Her Lao
2014-09-11 19:42:59 UTC
Systems of thoughts, and applications, are good or sufficient NOT because someone very powerful or some very important or well connected institution DECLARED and DECREED that "it is so, because we say so."
In humans pursuits in the arts and sciences and in jurisprudence and in economic and in political institutions and governance, IDEAS and INSTITUTIONS and STRUCTURES are good ONLY BECAUSE OF TRIAL AND ERROR and refining acts, so ever slightly tweaked to the left, so ever slightly tweaked to the right, and so on... until THE PEOPLE, in different groups, can't really make OTHERS bow to them but instead are willing to come to some consensus as to what MIGHT BE WORKING BETTER, under both local and international climates and environments...
Pointing to autocratic governments like CHINA and say, "If they are so bad, why are they the number #2 largest economy in the world" is the tactics of ignorance and ignorant.
China has close to 1.5 BILLION people, and its over-all economy is just slightly ahead of JAPAN, with around 130M people.
Furthermore, the PER CAPITA INCOME of the Chinese WILL LIKELY NEVER go up to be around those of Sweden, Norway, Japan, America, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, etc.
Whether the OVER-ALL ECONOMIC RANKING of China is #3, #2, or #1 --- over taking America, with 335M people --- China and the Chinese will LIKELY NEVER enjoy a per capita income of $40,000 to $60,000 a year... It may double or triple from what it is now, around $4,000 or so... but never 10 times...
Point is, the "Chinese Communist Model" is NOT the model EITHER Chinese, if they had a choice, OR other nations and people would emulate, voluntarily, or want to emulate, out of necessity.
The top-down, strict, autocratic system of governance merely keeps the people subservient, scared, conforming, and quiet; it does not and cannot engender or nurture the kind of free thinking and beliefs and activities that perpetually push people, ideas, and institutions to depths and heights like it is the case in more open, freer, and less restricted societies...
Systems of thoughts, and applications, are good or sufficient NOT because someone very powerful or some very important or well connected institution DECLARED and DECREED that "it is so, because we say so."
In humans pursuits in the arts and sciences and in jurisprudence and in economic and in political institutions and governance, IDEAS and INSTITUTIONS and STRUCTURES are good ONLY BECAUSE OF TRIAL AND ERROR and refining acts, so ever slightly tweaked to the left, so ever slightly tweaked to the right, and so on... until THE PEOPLE, in different groups, can't really make OTHERS bow to them but instead are willing to come to some consensus as to what MIGHT BE WORKING BETTER, under both local and international climates and environments...
Pointing to autocratic governments like CHINA and say, "If they are so bad, why are they the number #2 largest economy in the world" is the tactics of ignorance and ignorant.
China has close to 1.5 BILLION people, and its over-all economy is just slightly ahead of JAPAN, with around 130M people.
Furthermore, the PER CAPITA INCOME of the Chinese WILL LIKELY NEVER go up to be around those of Sweden, Norway, Japan, America, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, etc.
Whether the OVER-ALL ECONOMIC RANKING of China is #3, #2, or #1 --- over taking America, with 335M people --- China and the Chinese will LIKELY NEVER enjoy a per capita income of $40,000 to $60,000 a year... It may double or triple from what it is now, around $4,000 or so... but never 10 times...
Point is, the "Chinese Communist Model" is NOT the model EITHER Chinese, if they had a choice, OR other nations and people would emulate, voluntarily, or want to emulate, out of necessity.
The top-down, strict, autocratic system of governance merely keeps the people subservient, scared, conforming, and quiet; it does not and cannot engender or nurture the kind of free thinking and beliefs and activities that perpetually push people, ideas, and institutions to depths and heights like it is the case in more open, freer, and less restricted societies...