(too old to reply)
2015-09-09 18:09:36 UTC

one's gotta love this guy. even when it's proven that he and the neocons were wrong about iraq and iran, he still thinks he's right. what the hell...
Her Lao
2015-09-09 22:07:27 UTC
one's gotta love this guy. even when it's proven that he and the neocons were wrong about iraq and iran, he still thinks he's right. what the hell...
I'm sure you've heard of my favorite science fiction term, ALTERNATE REALITY?

That's what it is. These Christian cons operate on an alternate-reality basis.

And that's not being silly or insulting.

For example, when you point it out the world was not created some 6-10,000 years ago, as many READILY ACCEPTED "bible scholars" estimated (pulled out of their asses, basically), they just shrug their shoulders and say something almost inaudible like, "Well, that's our HOLY BOOK says. Who are you to question GOD, who created the world?"

Obviously, the VATICAN, being the most well funded, tax-free religious institution in the world --- after having taken and stolen from every corner of the world for close to 2,000 years --- employs many brilliant scientists like mathematicians, astronomers, etc. and THOSE PEOPLE know Christians and, in particular, the most conservative Christians are just illiterate morons... but they don't and can't tell the masses what to think. Besides, the MONEY the VATICAN gets, in the hundreds of millions a year, tax-free, are from the moronic masses...

Or --- and this is what I love the most about Christian morons --- when you tell them, no, when you CONTRADICT them on CHRISTIANS being either part of whole, when it comes to WESTERN CIVILIZATION.... by saying, ah, no, WESTERN CIVILIZATION was founded by two groups of southern European, the ROMANS and ATHENIANS and NEITHER was Christianity since both pre-dated Christianity, these alternate-reality-based Christian folks get all upset, calling you a LIAR who doesn't know history "as the Bible says"...

That's what being INDOCTRINATED in ALTERNATE-REALITY would do to the human brain: you just disregard reality and see and hear and say whatever you feel like, EVEN when it clearly contradicts reality (based on a compilation of STRONGE evidence based on statistics, pictures, reports, computer modeling, eye-witness accounts, studies, etc).... even when it contradicts history, or even when it contradicts OTHER people's sense of history and reality...

Cons didn't give a fuck about reality. It's what THEY BELIEVE IN, IDEOLOGICALLY, based on holy and/or divine books and doctrines, of the world, that matters...
2015-09-12 21:28:22 UTC
this post has nothing to do with DARTH VADER but then...


here's the beef that i have with dogs or any other pet. i commend people who can take care of pet but not me. my way of thinking is that if i can't even take care of myself properly then how can i take care of animals?

now on dogs and especially pit bulls: what is the reason to raise vicious animals that can attack and maim humans?