2015-06-15 19:07:33 UTC
I got a message from an acquaintance announcing the passing away of Houmphanh Thongvilu in Melbourne Australia.
As some of you may know, HT was one of the earliest SCL members dating back to the summer of 1994 when the internet started to bubble and we were all younger. He may have been of the SCL founders along with Troy, DrPao and others.
I don't have the full detail of his passing away. I met him a couple of times over the years the last time about four years ago back in the old muonglao. we had dinner by the mekong river bank close to the old lanxang hotel and shared a few tid-bits from the old days and drove around town in his landrover until the early morning light. he spoke of challenges in doing business in laos and his hope and concern for the future of muonglao.
so RIP and my condolences to his family.!searchin/soc.culture.laos/houmphanh$20thongvilu/soc.culture.laos/9o5RUyYSyoo/J38reO21pMEJ
As some of you may know, HT was one of the earliest SCL members dating back to the summer of 1994 when the internet started to bubble and we were all younger. He may have been of the SCL founders along with Troy, DrPao and others.
I don't have the full detail of his passing away. I met him a couple of times over the years the last time about four years ago back in the old muonglao. we had dinner by the mekong river bank close to the old lanxang hotel and shared a few tid-bits from the old days and drove around town in his landrover until the early morning light. he spoke of challenges in doing business in laos and his hope and concern for the future of muonglao.
so RIP and my condolences to his family.!searchin/soc.culture.laos/houmphanh$20thongvilu/soc.culture.laos/9o5RUyYSyoo/J38reO21pMEJ