Vietnamese Americans, After 40 Years, Are "Back" Panning for Gold in Vietnam
(too old to reply)
Her Lao
2015-03-10 02:24:33 UTC
2015-03-10 20:30:00 UTC
good stuff. gotta bury the hatchet to move forward.
Her Lao
2015-03-10 21:36:52 UTC
good stuff. gotta bury the hatchet to move forward.
As I said many times before, the fact of the matter is, very few of us who left Laos, or Vietnam, or China, or whatever totalitarian ---- sorry, I mean ONE- POLITICAL-PARTY-DEMOCRACY-IS-THE-BEST-DEMOCRACY-FOR-EVERYONE nations --- as small children WHO DID NOT SUFFER DIRECTLY or ACUTELY, or suffered for long enough to irrevocably altered our sense of the world... we don't really give a fuck who is ruling what country.

It's only the older and elderly folks who KNEW what it was like, or who suffered tremendously... like this Vietnamese woman's mother... who suffered a lot to shelter her kids, to bring them to the West, to raise them here....

But MOST of those older and elderly folks are dying off/out...

And most Lao and Hmong children born and raised here in the West, for example, don't even know or care where Laos is.

I know my little brother, who's been teaching and living in the Japan for the last 8 years, who is fluent in Japanese and has a Japanese chick... I doubt he knows where Laos is, much less wanting to visit it.

He and others like him... they have NO CONNECTION to it... it's often time not even about liking or hating it. All he and his crowds care about is that they get a lot of booze, a lot of chicks, and CAN SWEAR at anyone who's stupid enough to tell him things they don't want to hear!

NOT SO INCIDENTLY, those are the VERY REASON why most young Lao and Hmong who came to be born and raised in the West ---- who don't have families there in Laos, or have properties or businesses ---- don't care much about Laos in one way or another:

they are WESTERNERS, and they take their "freedom" shit seriously, when it comes to being able to talking as they want, walking as they want, dressing as they want, thinking in the ways they want to think.... being as stupid or intelligent or lazy or eccentric as they want...

In very rigid societies like Laos, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc., where ONE PERSON, one family, or a group of religious or political leaders always making up rules in terms of what you can or cannot say, ABOUT WHICH HOLY OR DIVINE OR INVIOLABLE LEADER.... what you can or cannot think, in public or in private.... "for the good of everyone, peace, harmony, and law and order," etc., ..... it is VERY HARD FOR THEM TO CONFORM... and so they rather spend their valuable (or not so valuable) time being elsewhere, doing something else...
little FAT BigFOOT,BigHEAD2
2015-03-11 01:39:58 UTC
Post by Her Lao
good stuff. gotta bury the hatchet to move forward.
As I said many times before, the fact of the matter is, very few of us who left Laos, or Vietnam, or China, or whatever totalitarian ---- sorry, I mean ONE- POLITICAL-PARTY-DEMOCRACY-IS-THE-BEST-DEMOCRACY-FOR-EVERYONE nations --- as small children WHO DID NOT SUFFER DIRECTLY or ACUTELY, or suffered for long enough to irrevocably altered our sense of the world... we don't really give a fuck who is ruling what country.
It's only the older and elderly folks who KNEW what it was like, or who suffered tremendously... like this Vietnamese woman's mother... who suffered a lot to shelter her kids, to bring them to the West, to raise them here....
But MOST of those older and elderly folks are dying off/out...
And most Lao and Hmong children born and raised here in the West, for example, don't even know or care where Laos is.
I know my little brother, who's been teaching and living in the Japan for the last 8 years, who is fluent in Japanese and has a Japanese chick... I doubt he knows where Laos is, much less wanting to visit it.
He and others like him... they have NO CONNECTION to it... it's often time not even about liking or hating it. All he and his crowds care about is that they get a lot of booze, a lot of chicks, and CAN SWEAR at anyone who's stupid enough to tell him things they don't want to hear!
they are WESTERNERS, and they take their "freedom" shit seriously, when it comes to being able to talking as they want, walking as they want, dressing as they want, thinking in the ways they want to think.... being as stupid or intelligent or lazy or eccentric as they want...
In very rigid societies like Laos, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc., where ONE PERSON, one family, or a group of religious or political leaders always making up rules in terms of what you can or cannot say, ABOUT WHICH HOLY OR DIVINE OR INVIOLABLE LEADER.... what you can or cannot think, in public or in private.... "for the good of everyone, peace, harmony, and law and order," etc., ..... it is VERY HARD FOR THEM TO CONFORM... and so they rather spend their valuable (or not so valuable) time being elsewhere, doing something else...
TIME& DISTANCE HEAL INJURIES& GEOGRAPHY to animal or EARTHLING the WAR was just another OLD MOVIE so my kids & their peers do NOT CARE if LAOS sink or float when the OCEAN RAISE UP 100 FEET FROM GLOBAL WARMING nor if the VIET TERMINATES ALL PEOPLE IN LPDR at this time. all they need is $ for the latest GADGETS in the LONGER TERM they just need the RIGHT KNOWLEDGE to handle a career to get enough $ for their living EXPENSES.

I HOVER STILL RETAIN MEMORIES of my first 10 years of live over there NOT ALL ARE WONDERFUL in those years YET some are WORTH SO MUCH TO ME.