"Vanh" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com
Lao's underdevelopment tend to be often oversimplified by many even
this forum or as a simple trend of laziness. Well if laziness is the
only cause, nothing should be of great concern, because laziness can be
just temporary exertion and curable by the right environment of social
competitiveness as for any individual once this one has to struggle for
his/her own survival, people become less lazy. Unfortunatly whoever is
*** "Bo phene Ngang" is NOT even a serious thing; indeed, the attitude
PERTAINS to mostly individual and inter-personal DISPLAY of
FORGIVENESS even when egregiously wronged by others; this, in
fact, is one of the most endearing features about HOMO SAPIENS,
that is, endearing that despite the chaos, the violence, the greed, the
deceit, the dog-eat-dog attitudes, beliefs, and practices of MUCH of
mankind ----- that this FORGIVING trait/nature/charateristic is still
MUCH a part of SOME people, is still "alive" in some people,,, It is,
THEREFORE, a "strength," NOT a weakness,,, in the larger scheme of
*** To me, one who fancies himself as a keen observer of mankind,
I am very happy that people, groups of people, like the LAOTIANS
still have this FORGIVING nature being a truly and daily belief and
practice of theirs,,,, IN LAOS and perhaps in other places, too,
the Laotians or their descendants may find themselves to be.
*** "Bo phene ngang," therefore, again, IS NOT a negative or even a
hindering thing or "attitude" or trait to have and to perpetuate, that
as a SOCIAL and/or interpersonal display (that is, this ability to
the other cheek even in the face of destruction and deep pain; and
to smile and be civil as as one is spitted at, taunted, or abused by
brutes and the much more violent people),,,,,
*** What concerns me, as an insignificant whose start in life, whose
first breaths were nurtured by the winds, rains, storms, sun, moon,
rivers, mountains, cities, villages, and colorful people of LAOS ----
someone who has wandered off to the fringes of that land of
"Lang-Xang" for many life times now, it seems ---- what concerns
me THE MOST is the righteous attitude, the FALSE beliefs of those
who have made their way to the TOP of LAOS ruling structures,,,
who, though shit, eat, dream, swear, spit, have sex, sleep, cry, love
and hate JUST EXACTLY like all others HUMAN BEINGS (but
especially like their very affluent counter parts in the WEST, in the
developed world, who become rulers only in LIMITED time frames
and can not make too many PERMANENT or deep impact DECREES
and "laws", who did NOT make CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES and
do it easily TO PROTECT themselves and their ideologies and
political parties [you, of course see so-called Conservatives and
their bible-thumbing friends LIKE to "re-take" America and TAKE
HERE BACK to a TIME in the past their thought glorious ---- before
the advent of LIBERALISM and Homosexuality/Lesbianism,
"multi-culturism," etc.],,,,,,,,,
,,,,,, what really concerns me is that these Laotian leaders, most of
who have LIMITED formal education (and even if their tutees have
more, people like Thanouxay and those in the 30's, 40's, and 50's
who are "moving up" the ladder of political imports),,,,, who have
very narrow view of the world, of BROAD and sound thoughts on
BROAD subjects like history, jurisprudence, political governance,
education, scientific inquiries, etc., etc. ------ THEY get to DECIDE
what's right, what's wrong, what's allowed, what's not allowed, what
THE PEOPLE want or do not want --------- what the PEOPLE are
allowed to THINK or not to think,,,, and they THEN make, through
the passage of AD HOC, quid pro quo laws,,,,, ENGENDER and
"nurture" such a pessimistc, negative, ISOLATED, arbitrary, and
constrained sets of beliefs, practices, and norms that, OVER TIME,
they breed mediocrity, foolishness, unsound thinking and planning,
"correct" ideologies, etc., etc. into the people --------- they not only
to "decide" those thoughts ,, BUT they also get to STAMP those
"correct" thoughts into a NATION'S CONSTITUTION and say that
"the People" have "SPOKEN" and that THAT'S what "the People"
want",,,,,,, "worries" me,,,, if any thing,,,,
*** This mentality of small-time leaders, with very NARROW and
LOCALIZED visions (but who DECREE that those visions of
theirs, those thoughts of theirs,,, they ARE really the broadest
and most sound, most efficacious thoughts),,, who are making
"laws" for LOCAL people, in "local ways",,,, BUT, who, INDREICTLY,
keep arguing if the LOCAL folks follow these "rules" and "laws"
made by these benevolent, democratic, and visionary leaders,,,
that THEY, the local folks, would CATCH-UP to or surpassing
OTHERS from around the world who and whose leaders GO BY
MORE BROADLY articulated "mandates", rules, laws, and such,,,,
THAT'S what "worries" me ----- because THAT ain't gonna happen;
in a COMPETITIVE WORLD, in a global economy, where
INFORMATION FLOW is not anchored on "correct"-ness and other
correct ideological nonsense but on the LAW OF EFFICACY,
transmitted more or less at the speed of light,,, LOCAL mentality,
stamped as "correct" and benevolent and democratic is not going
to make the local believers and practitioners more competitive, more
able, more efficient, EVEN IF THEIR LEADERS dictate that to
CONTRADICT the "correct" view, the official view, is "negative
phenomena" and "prohibitive by law", ad nauseam,,,
*** again,,, if any thing worries me about people and situations
like the Laotians, those we had parted from all these 30 plus years
----- THAT'S what worries me, NOT the "Bo Phene Ngang" trait,
which is an awesome trait to have, to nurture, to teach,,,
Here we go, it's more than any simple laziness as anyone wants to
characterize for Lao's underdevelopment. It really needs a
revolutionary and fundamental face lift in doing things other than the
usual "Bo phene Ngang".
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