My dear Laophuan, you should add English subtitle (at least) so that the
world know about your country, for example, the super rich is building
150 million Bahts mansion(3.03), flaunting brand name products (4:19)
where the poorer siamese cannot afford, shopping pilgrim to Udon
(8:26), wine connoisseur (9:42), billionnaire with jewelry show case on
wheel (10:39), but the climax is at 8:40 where your countrymen, rich and
poor alike, stampede to receive health care in Udon. The more I watched,
the more confused I became. Richer and capable than old patikan regime,
yet still unable to educate their youngs and care for their sicks. Still
have to depend on generosity of the neighbors, siam, keo, jek alike. I
google and still find plenty of information about your country that say
' relies heavily on foreigh aids...'. Of course, the very popular
description, 'one of the world poorest' still apply. This should put a
smirk in your face because it implies that, mathematically speaking,
there exist at least one or more 'poorest' in this planet. You have
company ! I won't ask what you or your khammunist friends are going to
do about it. I know none of you would have any clue so why bother !
I saw the other video claims to be the 'new viangchanh' except it was
painted in what so call animation. Do you by any chance have the real
for us to see ? No, not the one with buffaloes blocking the road, and
shit all over the places. I am too familiar with it. After you eat your
ten dollars chicken, can you post the new video about your country that
will blow everybody's mind ?