Boun Ok Phansa in Luang Prabang
(too old to reply)
2014-09-10 05:03:46 UTC
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014

The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
If you want to join us to support these decorations, please send your donation to the following bank account:

Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001

Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
2014-09-10 16:45:53 UTC
Post by thanouxay
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014
The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001
Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
ອັດ​ໂທ່...ບໍ່​ນຶກ​ບໍ່ຝັນ​ເລີຍ​ວ່າ ​ຍາ​​ຂີ້ທູດ​ຊີ​ມາ​ຂໍ​ທານ​ຮອດນີ້​ນໍ? ຂໍ​ເງີນ​ໄປ​ບູ​ຮະ​ນະ​ວັດ​?

2014-09-10 20:18:01 UTC
ຂະ​ນາດ ເງີນສົ່ງ​ໄປ​ຊ່ອຍ​ພີ່ນ້ອງ​ບ້ານ​ຜາ​ລັກ​ໂດຍ​ຜ່ານ​ສະ​ມາ​ສິກ​ເຮົາ​ໃນ​SCLນີ້. ມັນ​ຍັງ​ດັນເອົາ​ໄປ​ແດກ​ສວຍ ເອັດ​ໃດ​ຈັ່ງ​ເຊື່ອ​ວ່າ​ມັນ​ບໍ​ກີນ​ເງີນ​ຂໍ​ທານ​​ໄປບູ​ຮະ​ນະ​ວັດ?

2014-09-10 20:21:16 UTC

2014-09-10 16:55:29 UTC
thanouxay, i think you beg for $$$ for the "buddhist Union", which run by the lao communist party, at the wrong place. it's not ashamed to ask for money for everything including celebrating a traditional Boun, when you commu people keep saying you can do anything and everything under your sickle&hammer red flag?

when the communists first get in town, do you remember what you people said to Buddhism and other religion? and now what you people are doing? using Buddhism to get $$$ from the people for your own commu's leaders' pocket, and not for the sincerity from your heart and mind toward religion and tradition....

Post by thanouxay
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014
The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001
Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
Her Lao
2014-09-10 19:30:30 UTC
I have said this all throughout the two decades or so we've been exchanging here:

Communism PER SE is NOT the problem. Or Republicanism. Or the Republican Party. Or the Democratic Party and its values and beliefs.

Or ANY OTHER POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, so long --- and that's the only underlined phrase --- so long as the political party does not, in its official line and/or program promise to create one "pure" people, or nation, or another such nonsense, which, then, requires getting rid off all others who either don't submit to IT or who don't, by nature, belong to IT (like "Jews" are not supposed to be Nordic/White/Aryan, etc. and so they must be exterminated, etc)...

The problem with COMMUNISM as implemented in China, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba is... the idiots who first IMPORTED this now-defunct ideology from THE WHITE MEN FROM THE WEST... those idiots went over-board in their, let's say, "enthusiasm".... so they implemented COMMUNISM almost exactly like Hitler implemented NAZISM: it's the ONLY IDEOLOGY ALLOWED.

Anyway, there may be one or two other nation or enclaves in the world, in 2014, that may considered themselves socialist or communist; but AS FAR AS I AM AWARE OF, currently, only Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, China, and Cuba are full blown COMMUNIST COUNTRIES where no other political ideologies are allowed and THE COMMUNIST PARTY is legally enshrined in the LAND'S SUPREME LAW as "the correct" leadership and "the correct" ideology...

Comrade "Thanouxy" and other low level to mid level "civil servants" of their COMMUNIST PARTY's do-as-we-go-and-just-declare-we-are-the-best-and-there's-no-challenge-allowed AREN'T THE BRIGHTESST KNIVES IN THE DRAWER, politically speaking .... so they don't really KNOW or CARE what the fuck they saying... all they care and know about is that they HAVE TO KEEP regurgitating HOW GREAT communism is, and everyone would eventually agree with them.

Or something like that...

Or may be comrades like "Thanouxay" OF and IN communist countries are VERY CLEVER BUSINESS MEN -- truest of capitalist pigs, at heart --- WHO HAVE FOUND THE FASTEST WAY TO BECOME RICH .... by using an ideology that allows no others, so if they move up the ranks fast, or if they are somehow able to USE IT to their advantage, they don't have to really believe in it.... so long as they get their large chunk of the PIE IN THE SKY... and all they have to do is keep promising the rest that IF THEY ALSO BELIEVE IN COMMUNISM, then the too, would get their big chunk of that pie...

Either one or the other. It doesn't really matter.

Most important point here is, when you spew utter nonsense like "Thanouxy" and these exclusive-communist knuckleheads do ---- e.g., "This is how we do ALGEBRA HERE;" "This is how we do POLITICS here;" "This is how we do ECONOMICS HERE;" "This is how we do SCIENCE here;" "This is how we do HISTORY here;" "This is how we do ENGINEERING here;" "This is how we do JURISPRUDENCE here;" etc. ---- essentially what you are saying is:

"We don't care what OTHER PEOPLE or THINKING are. Whether THEY KNOW MORE or WORK BETTER or work more efficiently.... They can go to the moon or mars and back and WE STILL SAY THERE IS NO MOON OR MARS! Because HERE, on our land, our country... with our people and OUR UNIQUE WAY OF LIFE AND OUR LOCAL THINKING.... we just don't believe in the moon or mars or THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNOLOGIES that get humans there and back."

But EVEN WE KNOW, just having said or thought of this, about people like comrade "Thanouxay," WE KNOW even "Thanouxay" DOES NOT BELIEVE this exclusive communist nonsense that he himself spews.

Having lived most his life among WESTERN EDUCATED PEOPLE, in Europe, people like "Thanouxay" SIMPLY WANTS TO HAVE DOUBLE-LIFES:

"This is how I am when I am with you guys here, in the WEST, believing in and using of EVERYTHING you have, everything and ALL THE FREEDOM that your societies provide, for me and for your people.... but when I am at home, I do things THE COMMUNIST WAY, our local and correct Lao-way; and if YOU don't like it, DON'T TELL ME... We communists LIKE TO PRETEND WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT AND CORRECT; and we don't like to be told we are just a whole bunch of idiots or hypocrites, who enjoy MODERN WAYS, MODERN ECONOMIES, MODERN THINKING... but who think late 1800 and early 1900 COMMUNIST IDEOLOGIES are still champs!"

THAT IS THE PROBLEM with Communists and how they implement COMMUNISM as THE ONLY ALLOWED IDEOLOGY. It's like Christians and Muslims, who are always screaming how THEY and ONLY THEY are privy to HOLY KNOWLEDGE of the man from beyond the cloud, THE CREATOR of the universe who blah, blah, blah..... it's total childish fantasies and nonsense.

That's what happens when you implement ONE IDEOLOGY or POLITICAL PARTY as "the only one allowed." You make people babbling idiots; but since THE SAID IDIOTS are too stupid to know they are babbling idiots, THEY THINK they are geniuses who need no correction or criticisms...
2014-09-10 20:23:19 UTC
i keep saying communism is bad for more than 2 decades here. communism is the worse system of government, one of the most terrible regime on earth. Laos should get rid of it the sooner the better.

any other system of government is better than communism and lao people know what is the best one that can bring Laos to become more prosperity and more civilized.

only after this garbage-commu-white-people-system is died out from Lao land, lao people can pick a kind of democracy model to run the country, the one that is more civilized and suitable to lao way of life.

communism is real bad regime on earth, it gives the absolute power to a small group of people who called themselves leaders

Post by Her Lao
Communism PER SE is NOT the problem. Or Republicanism. Or the Republican Party. Or the Democratic Party and its values and beliefs.
Or ANY OTHER POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, so long --- and that's the only underlined phrase --- so long as the political party does not, in its official line and/or program promise to create one "pure" people, or nation, or another such nonsense, which, then, requires getting rid off all others who either don't submit to IT or who don't, by nature, belong to IT (like "Jews" are not supposed to be Nordic/White/Aryan, etc. and so they must be exterminated, etc)...
The problem with COMMUNISM as implemented in China, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba is... the idiots who first IMPORTED this now-defunct ideology from THE WHITE MEN FROM THE WEST... those idiots went over-board in their, let's say, "enthusiasm".... so they implemented COMMUNISM almost exactly like Hitler implemented NAZISM: it's the ONLY IDEOLOGY ALLOWED.
Anyway, there may be one or two other nation or enclaves in the world, in 2014, that may considered themselves socialist or communist; but AS FAR AS I AM AWARE OF, currently, only Laos, Vietnam, North Korea, China, and Cuba are full blown COMMUNIST COUNTRIES where no other political ideologies are allowed and THE COMMUNIST PARTY is legally enshrined in the LAND'S SUPREME LAW as "the correct" leadership and "the correct" ideology...
Comrade "Thanouxy" and other low level to mid level "civil servants" of their COMMUNIST PARTY's do-as-we-go-and-just-declare-we-are-the-best-and-there's-no-challenge-allowed AREN'T THE BRIGHTESST KNIVES IN THE DRAWER, politically speaking .... so they don't really KNOW or CARE what the fuck they saying... all they care and know about is that they HAVE TO KEEP regurgitating HOW GREAT communism is, and everyone would eventually agree with them.
Or something like that...
Or may be comrades like "Thanouxay" OF and IN communist countries are VERY CLEVER BUSINESS MEN -- truest of capitalist pigs, at heart --- WHO HAVE FOUND THE FASTEST WAY TO BECOME RICH .... by using an ideology that allows no others, so if they move up the ranks fast, or if they are somehow able to USE IT to their advantage, they don't have to really believe in it.... so long as they get their large chunk of the PIE IN THE SKY... and all they have to do is keep promising the rest that IF THEY ALSO BELIEVE IN COMMUNISM, then the too, would get their big chunk of that pie...
Either one or the other. It doesn't really matter.
"We don't care what OTHER PEOPLE or THINKING are. Whether THEY KNOW MORE or WORK BETTER or work more efficiently.... They can go to the moon or mars and back and WE STILL SAY THERE IS NO MOON OR MARS! Because HERE, on our land, our country... with our people and OUR UNIQUE WAY OF LIFE AND OUR LOCAL THINKING.... we just don't believe in the moon or mars or THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNOLOGIES that get humans there and back."
But EVEN WE KNOW, just having said or thought of this, about people like comrade "Thanouxay," WE KNOW even "Thanouxay" DOES NOT BELIEVE this exclusive communist nonsense that he himself spews.
"This is how I am when I am with you guys here, in the WEST, believing in and using of EVERYTHING you have, everything and ALL THE FREEDOM that your societies provide, for me and for your people.... but when I am at home, I do things THE COMMUNIST WAY, our local and correct Lao-way; and if YOU don't like it, DON'T TELL ME... We communists LIKE TO PRETEND WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT AND CORRECT; and we don't like to be told we are just a whole bunch of idiots or hypocrites, who enjoy MODERN WAYS, MODERN ECONOMIES, MODERN THINKING... but who think late 1800 and early 1900 COMMUNIST IDEOLOGIES are still champs!"
THAT IS THE PROBLEM with Communists and how they implement COMMUNISM as THE ONLY ALLOWED IDEOLOGY. It's like Christians and Muslims, who are always screaming how THEY and ONLY THEY are privy to HOLY KNOWLEDGE of the man from beyond the cloud, THE CREATOR of the universe who blah, blah, blah..... it's total childish fantasies and nonsense.
That's what happens when you implement ONE IDEOLOGY or POLITICAL PARTY as "the only one allowed." You make people babbling idiots; but since THE SAID IDIOTS are too stupid to know they are babbling idiots, THEY THINK they are geniuses who need no correction or criticisms...
Her Lao
2014-09-11 01:50:22 UTC
On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 2:30:30 PM UTC-5, Her Lao wrote:
I have said this all throughout the two decades or so we've been exchanging here:


The problem with COMMUNISM as implemented in China, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba is...


In most, or perhaps all, of my winding wonderings, I KEEP FORGETING to remind the reader one very crucial thing:

I am NOT saying "If you put me in, as ruler or president or prime minister, of THE COMMUNIST PARTY, that I would NEVER corrupt."


That's what people like "Thanouxy" and these other one-ideology-is-best knuckleheads argument. The "caveat" or trick, PEOPLE LIKE THANOUXAY, et al, say is: "You just HAD to have come up with the PERFECT system of thought, or the CORRECT IDEOLOGY. And COMMUNISM IS IT! At least for US FOLKS HERE, if not for any one else."

That's the argument of EVERY DICTATOR and authoritarian regime throughout history.

What I am saying, however, is:

If YOU --- let's pretend y'all could elect and elected ME as your correct leader and generalissimo of this ONE-IDEOLOGY-IS-BEST government --- if you elected me, I TOO WILL CORRUPT.

I don't care if I was elect to be in charge of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the Community Party, the Socialist Democrats, the Divine Right Party, the Mandate of Heaven Party..... or whatever the fuck name you could name, as a political party.... if you put ME IN CHARGE OF A GOVERNMENT AND MADE IT ILLEGAL FOR OTHERS TO CHALLENGE ME, or my ruling party/platform, I WILL CORRUPT JUST LIKE ANY OTHER DICTATOR!

Folks NEED to understand that.

No one, especially not me, is saying "We can do better, if we were in charge of Laos" or Vietnam, or America, or Sweden, or Japan, or Brazil.

All we are saying is: DON'T MAKE ONE IDEOLOGY, or ONE POLITICAL PARTY, or one man/woman.... "the correct" one, the only one allowed.... and ENSHRINE IT IN THE LAW OF THE LAND... and making it ILLEGAL for all others to compete against it, to criticize it...

THAT is not that complex to understand.

I have NOTHING AGAINST Communism AS AN IDEOLOGY, as a ruling doctrine, as a governmental system... if people HAD CHOICES and THEY CHOOSE IT!

Again, NOT very complex. This is stuff that even LOWER elementary students would easily understand, if you explain it well...
2014-09-12 03:25:34 UTC
He said he was only the messenger, having nothing to do with the
organization. If anyone do not wish to contribute, do not bite, he said.
Well, I told y'a ! Avoiding responsibility and avoiding accountability
are the main characteristic of the lao communists. Been this way for 39
years. Born and raised this way, you may say. Same thing when asking
from foreign donors. "it is for lao people", they would say. Only the
guy whose proclaimed himself as mister dark testicular egg said 'satu'.
Well sucked up as always.
2014-09-10 23:41:58 UTC

It is sad to see some of our misguided Laonork elders are still bitter, resentful and pointless on such a festive, religious, and traditional Lao occasion. It projects the sad state of mind they must be living in. Very sad.
2014-09-11 01:18:17 UTC
Don't shoot the messager. I do not anything to do with this celebration and just forwarded this message from the organizers in Louang Prabang. It is just a message for information, if you are not willing to contribute, just ignore it but don't bit...
2014-09-14 16:44:02 UTC
I can understand that you guys need money and desperate enough. Need money so much that you even extend your neck out of Lao tradition/Buddhist teaching line. Greet is on a run, and demanding for more. I don't know who is going to donate this way. B/c by far, it's far out of tradition in Buddhist teaching. I can understand that you guys are competed with modernism in today technology, but at least, if you are going to do it, be real, do it more real will you!!
Good thing, it's your first time posting. Otherwise, I sure will report your posting to abuse the posting board and falsely committed to fraud online.
Post by thanouxay
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014
The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001
Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-09-15 00:26:20 UTC
Post by Her Lao
I can understand that you guys need money and desperate enough. Need money so much that you even extend your neck out of Lao tradition/Buddhist teaching line. Greet is on a run, and demanding for more. I don't know who is going to donate this way. B/c by far, it's far out of tradition in Buddhist teaching. I can understand that you guys are competed with modernism in today technology, but at least, if you are going to do it, be real, do it more real will you!!
Good thing, it's your first time posting. Otherwise, I sure will report your posting to abuse the posting board and falsely committed to fraud online.
Post by thanouxay
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014
The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001
Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
2014-09-15 02:14:08 UTC
Oh brothers and sisters...it sounds too politix to me...
Post by Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
Post by Her Lao
I can understand that you guys need money and desperate enough. Need money so much that you even extend your neck out of Lao tradition/Buddhist teaching line. Greet is on a run, and demanding for more. I don't know who is going to donate this way. B/c by far, it's far out of tradition in Buddhist teaching. I can understand that you guys are competed with modernism in today technology, but at least, if you are going to do it, be real, do it more real will you!!
Good thing, it's your first time posting. Otherwise, I sure will report your posting to abuse the posting board and falsely committed to fraud online.
Post by thanouxay
Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent
Festival of Light
08, October 2014
The Festival of Light, in Lao Bun Ok Pansa, End of the Buddhist Lent, celebrates the end of Vassa, the Theravada Buddhist retreat of the rainy season. During the rainy season, which lasts about three months, the monks of Luang Prabang traditionally remain in their monasteries and practice meditation. At the end of this period of retreat, in October, on the full moon of the eleventh month of the Lao Buddhist calendar, the town celebrates Boun Ok Pansa. This day commemorates the return of Lord Buddha from heaven after passing on his teachings to his mother.
On the occasion of this festival, the city's monasteries and many houses are illuminated throughout three nights with candles, lights of all kinds and lanterns made of bamboo and paper, usually in the shape of stars. These lights are symbols of joy and also a tribute paid to the Enlightened One.
The day after the end of the Buddhist lent, on October 09th, this year, illuminated boats will be sent on the Mekong at night.
This Festival is one of the most beautiful ones of Luang Prabang because of its sense of fragility, delicateness and meditation.
Following a tradition initiated in 2005 by the Art and Education project, The Quiet in The Land, a group of foreign residents, hospitality professionals and friends of Luang Prabang, collects funds every year to provide monasteries of Luang Prabang with the necessary material to create these decorations, couloured papers, glue, string, scissors, candles... This activity is supervised by Sathu Nhyai Onekeo Sitthivong, Abbot of Vat Pakkhan, Vat Xieng Thong, Vat Pa O, and chairman of the Buddhist Fellowship Union of Luang Prabang District.
Bank Name: BCEL
Bank Branch: Luang Prabang
Account Name: Buddhist Heritage Project
US$ Account Number: 050-12-01-00257804001
Please note "Bun Ok Pansa Donation" on the transfer slip and kindly inform us by email.
Thank you very much for your generous help.
2014-09-21 23:30:11 UTC
Post by Her Lao
I can understand that you guys need money and desperate enough. Need money so much that you even extend your
According to a Lao activist from Laos, Nuthmany, she said this donation is a pure scam. Please, do not send money for such non sense while the current big FLOOD in downtown LP is much more needed.

Maybe the current UN Ambassador Yong is part of the scam.

