now i know karma exists. oh... how i hate women of this type.
Another supporter of my hero, Donald Trump! My hero, Mr. Big, Handsome, and Very, Very Rich Donald Trump tells poor Jeb Bush to speak English IN AMERICA. This supporter of the Donald tells fast food workers to speaking English IN AMERICA!
I can not wait 15 minutes, Okay? When I order, I expect my food to be instantly ready, okay? LOL
'tis why I love and worship Mr. Donald... he's gonna TAKE AMERICA BACK to the good ole days, when you order, your food comes out immediately, and people speak English, so you'd understand what the hell they're talking about! haha..
Pizone, Sao Sou Maly, Me, and the Silent Majority of Americans, million and millions of us --- who are Jesus loving, 2nd Amendment Skoler, gun loving people --- we are RETURNING the US of A, once Prezdent Trump and VP Cruz are in control, to the early 1900s... or possible 1800s... to get AS FAR AWAY as possible... from the current messed up, ruined, and bankrupt American society!
We God fearing, bible and gun loving folks... we want to return to GOD'S COUNTRY, when God's laws were the SUPREME LAWS of the land, not the stupid opinions of 5 elderly lawyers from the Supreme Court, like it is now!