Please ADB don't be such a vandal with " Sustainable Transport System"
(too old to reply)
2015-03-23 01:57:24 UTC

WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.

The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
2015-03-23 01:59:39 UTC
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
2015-03-23 16:15:32 UTC
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.

It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.

How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.

Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
2015-03-24 02:31:07 UTC
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-03-24 14:33:07 UTC
Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
politically wrong to contnue making the OLD SCHOOL A GLORY when COMMIE consider it a BAD ELEMENT. the COMMIE will just let it RUST & EATEN by termites or RATS. once a former student sees the INTENTION, he will tur around and GET OUT off the AREA SUPER SPEED B4 the black COMMIE AGENT paints him a RED DOT and end-up on the MISSING LIST. COMMIE is known to be EXPERT in this MISSING SKILL.
2015-03-24 16:31:55 UTC
too bad and too sad to hear that. the former Lycee students who live outside of Laos can't do much to take care of their former school. all they can do is go back from time to time to pain the walls and some rooms with their limite personal fund.

it should be the job of the education dept. under the 'salat-songsai' commie party or commu leaders to have the vision to preserve and care of this precious place in the heart of the capital, Virntiane.

it's not too too bad though in regard to the fact that it's not become a vietnamese school yet like one of my former primary school....

Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
2015-03-24 21:02:38 UTC
i concur with HT that the main lanxang boulevard doesn't need such a sore-eye view right on the center and in front of the main anousavaree monument. who the **** came up with such an ugly idea?

please take a look at many capitals in the world such as washington DC, paris, moscow, london etc...

take paris for example, the main drag champs elisees is wide and majestic https://www.google.com/search?q=champs+elysees+view&rlz=1C1LENN_enUS488US488&espv=2&biw=1187&bih=577&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=6s4RVdrkBImZyASewoDwAg&ved=0CC0QsAQ

or take pensylvania avenue in washington DC https://www.google.com/search?q=pennsylvania+avenue+images&rlz=1C1LENN_enUS488US488&espv=2&biw=1187&bih=577&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=es8RVdD2LYuHyQTf-IHADw&ved=0CCAQsAQ

the main drag of many capital cities in the world is left open for official functions and stuff.

ohhh... that's right. i forget. the Lao PDR regime now has official functions in front of the new national assembly.
2015-03-25 02:09:05 UTC
Years ago at the height of us Laonorks & Laonais who were active assisting LVTE, we tried to work with LVTE administration, we suggested they setup a "LVTE fund raising director' who would consolidate all the efforts and be a focal point for soliciting help. So far nothing!

We do more than painting :) I donated and setup the 1st networked internet lab there, with 60PCs from France (despite criticism than a thank you). We had proposed: to boost staff morale, relocate staff room (at presence joint to toilets in one room, you would not want to be there some day) towards a disused building to the right (store broken old furniture now) open up to a private staff garden courtyard. It will be equipped with PC and connectivity. Never got approved. Acharn Aicho days.

So I reiterate, it is an administration problem.
Post by pizone
too bad and too sad to hear that. the former Lycee students who live outside of Laos can't do much to take care of their former school. all they can do is go back from time to time to pain the walls and some rooms with their limite personal fund.
it should be the job of the education dept. under the 'salat-songsai' commie party or commu leaders to have the vision to preserve and care of this precious place in the heart of the capital, Virntiane.
it's not too too bad though in regard to the fact that it's not become a vietnamese school yet like one of my former primary school....
Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
Her Lao
2015-03-25 02:18:46 UTC
Post by HT
Years ago at the height of us Laonorks & Laonais who were active assisting LVTE, we tried to work with LVTE administration, we suggested they setup a "LVTE fund raising director' who would consolidate all the efforts and be a focal point for soliciting help. So far nothing!
We do more than painting :) I donated and setup the 1st networked internet lab there, with 60PCs from France (despite criticism than a thank you). We had proposed: to boost staff morale, relocate staff room (at presence joint to toilets in one room, you would not want to be there some day) towards a disused building to the right (store broken old furniture now) open up to a private staff garden courtyard. It will be equipped with PC and connectivity. Never got approved. Acharn Aicho days.
So I reiterate, it is an administration problem.

Just some odd stupid thoughts:

May or may not be a purely "administration problem."

It may as well be a political-tactical thing "in the works" all along: the correct leadership may think if teachers and administrators had unfeathered access to the Internet, incorrect ideas and other shenanigans could happen.

Sure, creating more positions and hiring more staff at the Lao People's Democratic Republic's National Security Agency, etc., to help make sure everyone behaves is possible; but it'd cost millions more a year.

Thus, back to the take-it-slow-there's-no-reason-why-we-need-to-rush to do these fancy Western educational stuff, when blackboards and chalks and books published in the 1970s and 80s are still very useful!
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-03-25 13:42:36 UTC
Post by HT
Years ago at the height of us Laonorks & Laonais who were active assisting LVTE, we tried to work with LVTE administration, we suggested they setup a "LVTE fund raising director' who would consolidate all the efforts and be a focal point for soliciting help. So far nothing!
We do more than painting :) I donated and setup the 1st networked internet lab there, with 60PCs from France (despite criticism than a thank you). We had proposed: to boost staff morale, relocate staff room (at presence joint to toilets in one room, you would not want to be there some day) towards a disused building to the right (store broken old furniture now) open up to a private staff garden courtyard. It will be equipped with PC and connectivity. Never got approved. Acharn Aicho days.
So I reiterate, it is an administration problem.
Post by pizone
too bad and too sad to hear that. the former Lycee students who live outside of Laos can't do much to take care of their former school. all they can do is go back from time to time to pain the walls and some rooms with their limite personal fund.
it should be the job of the education dept. under the 'salat-songsai' commie party or commu leaders to have the vision to preserve and care of this precious place in the heart of the capital, Virntiane.
it's not too too bad though in regard to the fact that it's not become a vietnamese school yet like one of my former primary school....
Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
DOES NOT MATTER what project YOU INTENDED to HELP all $ needed to be FILTER by the COMMIE BOSS B4 it can be distribute out so no SURPRISE if only less than 1 penny arrives ON YOUR INTENDED PROJECT.
2015-03-25 16:10:27 UTC
the LyceeVT admisnistration do their job only what, how, and when their commie boss tell them to do.

if those stupid slat-songsai commu leaders don't say anything, then they're free to do nothing, except corruption, collecting money from students parents for school entrance or selling test score.

Post by HT
Years ago at the height of us Laonorks & Laonais who were active assisting LVTE, we tried to work with LVTE administration, we suggested they setup a "LVTE fund raising director' who would consolidate all the efforts and be a focal point for soliciting help. So far nothing!
We do more than painting :) I donated and setup the 1st networked internet lab there, with 60PCs from France (despite criticism than a thank you). We had proposed: to boost staff morale, relocate staff room (at presence joint to toilets in one room, you would not want to be there some day) towards a disused building to the right (store broken old furniture now) open up to a private staff garden courtyard. It will be equipped with PC and connectivity. Never got approved. Acharn Aicho days.
So I reiterate, it is an administration problem.
Post by pizone
too bad and too sad to hear that. the former Lycee students who live outside of Laos can't do much to take care of their former school. all they can do is go back from time to time to pain the walls and some rooms with their limite personal fund.
it should be the job of the education dept. under the 'salat-songsai' commie party or commu leaders to have the vision to preserve and care of this precious place in the heart of the capital, Virntiane.
it's not too too bad though in regard to the fact that it's not become a vietnamese school yet like one of my former primary school....
Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-03-25 21:05:34 UTC
Post by pizone
the LyceeVT admisnistration do their job only what, how, and when their commie boss tell them to do.
if those stupid slat-songsai commu leaders don't say anything, then they're free to do nothing, except corruption, collecting money from students parents for school entrance or selling test score.
Post by HT
Years ago at the height of us Laonorks & Laonais who were active assisting LVTE, we tried to work with LVTE administration, we suggested they setup a "LVTE fund raising director' who would consolidate all the efforts and be a focal point for soliciting help. So far nothing!
We do more than painting :) I donated and setup the 1st networked internet lab there, with 60PCs from France (despite criticism than a thank you). We had proposed: to boost staff morale, relocate staff room (at presence joint to toilets in one room, you would not want to be there some day) towards a disused building to the right (store broken old furniture now) open up to a private staff garden courtyard. It will be equipped with PC and connectivity. Never got approved. Acharn Aicho days.
So I reiterate, it is an administration problem.
Post by pizone
too bad and too sad to hear that. the former Lycee students who live outside of Laos can't do much to take care of their former school. all they can do is go back from time to time to pain the walls and some rooms with their limite personal fund.
it should be the job of the education dept. under the 'salat-songsai' commie party or commu leaders to have the vision to preserve and care of this precious place in the heart of the capital, Virntiane.
it's not too too bad though in regard to the fact that it's not become a vietnamese school yet like one of my former primary school....
Post by HT
Lycee VTE is worst than ever, now and then the front gets repainted for special occasions but "Dhang nai pen mark deua" still: broken windows, roofs, toilet, classrooms, walkways. Old Lycee students no longer care, it's a problem with the school administration lack of self organizing and soliciting for help. Some old Lycee students spend $xxxx.00 at lunch there is no reason of funding just the school to be genuine and accountable.
Post by pizone
It looks nice though, the Anousavary with few red roof buildings and a lot of green.
It would be nicer and more beautiful without that ugly bus dome. With such bautiful Lanexang road, i think only a small beautiful Lao design hut for the bus stop station would look great, much better than this ugly expensive dome.
How the former Lycee de Vientiane looks now? I mean outside and inside.
Post by HT
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
Her Lao
2015-03-25 21:11:49 UTC
Post by pizone
the LyceeVT admisnistration do their job only what, how, and when their commie boss tell them to do.
if those stupid slat-songsai commu leaders don't say anything, then they're free to do nothing, except corruption, collecting money from students parents for school entrance or selling test score.

The PISA scores, as they are known, measured how a half-million students from randomly selected schools answered written and multiple-choice questions in a two-hour test. Mathematics was the primary focus, but students were also evaluated on reading, science and problem-solving.

Coverage of the scores by the Western news media suggested that the impressive maths performance by Vietnam, where per-capita GDP is only about $1,600, was perhaps a bit humbling for education officials in Washington, London and other self-regarding world capitals.

What explains Vietnam's good score? Christian Bodewig of the World Bank says it reflects, among other positive things, years of investment in education by the government and a "high degree of professionalism and discipline in classrooms across the country".

But Mr Bodewig adds that the score may be impressive in part because so many poor and disadvantaged Vietnamese students drop out of school. The World Bank reports that in 2010 the gross enrolment rate at upper-secondary schools in Vietnam was just 65%, compared with 89% and 98% in America and Britain, respectively. South Korea's rate was 95%.

A chorus of Vietnamese education specialists say that Vietnam's PISA score does not fully reflect the reality of its education system, which is hamstrung by a national curriculum that encourages rote memorisation over critical thinking and creative problem-solving.

"Every child in this country learns the same thing," and nationwide tests merely reinforce the intellectual homogeneity that results, in the lament of To Kim Lien, the director of the Centre for Education and Development, a Vietnamese non-profit in Hanoi. Ms Lien reckons that instead of catalysing educational reform, the score might provide a convenient excuse for complacency in matters of policy. And the old-fashioned, inward-looking Ministry of Education and Training, she adds, is a past master at complacency.

Another systemic problem is a general lack of "integrity" in Vietnam's education sector, in the words of Nguyen Thi Kieu Vien of the Global Transparency Education Network, a new initiative of Transparency International, a watchdog based in Berlin. In a recent survey the organisation found that 49% of Vietnamese respondents perceived their education sector to be "corrupt" or "highly corrupt".

The percentage was higher than that found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia. Corruption is plainly evident at elite Vietnamese schools, where slots for pupils are routinely sold for $3,000 each. Yet it also exists on a smaller scale, in subtler forms. Many Vietnamese teachers hold extra tuitions, outside of regular school hours, for a small fee of between $2.50 and $5 per lesson. Not all parents can afford to pay these fees, and so the practice tends to exacerbate inequality.




Vietnam, being close to 100M people and as a large, developing economy, it is being wooed by the West, because of the large consumer base... so Vietnam knows, even as a one-party correct leadership rule system, it is being watched.

So SOME criticisms, by local writers (if not too deep researched) are allowed.

I never read or hear serious criticism of Laos People's Democratic Republic, so I must assume it is doing very well, with little to no bribery corruption in education... like there's none in politics, economics and commerce...
Her Lao
2015-03-25 21:18:55 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Post by pizone
the LyceeVT admisnistration do their job only what, how, and when their commie boss tell them to do.
if those stupid slat-songsai commu leaders don't say anything, then they're free to do nothing, except corruption, collecting money from students parents for school entrance or selling test score.
The PISA scores, as they are known, measured how a half-million students from randomly selected schools answered written and multiple-choice questions in a two-hour test. Mathematics was the primary focus, but students were also evaluated on reading, science and problem-solving.
Coverage of the scores by the Western news media suggested that the impressive maths performance by Vietnam, where per-capita GDP is only about $1,600, was perhaps a bit humbling for education officials in Washington, London and other self-regarding world capitals.
What explains Vietnam's good score? Christian Bodewig of the World Bank says it reflects, among other positive things, years of investment in education by the government and a "high degree of professionalism and discipline in classrooms across the country".
But Mr Bodewig adds that the score may be impressive in part because so many poor and disadvantaged Vietnamese students drop out of school. The World Bank reports that in 2010 the gross enrolment rate at upper-secondary schools in Vietnam was just 65%, compared with 89% and 98% in America and Britain, respectively. South Korea's rate was 95%.
A chorus of Vietnamese education specialists say that Vietnam's PISA score does not fully reflect the reality of its education system, which is hamstrung by a national curriculum that encourages rote memorisation over critical thinking and creative problem-solving.
"Every child in this country learns the same thing," and nationwide tests merely reinforce the intellectual homogeneity that results, in the lament of To Kim Lien, the director of the Centre for Education and Development, a Vietnamese non-profit in Hanoi. Ms Lien reckons that instead of catalysing educational reform, the score might provide a convenient excuse for complacency in matters of policy. And the old-fashioned, inward-looking Ministry of Education and Training, she adds, is a past master at complacency.
Another systemic problem is a general lack of "integrity" in Vietnam's education sector, in the words of Nguyen Thi Kieu Vien of the Global Transparency Education Network, a new initiative of Transparency International, a watchdog based in Berlin. In a recent survey the organisation found that 49% of Vietnamese respondents perceived their education sector to be "corrupt" or "highly corrupt".
The percentage was higher than that found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia. Corruption is plainly evident at elite Vietnamese schools, where slots for pupils are routinely sold for $3,000 each. Yet it also exists on a smaller scale, in subtler forms. Many Vietnamese teachers hold extra tuitions, outside of regular school hours, for a small fee of between $2.50 and $5 per lesson. Not all parents can afford to pay these fees, and so the practice tends to exacerbate inequality.

How come I never saw those $2.5 to $5 "gifts" by middle and high school students I taught and tutored?

And, yes, those in public schools... the parents were not wealth off... but what about the middle and high school students in Minnesota, in a private school with fees and tuition between $25,000 to $35,000 a year? They weren't that poor... why was it that all I got were $50 prepaid ORANGE JUICE OUTLET cards?

Same deal with my little brother who has been teaching Japanese Middle School and High school kids in Japan the last 8 years.

Same deal with my other three sisters teaching pre-K to middle schools... How come I've never heard of parents giving me or them those "small cash gifts"... that these Lao, Thai, Chinese, and Vietnamese teachers are getting from their nice students and parents?

I tell you, there is something WRONG with Western students and parents. They don't reward us with "small cash gifts" like these nice Vietnamese, Lao, Cambodian, and Thai students and parents!
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-03-23 17:13:28 UTC
Post by HT
WHY WHY! ADB would consider such a design? Lanxand Ave is already congested it does not need such a monster there, obscuring the avenue and the monument. I guess what would you expect from a Chinese design :(.
The Nongbone Rd parallel to LX in front of VTE city municipal office is a better candidate.
nono those are bad locations building these structure will open a floodgate CHINESE demons into LPDR driving the CURRENT COMMIE AWAY and replace with A much more powerful COMMIE/MONARCHY SYSTEM. the native will be driven out as REFUGEES.