Her Lao
2015-02-19 03:39:36 UTC
Mayor of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Ahmed Aboutalet:
You ---- meaning, Muslims, or Hmong, or Lao, or Thai, or Buddhists, or Animists or any one else who would VOLUNTARILY go to any WESTERN COUNTRY like the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, France, Britain, America, France, Germany, etc ----- are not FORCED to come to be with us...
But if you DO VOLUNTARILY COME HERE, to the West, you need to get with the program.
You don't come here and insist that those who are living here --- much less make them pass laws that --- allow you to DICTATE TO THEM what can or cannot be said or written... when it comes to TOPICS of discussions, of books and satire, and comedy and drama, etc.... and if they don't do as you demand, then you grab your AK47s or M16s and go kill whoever that insult your little primitive rituals, imaginary creators and holy men and women from hundreds to thousands of years ago.
Again, there are PLENTY of "correct" and "righteous" and "religious" societies that operate on IDEOLOGIES that say THEY and their CITIZENS KNOW WHEN OR WHERE to "close or open your big mouths"...
If you don't like HOW WESTERN SOCIETIES and PEOPLE and IDEAS work, pack up and leave the WEST and GO JOIN ONE OF THOSE COUNTRIES that tell people what to write, or not to write, whom writers and critics can or cannot write about or criticize...
A short list of SOCIETIES that operate on CORRECT ideologies and/or CORRECT leadership and leaders, both religious and political leaders:
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Laos, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Iran...
We are sure if you don't like HOW THE WEST operates, that ANY ONE OF THESE highly moral and "correct leadership," with "citizens who know how to conduct themselves when it comes to the great leaders and their inviolable ideas and traditions"... any of these and others, dozens of them, WILL GLADLY receive you, as a smart immigrant who also know how NOT to open your smart mouth when it comes to HOLY IDEAS, BOOKS, AND LEADERS that can not and must not be insulted or ridiculed!
Mayor of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Ahmed Aboutalet:
You ---- meaning, Muslims, or Hmong, or Lao, or Thai, or Buddhists, or Animists or any one else who would VOLUNTARILY go to any WESTERN COUNTRY like the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, France, Britain, America, France, Germany, etc ----- are not FORCED to come to be with us...
But if you DO VOLUNTARILY COME HERE, to the West, you need to get with the program.
You don't come here and insist that those who are living here --- much less make them pass laws that --- allow you to DICTATE TO THEM what can or cannot be said or written... when it comes to TOPICS of discussions, of books and satire, and comedy and drama, etc.... and if they don't do as you demand, then you grab your AK47s or M16s and go kill whoever that insult your little primitive rituals, imaginary creators and holy men and women from hundreds to thousands of years ago.
Again, there are PLENTY of "correct" and "righteous" and "religious" societies that operate on IDEOLOGIES that say THEY and their CITIZENS KNOW WHEN OR WHERE to "close or open your big mouths"...
If you don't like HOW WESTERN SOCIETIES and PEOPLE and IDEAS work, pack up and leave the WEST and GO JOIN ONE OF THOSE COUNTRIES that tell people what to write, or not to write, whom writers and critics can or cannot write about or criticize...
A short list of SOCIETIES that operate on CORRECT ideologies and/or CORRECT leadership and leaders, both religious and political leaders:
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Laos, North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Iran...
We are sure if you don't like HOW THE WEST operates, that ANY ONE OF THESE highly moral and "correct leadership," with "citizens who know how to conduct themselves when it comes to the great leaders and their inviolable ideas and traditions"... any of these and others, dozens of them, WILL GLADLY receive you, as a smart immigrant who also know how NOT to open your smart mouth when it comes to HOLY IDEAS, BOOKS, AND LEADERS that can not and must not be insulted or ridiculed!