A Brief Look at the "Nordic Model" of Political Economy
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Her Lao
2014-09-11 19:42:59 UTC

Systems of thoughts, and applications, are good or sufficient NOT because someone very powerful or some very important or well connected institution DECLARED and DECREED that "it is so, because we say so."


In humans pursuits in the arts and sciences and in jurisprudence and in economic and in political institutions and governance, IDEAS and INSTITUTIONS and STRUCTURES are good ONLY BECAUSE OF TRIAL AND ERROR and refining acts, so ever slightly tweaked to the left, so ever slightly tweaked to the right, and so on... until THE PEOPLE, in different groups, can't really make OTHERS bow to them but instead are willing to come to some consensus as to what MIGHT BE WORKING BETTER, under both local and international climates and environments...

Pointing to autocratic governments like CHINA and say, "If they are so bad, why are they the number #2 largest economy in the world" is the tactics of ignorance and ignorant.

China has close to 1.5 BILLION people, and its over-all economy is just slightly ahead of JAPAN, with around 130M people.

Furthermore, the PER CAPITA INCOME of the Chinese WILL LIKELY NEVER go up to be around those of Sweden, Norway, Japan, America, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, etc.

Whether the OVER-ALL ECONOMIC RANKING of China is #3, #2, or #1 --- over taking America, with 335M people --- China and the Chinese will LIKELY NEVER enjoy a per capita income of $40,000 to $60,000 a year... It may double or triple from what it is now, around $4,000 or so... but never 10 times...

Point is, the "Chinese Communist Model" is NOT the model EITHER Chinese, if they had a choice, OR other nations and people would emulate, voluntarily, or want to emulate, out of necessity.

The top-down, strict, autocratic system of governance merely keeps the people subservient, scared, conforming, and quiet; it does not and cannot engender or nurture the kind of free thinking and beliefs and activities that perpetually push people, ideas, and institutions to depths and heights like it is the case in more open, freer, and less restricted societies...
Her Lao
2014-09-11 21:38:40 UTC
And here's another ruling system, where criticizing the "correct leadership" gets you charged, from "sorcery" and witch-craft, to plot against the state & terrorism, all which, this 7th century wannabe Saudi Arabia autocratic state says, deserving beheading punishment!


Note: the Qataris, Saudis, and AUE folks have the highest PER CAPITA INCOMES; but their incomes are NOT self-earned from building machines, coming up with engineering feats and applications that OTHER PEOPLE WANT, etc.

Their extremely high per capita incomes are from allowing other advanced, western societies to come in to dig up and to ship away the FOSSILS found under the Arabian Peninsula... and for that, each year, TRILLIONS of dollars and euros are shipped in and flown in, and that money is distributed to the few hundreds of thousands, to a few millions, of citizens of those countries....

So, they have NO inclinations to seek knowledge or progress or enlightenment when it comes to political, economic, educational, civic, and legal reformations....

They just BUY whatever they need, from food to slave labor, to technologies and fighter jets and luxury cars, etc., as well as import virtually all of the materials and personnel needed to maintain their road and building infrastructures, hospitals, schools, etc.
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-09-12 14:04:44 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Systems of thoughts, and applications, are good or sufficient NOT because someone very powerful or some very important or well connected institution DECLARED and DECREED that "it is so, because we say so."
In humans pursuits in the arts and sciences and in jurisprudence and in economic and in political institutions and governance, IDEAS and INSTITUTIONS and STRUCTURES are good ONLY BECAUSE OF TRIAL AND ERROR and refining acts, so ever slightly tweaked to the left, so ever slightly tweaked to the right, and so on... until THE PEOPLE, in different groups, can't really make OTHERS bow to them but instead are willing to come to some consensus as to what MIGHT BE WORKING BETTER, under both local and international climates and environments...
Pointing to autocratic governments like CHINA and say, "If they are so bad, why are they the number #2 largest economy in the world" is the tactics of ignorance and ignorant.
China has close to 1.5 BILLION people, and its over-all economy is just slightly ahead of JAPAN, with around 130M people.
Furthermore, the PER CAPITA INCOME of the Chinese WILL LIKELY NEVER go up to be around those of Sweden, Norway, Japan, America, France, England, Switzerland, Germany, etc.
Whether the OVER-ALL ECONOMIC RANKING of China is #3, #2, or #1 --- over taking America, with 335M people --- China and the Chinese will LIKELY NEVER enjoy a per capita income of $40,000 to $60,000 a year... It may double or triple from what it is now, around $4,000 or so... but never 10 times...
Point is, the "Chinese Communist Model" is NOT the model EITHER Chinese, if they had a choice, OR other nations and people would emulate, voluntarily, or want to emulate, out of necessity.
The top-down, strict, autocratic system of governance merely keeps the people subservient, scared, conforming, and quiet; it does not and cannot engender or nurture the kind of free thinking and beliefs and activities that perpetually push people, ideas, and institutions to depths and heights like it is the case in more open, freer, and less restricted societies...
CHINESE may has 10X lower income per capita BUT it also has over 10Xto boss itbcitizen as it sees fit ITis a trade for order and command VS INCOMEandcitin PROTESTand BAD MOTHabout GOV' actions
Her Lao
2014-09-13 22:10:12 UTC


Notice how ADVANCED countries conduce their affairs, from politics to education to jurisprudence to economics, etc.

They have a whole bunch of empty suits and talking heads lining to TRY THEIR HANDS at ruling.

They PRETEND to beg for your vote: "Please, vote for me. You CAN and you SHOULD vote my ass out of office, if I don't or can't do as I promise you, HERE AND NOW..."

You pick one and if you are stupid and naïve enough to pick a smooth snake oil sales person, YOU LEARN FROM IT AND TRY TO PICK ANOTHER, after the first one's term runs out.

THAT'S HOW THINGS WORK in practically ALL CIVILIZED, freer, better, and more advanced societies of different groups, different people, with different ideas....

But you notice that in PRIMITIVE, BACKWARD, AND TOTALITARIAN SOCIETIES things work rather very differently:

ONE MAN, or ONE IDEOLOGY, is trusted upon the masses ---- a scared, submissive, subservient, I-do-as-I-am-Told-'Cuz-I-don't-Want-No-Trouble masses --- and THE MAN or IDEOLOGY (those spewing that ideology) simply declares:

"I am, we are, the CORRECT LEADERSHIP, the best, wisest, most loving, gentle and benevolent RULER and SERVANT you will have.

"If you don't like me, if you don't like us, with lots of trinkets and decorations hanging from our expensive suits, hats, and dresses.... when I am so good... when we are so good, so fair, so nice, so smart, AND SO TOLERANT OF YOU AND OTHER SUBMISSIVE CITIZENS... you can either SHUT THE FUCK UP or take a fuckin' hike, 'cuz me and my team, we ain't gonna stand any loud-mouth, bad-mouth idiots who DARES TO CHALLENGE our correct leadership!

"And if you stupid little citizens dare to call us, call me, any untrue, ugly, or vulgar names, you WILL PAY FOR IT with long imprisonment or your very own worthless life, y'hear?"


You see the DIFFERENCES in the various societies?

In advanced and mature societies, THOSE WHO ASPIRE to be leaders... they can actually PRETEND, at the very least, to be able to be SHAMED, when they do shameful and/or illegal things.

Not so in totalitarian, autocratic, primitive, and/or highly religious societies, like most of those in Africa and Asia.

In these less tolerant, less developed, and more primitive & more totalitarian societies, not only leaders don't and can't feel shame, they don't think they are capable of being shameful, being wrong, being bad, acting illegal, or being empty-headed ineffective leaders, either. Leaders of less advanced, more primitive, and more totalitarian societies, AGAIN, think they are THE BEST! Just the best...

"Otherwise, how is that we are put in charge as the CORRECT LEADERS and CORRECT LEADERSHIP? You people who are always criticizing us, saying stupid and false things about us... you're just JEALOUS and stupid!"

You see HOW advanced societies AND THEIR PEOPLE think & work (in the various fields of humans endeavors)..... in juxtaposition & in contrast with HOW less tolerant, more primitive and backward and totalitarian societies and people think and work and see the world?