Seeking relatives- Rathanasamay-Daogham
(too old to reply)
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-29 13:31:05 UTC
When I was very young my father (Thai) left to help a friend of his cross the river channel and never returned and his body was never found. My father was part of the Laos National football team back in 1960's and he had a sister name, Dang and they're both part French. My fathers family disappear at the same time he did and I don't know what happen to them and why they would just leave my brother and I like they did. My fathers name is (not certain about the spelling) Outt Thai but my mom calls him Thai for short and his last name Rathanasamay and Dao ghaum . Please, help me find my aunt Dang or any relatives of his. Thank you.
2014-03-29 15:54:26 UTC

please provide more specific info such as town and time frame when your dad disappeared.

river channel... are you talking about the mekong river?

many things happened during the switch over from RLG to Lao PDR and your family just got caught in that turmoil like countless others and every story is as poignant as the other.

are you located in the US?
2014-03-29 16:01:27 UTC

please provide more specific info such as town and time frame when your dad disappeared.

river channel... are you talking about the mekong river?

many things happened during the switch over from the previous royal government to the current Lao PDR and your family just got caught in that turmoil like countless others and every story is as poignant as the other.

so you were left with your mom and your brother and later fled to thailand and made your way to the US? how old were you when all of this happened?
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-29 16:50:47 UTC
I believe it was Vientiene and I was about 2 yrs. old and believed it was the Mekong channel.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-29 16:54:14 UTC
My mother remarried to Bounmy Rajsombath and he was in the military and I remember flying here to the U.S. My step-dad mentioned something about betrading his country and fighting with the Americans and he's not allowed to go back to Laos.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-29 17:05:47 UTC
I just across this social group and have read some of the conversations on here and you guys seem to know what you're talking about and the Laos community is quite a tight community and I was hoping that someone would know my dad's family and where I can find them. Do you know if Laos has somekind of family record the government keeps that the public can look at?
2014-03-29 23:17:27 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I just across this social group and have read some of the conversations on here and you guys seem to know what you're talking about and the Laos community is quite a tight community and I was hoping that someone would know my dad's family and where I can find them. Do you know if Laos has somekind of family record the government keeps that the public can look at?
very kind of you to say that we know stuff but most of us are here to rant about our old bones than anything else.

i strongly doubt that the current Lao PDR government kept any records from the previous regime so it will be difficult to find out from laos but not impossible of course. have you traveled back to the old country for a visit?

the name rattanasamay does ring a bell and i don't know which one. i've got too many bells ringing now. there must have been a known army general by the name of khamsing rattanasamay back in the old regime. not sure... can somebody who knows tell us more? the rattanasamay may be from luangprabang. not sure about that either.

alright folks, please help connie out if you know something.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 00:30:37 UTC
It would mean the world to me if I can locate them. It would be a terrible thing for me to leave this world not ever knowing my other half of the family. I'm trying to gather as much information as I can from my mom and her family. All I know is that my dad is half French and he played football for the national team in the 60's. He's got two last names; Daogham (pretty star) and Rattanasamay. His first name is Outt-Thai but people just call him Thai. He was married to my mother, Thanomsinh Vorakhanh. It was definitely communist at the time and he was gone before the Refugee camp. I will try to find out who his parents were but he did have a sister named Dang (red). It's so frustrating. I thought all the Laos people pretty know each other or can direct you to what they would be in or at least that what it sounds like when the adults talk to each other. I don't even remember what Laos or Thailand looks like and from what I heard, I'm scared to get kidnap or robbed, lol. If it comes down to it, I guess I would have to balls up and do it but I would go viral with it before then or try to have the media to help. I'm going to check France since he was half French. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
2014-03-30 16:17:12 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
It would mean the world to me if I can locate them. It would be a terrible thing for me to leave this world not ever knowing my other half of the family.
I don't even remember what Laos or Thailand looks like and from what I heard, I'm scared to get kidnap or robbed, lol...
a correction: somebody has just told me that RATTANASAMAY is a family name that is from vientiane, laos' capital and not from luangprabang.

just curious... your mom is still alive? while your mom and dad were together as a family they must have talked about family connections or at least your mom should know about your dad's side a bit no?

do you know if your dad is really from vientiane or from pakse? if he's from pakse then there may be a credible lead.

so you have never been back to the old country or thailand? the chance of getting kidnapped or robbed are minimal now but the chance of getting surrounded by kids asking for money and candy are more likely and also the chance of getting surrounded by handsome urban young men are even higher eee...
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 16:49:01 UTC
Urban young men? Eeewww, I'll pass on that one, lol. My is racing right now and I'm shaking. I will ask my mom about that right now.
2014-03-30 18:15:43 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Urban young men? Eeewww, I'll pass on that one, lol
i cannot speak for those young men laonai. you have to go there to find out of course. if anything else it should be a wonderful experience to visit your mother land.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 19:08:13 UTC
As long as they don't come on to me. I'm good to go, lol. I'm sure I will after I get my degree. It's hectic at the moment and trying to find my family whom just decided to abandon my and brother has taken up a lot of my time but it's important that I find them. That's what matter the most. Why I must I share the same last name as the King of Laos, lol. Right now, I'm curious about your lead. The anticipation is killing me, lol.
2014-03-30 20:24:17 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
As long as they don't come on to me. I'm good to go, lol. I'm sure I will after I get my degree. It's hectic at the moment and trying to find my family whom just decided to abandon my and brother has taken up a lot of my time but it's important that I find them.
is this a spur-of-the-moment thing or something that has gotten you going for awhile? a mid-life crisis perhaps? what kind of degree are you pursuing?

btw, thanks for complimenting on my english. it's mostly gibberish and online chat stuff. if my english is that good, i'll be rich by now like writing books and stuff. but no... it's not that good.

so i gotta thank those damn french colonialists for teaching us french and ran us through the french education system. the switch from french to american english was not that hard.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 20:37:05 UTC
I've been searching all my life but didn't really put that much effort into until now that I don't have any family other than my mom and my brother. It's a long painful story. I'm studying to be a Registered Nurse in the ER dept.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 20:48:31 UTC
You remember speaking French?
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-03-31 05:12:10 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
As long as they don't come on to me. I'm good to go, lol. I'm sure I will after I get my degree. It's hectic at the moment and trying to find my family whom just decided to abandon my and brother has taken up a lot of my time but it's important that I find them. That's what matter the most. Why I must I share the same last name as the King of Laos, lol. Right now, I'm curious about your lead. The anticipation is killing me, lol.
is there a chance that your father side of the family DID NOT abandon you and your brother BUT what if your mother were the one WHO RAN away with her new HONEY and thus took you two with her to another part of the country. this type of story had happen in a few case just beg your mother to tell the truth that MIGHT CLEAR some thing better. do NOT take your mother´s words as truth because she might intentionally blame yo9ur father for ALL of the mess while she was a MAJOR part in the mess with her new HONEY that CAUSE the separation of yo9u and yo9ur brother from yo9ur father´s side of the family. It looks like it was a LOVE TRIANGLE for this case so anything could be half true and half false. mixing it together and you will be confusing even more f your mother try to shift the blame to yo9ur father and his side of the family.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 16:58:06 UTC
He's from Vientiene Laos!!!!!!
2014-03-30 22:44:57 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
When I was very young my father (Thai) left to help a friend of his cross the river channel and never returned and his body was never found. My father was part of the Laos National football team back in 1960's and he had a sister name, Dang and they're both part French. My fathers family disappear at the same time he did and I don't know what happen to them and why they would just leave my brother and I like they did. My fathers name is (not certain about the spelling) Outt Thai but my mom calls him Thai for short and his last name Rathanasamay and Dao ghaum . Please, help me find my aunt Dang or any relatives of his. Thank you.

If I can recall correctly, your dad Outhai, played soccer for the Lao National Army, ທິມກອງທັບແຫ່ງຊາດ, and later on the team called Lao Liberation Army, ທິມກອງທັບປົດປ່ອຍ, if your dad is the guy who I think he was, he had a dark skin and quite a big guy, for Lao people. His position in the team was a stopper (defense). He played in front of Vattana or Na ນະ (like your dad people just called him Thai instead of Outhai), one of the most popular defense at the time. If he is the one I am talking about, your mom should know.

If my recollection serves me well, I did not see him play after 1975-76, he just disappeared from the team, but it was normal back then because people tend to escape the communist regime and disappear or get arrested by the regime and disappear. I also know that one of his team mate, Ai Thonglor, who played forward for the team; he is somewhere currently in Mr. KC neighborhood and he has a brother who was my classmate back in the old day who lived in Texas. I also learned that Ai Thonglor's son was also a Superior Court Judge somewhere in the mid-west. If these names ring the bell to your mom, let me know—I may be able to help.

Love and kisses
2014-03-30 23:05:40 UTC

If I can recall correctly, your dad, Outhai, played soccer for the Lao National Army, ທິມກອງທັບແຫ່ງຊາດ, and later on the team called Lao Liberation Army, ທິມກອງທັບປົດປ່ອຍ, if your dad is the guy who I think he was, he had dark skin and quite a big guy, for the Lao people (5-9 to 6 feet and around 200lbs). His soccer position in the team was a stopper (defense). He played in front of Vattana, but people called him Na or ນະ in Lao (like your Dad instead of going by Outhai, but Thai), one of the most popular defense at the time. If he is the one I am talking about, your mom should know because Lao people especially in the Soccer Team they were very close group of friends and they tended to do things together including visiting girls, and I bet he must brought his soccer mates to meet his girl, your mom.

If my recollection serves me well, I did not see him play after 1975-76, he just disappeared from the team, but it was normal back then because people tend to escape the communist regime and disappear or get arrested by the regime and disappear. I also know that one of his team mate, Ai Thonglor, who played forward for the team; he is somewhere currently in Mr. KC neighborhood and he has a brother who was my classmate back in the old day who lived in Texas. I also learned that Ai Thonglor's son was also a Superior Court Judge somewhere in the mid-west. If these names ring the bell to your mom, let me know—I may be able to help.

Love and kisses

2014-03-30 23:17:15 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
When I was very young my father (Thai) left to help a friend of his cross the river channel and never returned and his body was never found. My father was part of the Laos National football team back in 1960's and he had a sister name, Dang and they're both part French. My fathers family disappear at the same time he did and I don't know what happen to them and why they would just leave my brother and I like they did. My fathers name is (not certain about the spelling) Outt Thai but my mom calls him Thai for short and his last name Rathanasamay and Dao ghaum . Please, help me find my aunt Dang or any relatives of his. Thank you.

If I can recall correctly, your dad, Outhai, played soccer for the Lao National Army, ທິມກອງທັບແຫ່ງຊາດ, and later on the team called Lao Liberation Army, ທິມກອງທັບປົດປ່ອຍ, if your dad is the guy who I think he was, he had dark skin and quite a big guy, for Lao people (5-9 to 6 feet and around 200lbs). His soccer position in the team was a stopper (defense). He played in front of Vattana, but people called him Na or ນະ in Lao, (like your Dad instead of going by Outhai, but Thai), one of the most popular defense at the time. If he is the one I am talking about, your mom should know because Lao people especially in the Soccer Team they are very close group of friends and they tend to do things together including visiting girls, and I bet he must brought his soccer mates to meet his girl, your mom.

If my recollection serves me well, I did not see him play after 1975-76, he just disappeared from the team, but it was normal back then because people tended to escape the communist regime and disappear or being arrested by the regime and disappear. I also know that one of his team mate, Ai Thonglor, who played forward for the team; he is somewhere currently in Mr. KC neighborhood and he has a brother who was my classmate back in the old day who lived in Texas. I also learned that one of Ai Thonglor’s sons is also a Superior Court Judge somewhere in the mid-west. If these names ring the bell to your mom, let me know—I may be able to help.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-30 23:57:31 UTC
Oh wow, goosebumps. Let me ask her. Sorry, my mouth is just wide open. Thank you.
2014-03-31 00:06:32 UTC
Of course, Ai Na is one of the (4 ****) soccer players.

Ai Thonglor Phomvisay is presently living 50 mins away from my domicile.
His son is not a Superior Court Judge. Please check out the linkbelow.
2014-03-31 00:39:01 UTC
I am glad to hear, the success of Ai Thonglor's son in receiving this award. However, I was told few years back by one of my friend that one of Ai Thonglor's sons is a Judge, but again he could be wrong too. Nevertheless, I am still glad to hear the success of our Lao people.

Love and kisses

P.S. Please don't forget to share with Connie, you Master Degree thesis that you wrote for your MBA, "Married but available."
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 06:34:03 UTC
Do you have his contact?
2014-03-31 11:21:19 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Do you have his contact?

I still did not receive e-mail from you. Make sure you send to the right account again here is my e-mail and facebook account:

My e-mail: ***@hotmail.com or my facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/#!/phetmany.april

Love and kisses
2014-03-31 12:03:08 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Do you have his contact?

I got the pic, please check my reply on your FB.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 00:19:36 UTC
Yes, my father was above average from what I heard. I actually have a picture of him. Can't locate my mom at moment but you're right about a lot of the stuff. All my life, my mom played dumb and didn't give me much to work with, as if she didn't want us to find them or something rather. Then suddenly, she remembers his last name, not only his last name but both of his last name. Bizarre.
2014-03-31 01:05:53 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Yes, my father was above average from what I heard. I actually have a picture of him. Can't locate my mom at moment but you're right about a lot of the stuff. All my life, my mom played dumb and didn't give me much to work with, as if she didn't want us to find them or something rather. Then suddenly, she remembers his last name, not only his last name but both of his last name. Bizarre.
Good, if you have his pictures especially in the soccer uniform with his team since I know a lot of Lao National Team in the old days, and if you don't mind send them to me his pictures so I know if we are talking about the same person or not. My e-mail: ***@hotmail.com or my facebook account:Phetmany

In fact, you can just ask Mr. KC for Ai Thonglor phone numbers and call him since the person (your Dad) who I am thinking about was playing soccer in the same team with Ai Thonglor. Ai Thonglor should be able to tell you a lot.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 02:03:57 UTC
I just sent my dad's picture. By the way, my given name is Konesavane. Connie is what my elementary teacher called me and somehow my given name was no longer in the school system. I hate the name Connie too, lol.
2014-03-31 02:45:16 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I just sent my dad's picture. By the way, my given name is Konesavane. Connie is what my elementary teacher called me and somehow my given name was no longer in the school system. I hate the name Connie too, lol.

I just check both my e-mail and Facebook account--I have not seen your e-mail nor pics yet. I am going to bed now and will turn off the computer will check it tomorrow if it will come.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 03:11:06 UTC
Ok, goodnight
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-03-31 05:22:05 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I just sent my dad's picture. By the way, my given name is Konesavane. Connie is what my elementary teacher called me and somehow my given name was no longer in the school system. I hate the name Connie too, lol.
that Konesavane sounds more like a lao girl while connie sounds like a WESTRNER chick.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 05:52:08 UTC
It's hard for her to talk about him because he was the love of her life. She talks nothing but good about my dad. His passing still hurts her till this day. She remarried because she had no one to help her raised us and did not marry for love because her heart is with my dad. The part of her taking us away from the family might be true judging from her personality. Love triangle? I doubt it. I think my mom took us from his family because she never mention anything about them other than his sister but most of it was about how she and her brother loved us. I have a feeling it has something to do with money, maybe. Maybe they didn't want to give her money and she said screw you and left. The only reason why I would think that is because my mom has a gambling addiction and I wouldn't doubt that she would do something like that and if I find out that is the reason. I will disown her as mother for taking us from them. I like Konesavane, Connie was given to me without a choice. That's the least of my problem.
2014-03-31 15:44:09 UTC
Dear konesvane/connie,
The family name Rattanasamay is a very big family name with a very famous General of the Lao Royal Army: General Sing Rattanasamay. I recall a guy of the name of Thai playing for FAR (Force Armee Royale) footbal team but I do not know that his family name is Rattanasamay. But there is something which do not match with your statement is that this Thai is not mixte French blood.
You may search for Deng Rattanasamay in google or Accutellus.com. I myself found not less than five persone of this name who are all living in USA.
Please keep on trying and you can count on me to give you a hand. I am living in Laos. Good luck
2014-03-31 18:12:44 UTC
Post by thanouxay
Dear konesvane/connie,
The family name Rattanasamay is a very big family name with a very famous General of the Lao Royal Army: General Sing Rattanasamay
looks like things are moving along ok. one way or the other, you will find out soon.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 19:37:35 UTC
I just have to dig deeper to keep my head above water in dealing with situation. My biggest concern are my grandparents, the thought of not being able to get to them soon enough and for them having to leave this world not ever seeing us a again. It's extremely haunting. I want to thank you, for taking the out of your life to help me. Whether it was a success or not, it's means a lot to me and I'm forever grateful.
2014-03-31 21:02:25 UTC

so you've got two SCL big honchos, soumaly and thanouxay, to help you out now. things will move faster now.

kc can help out on the iowa side there. kc, could you give the phone number of the contact in desmoine?
Connie Rajsombath
2014-03-31 21:56:58 UTC
Yes, I'm about to give someone in MN a phone call. Nervous and I'm also prepared, if it's not her. :)
2014-04-01 01:03:50 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Yes, I'm about to give someone in MN a phone call. Nervous and I'm also prepared, if it's not her. :)
Please let us know, I really beleive that if she is not your Aunty, but she should know more about your Dad. In fact, I beleive that at least she is related to you.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 04:35:46 UTC
I'm sorry, I haven't called her yet. I'm hesitant to to give my information to those sites. Do you know if it's safe to give my credit info., it seems like a scam of some sort. If they're legit, I will proceed.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 05:13:26 UTC
What a scam! The only thing they gave me was an address and DOB. I actually found Dang Rattanasamay and Diana is a possible relative.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 06:41:25 UTC
The house was in foreclosure and not sure if she still lives there and I can't get a phone number.
2014-04-01 10:51:26 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
The house was in foreclosure and not sure if she still lives there and I can't get a phone number.
May be Her Lao can help you just gave Her the information since MN is Her Lao's home.

Love and kisses
2014-04-01 16:15:39 UTC
Connie, can you tell us how old is your mother?
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 17:53:36 UTC
Good lord, I think it's 1954. Yea, because my step-dad is 1945 and remember it being reversed, lol. I'm sure that's fake, lol.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 17:55:49 UTC
This is the address that I have for Dang Rattanasamay, 11010 68th Pl, Kenosha, WI 53142 her DOB 10-6-55. Her possible relative is Diane Rattanasamay.
2014-04-01 17:44:22 UTC
sabaydi konesavane,

welcome to scl, you're the first one here to show your beautiful face, either it's your real face or not, it doesn't matter in this scl world, but it looks really nice to me.

Since your asking doesn't sound like an April Fool as I first thought, if my memory still working good, I remember a quite well known old man named Oun Rattanasamay, he's married to a French woman, who can speak Lao very well. During the late 60's, I remember watching him singing a joking song "Peurt-Song-Beurg" (Open-to-see) at the big festival at the national stadium. The song goes like this,

Peurt-song-beung (Peurt-song-beung) jao-hean-yang-dair
Pair-leab-jeab (Pair-leab-jeab)
Bor-peng-ta-jeab thair-na (Bor-peng-ta-jeab thair-na)

Peurt-song-beung (Peurt-song-beung) jao-hean-yang-dair
Souat-joum-phoum (Souat-joum-phoum) Paan-phoum-kang-nam
Sang-ma-ngam thair-nor (Sang-ma-ngam Thair-nor)

Oun Rattanasamay might be your grandpa as you said your dad is haft French and his last name is Rattanasamay.

some of the former national soccer players who still alive could be your best sources of info about your dad, here are some of them,

Phengsavang (front #10), studied in france, went back to lppd, escaped, being refugee, become Canadian citizen. Now he goes back living in laos.
Douangdy (front #11) now living in southern California

Oudom or Dom (front #9) passed away. his older brother, Ajarn Sor Sengsirivanh now living in Oregon

Post by Connie Rajsombath
The house was in foreclosure and not sure if she still lives there and I can't get a phone number.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 18:19:12 UTC
Hi, very nice to meet and that's definitely the face behind all this and thank you for compliment as well. I believe you're right about questioning the players and that's what I'll be doing next after my homework, lol. My professor said that I should come back to earth now, lol. Thank you for the information.
2014-04-01 19:01:33 UTC
if your dad is really a soccer player at the national level at the time before to commu took over the country, then it should be much easier to find info about him than the 'world' is trying to find the 777 Malaysian jetliner, that disappeared without communists involvement.

... and especially the last name rattanasamay is quite a unique and welknown last name in Laos, people of this last name might be able to help you too.

it doesn't hurt to follow your heart in finding the truth about the only another-person who gave you life. no matter what people/professor said, keep searching, you'll find what you looking for...

Post by Connie Rajsombath
Hi, very nice to meet and that's definitely the face behind all this and thank you for compliment as well. I believe you're right about questioning the players and that's what I'll be doing next after my homework, lol. My professor said that I should come back to earth now, lol. Thank you for the information.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 19:12:57 UTC
That's right! I think oum Rattanasamay may be my grandfather. Just got off the phone with my mom and I have the names of his siblings and 2 of my grandfather brothers name. It's not there real name but their nicknames. Not sure how to spell though but here goes. Sai (to put on or in) Nai (seed), Jai ( heart) his sister, dang, Lak( diseased), and Ek. My mom said she some are in Canada and my aunt Dang in France.
2014-04-01 21:45:02 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
My mom said she some are in Canada and my aunt Dang in France.
looks like the best source of info is from your mom. she knows a lot of things from her past which is your past. she's gotta spill out everything now that the horse are out of the barn.

tell her to tell you everything or else the SCL gang will come after her eee...
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 22:06:13 UTC
Thats is hilarious!!! I'm gonna tell her that, lol.
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-01 21:50:37 UTC
THAT 777 SHOULD BE easy TO FIND IF NO ONE is try8ing to hide it because if leave it alone the black-box would send signal where it is located and all it takes is just pin point that location on the geography and ick iot up. BUT IT LOOKS Like THAT FLIGHT 370 HAS SOMEONE INTENDED TO HIDE TO THE MAX HIDDEN he/she can do it. perhaps dissemble the black-box to prevent it from sending out signal.
Post by pizone
if your dad is really a soccer player at the national level at the time before to commu took over the country, then it should be much easier to find info about him than the 'world' is trying to find the 777 Malaysian jetliner, that disappeared without communists involvement.
... and especially the last name rattanasamay is quite a unique and welknown last name in Laos, people of this last name might be able to help you too.
it doesn't hurt to follow your heart in finding the truth about the only another-person who gave you life. no matter what people/professor said, keep searching, you'll find what you looking for...
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Hi, very nice to meet and that's definitely the face behind all this and thank you for compliment as well. I believe you're right about questioning the players and that's what I'll be doing next after my homework, lol. My professor said that I should come back to earth now, lol. Thank you for the information.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-01 23:29:49 UTC
I can't find information or the names are popping up for me on his teammates and oun Rattanasamay. I sent a message to a Jerry Rattanasamay. It's the waiting game. I think I'm just gonna go to every Laos forum and leave my dad's picture there and have them call me if they know him or something. This is mentally draining and I have a pounding headache that just won't go away. :(
2014-04-02 02:20:52 UTC
I had talked to a son of Col. Police, Souphanh Rattanasamay.
He is not recalling your father's name.
2014-04-02 02:22:13 UTC
I suggest that you contact the Rattanasamay in Hawaii.
They might know who your father is.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 03:22:14 UTC
Ok, I'll call them tomorrow. I was leaning towards the family in Hawaii. Thanks KC!
2014-04-02 03:23:29 UTC
Please post your father's pictures in this forum, so we can try our best to help you.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 05:15:43 UTC
I definitely will if I can figure out how, lol.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 05:23:51 UTC
I'm on this advanced background check and it's actually providing the phone numbers and previous addresses but uncertain on how current it is. I have a list of numbers to contact tomorrow. The ones I called today were out of service.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 05:50:17 UTC
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
2014-04-02 06:01:23 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
Casalao can help you, if you send the picture to him.
2014-04-02 06:26:21 UTC
Post by KC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
Casalao can help you, if you send the picture to him.
you can post it on FB and paste the link here.
2014-04-02 06:01:49 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-02 09:21:31 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
just put the picture on another site as long as it is on the INTERNET somewhere and you just need to put the link in here as far as this forum goes you can NOT PUT PICTURE FILE in here directly. some binary forum may allow picture in the form of text encoding/decoding.but THAT ENCODING AND DECODI8NG REQUIRE ANOTHER PROGRAM TO DO IT which is harder compare to loading the picture to another free picture site and just put the link, here.
2014-04-02 11:34:32 UTC
Another way, you may sign up with Flickr to upload your pictures there and use its link.
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I have no clue on how to post pictures up on here. Hahahaha!
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 15:29:31 UTC
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 22:24:34 UTC
Can't believe all 8 phone numbers are all disconnected or no longer in service. Another dead end. :(
2014-04-03 00:14:07 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Can't believe all 8 phone numbers are all disconnected or no longer in service. Another dead end. :(
In that case I suggest that you do the old fashion way--send the regular mail through snail mail---I mean U.S Post office.

Love and kisses
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-03 00:16:22 UTC
Well, if that's what I have to do. I don't have any other option.
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-03 17:06:37 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Can't believe all 8 phone numbers are all disconnected or no longer in service. Another dead end. :(
you did it right because by following the link i saw the picture
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-03 17:53:04 UTC
Post by pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Can't believe all 8 phone numbers are all disconnected or no longer in service. Another dead end. :(
you did it right because by following the link i saw the picture
yes, thanks to them i did. Update: I made contact with one of the Rattanasamay here in Fullerton and asked if he can show his parents my dads picture and see if they recognized him but havent heard from him yet so i decided to go on his friends list and discovered half of the Rattanasamay that ive been trying to get contact info. from. So i went ahead and messaged all of them along with my dads picture. One in Hawaii, Sacramento, France, and etc.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-04 17:31:10 UTC
Regarding, every Rattanasamay should know one another is true. They do because if you go to one on Facebook, they're all connected in some way and that's the same with all Lao people. We're all brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, friend of a friend, or what not. We're all connected in some way. Just one big family. I will accept whatever answer that I will receive from them, bad or good. I just answers and if they don't want me in their lives, that's fine too but just don't ignore me. All I want is closure and I'm sure that's not much to ask for. I'm not asking for money, a place to live, food, or anything of value. Well, their answer would be a value to me but it shouldn't be anything to them, to just response. I hate waiting. There's nothing left for me to do because I have contacted every Rattanasamay out there except Diana but she is possibly connected to Douangdaung. Guess, I should start looking for his teammates.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-04 21:53:58 UTC
I found them!!!!!!! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack!
2014-04-04 22:18:20 UTC
Found who?
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-04 23:22:38 UTC
Found my family. It's my great aunt. My grandmother and her mother are sisters. She's going to get a hold of my aunt in Canada and the rest of them are in France. My aunt Jai just visited Laos not so long ago to see her cousin. I'm still in shock and not feeling so well. Feel like I'm gonna vomit.
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-04 23:50:08 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Found my family. It's my great aunt. My grandmother and her mother are sisters. She's going to get a hold of my aunt in Canada and the rest of them are in France. My aunt Jai just visited Laos not so long ago to see her cousin. I'm still in shock and not feeling so well. Feel like I'm gonna vomit.
I´M GLAD THAT YOU FINALLY HOOK yourself into a FAMILY TREE. in that BIG TREE you´ll have some times to trace each branch of the WHOLE TREE. JUST DO not forget TO HOWL YOUR KIDS ALONG WITH YOU TO LET THEM SEE THEIR COUSINS that they never know existed.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-04 23:27:21 UTC
I want to thank each and everyone of you that helped me with all this. I will forever be grateful and will never forget this. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I love all of you. I forgot who it was but the person that said my dad isn't French blood is correct. My grandmother looks French but she's not. Well we don't actually know, probably somewhere down the line because we all don't look full Asian. Who cares, just being Laos is good enough for me. Lao and proud! Thanks a million! We shall celebrate in San Diego Casalao!!!!
2014-04-04 23:46:36 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I want to thank each and everyone of you that helped me with all this. I will forever be grateful and will never forget this. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I love all of you. I forgot who it was but the person that said my dad isn't French blood is correct. My grandmother looks French but she's not. Well we don't actually know, probably somewhere down the line because we all don't look full Asian. Who cares, just being Laos is good enough for me. Lao and proud! Thanks a million! We shall celebrate in San Diego Casalao!!!!
Congratulation for your success in finding your family, but can they tell us what's happening to your Dad? I talked to my friend who was in Calgary Canada who played soccer for the Premier League during that time and he played for Ministry Education. My friend told me that your Dad played Mid-field along with Saythong NOT Defense as I thought. The person that I initially thought that was your dad that played defense along with Vathana, Oudom and Aet(still in Laos) was Noudam(in France)--and now It is clear my memory too. By the way, please share if you know anything about your Dad. Btw, the person who told you that your dad was NOT french was Thanouxay.

Love and kisses
2014-04-05 02:41:44 UTC
I want to thank each and everyone of you that helped me with all this. I will forever be grateful and will never forget this. We shall celebrate in San Diego Casalao!!!!
wow... goosebumps and khon nao taek maen boh?

yes, this is cause for celebration of course. so come on down to san diego tomorrow and sunday to get the lao vibe there. so... are you gonna bring a case of lao beer?

and kc in iowa will want another case too eee...

btw, if you want to join the lao idol contest please join us. gotta sing lao though.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-05 08:58:36 UTC
I just got my aunts number in Canada. They had to wait and call Laos to get it. It has been an emotional roller coaster today and it's about to start all over again tomorrow. The great aunt that I spoke to was only 5 yrs old when my dad vanished so she doesn't remember much. The last time she saw my dad was when my dad gave them a ride home. He was a taxi driver, lol. Her mom and my grandmother are sisters. She asked me so many questions because she thought I was trying to scam them but I answered all her questions right and said,"Let me tell you the names of my aunts and uncle and I'll even tell you which one had passed as well" I named them all and she said right there and then she had goosebumps. My grandparents already passed and my aunt Dang is very sick. So I won't know what happen to my dad until I talk to my aunt tomorrow. Now, I'm afraid that I won't make it to see my aunt Dang. I don't even know how much this all going to cost me to go to France. I don't even have a passport. Guess, I better get on that passport ASAP and figure out the money situation later. Maybe I'll just go shake my butt somewhere, lol. Oh god, hope I don't have to resort to that but if I have to, I will. Didn't make it this far and not reach my aunt Dang. She's the only one in our pictures. Didn't know he had other siblings. I can't wait to get to know my dad and all the stories that they will be telling me about. Just listening to the people here when they said they know my dad, brings a smile to my face. He was a great dad, too bad he had to go so early. Maybe, I would've been some spoiled stuck up bitch if he was alive but because of what I went through, has mold me into the person I am today and I'm proud of who Ive became. If I don't make it out to San Diego tomorrow, I'll definitely be there Sunday. I have to meet you guys and thank you in person. Beer Lao huh? And If I go up there and sing, I guarantee you that place will empty quick, lol. I can't sing for the life of me. Singing in Laos too? That would be a challenged due to that I have to already mix Laos and English together to form a sentence but I understand it fluently. I speak faster in English, sometimes a little too fast, lol. Anyways, time for bed. In case I can't find the address to the place, can you get that for me Casalao. Don't want to get lost because I'm really bad with directions. I'll be In China without my gps, lol. Good night all.
2014-04-05 16:05:47 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
I just got my aunts number in Canada. They had to wait and call Laos to get it. It has been an emotional roller coaster today and it's about to start all over again tomorrow. The great aunt that I spoke to was only 5 yrs old when my dad vanished so she doesn't remember much. The last time she saw my dad was when my dad gave them a ride home. He was a taxi driver, lol. Her mom and my grandmother are sisters. She asked me so many questions because she thought I was trying to scam them but I answered all her questions right and said,"Let me tell you the names of my aunts and uncle and I'll even tell you which one had passed as well" I named them all and she said right there and then she had goosebumps. My grandparents already passed and my aunt Dang is very sick. So I won't know what happen to my dad until I talk to my aunt tomorrow. Now, I'm afraid that I won't make it to see my aunt Dang. I don't even know how much this all going to cost me to go to France. I don't even have a passport. Guess, I better get on that passport ASAP and figure out the money situation later. Maybe I'll just go shake my butt somewhere, lol. Oh god, hope I don't have to resort to that but if I have to, I will. Didn't make it this far and not reach my aunt Dang. She's the only one in our pictures. Didn't know he had other siblings. I can't wait to get to know my dad and all the stories that they will be telling me about. Just listening to the people here when they said they know my dad, brings a smile to my face. He was a great dad, too bad he had to go so early. Maybe, I would've been some spoiled stuck up bitch if he was alive but because of what I went through, has mold me into the person I am today and I'm proud of who Ive became. If I don't make it out to San Diego tomorrow, I'll definitely be there Sunday. I have to meet you guys and thank you in person. Beer Lao huh? And If I go up there and sing, I guarantee you that place will empty quick, lol. I can't sing for the life of me. Singing in Laos too? That would be a challenged due to that I have to already mix Laos and English together to form a sentence but I understand it fluently. I speak faster in English, sometimes a little too fast, lol. Anyways, time for bed. In case I can't find the address to the place, can you get that for me Casalao. Don't want to get lost because I'm really bad with directions. I'll be In China without my gps, lol. Good night all.
Good to know that at least you got somebody related to you in this big Rattanasamay family tree. Boun Rattanasamay who is living in Hawai, is here in Vientiane. I will try to talk to him to get some information and get back to you soon. Welcome to our big Lao family.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-05 19:30:06 UTC
That would be nice of you. I also found out that we are related to General Sing Rattanasamay. He's my cousins brother. From what I read on here, I was hoping that I wasn't related to him. That's some scary stuff.
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-06 06:09:14 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
That would be nice of you. I also found out that we are related to General Sing Rattanasamay. He's my cousins brother. From what I read on here, I was hoping that I wasn't related to him. That's some scary stuff.
if you ever go back for a visit just keep that Rajsombath instead of that Rattanasamay which will stop the VISA gatekeeper from looking at you several times.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-06 15:49:18 UTC
I will, thank you so much. I really appreciate everything that you guys have help me with.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-06 16:36:57 UTC
My question is, how does one live with themselves doing what they did to my family. In disbelief of what I'm hearing. I wonder if my dad died the same way. It makes me sick to even think that. Can't get the image of having to dig your own grave and being executed. It's a door that maybe should've been closed.
Her Lao
2014-04-06 18:07:34 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
My question is, how does one live with themselves doing what they did to my family. In disbelief of what I'm hearing. I wonder if my dad died the same way. It makes me sick to even think that. Can't get the image of having to dig your own grave and being executed. It's a door that maybe should've been closed.

That's right, Connie. Listen to Thanouxay.

History doesn't mean any thing any more, these days, now that Laos is totally free and rich and educated and tolerant... tolerant of different people and ideas and views.... THAT IS, so long as YOU don't spread falsehoods, rumors, and other national-damaging lies like you do here, about Laos, its correct leadership, its gentle nature and law and order and harmonious society.

Look at those stupid Libyans, Syrians, Egyptians, Iraqis, et al. Look at how spreading LIES and NEGATIVE RUMORS and NEGATIVE PHENOMENA and other falsehoods about a state and its good leaders, COULD DO to a society and its people: chaos!

But look at the STABILITY and gentleness and harmony and law and order of Iran, Laos, China, North Korea, Vietnam, etc., where ONE MEN, ONE PARTY, ONE IDEOLOGY ---- THE CORRECT ONE, that is ---- is in charge and NO BAD OR STUPID people or ideas are allowed to challenge THAT correct idea, ideology, man/ruler, etc. Peace, prosperity, harmony, democracy, and tolerance rein supreme... because EVERYONE is happy, since everyone knows and follows the CORRECT IDEOLOGIES and LAWS and such and such!
2014-04-06 17:31:47 UTC
This is not true. Several Rattanasamay come back and forth regularly. Eui Paloy Rattanasamay who is the daughter of General Sing Rattanasamay come back home every year and Boun Rattanasamay, her younger brother is here for family visit.

If you are not sure, please refrain from spreading false rumor which may create confusion. Nowaday, Laos has totally changed and history has been buried longtime ago. The new generation do not bother and are more interested in doing business but they are also very very patriotic.
Post by pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
Post by Connie Rajsombath
That would be nice of you. I also found out that we are related to General Sing Rattanasamay. He's my cousins brother. From what I read on here, I was hoping that I wasn't related to him. That's some scary stuff.
if you ever go back for a visit just keep that Rajsombath instead of that Rattanasamay which will stop the VISA gatekeeper from looking at you several times.
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-06 19:15:01 UTC
Post by thanouxay
This is not true. Several Rattanasamay come back and forth regularly. Eui Paloy Rattanasamay who is the daughter of General Sing Rattanasamay come back home every year and Boun Rattanasamay, her younger brother is here for family visit.
If you are not sure, please refrain from spreading false rumor which may create confusion. Nowaday, Laos has totally changed and history has been buried longtime ago. The new generation do not bother and are more interested in doing business but they are also very very patriotic.
Post by pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
Post by Connie Rajsombath
That would be nice of you. I also found out that we are related to General Sing Rattanasamay. He's my cousins brother. From what I read on here, I was hoping that I wasn't related to him. That's some scary stuff.
if you ever go back for a visit just keep that Rajsombath instead of that Rattanasamay which will stop the VISA gatekeeper from looking at you several times.
if that Rattanasamay does NOT BOTHER THE lpdr THAN HOW COME ANY OF THE MAKE A VISIT HIS or her name and especially last name had been noted and counted? that phrase of totally change is a fasle statement by itself with another one saying ¨Several Rattanasamay come back and forth regularly.¨ IF ¨The new generation do not bother¨ THAN how on earth did they get that summary that ¨Rattanasamay come back and forth regularly.¨ YOU are shooting yourself at your foot by those TWO PHRASE. now take that phrase back to see WHO is the confused one and shoot himself at the foot? by making TWO statements that one just TRASH the other one and at a HIGH level of LPDR people do NOT expect HIGH official to shoot himself. one statement saying they do NOT BOTHER but the next statement just say they saw back and fort actions. without a note and count of interest HOW can they know that NAME had made several back and fort entrances and exits which POINTED out that that NAME is STILL BEING TRACK and to know which one is a cousins or daughter herself of that Rattanasamay family tree. who is NOT SURE and confused? apparently some one had his LOGIC to create BIG FLAW by statement that just destroy the other one and he is a HIGH LPDR official too.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-06 19:33:06 UTC
I apologize, I don't know the history of it at all. Found out a lot from this forum, by reading all the things you guys have posted. I just found my family and what they're telling me is just shocking and of course, it's my first time knowing all this even though it was long ago. Again, I apologize for what I just said. I'm just trying to make sense of all this. You are right, I am confused.
2014-04-07 05:11:58 UTC
You are completely out of order. If i come to know how often they are travelling back and forth just because they are related to me and my family and they are really close to us personally. They even had build a house on a land which had been offered to them by my family here. Is it clear, Sir???
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู
2014-04-07 12:33:54 UTC
Post by thanouxay
You are completely out of order. If i come to know how often they are travelling back and forth just because they are related to me and my family and they are really close to us personally. They even had build a house on a land which had been offered to them by my family here. Is it clear, Sir???
does NOT MATTER HOW CLOSE THEY ARE TO YOU but THERE IS A TRACKING in one form or another in order to get the count of several travelings. i bet i i were to visit the country under a MEXICO passport as Mr. JOE LOPEZ than even if I make 10 travel my name will NOT BE ON YOUR LIST. this type of tracking DOES NOT matter how small it is it STILL count as TRACKING and that is EXACTLY the contrary to your statement of the new generation do NOT bother those old high ranking officials any more. watch out that new generation you just praised they might be on your neck sniffing to see if you as a government official make CONFLICTING statements to unintentionally admitting some of LPDR secrets. one statement denying to bother any of those old HIGH RANKING official of the previous government YET another statement just admit LPDR still have some interest to form of a type of tracking to count the traveling of someone with a particular LAST NAME.
2014-04-07 14:50:22 UTC
5555555 you better go and see a Doctor or better a psychiatric to treat you paranoid.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-07 17:28:23 UTC
Thanouxay is right, my family has gone back many times and just recently visited and they are treated fine.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-02 22:43:32 UTC
My dad's picture. Not so sure if I did it right, lol.
2014-04-03 09:07:47 UTC
That is him. I recall this Thai playing in the Army Football Team but unfortunately, I didn't know the whereabout of him and his family since I left Laos for studying in France in 1973. i will talk to friends and see if anyone got any information and will come back to you later.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-03 15:02:32 UTC
That's awesome, thank you.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-03 00:22:57 UTC

I apologize, I didn't see your post until now. I appreciated your help and thank for the site. I will take a look as soon as I can. Thanks again.
Connie Rajsombath
2014-04-04 23:45:31 UTC

You knew my dad. Thank you very much for your help. My dad is dancing in heaven right now.
2014-03-31 01:28:27 UTC
Post by Connie Rajsombath
Yes, my father was above average from what I heard. I actually have a picture of him. Can't locate my mom at moment but you're right about a lot of the stuff. All my life, my mom played dumb and didn't give me much to work with, as if she didn't want us to find them or something rather. Then suddenly, she remembers his last name, not only his last name but both of his last name. Bizarre.
Good, if you have his picture(s) especially in the soccer uniform with his team since I know a lot of Lao National Team in the old days, and if you don't mind send them to me his pictures so I know if we are talking about the same person or not. My e-mail: ***@hotmail.com or my facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/#!/phetmany.april

In fact, you can just ask Mr. KC for Ai Thonglor phone numbers and call him since the person (your Dad) who I am thinking about was playing soccer in the same team with Ai Thonglor. Ai Thonglor should be able to tell you a lot.

Love and kisses