Post by pizoneher lao
Post by Her LaoPost by pizonedo you really beleive those cartoons are "Random"????
Not random in the way you mean; random in that ANY THING is not beyond reproach, beyond criticism, beyond debates.
yeah right, even the word "random" you're the one who use it, you have it in 2 definitions, your-random and my-random! then how many definitions you have for the term "freedom of speech"?
Freedom of speech means freedom of speech: you say whatever you want; you target people; you randomly pick targets; you selective research it for "special" occasions; you selectively reserve it for only "the smart people who know how to use freedom of speech."
How hard is it to understand, really? Not complex at all.
And I have no idea why you are now stuck to my usage of that word "random" in my posting above here, when I said this:
"""".... It is NOT my mission in life to call everyone names, all the time. (And even if I did, it should make NO DIFFERENCE! That would simply mean there is SOMETHING WRONG in my head; it has NOTHING to do with all those I randomly call names.) ....""""
It has NO BEARING on what happened in Paris, when a whole bunch of Stone, Iron, and Bronze age-figure/holy-book worshippers walked into work places and started mowing down people who RIDICULED and SATIRIZED their Holy Man on a Winged Horse and the Man from Beyond the Oort Cloud...
AGAIN AND AGAIN: If you or anyone else, like these savages, like to hear and see and live in "smart societies where the people are smart and use their smart more appropriately, intelligently" live, there's SAUDI ARABIA, LAOS, NORTH KOREA, CHINA, IRAN, PAKISTAN, EGYPT, IRAQ, etc. THESE ARE societies that have severe PUNISHMENT for stupid people like me and those French and other Europeans who are TOO STUPID to conform to YOUR DEFINITION OF SMART.
That is WHY these stupid Europeans and people like I am ARE NOT LIVING IN THOSE smart and proper and appropriate and correct leadership societies. That's why we live in WESTERN SOCIETIES, where all kinds of people live, the smart and the not-so-smart.
It is NOT that difficult to understand, is it?
But if you're gonna MOVE from Laos, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, etc., TO LIVE AMONG DUMB PEOPLE HERE IN THE WEST who don't know when or how to control their stupid brains or mouths, THEN YOU CAN'T BITCH about them making fun of you, ridiculing you, satirizing you, and so on and so forth.
THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THAT to and with each other FOR CENTURIES and they're not gonna stop just because YOU NOW HAVE MOVED HERE to the West, to be living among them!
Not very difficult to understand, is it?
Post by pizonePost by Her LaoYou sound as if you think the "smarter" people all live in Laos, Thailand, North Korea, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, etc.
No, i didn't say the people living in Laos, Thailand, China, Vietnam, etc, nor the ethnic one who live in these countries are "smarter". I talked to you and no one else in regard to what you keep said, "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you....", to anyone who don't beleive like you. That's why I quoted the word "smart" in my replying to you. Take a look if you don't notice it. but never mind. you (we) have the right to say anything...
i condemn any kind of violence. if i were in paris like i used to be i would join those million peace&freedom&justice-loving people. i'm glad 3 of those terrorists are dead, so they couldn't kill more innocent people.
So, there. Those savages who worshipped Stone, Iron, and Bronze age-derived terrorists are dead. And WESTERN PEOPLE will continue to RANDOMLY and SELECTIVELY say, "Fuck you, Cameron. Fuck you, Pope Francis. Fuck you, Obama. Fuck you Merkel. Fuck you, Putin. Fuck you, Her Lao. Fuck you, Pizone. Fuck you, Buddha. Fuck you, Mohammed. Fuck you, God. Fuck you, Allah. Fuck you, Santa Claus. Fuck you, Satan. Fuck you, Mr. Devil. Fuck you, Mr. Darwin, you don't know SHIT; it's Jesus and his Dad, God, who did IT, whatever the fuck it is... you name it..."
AGAIN, here in the WEST, it should be UP TO THE MARKETS, the AUDIENCES, the CONSUMERS who exercise THE RIGHT whether or not to buy what people write, or HOW they write what they write.
HERE IN THE WEST, you don't grab a knife or a gun and go into someone home or office and kill them JUST BECAUSE they've written something about you or your beliefs, WHICH YOU SAY IS HOLY AND CAN'T BE RIDICULED OR INSULTED.
Again, who the FUCK ARE YOU to come to live in a DIVERSE, INDUSTRIALIZED, LIBERALIZED, PROGRESSIVE, PLURALISTIC society where different people live WHERE THERE IS NO LAW prohibiting people from INSULTING politicians, religious leaders, teachers, lawyers, holy and divine ideas and figures and books, AND TELL THEM NOW THAT YOU'VE ARRIVED TO LIVE AMONG THEM, THEY CAN NO LONGER SAY WHATEVER THEY... OR YOU GONNA GO AND MOW THEM DOWN with AK47s?
"YOU" here, is NOT just "Pizone" or "Her Lao" or others we may know. "YOU" here is a GENERAL and NEUTRAL term, just so YOU, PIZONE KNOW!
Post by pizonefreedom of speech? yes, charlie is the freedom of speech fighter. they know what they're doing/fighting. i salute Charb, the fight, who said "je prefere mourir debout que vivre a genoux"
It doesn't matter. FREEDO OF SPEECH means a writer, or thinker, or ANY ONE ELSE can say whatever THE FUCK THEY WANT, on religions, politics, politicians, religious leaders, teachers, doctors, laywers, presidents, prime ministers, general in the army, holy men and women, gods, goddesses, santa claus.
THAT'S what "freedom of speech" means.
Again and again: ------ there are MANY SOCIETIES IN THE WORLD where SPECIFIC religions, holy books, political leaders, kings and queens, religious leaders, SOME CORRECT IDEAS/IDEOLOGIES, some figures, some SACRED IDEAS or BOOKS, etc. ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE INSULTED OR RIDICULED, with very severe punishments... ranging from thousands of slashes to death via decapitation.
America, Canada, Australia, and WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, as YOU KNOW, are NOT among those countries.
Post by pizonei condemn the terrorists who kill police officers who do their job to serve and protect the people, and
i condemn the terrorists who kill innocent people just because they pay tax to their governemnt.
it's good to see million of people walked on the streets of Paris holding signs, "i'm charlie, i'm musulman", "je suis juif, je suis charlie", "Not in My Name".....
people demonstrate in hope to fix the root cause of the problem, and not to say "fuck you" to anyone.
Neither you, nor I, nor those savages get to dictate what OTHERS can or can not say, when people think, when they write, when they make observations about themselves, others, and the world around them.
If you prefer to live in SOCIETIES that are run on CORRECT and COURTEOUS and RIGHT ideas, leaders, holy books, holy/divine belief systems, etc. THE WEST IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA.
But if you decide to come to live here in the West, you don't get to demand that OTHERS CONFORM to your sensitivity, your courteous or holy beliefs, your particular wants and needs.... when it comes to HOW they talk or WHAT they talk about... just because you are now living here in the West among THOSE people who WILL say and do and write as they want, leaving only up to THE MARKETS, CONSUMERS, AUDIENCES to decide what they will or will not support, with their money, time, and attention.