(too old to reply)
2015-01-15 04:31:50 UTC

ok so this DIMON guy at JP MORGAN CHASE has been saying that banks and wall street are under assault from regulators, five or six of them sometimes and that makes it very complicated for him.

what the fuck! what about when we had to bail you out? was that too complex too?
Her Lao
2015-01-16 21:38:49 UTC
ok so this DIMON guy at JP MORGAN CHASE has been saying that banks and wall street are under assault from regulators, five or six of them sometimes and that makes it very complicated for him.
what the fuck! what about when we had to bail you out? was that too complex too?

I don't know about your poor people, but us super rich people... if SOME stupid politicians like the Messiah and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the fake Native American from Harvard... if they try to do anything to ALTER the course of these graphs and charts, if the try to ILLEGALY AND SOCIALISTICALLY RE-DISTRIBUTE OUR WEALTH... sticking it to us super rich job creators... it's an assault on Democracy, the Free Market (where we have the right to BUY and OWN politicians, if we pay enough bribes, sorry, fees!), it is an assault on Western Civilization!





Please, be advise, for the less educated and more gullible readers: these charts above here are compiled by crazy Left wing, secular & socialist socalled scientists and statisticians.

If you go to website of real smart people, who use holy and divine knowledge, like those at FOX NEWS, they not only have different charts but also different explanations, real explanations, as to why and how the richest people earn the most: Because they are the most deserving, and most intelligent working people, and God rewards their intelligence with piles and piles of cash, so they could donate to charities as well as create jobs for the poor...
2015-01-18 16:33:22 UTC

finally, the socialist muslim obama has the balls to raise taxes on the one-percenters with zero chance to pass both houses in the US congress.

i see it as a political move for 2016. if the discontent with the 1% is still high then it will put any US congressman who votes no on this proposal in hot seat
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