Laos web decree bans criticism of govt policy
(too old to reply)
2015-01-18 23:13:11 UTC
Here is another news that might have slip pass SCLers. The policy is very similar to Thai and Vietnamese policy. Laos has law for everything but poor in uniform enforcement, transparency and accountability.

Her Lao
2015-01-18 23:51:16 UTC
Post by HT
Here is another news that might have slip pass SCLers. The policy is very similar to Thai and Vietnamese policy. Laos has law for everything but poor in uniform enforcement, transparency and accountability.

I am sure Pizone, et al. would love it!

After all, they are smart enough to KNOW "right" from "wrong" and to criticize THE CORRECT LEADERSHIP of the democratic, tolerant, uplifting, righteous, benevolent, and freedom loving Communist Party, OR ANY OF ITS SENIOR/RULING members.... THAT would be very, very wrong!

And if I were living in Laos, I would be smart enough to know the difference between "right" and "wrong" when it comes to criticizing the correct leadership, too!

And if I were living in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Niger, Sudan, Turkey, Qatar, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Iran, etc., I would also be VERY, VERY SMART, too! There is no fuckin' way, if I lived in any of those freedom loving, harmonious, and LOCALLY-DEMOCRATIC-SOCIETIES that I would open my stupid mouth to say ANY NEGATIVE or BAD or FALSE things against the correct and wise political and religious leaders in charge of the country!

Unfortunately, I AM LIVING in a Western country, one where the stupid people ... stupid people who don't know "right" from "wrong"... stupid people who don't know when or where to keep their stupid & loud mouths shut, when it comes to the good and correct leaders, on sacred and holy knowledge and books and beliefs and issues the religious and political leaders say are off-limits to criticism....

Wait... we don't have good or correct leaders in these lawless, dangerous, violent, insulting, stupid, chaos-loving & uneducated WESTERN COUNTRIES, either. 'Tis why the West here is inundated with stupid, loud-mouthed idiots who deserve to be put down like the rabid & infectious dogs they are... put down by gentle folks who are peace and freedom loving, who are tolerant of other smart people!