Don't Know Y'All, But Comrade KC and I Are Ready!
(too old to reply)
Her Lao
2015-04-21 01:49:27 UTC

Comrade KC has sold his 5,000-acre Corn Plantation, in Iowa, and I have cashed out my last $250 savings from the Bank of Minnesota!

We are reading for Jesus triumphant SECOND RETURN ... to get all of us Jesus Lovers and Second Amendment Gun Lovers... to Heaven and Paradise... so we could be a eternally blissful LIFE with all the dead Christian Saints and dead Islamic Martyrs of the last 1,500 to 2,000 years!

I feel bad, at these moments, for the stupid Animists, Buddhists, Eskimos, mentally sick Librals, Feminazis, FAKE MUSLIMS, FAKE CHRISTIANS, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Vikings, Vandals, Slavs, Japanese, Hindus, Khmers, Mesopotamians, Romans, Athenians, Eyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Australian Aborigines, Native Americans of the northern continent,..., and all other schmucks who NEVER KNEW Jesus!

But don't worry... the Lords of the Under world, Satan and his twin, Lucifer, I have heard, have been busy, these last 2,000 years, EXPANDING Hell... so it would accommodate all you heathens!

2015-04-21 23:47:14 UTC
lord almighty ummm the supreme creator that created the universe on top of universe, i am glad that i am not part of the fucking right wing christian movement that espouses crap like this bachmann speak. here's the sad part: there are some laonok and hmong nuts out there who believe in this crap and maybe some taidum too.

anyways, if rapture comes let's say 2020 i'll be ready with my two cases of beer and my old hmong musket tucked on my back and ready to get a ride to hell and singing
you know why i don't want to go to heaven? don't want to meet michele bachmann there.

it used to be that the GOP was good at weeding out these lunatics from ever reaching the US congress but the past 15 years it's been something else.
Her Lao
2015-04-22 00:36:13 UTC
Psychologically provable cookoos like Bachmann, we don't worry about.

It is the "respectable" men and women, some with "PhD in deep learning, scholarly subjects" who stand there and read from AND AGREE WITH books based on, LITERALLY, Stone, Iron, and Bronze age-derived, Middle Eastern CHILDREN'S FAIRY TALES... it's those that we should really worry about... because they get to decide what laws are passed, or not passed, for humanity...

And I don't say Stone, Iron, and Bronze age just to be derisive of these Abrahamic tribes; THE STORIES of CREATION of and by Jews, Christians, and Muslims ARE BASED on ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian lore, folklore, and fairy tales FROM the Stone Age... retold and polished during the Iron and Bronze ages, WHEN writing was INVENTED by these tribes like the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Mesopotamians... from central to southern Iraq.

Of course, Iraq was back then known differently... I don't even know how far back terms like "Sumerian," "Babylonian," or "Mesopotamian" go... but what is important is that these THREE TRIBES were among the first, IF NOT THE FIRST (and records tentatively indicate they were the first), TO INVENT READING AND WRITING...

There ARE RECORDS, from just a few hundred years after the existence of ABRAM, or "Abraham" --- people always make names closest to how they'd call each other within their tribe: so modern Jews tweaked the Sumerian-Mesopotamian-Babylonian figure named "Abram" to be more like MODERN Jewish and Islamic name "Abraham" ---- that he ORIGINALLY CAME FROM CENTRAL TO SOUTHERN IRAQ... and he MOVED to what's today called LEBANON or somewhere around there, INVADING the lands already occupied by OTHER TRIBES there....

His reason? Naturally, God/Allah, TOLD HIM this land he was invading and taking from others WERE GIVEN TO HIM by the Lord Creator he himself!

This is usually how these TRIBAL SHIT starts: they always claim some Man from Beyond the Cloud gave them this or that REAL ESTATE.

I've spent my whole life reading about, observing, and studying the NAKED APE and I can testify, despite his decently intelligent brain, this NAKE APE is one fuckin' tribal ape.... not so very different from his LESSER intelligent ape relatives like the Chimps, Bonobos, Orangutans, Gorillas, etc.
Her Lao
2015-04-22 00:47:47 UTC
And when I used the word "shit," I meant it seriously.

You see that from around the middle of 300AD, when the first Roman Emperor WAS CONVERTED ---- by this previously-taken-as-sectarian group, THE CHRISTIANS ---- all the way to the time they BURNT the teacher and monk Giordano Bruno, in Rome, in the year of the Lord, 1600 (which in the Buddhist Calendar was the year of the Lord Buddha, 2144; and it was in the year 6350, in ancient Assyrian years... you see that Christians RAPED, PILLAGED, BURNT, AND TORTURED, literally not figuratively, around the world but MOSTLY butching one another, since each group is always saying THEY WERE THE REAL ONES, etc.

Look at the primitive behavior of Muslims in the Middle East today: same shit. Each group is saying WE ARE THE REAL ONES; all other Muslims are fake ones. If they don't do as we say, Allah and Mohammed prescribe the WAYS in which they could be, justifiably, put to death!

They have NO SENSE of time, modernity, modern laws and the evolution of ideas, ancient and medieval eras and behaviors, etc.

For these Muslims --- and for close to 2,000 years, with Christians, and how they say things should be done like Jesus and Noah and Moses and Abraham would have done ---- they say THINGS HAD TO BE DONE LIKE WHAT MOHAMMED DID (or would have done) during the 7th century, no ifs, buts, or what's about it!

That, they all it HOLY and DIVINE ideas, laws, and life styles... of course!

I don't know y'all, but some of us call such primitive behaviors and views of the world STONE, IRON, AND BRONZE AGE vies and behaviors...
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-04-22 00:45:15 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Comrade KC has sold his 5,000-acre Corn Plantation, in Iowa, and I have cashed out my last $250 savings from the Bank of Minnesota!
We are reading for Jesus triumphant SECOND RETURN ... to get all of us Jesus Lovers and Second Amendment Gun Lovers... to Heaven and Paradise... so we could be a eternally blissful LIFE with all the dead Christian Saints and dead Islamic Martyrs of the last 1,500 to 2,000 years!
I feel bad, at these moments, for the stupid Animists, Buddhists, Eskimos, mentally sick Librals, Feminazis, FAKE MUSLIMS, FAKE CHRISTIANS, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Vikings, Vandals, Slavs, Japanese, Hindus, Khmers, Mesopotamians, Romans, Athenians, Eyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Australian Aborigines, Native Americans of the northern continent,..., and all other schmucks who NEVER KNEW Jesus!
But don't worry... the Lords of the Under world, Satan and his twin, Lucifer, I have heard, have been busy, these last 2,000 years, EXPANDING Hell... so it would accommodate all you heathens!
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-04-22 16:15:02 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Comrade KC has sold his 5,000-acre Corn Plantation, in Iowa, and I have cashed out my last $250 savings from the Bank of Minnesota!
We are reading for Jesus triumphant SECOND RETURN ... to get all of us Jesus Lovers and Second Amendment Gun Lovers... to Heaven and Paradise... so we could be a eternally blissful LIFE with all the dead Christian Saints and dead Islamic Martyrs of the last 1,500 to 2,000 years!
I feel bad, at these moments, for the stupid Animists, Buddhists, Eskimos, mentally sick Librals, Feminazis, FAKE MUSLIMS, FAKE CHRISTIANS, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Vikings, Vandals, Slavs, Japanese, Hindus, Khmers, Mesopotamians, Romans, Athenians, Eyptians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Australian Aborigines, Native Americans of the northern continent,..., and all other schmucks who NEVER KNEW Jesus!
But don't worry... the Lords of the Under world, Satan and his twin, Lucifer, I have heard, have been busy, these last 2,000 years, EXPANDING Hell... so it would accommodate all you heathens!
don't worry if thing get too messy on earth GOD will recycle earth into dust and RECREATE A FRESH NEW EARTH FROM STEP ZERO. I'M GOING FISHING AT OTV AS USUAL AS LONG AS GOD HAS NOT RECYCLE EARTH YET.