Laoxit next?
(too old to reply)
2016-06-24 23:35:29 UTC
Congrats to those Brits who voted to exit EU. Glad to see people who are determined to be on their own terms.

On the other hand, why the heck Laos wanted to be part of ASEAN?

Laoxit should be on the agenda now. Before Lao people become slave in their own country, do it. Do like what the Swiss do, and now the Brits!
2016-06-27 17:26:19 UTC
and scotland is seriously thinking about breaking away from the UK. and them texans?
Her Lao
2016-07-03 11:15:08 UTC
and scotland is seriously thinking about breaking away from the UK. and them texans?

This is what happens, when you fantasize being island onto yourself... that you could easily do business with anyone and large blocks, or united nations, could go fuck themselves...

The "fabulously wealthy" Swiss could soon be eating mostly potatoes, if the EU folks decided to isolate them, kick them out of the "one-market" the Swiss have been enjoying for years.

Britain will soon be no more than slightly half her current size, since Scotland is LIKELY to part company with her... and Northern Ireland may even split, too....

Scotland, as noted, voted heavily to stay with the EU, so there is no way the citizens === who ALMOST but not quite split from Britain two years ago === would stay with Britain now, that the ELDERLY Britons have voted to leave the EU, most MOST young Britons (the future) and most of Scotland and most of Northern Ireland, and most of LONDONERS, who are among the best educated... since London is the capital of European finances....

If Scotland and Northern Ireland split, you have basically just Wales and England... or just slightly over HALF of what "Britain" is now....

And as these MOSTLY elderly Brits === who are very much like Donald J. Trump's most ardent Con Republican supporters === get older and more senile, with a need for young workers and care-takers increasing, they WILL FIND that they don't have the workers for such needs... since many young Britons themselves, as well as Scotland and Northern Ireland will have been gone from England's grasp, too.

Again, look at the "fabulously wealthy" Swiss before you celebrate "independence" from those terrible elected EU folks.

Her Lao
2016-07-03 11:25:52 UTC
and scotland is seriously thinking about breaking away from the UK. and them texans?

This is what happens, when you fantasize being island onto yourself... that you could easily do business with anyone and large blocks, or united nations, could go fuck themselves...

The "fabulously wealthy" Swiss could soon be eating mostly potatoes, if the EU folks decided to isolate them, kick them out of the "one-market" the Swiss have been enjoying for years.

Britain will soon be no more than slightly half her current size, since Scotland is LIKELY to part company with her... and Northern Ireland may even split, too....

Scotland, as noted, voted heavily to stay with the EU, so there is no way the citizens === who ALMOST but not quite split from Britain two years ago === would stay with Britain now, that the ELDERLY Britons have voted to leave the EU, most MOST young Britons (the future) and most of Scotland and most of Northern Ireland, and most of LONDONERS, who are among the best educated... since London is the capital of European finances....

If Scotland and Northern Ireland split, you have basically just Wales and England... or just slightly over HALF of what "Britain" is now....

And as these MOSTLY elderly Brits === who are very much like Donald J. Trump's most ardent Con Republican supporters === get older and more senile, with a need for young workers and care-takers increasing, they WILL FIND that they don't have the workers for such needs... since many young Britons themselves, as well as Scotland and Northern Ireland will have been gone from England's grasp, too.

Again, look at the "fabulously wealthy" Swiss before you celebrate "independence" from those terrible elected EU folks.


BTW, the ASEAN is really no more than a joke, as compared to the one-market machination of the EU, "dysfunctional" as some may bitch about it.

The ASEAN, as I said before, really is nothing more than a loose association with EXACTLY NO TEETH or IDEALS of any kind... other than just so the ruling elites could entertain each other a few times here and there...

It is completely a farce of an association, nothing remotely approaching the more idealistic Europeans... where issues, both complex and easy, science and humanitarian, etc., are DISTRIBUTED so all members shoulder some shares....

The ASEAN group, on the other hand, aspire to EXACTLY NOTHING more than neighboring countries promising "not to attack each other." Just one step away from behaving savagely willy-nilly, in other words. And THAT is hardly an idealized cooperation aiming for some heights of some human kind, in large and LARGELY FREE associations of nation states...
Her Lao
2016-07-03 14:39:33 UTC
As you could see in the truncated reading below, this is not Laos leaving the ASEAN, which has absolutely nothing worthy of the intelligence, aspirations, or visions of the people of SE Asia. ASEAN is just a loosely collection of extremely different countries EACH saying, more or less, We butcher our own and you yours, and no one has the right to tell anyone what to do or not to do.

THAT is no organization or association of any kind.

Remember, the POINT to ORGANIZING any group or association that is larger than the individual and family unit === be it a community, a city state, a nation, or a collection of many nations === is to distribute and re-distribute resources, responsibility, ideas.... the bad and the good... so that even the weakest can still enjoy life and living while the richest and most powerful can't just take what they want...

The Swiss will see soon how "independent" they really are... when over 60% of their livelihood, in actuality, is trading with the EU people and nation.

And then those elderly English men and women will find out afterward, as to how tough it is to make yourself "independent" from the EU === a market of around 500M people/consumers === when they DON'T NEED YOU, just one nation of less than 50M, when all is said and done, in the next 2-5 years...in order to prosper but YOU NEED THEM in order to prosper...

Both Paris and Berlin would like to get a good chunk of those international banks from London, and they will play hard ball: that Britain CAN'T make demands on enjoying the EU as a single markets for its products but NOT get dictated to in terms of immigration, etc.

Of course, there are Russia and China for trading partners! Britain don't need the stupid, dictatorial EU! LOL


LONDON, July 1 A week after Britons voted themselves out of the European Union, many London-based bankers and their employers face two options if they are to secure their futures: lobby or leave.

Some investment banks, anxious not to stir speculation of an exodus from the historic City of London and its modern counterpart at Canary Wharf, have given out "business as usual" messages since last week's shock referendum result.

But beyond the soothing words the wider industry is hastily organising a lobbying effort in the hope London can keep selling financial services across Europe, a right to which it has become accustomed but may lapse when Britain finally exits the 28-nation bloc.

The alternative for banks and bankers, growing increasingly insecure in an information vacuum that has developed since the June 23 vote, is to get out. Headhunters report a level of anxious calls they haven't seen since the 2008 global crisis, with bankers asking about prospects in rival financial centres that remain in the EU, or those in Asia and the United States.

Banks and other financial firms have rallied together, forming a group to devise a strategy for protecting the turf of an industry that is Britain's biggest exporter and accounts for more than 10 percent of its tax revenues.

Even Britain's biggest lenders are relying on the group - led by Shriti Vadera, chairwoman of the UK arm of Spain's Banco Santander who is also a former business minister - for guidance in such uncertain times.

"We are looking to them to have an intelligent response," Barclays chairman John McFarlane told an industry event on Thursday. "We neither know the shape or direction of things to come. It's far from certain what we might be able to secure from discussions with the EU."

With the British government in disarray, European politicians are threatening to clip the wings of the London financial centre that is home to more than 250 foreign banks and more than three-quarters of the EU's capital markets activity.

French President Francois Hollande has backed calls for London, the world's biggest currency trading centre, to lose its right to clear deals denominated in euros. Likewise, the right of banks based in Britain to operate across the EU under the bloc's financial "passporting" arrangement could also go if it loses access to the single European market.
Her Lao
2016-07-06 03:29:11 UTC

Won't be surprised if the pound comes down to be on a par with the US dollar, on a one to one basis in value... and that would be close to a 30% or so drop in value in 6 months... that'd make the pound in a good competition with the Russian rubble for devaluation...

And whereas the Russians have no problem eating potatoes, so their emperor for life Putin could compete against NATO and the US for military build up (with Russia's economy being just slightly more than HALF the economy of the state of California)...and they are more used to hardships.... for those elderly Brits who voted to leave the EU and its 500M markets... soon, they could join Russians in eating mostly potatoes... since for the next two years MARKET UNCERTAINTY would make companies and institutions LESS willing to bring jobs INTO Britain... in fact, many will exit London to set up in Berlin and Paris...

Elderly Brits might have a really tough time ahead, the next two... becaues the EU will play hardball: as both Merkel and Hollande said, no free migrants moving around, no single market access to Britain...

So, if those elderly Brits thought they would have a better and more prosperous future, because leaving the EU give them more freedom, they are dreaming... like Trumps GREAT SOUTHERN WALL in the US.
Her Lao
2016-07-06 03:38:12 UTC
Talking about Russians eating potatoes... it's serious... when you are beginning to exhaust your foreign funds... in the tens of billions... it's serious business.

Can't just "print money," either, since tons of rubles would make them worth next to nothing...

Putin and the Russians are basically just crossing their fingers hoping that oil will go back up to the 70-90 range within the next 2-3 years...

And, talking about oil, the USA is now estimated to have more oil reserves than both Russia and Saudi Arabia... so we aren't in a hurry to start importing oil, either, despite people's tank cars...
Her Lao
2016-07-06 03:42:29 UTC
Talking about Russians eating potatoes... it's serious... when you are beginning to exhaust your foreign funds... in the tens of billions... it's serious business.

Can't just "print money," either, since tons of rubles would make them worth next to nothing...

Putin and the Russians are basically just crossing their fingers hoping that oil will go back up to the 70-90 range within the next 2-3 years...

And, talking about oil, the USA is now estimated to have more oil reserves than both Russia and Saudi Arabia... so we aren't in a hurry to start importing oil, either, despite people's tank-like cars...

2016-06-29 22:04:40 UTC
Post by ຜີ
Congrats to those Brits who voted to exit EU. Glad to see people who are determined to be on their own terms.
On the other hand, why the heck Laos wanted to be part of ASEAN?
Laoxit should be on the agenda now. Before Lao people become slave in their own country, do it. Do like what the Swiss do, and now the Brits!
Over there they have democracy, but in laos the guns are always on top of the lao people's heads, so how can they react.