On Thursday, September 11, 2014 11:40:15 PM UTC-5, Her Lao wrote:
Sorry.... I meant "Guns and the Einstein's who love them."
Tragic as this case has been, I actually giggled, when some reporters asked the militia-survivalist police murderer's SISTER --- she was angry because she and some neighbors were not allowed to enter their homes, due to the police cordoning for searching purposes, of the neighborhood --- and she actually said, after some reluctance:
"Okay, my brother shot some police... but it's not like he is a psycho or somethin'..."
This is what happens, when you grow up in a gun-running-rampant culture, where shooting people is almost like just practicing at the shooting range:
"It's not like the sky is falling, y'know?.... My boyfriend was just shootin' at some crazy police man who stupidly draws his gun on my boyfriend, WHO, BY THE WAY, is a law abiding man, with no serious crimes other than a few MINOR gun related problems, because the police ACCUSED him of not having license..."
Of course, what really makes me giggle out loud is the deep thinkers counter-arguments against LAWS that DON'T BAN GUNS BUT SIMPLY ALLOWS BACKGROUND CHECKS AND SOME WAITING PERIODS before the delivery of AK47s, modified M16s, and other even more powerful guns:
"Why not also ban KNIVES and CARS, too, while you stupid Librals are at it? Because, y'know, knives and cars kill more people each year."
Of course, I never use knives to cut meat, vegies, or any thing, except my fingers and teeth, so banning the very dangerous knives people have in their homes is also very logical to me, if gun lovers must be deprived of their "law abiding citizen" guns.
I've not been driving for some years now, too, so I guess banning all cars is just hungy-dory for me, too!
I am okay with all of us --- including ISIS folks who yearn to return to live like Holy and wing-horsed man Mohammed, the Creator of the Universe's ONLY HOLY PROPHET, lived in the SEVENTH CENTURY --- NOT having knives, guns, or cell phones. The Internet, too, should probably be banned, since it likely kills more people than guns, to use the deep gun-doesn't-kill argument...
No guns
No knives
No crayons (which could kill, if you shoved them into someone mouth or nose)
No Internet