Her Lao
2015-05-05 13:20:14 UTC
"Carbon dating, all these things," he said "really doesn't mean anything to a God who has the ability to create anything at any point in time.
"Dealing with the complexity of the human brain," Carson continued, "and somebody says that came from a slime pit full of promiscuous biochemicals? I don't think so."
That says that just because someone has enough of an functional IQ to obtain a technical certification, to do some kind of a more refined/focused line of work, it doesn't mean they are necessarily very intelligent.
Especially if they can get in front of millions of audiences who all fall down to their knees on a daily and/or weekly basis, to utter complete mindless TRIBAL gibberish to some "creator" who lives beyond the Oort Cloud as well as "within every human's brains and consciousness," ubiquitously, of course...
The imbecility of this doctor actually boggles the mind, truly.
This is what happens, when people read, memorize, and spew NOTHING BUT STONE, IRON, AND BRONZE AGE-DERIVED CHILDREN FAIRY TALES, asserted as sacred, holy, divine, or other such linguistic nonsense. Such acts, over time, actually ALTER the ways in which the wiring of the neurons are done... such acts, rituals, and beliefs MAKE PEOPLE literally see and hear things, entities, individuals, places, etc. that have ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN REALITY beyond their childish fairy tales and fictional books.
Being nice and polite won't do much for such people. Logic, basic scientific ideas and principles, history of humans & of civilizations & the earth & sun means absolutey nothing to these people who say their CHILDISH BOOKS are dictated, word for word, by this CREATOR from "Heaven" who also, of course, exists ubiquitously here on earth, in everyone and everything HE created, including those actively working for the OTHER TEAM, Lucifer and Satan and the Devil's team, of course....
Truly is mind boggling...
"Carbon dating, all these things," he said "really doesn't mean anything to a God who has the ability to create anything at any point in time.
"Dealing with the complexity of the human brain," Carson continued, "and somebody says that came from a slime pit full of promiscuous biochemicals? I don't think so."
That says that just because someone has enough of an functional IQ to obtain a technical certification, to do some kind of a more refined/focused line of work, it doesn't mean they are necessarily very intelligent.
Especially if they can get in front of millions of audiences who all fall down to their knees on a daily and/or weekly basis, to utter complete mindless TRIBAL gibberish to some "creator" who lives beyond the Oort Cloud as well as "within every human's brains and consciousness," ubiquitously, of course...
The imbecility of this doctor actually boggles the mind, truly.
This is what happens, when people read, memorize, and spew NOTHING BUT STONE, IRON, AND BRONZE AGE-DERIVED CHILDREN FAIRY TALES, asserted as sacred, holy, divine, or other such linguistic nonsense. Such acts, over time, actually ALTER the ways in which the wiring of the neurons are done... such acts, rituals, and beliefs MAKE PEOPLE literally see and hear things, entities, individuals, places, etc. that have ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN REALITY beyond their childish fairy tales and fictional books.
Being nice and polite won't do much for such people. Logic, basic scientific ideas and principles, history of humans & of civilizations & the earth & sun means absolutey nothing to these people who say their CHILDISH BOOKS are dictated, word for word, by this CREATOR from "Heaven" who also, of course, exists ubiquitously here on earth, in everyone and everything HE created, including those actively working for the OTHER TEAM, Lucifer and Satan and the Devil's team, of course....
Truly is mind boggling...