Fall of the Berlin Wall
(too old to reply)
2014-11-19 19:28:20 UTC
Watch live, actually from yesterday

"Witnessing the Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Conversation with Tom Brokaw and Mary Elise Sarotte"

Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-11-20 04:58:33 UTC
Post by pizone
Watch live, actually from yesterday
"Witnessing the Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Conversation with Tom Brokaw and Mary Elise Sarotte"
COMMIE BUILT THEWALL and COMMIE will have to REMOVE it after the BRAIN keep RUNNING to the otherside. those RUNNNERS areBRIGHT STUDENTS and TEACHERS/EDUCATORS. the SMART ONES knew they can use their skills in the other side of the walll to EARN a better living condition instead of STAYING with the COMMIE STATE OWN everything. after decades of SMART PEOPLE RUNNING OUT in half million the COMMIE SURENDERED and the WALL HAD to FALLL. COMMIE still GOT WALL around the WORLD them WALL will FALL only time will ARRIVE AFTER the people are FEDUP and can NOT BARE the COMMIE any more. by that the COMMIE will be ROTTEN from the inside out.the COMMIE MASTERS themselves had already GONE DOWN ( GERMANY,USSR)the follower will go the same ROAD. CHINA and the rest of COMMIE will see their SMART STUDENTS and teachers/EDUCATORS run out to other country that value their BRAINS/SKILLS. COMMIE can NOT KEEP BUILDING WALLS FOREVER.give them several decades to BUILD and repair those BRAI-DRAIN WALL. SOOONER or LATER they will get too tire too BUILD more WALL. the old build BUT THE YOUNGER GENERATION will chip it away with chisels and HUMMERS when the YOUNGER GENERATION see ZERO PROGRESS with COMMIE SYSTEMwhile the other side of the WALL the kids are growing with TOYS the COMMIE KIDS DO NOT to touch them. this simple TOYS will MOTIVATE the YOUNGER GENERATION to run away.
