who is right and who is wrong? herlao, what do you think?
Students in the classroom said she had been using her phone during math class and refused to leave the room after the teacher wrote her up. After she refused the teacher and a vice principal's orders to leave the room, officials called in Fields. The student also refused his commands to leave.<<<
not easy to teach kids with personal agenda but was it necessary for the police officer to use such a force?
I've seen it all.
While I believe that IN GENERAL police officers, including women, have too much chemicals like testosterone coursing through their bodies, as they go to work ---- because when you deal with people who could shoot you dead at the turn of a corner, LITERALLY --- in THIS SPECIFIC instance, I have seen enough, in my classrooms and in other teachers classrooms, to instinctively THINK that the kid was one of these tough characters who couldn't give a fuck what anyone tells her.... whether it is the counselor, the VP, the principal, you the teacher, or the police officer/security from the school.
Black kids, in specific, and NEEDY kids in general --- including poor, needy White kids but MOST NEEDY KIDS in inner city situated or minority oriented areas are MOSTLY ASIANS, HISPANICS, AND BLACKS --- are EXTREMELY TOUGH to deal with.
My last year teaching in a public school, in a 1st-8th grade school, was in north Minneapolis, Minnesota... North Minneapolis is like Southeast San Diego. It is incredibly tough AND SAD for everyone: teachers and parents and students. Most kids, including Black kids, are decent and are willing to try to learn. But you have anywhere between 1-5%, or 3-5 or so, of the school and of every classroom, who are basically there to pass the day, for you to babysit, so they WILL FIND THE MOST DISTRACTING THINGS to do.
They fought every day. They fought whether in the classroom, in the hallway, or in the play ground. Whether you and the VP were next to them or not, they fought....
It's very tragic for our poor minority American kids. This is why schools have so much trouble finding good teachers; and even when they do, they have trouble RETAINING THEM... those who stay, eventually they make their way INTO THE BETTER, SUBURBAN SCHOOLS/DISTICTS...
You can't and you SHOULDN'T have to deal with so many EXTREMELY NEEDY KIDS. That's not teaching; that's babysitting.
And they are mostly Black and Hispanic kids, some Asians, too... WHO COULD HARDLY READ OR WRITE beyond lower middle school... even when they about to finish upper middle school... to go on to high school.... kids who have been promoted through the grades.... because teachers are afraid to retain them... because if you do, after 2-3 years, they are 6 foot tall, 200 pounders running around pushing classmates who are only 4'5" to 5 foot tall, tiny kids...
Again, it's very very tragic.
Anyway, after that last year in public school, I moved to teach and tutor at a very expensive high school, just a mile and a half from downtown Minneapolis... for 7 years... and I had the best of times....
Kids are kids, and they do goofy and stupid things, whether they are in expensive private schools or public schools... but kids in private schools, on average, don't have the EXTREME SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL NEEDS that public schools HAD TO DEAL WITH, had to put up with... extremely needy kids from poorly educated parents... kids whom everyone says YOU, THE TEACHERS, must motivate...
But you could HARDLY motivate and compete with video games, iPhones, and music they are addicted to... kids who HAVE NEVER DEVELOPED HABITS that enable them to sit still for more than 5 minutes... just 5 minutes... to focus on any thing...
Private schools do so much better than public schools, because THEY COULD CHOOSE whom to accept and whom to reject as student CANDIDATES; the kids parents also pay $20,000 to $50,000... even in grade schools... to attend private schools... so you don't see the EXTREM NEEDINESS social, behavioral, and academic needs that you see UBIQUITOUSLY in inner city public schools... where the ABSOLUTELY MAJORITY of Blacks and Hispanic kids are, with some 1-2nd generation poor Asian kids, too... but they are not as numerous and a bit less needy, on average...