(too old to reply)
2015-07-29 20:25:35 UTC
there are many hunters out there including some of my friends. i see hunters as cowards shooting animals for their own pleasure. what is it with them? can't get a proper erection like this fucking hunter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=161&v=WS8Fhos0gcA

as you can imagine the online fury was swift and fast. just look at the yelp post about the mentioned fucking hunter http://www.yelp.com/biz/river-bluff-dental-bloomington
Her Lao
2015-07-29 23:43:36 UTC
there are many hunters out there including some of my friends. i see hunters as cowards shooting animals for their own pleasure. what is it with them? can't get a proper erection like this fucking hunter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=161&v=WS8Fhos0gcA
as you can imagine the online fury was swift and fast. just look at the yelp post about the mentioned fucking hunter http://www.yelp.com/biz/river-bluff-dental-bloomington

Eating beef, poultry, and pork, to me, is enough to make me feel guilty, imagining the suffering and deaths of those billions of animals... to feed us...

But at least I could rationalize it away like, Well, those are domesticated animals, bred and grown, BY HUMANS, to feed billions of us, carnivorous humans...

But I never understand humans --- city folks, I am talking about: I am NOT saying any thing, if you're a Kalahari !San people, or Indians in the Amazon, or Eskimos, or other humans who live in very isolated places where there is no grocery and they had to hunt to survive, I have nothing against people hunting in such impoverished environments --- like this idiot and millions of others like him, who take their guns or cross bows out there and cut down majestic elephants, bears, tigers, lions, Giraffes, rhinos, etc.... and smile the biggest smiles, POSTING NEXT TO THOSE DEAD ANIMALS.... I don't know...

And if you notice, THE MORE RARE THE ANIMALS, the MORE these idiots want to be the few who get to kill them; so they pay 40, 60, 100 or 250 THOUSAND to kill them. I heard one idiot paid a record of some $250,000 or so to kill a giant rhino, the subspecies most endangered...

And these idiots brag about CONSERVATION, when they pay 50,000 to 250,000 to kill rare animals... they think WE, THE WORLD, are better off, because 50,000 or 250,000 dollars go into the pockets of the few rich game reserve lands from where those rare animals still roam!

But that is ONE OF THE FEW EXCEPTIONS in my thinking that I think such people (who, like this imbecile dentists, think they are VERY SOPHISTICATED, educated, and civilized!) should be hunted down and mercilessly done away with EXACTLY LIKE how they treated these majestic animals, which are dwindling down in precipitous manners, due to the over-population of ONE SPECIES, ours, at the expenses of ALL OTHER SPECIES.... because we simply TAKE WHATEVER PRIME HABITATS we want, and NO elephants, lions, leopoard, tigers, rhinos, whales, etc., have any say...
Her Lao
2015-07-29 23:59:20 UTC

When someone thinks killing these rare and majestic animals, with a gun or with a cross bow, is a something to be proud about, to be recorded with the biggest of smiles.... for posterity... then we know there is something NOT RIGHT in their neurons...
Her Lao
2015-07-30 00:26:59 UTC

Look at the list of the rare and majestic animal this crazy "hunter" has boasted of having killed, with bows and arrows. An elephant included.

Can you imagine using a bow and arrows and trying to kill elephants, tigers, giraffes, rhinos, tigers, etc., where it is impossible to put them down using one or two shots.... these are animals that once they received a few arrows, will writh and agonize in horrific pain, for many hours to days to weeks before they finally fall down to their knees and die....

I absolutely have no idea, no understand, how any person could view such a destructive, violent act --- heap upon another giant and well developed animal who are very social and who live among other family members, either as the head, or as a mother, or as a social family member --- as something to be proud of... with pictures taken with the biggest smiles, next to the rare giant animals they've just heinously killed....
Her Lao
2015-07-30 00:48:03 UTC

Here's Jimmy Kimmel's "take" on it; since he took some hours of writing down his thoughts and practicing what and how he's going to do the monologue before actually recording it, his expressions came out much more succinct than mine impulsive, at-the-moment annoyed rambling...
2015-08-03 23:59:00 UTC

"Everybody thinks we're cold-hearted killers and it's not that," Corgatelli said in the nationally televised interview. "There is a connection to the animal, and just because we hunt them doesn't mean we don't have a respect for them. Giraffes are very dangerous animals. They could hurt you seriously, very quickly."

that's what the lady said in the interview.

a few observations:
1. anybody who can kill animals for pleasure or trophy stuff is cold-hearted.
2. only if giraffes could talk, they would have said the same thing about these trophy hunters: these humans are very dangerous. they can kill you with bow and arrows or with a bushmaster.
3. anybody who can kill a lion bare hand deserves to keep the lion's head as a trophy otherwise he's a coward.
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