Please, keep in mind just because someone is seemingly "brilliant" and could do calculus and quantum mechanics equations, IT DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN what they are talking about makes sense.
Two possible explanations usually capture such behaviors:
#1. They are TRYING to say something new, about a very complex and fascinating subject.
But it does NOT mean what they are saying and writing about --- even when they employ all the correct phrases, words, and even hand-inserted math contraptions --- are SOUND, SCIENTIFIC endeavors. They could just be babbling bullshit couched in (or, more often than not just JUXTAPOSED WITH) scientific terms, idioms, words, etc.
I have NOT done reading or research for the ORIGINAL AUTHOR whose work this bullshit of a mumble-jumble "documentary" is based on, but since the people who put this documentary together said the ORIGINAL author whose work they used for the current video IS working on or researching in "quantuam mechancis," etc., we could, without fault, again, assume HE IS LIKELY A SMART FELLOW. The subject in which he wrote about,,,, about HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND QUANTUM MECHANICS ARE LINKED, etc. are just bullshit, as I will immediately explain below here in #2 reason...
But, before #2, I want to allude to A VERY INCREDIBLY SMART GUY who actually contribute a lot to MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES, to make himself tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions... in the application of his brains... in coming up with USEFUL, POWERFUL mathematical and computational software tools.... WHO ALSO HAS VEERED INTO nonsensical "scientific bullshit" that ultimately doesn't pan out... and it's an HONEST ENDEAVOR, it just was wrong-headed...
And that person is STEPHEN WORFRAM of the LEGIT "Wolfram Research." This guy has been trying to build a MATHEMATICAL-GOOGLE-LIKE "search engine" that could actually perform real scientific computation, per your in-put, if you know enough of the precise parameters, EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO DO COMPLEX INTEGRAL AND DERIVATIVE CALCULUS...
Anyway, Stephen Wolfram's giant, 1,500 page A NEW KIND OF SCIENCE ---- a book and a research subject on CELLULAR AUTAMATA which he said he's spent thousands worth of hours performing "experiment" (on cellular automata, of course, using purely computer programs) --- never went anywhere, because CHANCES ARE it's not really a "new kind of science"... what it really is is... it's just an esoteric, very interesting phenomenon in computational/mathematical dimensions that don't really have any tangible or applicable impact on human knowledge...
So, the point again is, people can be very smart and very honest, and they could turn out bullshit kind of work. But REAL SCIENTISTS like Stephen Wolfram are WHO VEER INTO BULLSHIT they think underpinned reality of some kind are RATHER ARE.... most of people who do that to sell us books, ideas, videos, holy and sacred knowledge of human consciousness and the cosmos, etc., ARE 99.9% OF THE TIME SNAKE OIL SALES PEOPLE...
#2. They and/or their "partners" are just using sooth-talking tactics --- dipped in imaginary scientific ideas, including lots of words and terms like astrophysical, neurological, quantum mechanical consciousness, etc. --- to SELL THEIR SNAKE OIL.
Videos like the above here are prime examples of such snake oil sales Bullshit juxtaposed with a lot of pseudo jargons, words, phrases, etc. Sometimes their snake oil sales smoothness is NOT easy to see; but that's rare.
But 99% of the time, if you know enough about BASIC SCIENCE, you could tell they are fishing for something from their world pool of audience and SELLING something to the same audiences.... a few thousand from here and there over time, can generate these smooth talking DEEPAK CHROPRA kind of modern snake sales people (who actually have some serious background of some type, but a real science background they usually leave behind to pursuit their snake oil sales activities because the latter is more lucrative than the former, for these folks).... tons of money...
Best to avoid the mumble jumble nonsense of these types of people... again, Deprak Chopra (I don't think I spell his name correctly, as I don't watch him enough to remember his name correctly... but it's close enough) and other such smooth talking snake sales people are prime examples...