Europe, lasting from around the time the first Emperor was CONVERTED in early 300 AD (forget about the official fall of Rome, 476AD... by then, it's juts formal record keeping)... all the way through much of the 1600s, during which WITCHES and ANY ONE who challenged the CHURCH was routinely tortured, locked up in dark dungeons, OR BURNT IN PUBLIC SQUARES...

One of the first public torture and killing, by Christians, was the fraying of the genius mathematician and astronomer Hypatia, who was in charge of the greatest Library of the world at Alexandra, Egypt, under the Romans by Hypatia but was started by Alexander the Great of GREECE (which was supplanted by Rome betwen 100BC-100AD)...

One of the last well known public burning of a well known educator who questioned the Church and Christian, GIORDANO BRUNO, took place in Rome, 1600. Even better known scientists like Copernicus and Galileo, TOO, would have been burnt, had they persisted a bit further in teaching and preaching SCIENCE, which, among other things, TAUGHT that the EARTH REVOLVED AROUND THE SUN (something that was already postulated and taught during CLASSICAL GREECE but which was bannished, with penalty being death to anyone who would teach it or advance it under THE CHURCH, from around 400AD through most of 1600s and 1700s)....

Again, point is, SUPERSTITIONS ARE ALWAYS BAD, over-all.

When people believe some GUY FROM BEYOND THE OORT CLOUD talks to them, who made them special, who leaves them holy or divine plans, books, commandments with which to live and die by, YOU WILL INEVITABLY HAVE BARBARITY, at one juncture or another, during the existence of such superstitions...

The Buddha, the former prince who gave up his life of luxury and power to travel, to study, and to observe human conditions, of course, is being taken by his most devoted followers as nothing less than another "god," too, in terms of HIS KNOWLEDGE of depth, breadth, and height... and THAT'S why, as a superstition, it is NO LESS dangerous than any other...

Of course, if you talk to a Buddhist, a REAL ONE... or a Muslim, a REAL ONE, or a Hindu, a REAL ONE,... or a Christian, a REAL ONE, of course... they'd tell you just how nice they are, how educated, how tolerant, how peace loving, etc., etc. they and their fellows are....

EXCEPT PERSONAL ANECDOTES are not very sound basis for history, for arguments, for meaningful debates and discussions...
2016-03-23 22:31:05 UTC

don't know whether to cry for the Brussels victims or for these refugees. both are tragic in their own way.
2016-03-24 17:29:52 UTC
ISIS video after the brussels bombing and other radical muslim stuff...

it's a new crusade all over again. i don't know how long the last crusade lasted but this one has just begun.
Her Lao
2016-03-25 03:46:12 UTC

That's how STRONG LEADERS act and behave: say nasty things about them and YOU WILL GO TO PRISON to do hard times, for years and decades. When you do that to evil doers and sayers of falsehood, NO BODY is gonna make you look weak or a fool, like Obama is!

When my hero the big, ugly, fat, ignoramus, narcissist Ape Man Trump becomes Prez, NOBODY would dare to tweet stupid things about him, even at mid night, since he WILL PATROL mid night tweets at all times!

STRONG LEADERS like Trump and those who rule China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, etc., THEY DON'T ALLOW STUPID PEOPLE AND HOMELESS PEOPLE to make fun of them, say nasty and untrue things about them!
Her Lao
2016-03-26 23:19:14 UTC

We need to band together, with David Duke and the KKK, White Aryan Nation, Neo Nazis, and other OPPRESSED SILENT MAJORITY WHITE CHRISTIANS to make sure this socialist, Bernie Sanders, doesn't go near our WHITE HOUSE!

This man is a communist!

God has sent Donald J. Trump to us, in these dangerous times, to win the US presidency, to stop evil Mexican rapists, Asian anchored people, lazy Blacks, suicidal Muslims, lazy Natives, and all the lazy assed & sick Liberals...

Listen to this holy prophet below here and see how the sick Liberal media is not showing how DANGEROUS BLACKS are oppressing Whites and are causing violence to PEACEFUL, PEACE LOVING WHITE Trump supporters everywhere across America!

Look at these peace loving, politically INCORRECT and honest and OPPRESSED White Americans... they are living in fear of dangerous and BAD people like the Blacks, the Mexicans, the Latinos, the Muslims, the Natives who want their lands back... lands that're given to us Christians by God himself in MANIFEST DESTINY?

No, no, Natives are crazy if they think we oppressed hard working Whites and the FEW SMART CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN ASIANS and Blacks and Hispanics... that we're gonna return Native lands back to Natives... it don't work that way!

Donald J. Trump WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, like Washington and Lincoln, by TAKING US BACK TO living like those earlier eras, when PEOPLE KNEW THEIR PROPER PLACES in society and were not dangerous and violent towards the smart White leaders in charge!
2016-04-28 17:32:05 UTC
so it looks more and more like hillary will meet trump for the general election unless something happens along the way.
Her Lao
2016-04-29 04:49:43 UTC
so it looks more and more like hillary will meet trump for the general election unless something happens along the way.
There are basically just TWO WAYS that === with a Trump vs. Hillary === Clinton will NOT become Prez of the USA: either she dies (from stroke or being shot) or indicted by the FBI.

At this point, I pegged Orangutan Man, my hero's and the most educated and smartest real estate flipping business billionaire genius, ELECTORAL VOTES between 150-180, nowhere near LOSER and FOOL Mitt Romney's 206, when he lost to Obama 2012 (with Obama, of course, getting 332 ELECTORAL VOTES.
Her Lao
2016-04-29 04:58:41 UTC
There are basically just TWO WAYS that === with a Trump vs. Hillary === Clinton will NOT become Prez of the USA: either she dies (from stroke or being shot) or indicted by the FBI.

At this point, I pegged Orangutan Man === my hero & the most educated, the smartest real estate flipping business billionaire genius === ELECTORAL VOTES between 150-180, nowhere near LOSER Mitt Romney's 206, when he lost to Obama 2012 (with Obama, of course, getting 332 ELECTORAL VOTES).
2016-05-19 16:25:26 UTC
2016-05-23 18:06:29 UTC
got side-tracked a bit here. obama had dinner with antony bourdain in hanoi a few hours ago.

Her Lao
2016-05-25 04:20:25 UTC
got side-tracked a bit here. obama had dinner with antony bourdain in hanoi a few hours ago. http://youtu.be/FFzPgIlHU68
Per Islamic Barack Hussein Obama, the Peace Corps is going to Vietnam to help teach English for the first time....

I am not sure if you older folks remember, especially you Casalao and others from eastern Laos, next to Vietnam, if you remember Kennedy's Peace Corps having been to Laos or Vietnam before the war?

I mighty go teach there, since there are around 1M poor Hmong Vietnamese living northeast of Samneu, East Hanio, so I would likely like that ... My little brother's been teaching Japanese kids the last ten years, and he's still living there, about a hour east of Tokyo... pretend fluent in Japanese after these ten years...
2016-05-31 17:23:49 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Per Islamic Barack Hussein Obama, the Peace Corps is going to Vietnam to help teach English for the first time....
I am not sure if you older folks remember, especially you Casalao and others from eastern Laos, next to Vietnam, if you remember Kennedy's Peace Corps having been to Laos or Vietnam before the war?
all kinds of yankee folks were in laos during my time growing up, CIA, Peace Corps folks, green berets you name it...

i remember one instance where i was in my birthday suit jumping up and down the NAMSAM river and here came these CIA men in black suits on the muongsam main bridge with dark sunglasses.
2016-05-31 17:24:55 UTC
another detour from american politics...

2016-06-01 18:39:06 UTC
another day, another shooting, this time at UCLA...
Her Lao
2016-06-01 23:32:56 UTC
another day, another shooting, this time at UCLA...
Could you imagine this picture: Everyone in Texas, including students at the University === and in high school, for those over 18 are are "not a criminal" === all strapped their Dirty Harry mighty Magnums on their hips... to make us us dangerous, gun-hating, tree hugger Librals are not endangering THEM?

Imagine you're a "bad teacher" or "bad professor" who gave a D or an F to a smart student who's not happy about it... and who walks around campus with a gun!

This is what happens when MOST members in society are mentally sick to some degree....but since they are all sick, they think everyone who is "law abiding" ==== whatever the fuck that means, I don't think even people who could read minds like the Buddha and Jesus would know === should be able to carry a gun ANYWHERE THEY GO....boy, I bet sick gun hatin' Librals and their criminal pals are shitting our pants, for sure!

2016-06-03 11:49:26 UTC


what the hell is wrong with TRUMP? now attacking a federal judge because he happens to be hispanic and presiding over the lawsuit against TRUMP UNIVERSITY?
2016-06-03 22:12:59 UTC

violence against trump supporters is totally unnecessary. the best way to defeat trump and his fascist ideas is to go to the ballot boxes in november.
Her Lao
2016-06-04 06:31:27 UTC
violence against trump supporters is totally unnecessary. the best way to defeat trump and his fascist ideas is to go to the ballot boxes in november.

What was that phrase, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind?

My hero, Orangutan Man, and his big, ugly, heinous, loud, saliva-spitting, ignorant mouth KNOWS...... he knows, the only chance he has is to sow so much chaos, confusion, bigotry, confusion, demonstration, confusion, chaos, mayhem, disruption, interruption, confusion, angry, resentment, and whatever the fuck he could do... by daily calling his opponents stupid, fools, liars, corrupted, stupid, little (Remember, "Little Marco"? "Lyin' Ted"? Romney THE FOOL and A LOSER?, etc., etc)....

In terms of great chaos and confusion and bigotry and protests and mayhem and anger, you can show that PEOPLE CAN EASILY BE PERSUADED to do things... much more readily...

He's gonna say, when the pot is stirred enough: "Folk, I told you... these foreigners, immigrants, illegals, Blacks and Browns and criminals... look at what they're doing to our America! Elect me and I will DEAL WITH THESE CRIMINALS IMMEDIATELY....

And, you know what?, there STILL ARE ENOUGH, barely but enough, WHITES to elect him....

Remember, average voter-turn-out is around 55%... so it doesn't take a great deal of chaos for ONE candidate or the other, depending who knows how to capitalize on chaos better, to get a total of no more than 27.6% to 29% of those 55% turn-out, in order to win the presidency of the USA...
Her Lao
2016-06-04 09:20:07 UTC

House Speaker Paul Ryan may have endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but his office said Friday that he will not encourage other Republicans to support their party’s presumptive nominee.

And just one day after Ryan announced that he will vote for Trump, which came after a month-long standoff, the speaker denounced him for racially tinged criticisms of a federal judge.

During a Wisconsin radio interview with News Talk 1130 WISN, Ryan condemned Trump’s recent remarks questioning the fitness of U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel. Trump suggested that Curiel’s Mexican heritage was a conflict of interest in a civil case he is overseeing against the now defunct Trump University.

“The comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind,” Ryan said. “It’s reasoning I don’t relate to. I completely disagree with the thinking behind that.”

Ryan said that the comment was evidence that Trump “clearly says and does things I don’t agree with, and I’ve had to speak up from time to time when that has occurred.”


When the most consequential member of your party, the Speaker of the House and second in-line to be president of the USA, after the VP, says he think you're acting like a bully and a middle school student, with logic and "reasoning" he's not able to comprehend, you have problems...

Watch the fat, ugly, ignoramus big mouth and hands, as he speaks... Doesn't he remind you of Generalissimo Mossolini?

Here, look at the ugly Orangutan Man, again...

2016-06-08 21:03:35 UTC
the numbers are in. as expected hillary and trump are the presumptive nominees for their respective parties.

and i will never understand any ລາວນອກ who professes to be republican and not understanding that donald doesn't like minorities be they of mexican, black or asian heritage. he may not have come after our yellow asses yet but just wait. it's only a matter of time.
Her Lao
2016-06-09 04:57:51 UTC
the numbers are in. as expected hillary and trump are the presumptive nominees for their respective parties.
and i will never understand any ລາວນອກ who professes to be republican and not understanding that donald doesn't like minorities be they of mexican, black or asian heritage. he may not have come after our yellow asses yet but just wait. it's only a matter of time.
and then you gonna run across some schmuck Asian, Black, or Hispanic American who says Hillary is MORE racist than Trump!

that crazy Dr. Ben Caron, brain surgeon, who thinks Egypt's Great Pyramids, for example, were Jewish kings extra grannary... that brother, for example, thinks the Affordable Care (Obamacare, which is really built on top of Romneycare from Massachusetts), IS WORSE THAN SLAVERY!

the human brain, once you indoctrinate it to believe a certain thing or others... works in a very weird way, whether it is a "well educated" brain, one one topic or another like Carson's, or a totally illiterate brain...
2016-06-09 18:22:34 UTC
obama has spoken...

so it's hillary all the way now...
2016-06-09 20:14:49 UTC
Trump's rhetoric fuels school bullies across US...
Her Lao
2016-06-10 06:07:11 UTC
Funny but totally on-point column by Matt Bai...

.... about Cons, the Jesus Freaks (who are guided by divine moral and ethical tenets in their holy fairy book, which say whatever faults, ugliness, or crimes you have, or have committed, EVERYTHING GOES AWAY when you simply talk to Jesus or his Dad and BEG FOR FORGIVENESS... Jesus and his Dad forgive your sin, so, naturally, Cons and religious freaks ALSO DO... even if you kill someone or rape someone, the logic goes)..... hoping and pretending Trump "would change once he's in the general," even though he's an ugly, fat, vulgar, narcissistic, pathological con man --- with the CON MAN phrase, as we all know, coined specifically by LITTLE MARCO to describe Trump...

Her Lao
2016-06-12 00:43:01 UTC

My hero, the Great Orangutan Man's illustrious history... Grandpa deported from Germany, his home country, back to America.... because Germans didn't want a draft dodger like Trump/Drumpf's grandpa, who ran away to America when he was drafted but who went back after he's older and no longer in danger of being drafted... but German officials found out and DEPORTED him back to America...

And that's how the ugly, ignorant, vulgar, retarded Republican presidential nominee === who, according to House Speaker Ryan is NOT a RACIST but who spew "classic definition of a racist" BS about Muslims, Mexicans, Asians, Blacks et al === came into existence...
2016-06-12 16:15:21 UTC
interesting takes on the trump tantrum...
2016-06-12 16:26:19 UTC

another day another shooting in america and the usual condolence line " our thoughts and prayer" will be uttered by politicians and gun lobbyists and the NRA.

fuck it. thoughts and prayers alone are not enough ok? i curse to the end of time but nothing will be done by the american people because of the fucking second amendment.
Her Lao
2016-06-12 22:06:17 UTC

50 dead is quite astounding, in one shooting, is astounding; but it is a very, very small fraction of the TENS OF THOUSANDS killed EVERY YEAR in this country, where the crazies are in charge in writing gun laws.

MORE GUNS === on the hands of the MAGICALLY DETERMINED "LAW ABIDING" === IS SAFER, the idiocy goes.

Just so people know, we Americans are about 4 to 5% of the world's total population; EACH YEAR we buy and own 50% or so of the TOTAL GUNS produced on the Planet Earth.

But for these neaderthal NRAs gun crazed types, THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. Their "logic" seems to say, if we own === and by "we" they mean "the law abiding citizens" whatever the fuck that means === if we own, oh, say, 80 to 90% or perhaps 99% of the guns produced on a yearly basis ON THE ENTIRE WORLD... the, perhaps gun hating and sick Librals and their criminals would be afraid to pull their guns on us, both in private and in public?

You see, when one or a few people are mentally sick, it is easy to see.

When the entire society is sick and has drifted into Fantasyland, it is not so easy to tell them they are sick, dangerous, and given most of them have guns, it'd be deaths and chaos everyday...

THAT exactly is the PICTURE in the USA.... on a YEARLY BASIS, guns kill almost as many Americans as the 50,000 killed in a 10 year war in Vietnam; but gun crazed knuckleheads say it's because people stop reading their holy Fairy Tale books and NOT enough, "of the right kind of people" owning guns... that THAT's the problem!

You see how a truly sick, twisted mind works?
2016-06-14 18:28:09 UTC
i have been puzzled by trump's obsession with the term 'islamic terror' and obama got the perfect answer to it.
2016-07-18 22:47:17 UTC
the GOP convention is on. so many GOP top personalities( bush the senior, bush the nukular, mcCain, romney...) are AWOL.
2016-07-19 16:38:55 UTC
OMG... this is too much. republicans cheering michelle obama at the 2016 GOP convention...

what the hell? how could this happen?
2016-07-20 13:34:24 UTC

tough GOP convention when even the state governor john kasich is nowhere to be seen.
2016-07-20 18:19:43 UTC
what the hell is this pokemon stuff? looks like it is a very popular game on the planet right now...

2016-07-22 06:44:35 UTC
so the GOP convention has ended. i was a bit surprised by the tone of donald trump for being a bit humbled coming from a bully. his core beliefs remain intact which will make for a very interesting time if he gets elected to the the next POTUS.

now on to the democratic convention.
2016-07-22 17:21:09 UTC

now here's something that's puzzling. when i listened to ivanka's speech, it was like huuuhhh... are my ears ok? am i hearing correctly? she sounded like a democrat mentioning stuff like equal pay, maternity leave, student loan relief.

and then trump the elder came out rooting for LGBT. that must have rattled his evangelical base quite a bit.

so strange but most of trump's main speech was dark and terrifying.
2016-07-22 19:41:14 UTC
another day another shooting this time in munich germany...

from now until november, if there are more shootings and likely will be, trump will get the POTUS seat.
Her Lao
2016-07-22 21:10:21 UTC
now here's something that's puzzling. when i listened to ivanka's speech, it was like huuuhhh... are my ears ok? am i hearing correctly? she sounded like a democrat mentioning stuff like equal pay, maternity leave, student loan relief.
and then trump the elder came out rooting for LGBT. that must have rattled his evangelical base quite a bit.
so strange but most of trump's main speech was dark and terrifying.
She's one of us... the smart, beautiful, tolerant, educated, gentle, caring billionaire daughter who's working hard her whole life to make LIFE BETTER for those less educated blue collar workers her dad, MY HERO, loves do much....

Unlike the Clinton and other sick Liberals from Silicon Valley and New York and Minnesota and Washington and Oregon and other perverted states and cities... who are working with LUCIFER and his brothers, Satan and the Devil, as Brain Surgeon and Noah's Ark Captain Dr. Benjamin Carson said...

2016-07-25 12:45:24 UTC
a detour from american politics...
what the hell? why did she get out of the car in a safari zoo where there were clear signs and warning that siberian tigers are in the open?

HL, is this a good case of darwinism?
Her Lao
2016-07-27 10:21:33 UTC
a detour from american politics...
what the hell? why did she get out of the car in a safari zoo where there were clear signs and warning that siberian tigers are in the open? http://youtu.be/T-YDOXi86xw
HL, is this a good case of darwinism?
Not sure about that, but likely it was.

But I am pretty sure about how China uses divide-and-conquer tactics in SE Asia.

Poor, underdeveloped countries like Burma, Laos, Cambodia, etc. are easily manipulated and controlled.

All China has to do is give a few millions to some of the more to most powerful ruling individuals and their families and business leaders, etc., and promise to do some road building ==== so China could more efficiently truck and train raw materials from the region back to China === and these small, poor, and strong-man ran countries would go their separate ways... making it easy for China to do whatever it wants in SE Asia and Africa and elsewhere, where there are still a lot of poor countries and people controlled by "benevolent" families and small ruling cliques who rule for decades...

Her Lao
2016-07-28 01:57:25 UTC

My hero ===whom some crazy fake billionaire Michael Blomberg called a CON MAN just tonight === that hero of mine... the richest billionare business man on earth is asking his friend and admired comrade Strong Man Leader, Mr. KGB Putin to hack Luciferian Hillary Clinton's email AND posting her Satanic emails on-line!
2016-07-29 06:00:43 UTC
the DNC convention has come to a close. i was surprised to see a few republicans such as mike bloomberg joining forces with hillary clinton.
Her Lao
2016-07-29 21:04:23 UTC
the DNC convention has come to a close. i was surprised to see a few republicans such as mike bloomberg joining forces with hillary clinton.
My big === and I mean HUGE === hero and I, we ain't scared of that LITTLE man, Bloomberg.

Her Lao
2016-08-02 00:15:31 UTC
Three little man losers who speak nonsense and falsehood of/about my hero, Donald J. Trump, the greatest and richest and most educated and most moral and most ethical leader in America and the world... the only man and leader who could and who would save us from this ruinous state Islamist Barack Hussein Obama has put us in, after close to 8 years...

Some loser named Warren Buffett:

Some Cuban man named Mark Cuban (likely related to the Castros of Cuba):

Some little man named Michael Bloomberg:

Her Lao
2016-08-03 06:41:02 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Three little man losers who speak nonsense and falsehood of/about my hero, Donald J. Trump, the greatest and richest and most educated and most moral and most ethical leader in America and the world... the only man and leader who could and who would save us from this ruinous state Islamist Barack Hussein Obama has put us in, after close to 8 years...
Another loser who has nasty things about my hero.

Seriously, who are these losers and fools --- e.g., McCain, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham (sounds like a girl's name to my hero), little Cuban Marco Rubio, little Michael Bloomberg, Mexican Mark Cuban, who, by the way, is NOT a billionaire like my hero... Buffett, another fake billionaire, Meg Whitman of HP, and other such losers and fools ---- who are these losers and fools who keep saying nasty things about the greatest, richest, most qualify, and most educated man in America, who's gonna single-handedly make America great again?

2016-08-03 19:14:43 UTC
i will never understand any of you out there who supports a guy who's managed to alienate minorities, people with disability and different religions.

Her Lao
2016-08-04 22:38:00 UTC
Consolidating snap-shots of the probability of either Clinton or Trump winning, either and/or both the popular and electoral votes...

This site, 5/38, mind you, is ran by a sick Liberal and ex New York Times statistician, Nate Silver... so you have to take it with a bit of salt and butter.

The real numbers --- that capture reality --- are those used by Fox News... That's where my hero, the Great and Purple Hearted future leader of the free world, Donald J. Trump, goes to when he wants numbers and other real stuff.


Below is a gamblers betting site, so it is not something Jesus, his Dad God, or Ben Carson would approve of, as a serious or true metric in estimating presidential elections in God's country, the USA...

Her Lao
2016-08-12 05:37:27 UTC
A non-intervention INTERVENTION meeting... or, a "Come to Jesus" meeting... to find out why CROOKED HILLARY, who is a CO-FOUNDER OF ISIS, along with ISIS mastermind, Barack Hussein Obama...


Don't anyone worry, as my hero, Orangutan Man, is miles and miles ahead of crooked Hillary, despite the FAKE numbers from the Liberal Media.

Only Fox News numbers can be trusted; all others stats and numbers... they are rigged so don't trust them...
2016-08-15 01:30:16 UTC
i had a lunch with fellow laonork over the weekend. we sat around a table or about ten something people. half rooted for hillary while the other half for donald. some trump supporters are royal lao army veterans. we had a lively discussion but no side gained or lost ground.
2016-08-15 01:35:26 UTC
i had lunch with fellow laonork over the weekend. we sat around a table of about ten something people. half rooted for hillary while the other half for donald. some trump supporters are royal lao army veterans. we had a lively discussion but no side gained or lost ground.

in my mind, hillary with all her weaknesses is still the better person suited to lead this country in contrast to donald who is erratic in his talk.
2016-08-15 17:25:00 UTC

voter fraud and rigged elections in america? no serious person can fathom such a scenario but trump and team keep throwing out these conspiratorial and crazy firebombs just to satisfy the base.

it is a shallow thought to think that you want to vote for trump because he's an outsider when he's managed to alienate almost everybody except the white guys.
Her Lao
2016-08-16 01:32:33 UTC
voter fraud and rigged elections in america? no serious person can fathom such a scenario but trump and team keep throwing out these conspiratorial and crazy firebombs just to satisfy the base.
it is a shallow thought to think that you want to vote for trump because he's an outsider when he's managed to alienate almost everybody except the white guys.

31 known cases DIVIDED BY 1,000,000,000 voting acts.... that came out to be, let's see which on-line calculator would give me such a small value????


It says the answer is: 0.000000031

Casalao, you taught math in your previous life.... how big or small is that value? There are so many zeros behind the decimal point, I can't even say it...

Isn't that in the range of winning, oh, say the Powerball lottery?

Well, y'aknow, a few people a month win the Powerball, right? So, a few voters during each presidential election could sway the presidential election, too, right? After all, it only takes 270 votes!


Mean while, back to reality.... on a yearly basis, 25,000 to 35,000 Americans die each other from a BULLET to the head or body... but, according to these Trumpsters ---- my hero, of course ---- gun is not the real problem; it is "the bad guys who shouldn't have guns in the first place."

Do you know Tom Cruise and his team of mind readers, Casalao?, as in that movie, MINORITY REPORT, where mind readers catch bad guys, by reading their minds, before they actually plan and carry out attacks against us, peaceful gun lovers and the defenseless sick Librals deny guns to who are, obviously, unable to protect themselves, since gun hating Librals make it real' difficult for them to buy and carry guns around, like in Texas and other law and order states....
2016-08-17 14:15:47 UTC

good piece of analysis on trump and his supporters.
2016-08-17 19:30:18 UTC

is BREITBArT the top conspiracy website out there?

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