It Is Now Official: Obama is WORSE Than George W. Bush
(too old to reply)
Her Lao
2014-09-23 10:28:26 UTC
Both ISIS and the Republicans agree on that, if nothing else, for completely opposite reasons.

And, yes, Generalissimo Obama's first day of military school --- air force academy over Syria and Iraq --- has just commenced...
2014-09-23 15:56:52 UTC
the good thing for the west is that obama can bring some arab countries to join the bombing, that make it least looks like the west or american against islam.

the bad thing for the arab is that they will kill each others, being anemy to each others, for a long long time to come..

Post by Her Lao
Both ISIS and the Republicans agree on that, if nothing else, for completely opposite reasons.
And, yes, Generalissimo Obama's first day of military school --- air force academy over Syria and Iraq --- has just commenced...
Her Lao
2014-09-24 11:02:01 UTC
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 10:56:52 AM UTC-5, pizone wrote:

the good thing for the west is that obama can bring some arab countries to join the bombing, that make it least looks like the west or american against islam.

the bad thing for the arab is that they will kill each others, being anemy to each others, for a long long time to come..



Arabs, like all other naked ape tribes, have been at each other's throats since the beginning of modern homo sapiens history.

But in terms of Sunni-Shia throat-cutting, well, it started IMMEDIATELY upon the death of the Creator of the Universe's holy prophet Mohammed, early 600AD.

Blaming Hmong, Lao, Thais, Aussies, Eskimos, Satan and the Infidels, Americans and the "filthy French" (I have no idea why the ISIS folks single-handedly called the French "filthy" in their latest media war), the bloody Brits or Elves and Fairies ain't gonna solve TRIBAL PEOPLE's age-old problems........

Islam is not even at the core of the problem, with Arabs and Muslims. It is that THESE MIDDLE EASTERNERS have NOT moved beyond TRIBALISM.

Religions ---- especially some religion like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. that purports to have THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE SITTING IN THEIR CORNER ADVISING THEM AT ALL TIMES, whenever and wherever you pray and talk to him --- just make these tribal people LESS FEARFUL, less concerned about life, when it comes to life-and-death struggles...

And that's what scares us a bit more than just "normal war" and "normal struggle":

When you have millions pumping their fists and puffing their chests, screaming in tribal phrases.... that THEY HAVE DIRECT HOLY KNOWLEDGE GIVEN TO THEM FROM THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, who also sent some HOLY PROPHET of HIMSELF, aka "Jesus"... to be AMONG THEM, to tell them to go out and proselytize other tribes on earth and get rid off all who don't submit, using any and all means.... well, it's a bit more scary than just crazies running around hurting people....
Her Lao
2014-09-24 11:12:36 UTC
On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 10:56:52 AM UTC-5, pizone wrote:

the good thing for the west is that obama can bring some arab countries to join the bombing, that make it least looks like the west or american against islam.

the bad thing for the arab is that they will kill each others, being anemy to each others, for a long long time to come..



Arabs, like all other naked ape tribes, have been at each other's throats since the beginning of modern homo sapiens history.

But in terms of Sunni-Shia throat-cutting, well, it started IMMEDIATELY upon the death of the Creator of the Universe's holy prophet Mohammed, early 600AD.

Blaming Hmong, Lao, Thais, Aussies, Eskimos, Satan and the Infidels, Americans and the "filthy French" (I have no idea why the ISIS folks single-handedly called the French "filthy" in their latest media war), the bloody Brits or Elves and Fairies ain't gonna solve TRIBAL PEOPLE's age-old problems........

Islam is not even at the core of the problem, with Arabs and Muslims. It is that THESE MIDDLE EASTERNERS have NOT moved beyond TRIBALISM.

Religions ---- especially some religion like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, etc. that purports to have THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE SITTING IN THEIR CORNER ADVISING THEM AT ALL TIMES, whenever and wherever you pray and talk to him --- just make these tribal people LESS FEARFUL, less concerned about life, when it comes to life-and-death struggles...

And that's what scares us a bit more than just "normal war" and "normal struggle":

When you have millions of naked apes ---- who belong to tribal groups, believing in 3-year-old Stone, Iron, and Bronze age-derived childish fairy tales as HOLY KNOWLEDGE & TEACHING directly dictated by the CREATOR OF THE UNVIERSE ---- all pumping their fists and puffing their chests, screaming in tribal phrases.... that they are HAPPIER to kill themselves and others, to be "martyred," FOR THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE.... so they could dance straight up to heaven... with ETERNAL REWARDS of the various kinds, including multiple wives and virgins & other BLISSFUL things awaiting them in PARADISE with that MAN FROM BEYOND THE CLOUD... and that their BRIEF LIFE ON EARTH is merely to proselytize other tribes on earth, to make ALL THE NAKED APES come unto the CREATOR, on the one hand, while liquidating all others who don't submit, using any and all means, on the other hand... well, it's a bit more scary than just crazies running around hurting people....
Her Lao
2014-09-24 11:29:02 UTC
One last subtle but critical point I forgot to mention:

Obama --- speaking not as a man but as THE LEADER of the mightiest empire since Rome and Genghis Khan --- must have promised autocratic rulers in Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan that IF THEY MARCH IN LOCKED-STEP with America on this air strike war, that the USA would SELL THEM ANY AND ALL MILITARY hardware they seek, so long as the Israelis don't object!

Of course, "any and all military hardware" doesn't mean everything the USA has; it just means MOST of the things the USA has already deemed okay to sell to foreigners who are considered allies and friends.

Anyway, THAT'S THE TRAGEDY of this: AUTOCRATIC RULERS in Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia would SIMPLY GET STRONGER and MORE RUTHLESS in their rules, in terms of their dealing with the less powerful inside & outside of their immediate borders...

And that means there WILL CONTINUE to be these tribal-religious-regional struggles...

And that means the COMPANIES in the WEST that make bullets, guns, missiles, tanks, airplanes, satellites, explosives, etc. WILL CONTINUE TO PROSPER, because they will never run out of work, since warring people can't take time to study and to make such things, at the quality advanced societies and people could... so they will always come to buy these weapons and death machines and gadgets from the WEST, from China, and from Russia....

Very good business for some, tragic and painful as it is to mention such truths.
2014-09-24 17:20:20 UTC
talking about tribes, throat-cutting people, that you graphically describe here is true and really scary. Imagine if the commu didn't win the vietnam war and the southeast asian countries are run by the cia, then what the tribal war lords there will become and will do to each others and to the countrymen where they live???

the cia, like obama, must also have promised autocratic rulers tribal warlords who fight the commu with them BIG THING, the 'thing' that is bigger than weapon and money... that would be more scary.... and this might be the only "good" thing that the commu won the secret war. people in the region remain poor, but they seem to live in harmony and peaceful together. they don't cut each other throat like in the arab countries....

unlike the last war in southeast asia, the war in today arabs counties tend to go deeper and deeper into arab against arab, that will make them continue to cut each other throat for ever....

Post by Her Lao
Obama --- speaking not as a man but as THE LEADER of the mightiest empire since Rome and Genghis Khan --- must have promised autocratic rulers in Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan that IF THEY MARCH IN LOCKED-STEP with America on this air strike war, that the USA would SELL THEM ANY AND ALL MILITARY hardware they seek, so long as the Israelis don't object!
Of course, "any and all military hardware" doesn't mean everything the USA has; it just means MOST of the things the USA has already deemed okay to sell to foreigners who are considered allies and friends.
Anyway, THAT'S THE TRAGEDY of this: AUTOCRATIC RULERS in Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia would SIMPLY GET STRONGER and MORE RUTHLESS in their rules, in terms of their dealing with the less powerful inside & outside of their immediate borders...
And that means there WILL CONTINUE to be these tribal-religious-regional struggles...
And that means the COMPANIES in the WEST that make bullets, guns, missiles, tanks, airplanes, satellites, explosives, etc. WILL CONTINUE TO PROSPER, because they will never run out of work, since warring people can't take time to study and to make such things, at the quality advanced societies and people could... so they will always come to buy these weapons and death machines and gadgets from the WEST, from China, and from Russia....
Very good business for some, tragic and painful as it is to mention such truths.
Her Lao
2014-09-24 23:22:07 UTC
On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 12:20:20 PM UTC-5, pizone wrote:

the cia, like obama, must also have promised autocratic rulers tribal warlords who fight the commu with them BIG THING, the 'thing' that is bigger than weapon and money... that would be more scary.... and this might be the only "good" thing that the commu won the secret war. people in the region remain poor, but they seem to live in harmony and peaceful together. they don't cut each other throat like in the arab countries....


I have more or less said so myself: I can't imagine --- well, maybe I can --- what some warlord like Vang Pao would do TO the Hmong ethnics in Laos, if the CIA had been able to stop the "domino theory" effect of communism in Southeast Asia...

He'd have American helicopters, and endless dollars & opium kips, and he'd probably have many sets of mansions stretching from Phongsaly to Savvanaket, like other generals and well connected "business" men and women.

And I am sure you older folks likely KNEW of or about OTHER Lao generals beyond Vang Pao who would have done similar things, had the Americans won and those who supported Americans had risen to the top of the ruling circle in Laos....


The "correct leadership" today, under the correct ideology of Communism, is kinda of like the absolutely brutal regimes of Mr. Hussein, Mr. Gaddafi, and Mr. Assad (the father), as well as other CURRENT autocratic leaders of the Middle East and elsewhere around the world....

When you have ONE ABSOLUTELY STRONG and BRUTAL regime like that, no gangsters, small and large, could carve out their own little regional domains. Under such centralized regime, where diverse opinions and actions are NOT allowed, publicly, it is true that most citizens who are "law abiding" could walk safely in dark alleys...

But even under the "correct leadership," I've seen a few YouTube videos of some Lao generals have vast tracts of land, with lumber and mineral right concessionary ability, where they basically work with Vietnamese, Chinese, and other foreign people and companies, to come in to harvest and to take out of Laos tons of valuable raw resources... and THOSE GENERALS seem to live lives very much like Vang Pao and other previous generals of the previous regimes COULD HAVE and WOULD HAVE lived....

But that's the ironic and tragic reality of things, isn't it?
Her Lao
2014-09-29 05:03:17 UTC



Generalissimo Barack Hussein Obama admitted that his first days of air force school --- over Syria and Iraq, for real --- were not well prepared!

He said he and his top lieutenants failed to understand the scope, seriousness, and intelligence of SISI and Al Qaida.

As if that's any thing new or earthshattering!

Again and again:


BUT IF YOU MUST, do it by using OVERWHELMING FORCE. Fuck all the naysayers and fence straddlers.

And most important of all, STOP TELLING YOUR ENEMIES weeks & months in advance what YOUR PLANS are --- especially the ASPECTS of what you are NOT going to do, in the course of your execution of a fuckin' war!

People DIE in wars; it's not videogames. BE PREPARED TO DIE in wars, if you must declare war and say you're gonna win it!

Fuck, this man is a complete idiot!

Alas, I wish he could be given all sorts of fairy tale SPEECHES to read every week during his presidency, and NOTHING ELSE.
Her Lao
2014-10-08 09:35:07 UTC

Washington (CNN) -- The key Syrian border city of Kobani will soon fall to ISIS, but that's not a major U.S. concern, several senior U.S. administration officials said.


That is the problem, with you have idiots running things. They only see black and white, not shades of grey and other hues.

They think of ISIS or any such phenomenon as limited amounts or individuals, and once you kill them all, or make them disappear, you win!

Of course, these idiots --- they declare war on a terrorist group that has killed THOUSANDS of Muslims in the ME and has decapitated, in public and put on YouTube, 2 Americans and 2 Brits NOT BECAUSE THOSE WERE CAPTURED SOLDIERS fighting against ISIS but simply because they're White & Westerners, never mind that they are most volunteers for relief agencies or were journalists ---- these idiots want to "reduce and ultimately destroy" ISIS by dropping 2-5 bombs or missiles A DAY, when the group has an estimate 20,000 to 35,000 fighters spanning THOUSANDS OF SQUARE KILOMETERS, controlling hundreds of towns and cities.

These idiots don't know that ISIS does NOT come in ORIGINAL LIMITS, and once you kill off all of the original members ---- let's assume their 2 to 5 bombs a day MAGICALLY KILL OFF ALL THOSE ORIGINAL ISIS ESTIMATED NUMBERS ---- that you've "destroyed" ISIS, as Generalissimo Obama declared.

I mean, if you're dropping 2-5 bombs a day, each costing tens of thousands to as much as $2 MILLION, on a few Toyota trucks and sometimes SOME DUMMY TANKS set up to attract American planes and missiles (Americans think they're the only smart ones to use dummy trucks, tanks, large objects to fool their enemies!), ON THE ONE HAND, and you DON'T HAVE ANY CONCERN, as these Washington idiots say, about ISIS CAPTURING CITIES LARGE AND SMALL, as those few bombs fall, ON THE OTHER HAND.... I mean, really, what the fuck do you have for brains?

Don't you know that ISIS MAKES FRIENDS... that they buy influence... that they CONVERT MORE TERRORISTS and SYMPATHIZERS, as their territories expand, with more lands, more towns, more cities.... under their control?

Generalissimo's idiocy will, ultimately, make Bush's blunders SEEM ACCEPTABLE, as those blunders of Bush's could be understood as "honest mistakes (due to faulty intelligence: it's manufactured intelligence but let's pretend they're faulty intelligence, so we could swallow)...

Generalissimo Obama TIED ONE OF HIS HANDS BEHIND HIS BACK, ON TV FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, and then he declared war on a large, organized, terrorizing group of people who have control over MILLIONS of people, stretching from Turkey to Iran.... and he and his people say, ON TV, they have NO CONCERN even when ISIS is taking more and more lands and cities, as the USA and England and France drop, on average, 3-5 bombs a day, in Syria and Iraq....

As a card carrying Liberal who does not believe in wars, even I am incredulous when it comes to such utter nonsense of Obama's.... to tell your enemies, against whom you've just DECLARED WAR, in advance what your military plans are ---- they things you would do and the things you will not do --- and then to bomb them from 60,000 feet up, dropping a few bombs here and there, in terrains covering THOUSANDS OF SQUARE MILES... and you actually convince yourself you have a plan to "dismantle and ultimately destroy" ISIS?

In the mean time, you say you have NO CONCERN that SISI is taking more and more lands and towns and cities, even as you drop those few bombs on them?, because you say:

"We are doing some magical things that the public is not privy to, that is gonna dismantle and ultimately destroy ISIS, magically... making their money and their men and everything about ISIS disappearing into thin air, from ALL THE HUNDREDS OF TOWNS AND CITIES THEY'VE CONQUERED, among the MANY MILLIONS of people they've lived among and have influenced and bribed and infiltrated"!

I ask you.... if that's not the definition of stupidity, what is?
2014-10-08 13:57:58 UTC
i read somewhere that there are now young men and women joining the ISIS movement. this guy who got caught in chicago was around 19 and some young girls from europe also flew to syria to join ISIS fighters.

it reminds me in the middle ages when the crusade crap started, a lot of young europeans went to israel by the boat loads to fight in the name of christianity. some never made it because their boats were attacked by pirates and were captured and made slaves.
2014-10-09 16:38:12 UTC

so now it's the girls and boys from europe of muslim faith going to syria following the path of the crusaders of yesteryear.
Her Lao
2014-10-13 04:41:32 UTC

John "Perpetual-War" McCain: "They are winning, and we are not."

Obama, the Generalissimo:

"Don't worry, I have a magical formula, and we WILL dismantle and defeat ISIS, but it's gonna take some YEARS. But the reason bombing from the air doesn't stop ISIS now --- indeed, the reason why THEY ARE WINNING and EXPANDING, even as we drop a few mighty bombs on them, PER DAY ---- is that there are no reliable boots son the ground, to take and hold the terrains we've just bombed..... and since I say NO AMERICAN BOOTS ON THE GROUND and every other ALLY in the coalition ALSO SAY WE WILL PUT NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND, either.... so, again, ultimately, it's really just gonna be my MAGICAL FIGHTING TACTICS that WILL ultimately dismantle and defeat ISIS.

"Of course, if my magical tactic doesn't work, and since I tied my one hand behind my back, on THIS WAR.... if my magic doesn't work, we could just declare "MISSION OVER" and get the fuck outa there."
Her Lao
2014-10-13 05:29:33 UTC
Finally, I'd try my Sun-Tzu. And this is counter-intuitive but I think it is the only way to "reduce, dismantle, and destroy" ISIS. And ISIS, remember, is not only kicked out of the Al Qaida network, but they also work very differently from Al Qaida.

Whereas, for example, Al Qaida works slowly, sending in infiltrators to gradually influence the locals in a town or city, ISIS works fast, with relatively large, mobile contingencies, traveling in the open, sometimes with their fear black flag flying high.

Anyway, my Sun-Tzu is a bit counter-intuitive because it DOES NOT deal with DEFENDING TOWNS AND CITIES, the towns and cities that ISIS MUST TRAVEL BETWEEN, from one to the next, in substantial contingencies in order to take and hold...

America and its allies need to use, as Mr. Perpetual-War-MacCain said, SPECIAL OPS FORCES.... in units of 100-200.


Rather, these special forces --- make them 100-200 or so but arm them to the teeth, including access to fast moving Black Hawks, with drones surveying over-head....

These SPECIAL FORCES units need to be STATIONED, in staggered manner, along major access routes, road, and highways that ISIS MUST USE, in their endeavors to going from one city or two to another.

These special forces need to be in TOTALLY OPEN, FLAT TERRAINS where our satellites, drones, and high-flying spy and fixed-wing fighter jets could overlook and could support, at a moment's notice.... open and flat terrains where you could see ISIS COMING 5-10 MILES IN ADVANCE...

Forget about doing DOOR-TO-DOOR as we did, in Anbar some ten years ago, where thousands of American troops were KILLED and tens of thousands more wounded... It's not worth it and it's NOT EFFECTIVE...

These small, heavily armed, MOBILE and STAGGERING POSITIONED special forces main objective is the DISRUPT AND TO KILL ANY AND ALL WHO TRAVEL FROM ONE CITY TO ANOTHER.

Iraq is not in Southeast Asia, where you have dense jungles, deep valleys and high mountain ranges to serve as cover, as you sneak up on your opponents. In the Middle East, from Syria to Iraq, it's mostly rolling sandy mountains and hills, with little to no deep, dense vegetation to block your view of on-coming ISIS.

If ISIS travel in groups of only 2-5 to hide their traveling footprint, to hopefully hide from drones, satellites, and other surveying equipment, they are NO MATCH FOR 100-200 HEAVILY ARMED AMERICAN SPECIAL FORCES.

Indeed, even if they come at the Americans with 500-1000 strong, in their Toyota Tundras.... 100 to 200 American special forces should have LITTLE PROBLEM handling them, in open terrains... given the fact that we have radar, drones, satellites, spy planes, Apaches, Black Hawks, Osprey, etc. that could be accessed at a moment's notice, for contingency purposes (evacuation or re-enforcement)...

That is why, again, these small and highly mobile and heavily armed 100-200 special forces units need to be STATIONED in staggered format along, flat, open terrain MAJOR ROUTES connection important towns and cities that ISIS want to take and must take, in order to boast their successes.

But if they HAD VERY DIFFICULT PROBLEM TRAVELING, in substantial units, from Point A to Point B, do you think they would be able to take and hold towns and cities, AS THEY HAVE BEEN DOING, with ease?


Let the LOCAL IRAQI and SYRIAN and KURDISH forces fight near or IN TOWNS and CITIES, where they live.... where they KNOW the citizens and the LAY-OUTS of the towns and cities....

American and ally SPECIAL FORCES should only play SUPPORTING ROLES in making it VERY, VERY DIFFICULT for ISIS to move from one city, one town, to the next, in their conquest activity...

Notice that if you can't easily travel THROUGH FAST HIGHWAYS AND FREEWAYS AND OTHER ACCESS ROUTES between two cities or towns, that it is also very, very difficult for you to conquer and subjugate those towns and their people?

If Generalissimo were to ask for my opinion, THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT AND WIN, in the long run.

Training 5,000 "Free Syrian Army" rebels, taking ONE YEAR, as the FSA laughs --- yeah, even they laugh at the idea, because it is so ridiculously stupid ---- is just NOT GONNA TO JACK to "dismantle and destroy" ISIS, especially if they keep winning and expanding their territorial holdings, with MILLIONS OF PEOPLE under their use and exploitation...

The KURDS are the most loyal American friends and the most able fighters, and even they can't make a dent against ISIS, since they lack aerial ability, tanks, and heavy artillery... and all they do is FIGHT DEFENSIVE BATTLES, with ISIS probing them from different directions all the time.

The Iraqi soldiers, after close to $30 BILLION Americans having spent on training them for over 10 years.... they are NOT reliable and can't fight worth much... that's why with MANY TENS OF THOUSANDS of them in Mosul, Iraq's second largest city... all ran away, when ISIS sent no more than a few thousand then-lightly-armed men at the Iraqis...

So, training 5,000 Syrian fighters --- even if you could find "those we trust," and that's very, very questionable --- to go after death defying 20,000 to 35,000 disciplined ISIS.... that's just a fantasy.... especially if you drop no more than a few to a dozen or so bombs and missiles on them, PER WEEK, and they have STEADILY EXPAND THEIR TERRITORIES since you started bombing them...

As I see it, as this Sun-Tzu wannabe me see it, if we used small, well placed SPECIAL FORCES as I said... to TOTALITY of soldiers Americans would use to disrupt and to ultimately destroy ISIS is no more than 10,000... at the very most...

Again, it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for small or even large ISIS forces to move effectively against heavily armed, extremely mobile, incredible disciplined AMERICAN SPECIAL FORCES in OPEN TERRAINS where chances are we will see ISIS coming many, many miles away... with them having MUCH MORE DIFFICULT seeing us at the same distance, simply because we have so many advanced planes and technologies they don't, with us DOMINATING THE SKY ABSOLUTELY as we do...

If we don't do SOMETHING LIKE THIS --- and chances are Obama is NOT going to do it ---- Obama's magical tactical and long term strategy of dismantling and defeating ISIS WILL REMIND NO MORE THAN A FANTASY of a school boy who has no idea what he's got himself involved in, when he declared war on an a smart, adaptable enemy like ISIS...
Her Lao
2014-10-18 05:02:26 UTC

Generalissimo Obama and his military commanders said they have more or less ditched the "Free Syrian Army" groups.

And how would they get those boots on the ground selected and trained ---- 5,000 a years, they said --- to take on both ISIS and ASSAD, or just ISIS?


Generalissimo Obama is going to wave his magic wand, and 5,000 new refresh recruits Syrians would just volunteer themselves to take on ISIS!

Obama makes himself look and sound ridiculous; but since he is the Generalissimo, no officers under him, even 4-star generals, would dare to challenge his idiocy, in MILITARY MATTERS in an on-going war, that is...

Not only are 99.99% of all the various FACTIONS OF GROUPS OF FIGTERS, most of which are small units of dozens to a few hundreds to a few thousand, at most.... in Syria NOT qualify to be vetted to be trained by Obama's CIA folks, but Obama has pissed off... but he's also rejected and/or bombe all other larger and well known groups, from Al Sham, to the FSA, to Al Nusra, etc.

Obama THINKS he has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD, where the American patience and RESOURCES are concerned... so he keeps telling us, "This is gonna be a long, multi-year war..."

I'd be very surprised if Obama didn't over-rule his own idiotic strategic and tactical nonsense by the year's end.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY the American people would allow the President of the USA to do pinprick bombing, using missiles that cost $50,000 to $150,000 to $2M a piece, on 2 primitive savages on a bicycle or dirt motorcycle or a Toyota truck, and do it AT HIS OWN LEISURE, month in, month out, year in and year out, for "years", as he planned...

America may be RELATIVELY WEALTHY and we are well stocked and we could produce lots of munitions; but there is absolutely NO WAY we'd permit a man to wage ANOTHER DECADE-LONG WAR, using that much of our resources SIMPLY because he said he promises not to use ground troops.

Fact of the matter is, very soon, Obama's own ground commanders WILL REQUEST "limited special ops forces" (which will number in the FEW THOUSANDS, as I said) and then the war will STILL DRAG ON and then a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT WILL BE ELECTED and then that GOP GUY --- could be another Bush, or could be Romney, or even McCain ---- and they WILL DEPLOY GROUND FORCES and we will kill ANOTHER 50,000 TO 100,000 Middle Easterners and might even permanently occupy Iraq and Syria, as we did Germany, South Korea, and Japan.... for DECADES, using iron fist, killing any and everyone who try to kill us...

Or we'd do another repeat of South Vietnam evacuation, regardless of the fact that a War-Is-Righteous-If-We-Americans-Do-It Republican is going to be in charge of Obama's WAR ON TERROR II, in two years...

Obama conducts war like he conducted his Harvard and University of Chicago lectures. It don't work like that, when bullets are flying and people are killed left and right...

War is ugly and deadly and you had better use overwhelming force, and kill all the enemies and everyone else who support them, or you pack up and take a hike back to safety at your own shores... Can't have it both ways or the middle road, when people engage in deadly wars of bitterness, tragedies, and conquests.
Her Lao
2014-11-04 10:05:08 UTC
In the latest photo-op updates, generalissimo Obama turned his back to the world, to tell us that his ONE HAND IS STILL INDEED FIRMLY TIED BEHIND HIS BACK... and he's not kidding about that... as he commands the WAR ON ISIS from the White House.....

And he also shows that he's shot both his feet, which are now heavily bandaged!

But, generalissimo Obama said:

"Don't worry.... I will, I mean, WE WILL, win... we will slowly dismantle and destroy this evil terror group.... My CIA advisors and I have NOT YET selected those reliable and trusted 5,000 secular Syrian Rebels --- who will be the boots on the ground in Syria ---- but soon enough, they will appear from air... trust me. And 5,000 well armed secular and moderate Free Syrian Army folks are enough to take on and defeat ISIS, and, later, Assad....

"Remember, this is a WAR THAT WILL TAKE YEARS AND DECADES," generalissimo Obama said.

"Just be patient with me, and you will see that after years and decades, of a few bombs and missiles here and there, these terrorists would cry uncle and stop their terrorists activities..."
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-11-04 21:56:47 UTC
whatever he decided to handle the case all we can do is HOPE he made rhe RIGHT choice because AMERICAN had reserve the RIGHT to know ALL of the intelligent information to American's president. he holds that title and therefore got the clearest knowledge of this case of WAR. we as citizen MAY got our BEST idea to habd the WAR BUT we are likely WRONG because we know too little about the WAR and the capability of each player in this WAR.with 0.00000001 knowledge of the WAR if I were to make the top/final decision I would just order to use air and LONG RANGE unit to approach the enemy first to study/learn our enemy's capability. once that is known than ground troops can be deploy. it looks like first se need air and battleship to stay in the ocean 1500 mile away and keep seeding tomahawk into enemy positions.
Post by Her Lao
In the latest photo-op updates, generalissimo Obama turned his back to the world, to tell us that his ONE HAND IS STILL INDEED FIRMLY TIED BEHIND HIS BACK... and he's not kidding about that... as he commands the WAR ON ISIS from the White House.....
And he also shows that he's shot both his feet, which are now heavily bandaged!
"Don't worry.... I will, I mean, WE WILL, win... we will slowly dismantle and destroy this evil terror group.... My CIA advisors and I have NOT YET selected those reliable and trusted 5,000 secular Syrian Rebels --- who will be the boots on the ground in Syria ---- but soon enough, they will appear from air... trust me. And 5,000 well armed secular and moderate Free Syrian Army folks are enough to take on and defeat ISIS, and, later, Assad....
"Remember, this is a WAR THAT WILL TAKE YEARS AND DECADES," generalissimo Obama said.
"Just be patient with me, and you will see that after years and decades, of a few bombs and missiles here and there, these terrorists would cry uncle and stop their terrorists activities..."
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-10-08 18:23:36 UTC
WHOEVER is on top with the right authority than just let him do it. WHOEV
complain JUSlet him hit the campaign road to get UP THERE.

On Tuesday, Septembeet up there.
Both ISIS and tthe Republicans agree on that, if nothing else, for completely opposite reasons.
on top witho it. proper authority just let him d
And, yes, Generalissimo Obama's first day of military school --- air force academy over Syria and Iraq --- has just commenced...
Both ISIS and the Republicans agree on that, if nothing else, for completely opposite reasons.
And, yes, Generalissimo Obama's first day of military school --- air force academy over Syria and Iraq --- has just commenced...
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-11-04 22:05:57 UTC
in regarding ISIS we know they are rebel with ZERO ocean and air defense/attack so we will play afe and s use our forces the best we think will be our minimum war casualties.
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-11-04 22:13:53 UTC
Post by Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
in regarding ISIS we know they are rebel with ZERO ocean and air defense/attack so we will play afe and s use our forces the best we think will be our minimum war casualties.
if Iam ISIS I would dig the mountain for 10++ meters deep knowing AMERICAN will send in bunker BUSTERS and tomahawk the deeper ISIS can go underground will be the best d
2014-11-05 05:00:18 UTC
america's mid-term 2014 elections...
so the american people are rejecting obama's agendas by making the repubs the majority in the US senate. it doesn't help that ISIS and EBOLA are big news right now. things like that tend to make people uneasy about the current leadership in the white house.

in a way, i shouldn't be surprised because the nature of the american politics has always been like this since its founding days.