The Making of a Dictator
(too old to reply)
Her Lao
2014-08-28 23:35:05 UTC

When someone shifts from the "prime minister" to the "president" and back and forth, putting his lieutenant(s) in charge of the other office he's just recently vacated --- whether due to term limits or because he wants to jump between the two most senior posts in the government, as he sees fit, with the just-vacated position being subordinated to the present one, like Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogen of Turkey are doing --- you know they are aspiring to be long term dictators.

The dictatorship in Israel is a slightly different dictatorship: Israel is a very small country, population and land mass, so the top 2-4 men and women usually rotate being the prime minister until they die. They may come from different parties or the same; but they will go in and out of the PM's office until, again, they drop dead and are replaced by their protégés, to repeat the same cycles...

Since the United States, which started only in the late 1700s, is the oldest democracy so let's take a brief look at how it bestows power on the alpha male, the president:

From the first president, George Washington --- who, by the way, WAS ENCOURAGED to become a KING, like England's King George whom he's just defeated, for America's independence but who REFUSED to become king, saying he'd only serve one or two terms and then retired to return to his farm and slaves again ---- to the current one, Barack Hussein Obama, more or less every one served no more than 1 to 2 terms; and then the people go tired of them.

The only major exception, and it was a major aberration, was the great socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt... who started socialist programs like Social Security and other anti-American programs like that. FDR, as he's better known, was elected FOUR TIMES. Until FDR, again, people just got tired after the alpha male after ONE or TWO TERMS; and they just didn't elect them again.... so there was no explicit amendment in the CONSITUTION prohibiting a current president from serving more than two terms, 4 year each term.

But AFTER FDR, people and law makers alike FELT that allow ONE MAN to occupy the PRESIDENCY more than 8 years IS TOO TEMPTING for them to go off reservation and starting thinking of themselves as a GIFT FROM HEAVENS or from THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE... and they start filling the various powerful positions in government with their own families and friends and business associates and close colleagues...

And that is the CORRECT VIEW.

It doesn't matter how popular, or unpopular, someone is ... if they occupy a position in society for too long, corruption, nepotism, and outright power usurpation arise.

(Of course, it goes without saying, if you're NOT POPULAR AT ALL, or hated, then you limit your own presidency to just ONE term, or less... corruption could get you impeached and then removed from DAY ONE to the last day of your term, so it's only really very popular presidents like FDR or George Washington, that the American electorate takes pains to safeguard AGAINST, by NOT ALLOWING any one to have more than TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS, after FDR, through legal proscription...)

The reason the United States of America has the LONGEST TRACK RECORD of transferring power from one leader to another, TOTALLY PEACEFULLY (without any coup or bullet flying).... is that BOTH the people, "the governed," and the governor (the president), AGREE both implicitly AND explicitly that given that the PRESIDENCY is such a singularly powerful position, it SHOULD NEVER BE AT THE HANDS of ONE MAN for too many years. It's the only way to GUARD AGAINST nepotism of the various kinds.

I believe people like Putin and Erdogen WILL VERY LIKELY RUIN their respective society, because they are not only power-hungry; every politician and aspiring politician is power-hungry.

With people like Putin and Erdogen... they are more than just power-hungry; they are outright dictators WHO THINK THEIR PEOPLE, as well as their country, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM..."Look at all the big achievements I've brought on, I've given you! With OTHERS, none of this great achievement would have been possible; THEREFORE, you can't have others and I WON'T ALLOW IT!".... and so they must do whatever they think necessary --- shifting from post to another, changing the constitution, making it illegal for others to compete or criticize them, etc --- to occupy the government at the very top posts, for as long as they are able to hold on to it.

Again, THAT MIND SET is usually the mind-set of a dictator.

Problem with that kind of thinking and mind-set is, OTHERS see you do it, and when you are gone, OTHERS TOO WILL LIKELY EMULATE IT and so the SOCIETY creates a CULTURE of perpetual CYCLES of dictators and dictatorship, of one leader thinking he is indispensable and must rule until death, EACH CLAIMING theirs is the most righteous, most glorious, and most benevolent....
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-08-29 02:25:45 UTC
Post by Her Lao
When someone shifts from the "prime minister" to the "president" and back and forth, putting his lieutenant(s) in charge of the other office he's just recently vacated --- whether due to term limits or because he wants to jump between the two most senior posts in the government, as he sees fit, with the just-vacated position being subordinated to the present one, like Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogen of Turkey are doing --- you know they are aspiring to be long term dictators.
The dictatorship in Israel is a slightly different dictatorship: Israel is a very small country, population and land mass, so the top 2-4 men and women usually rotate being the prime minister until they die. They may come from different parties or the same; but they will go in and out of the PM's office until, again, they drop dead and are replaced by their protégés, to repeat the same cycles...
From the first president, George Washington --- who, by the way, WAS ENCOURAGED to become a KING, like England's King George whom he's just defeated, for America's independence but who REFUSED to become king, saying he'd only serve one or two terms and then retired to return to his farm and slaves again ---- to the current one, Barack Hussein Obama, more or less every one served no more than 1 to 2 terms; and then the people go tired of them.
The only major exception, and it was a major aberration, was the great socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt... who started socialist programs like Social Security and other anti-American programs like that. FDR, as he's better known, was elected FOUR TIMES. Until FDR, again, people just got tired after the alpha male after ONE or TWO TERMS; and they just didn't elect them again.... so there was no explicit amendment in the CONSITUTION prohibiting a current president from serving more than two terms, 4 year each term.
But AFTER FDR, people and law makers alike FELT that allow ONE MAN to occupy the PRESIDENCY more than 8 years IS TOO TEMPTING for them to go off reservation and starting thinking of themselves as a GIFT FROM HEAVENS or from THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE... and they start filling the various powerful positions in government with their own families and friends and business associates and close colleagues...
And that is the CORRECT VIEW.
It doesn't matter how popular, or unpopular, someone is ... if they occupy a position in society for too long, corruption, nepotism, and outright power usurpation arise.
(Of course, it goes without saying, if you're NOT POPULAR AT ALL, or hated, then you limit your own presidency to just ONE term, or less... corruption could get you impeached and then removed from DAY ONE to the last day of your term, so it's only really very popular presidents like FDR or George Washington, that the American electorate takes pains to safeguard AGAINST, by NOT ALLOWING any one to have more than TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS, after FDR, through legal proscription...)
The reason the United States of America has the LONGEST TRACK RECORD of transferring power from one leader to another, TOTALLY PEACEFULLY (without any coup or bullet flying).... is that BOTH the people, "the governed," and the governor (the president), AGREE both implicitly AND explicitly that given that the PRESIDENCY is such a singularly powerful position, it SHOULD NEVER BE AT THE HANDS of ONE MAN for too many years. It's the only way to GUARD AGAINST nepotism of the various kinds.
I believe people like Putin and Erdogen WILL VERY LIKELY RUIN their respective society, because they are not only power-hungry; every politician and aspiring politician is power-hungry.
With people like Putin and Erdogen... they are more than just power-hungry; they are outright dictators WHO THINK THEIR PEOPLE, as well as their country, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM..."Look at all the big achievements I've brought on, I've given you! With OTHERS, none of this great achievement would have been possible; THEREFORE, you can't have others and I WON'T ALLOW IT!".... and so they must do whatever they think necessary --- shifting from post to another, changing the constitution, making it illegal for others to compete or criticize them, etc --- to occupy the government at the very top posts, for as long as they are able to hold on to it.
Again, THAT MIND SET is usually the mind-set of a dictator.
Problem with that kind of thinking and mind-set is, OTHERS see you do it, and when you are gone, OTHERS TOO WILL LIKELY EMULATE IT and so the SOCIETY creates a CULTURE of perpetual CYCLES of dictators and dictatorship, of one leader thinking he is indispensable and must rule until death, EACH CLAIMING theirs is the most righteous, most glorious, and most benevolent....
THOSE BEASTS with fur needs top be skin before the final cooking step. BUT NOT EVERYONE REMOVE THE FUR/SKIN exactly the same method. some use knife to remove the skin some with so much muscle just tear it apart amd pull it away cleanly. those over there some will use HOT WATER to remove the fur/skin while other use blow torch to BURN AWAY the fur (my wife use this method on squirrels) the USA did a 4 year term other nation might want it 10 year term or 50 year term. KADAFI did 40++ term until he was killed by his enemies.how about 100 500 1,000 or more in years? that ought to kick-up the HEAT on that competition to become the leader
Her Lao
2014-08-30 17:37:29 UTC
Post by Her Lao

The following is a good opinion piece, from Al Jazeera, a news channel owned by the dictator of Qatar.

But since that ruler of Qatar aspire to build an empire of commercial airlines, news media, etc., he is willing to give SOME SMALL independence to news channels operating OUTSIDE of Qatar, like this Al Jazeera English here, now having bought Al Gore's obscure TV channel and is operating from the USA, trying to attract and to live off mostly of advertisements from corporations, like other Western news channels...

So long, that is, as AJ America or any other news media group owned by Qatar DOES NOT criticize it! This is a cherished TRAIT of third world people: they only liked to be talked about as NICE and COOL and SMART and FAIR and CORRECT and such.... but they won't stand it, if they are criticized!

"You don't have any thing nice to say OF OR ABOUT THE CORRECT LEADERSHIP, don't open you mouth. Or else, you know what could happen to you, Mr. Big Mouth!"


Her Lao
2014-09-02 16:10:35 UTC
On Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:35:05 PM UTC-5, Her Lao wrote:

When someone shifts from the "prime minister" to the "president" and back and forth, putting his lieutenant(s) in charge of the other office he's just recently vacated --- whether due to term limits or because he wants to jump between the two most senior posts in the government, as he sees fit, with the just-vacated position being subordinated to the present one, like Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogen of Turkey are doing --- you know they are aspiring to be long term dictators.



The Great Leader of Mother Russia, Mr. Jujitsu Putin, said he could, at an impulse, should he desire it, take Kiev --- Capital of Ukraine and therefore the whole country --- in two weeks time.

And, subsequently, we have to assume, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, too.... since there are a whole bunch of Russian speakers in those little Baltic countries, which used to be satellite states of the Great Union of Soviet Socialist Republic...

So, here, Mr. Cameron phrase the squabbling, frightened and leaderless WESTERN NATIONS vs Great Mother Russia as a dithering Naville Chamberlain versus a decisive and feared and respected Adolf Hitler...

Personally, I don't see how 345M Americans and another 300M or so Western Europeans could be scared of this little Putin guy.... You don't have to go "nukular" against him to make him crawl on his knees around other leaders of the world.

You cut him and Mother Russia off from all business and diplomatic spheres and see how Russia would its oil and gas... China alone and a few dozen third world countries won't be able to provide the advanced goods that the Russian people must have... on their own, Russia would be reverted back to living like they did in the 1960s and 70s, at the very least...

And if Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons against the WEST and AMERICA, then hopefully someone or some group from the Russian military would decapitate the little man BEFORE he has a chance to do that, since DOING THAT would ensure ABSOLUTE MUTUAL DESTRUCTION (MAD), since England, France, and America WILL ALSO NUKE RUSSIA to hell, with nothing but the vast and smoking Siberia left, not suitable for wheat crops for hundreds to thousands of years....

Whenever, in any era, that we have little rough and tough men threatening the world, with his soldiers and weapons, THE WORLD NEEDS TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.... and put HIM and his people in their proper place... or otherwise, HE WOULD THINK the world is scared of him...
Her Lao
2014-09-02 16:19:46 UTC

This is why I love both the Sheik of Qatar's "Al Jazeera" and Putin's "Russia Today" news outlets:

These two news outlets are able and willing to stay totally out of their MAIN SPONSORS hair, no matter what's going on, EVEN IF THEIR SPONSORS are the main players in the reports.

These two media groups NEVER talk about or criticize their sponsors/owners! Here, you see "Russia Today" talking about PROTESTS against NATO and its leaders and their meeting in WALES... and how NATO could be putting itself in more military quagmires far away; but RT pretends that Russia is not already involved in a way and RT's main backer, Putin, said he could take any small country HE WANTS, if that's what he chooses to do... and do it within a week or two's time!

I love watching the Twilight Zone sometimes...
Skunk ตัวเหม็น ตัวหอม คิดถึงจัง ແຫ່ຍມົດແດງ
2014-09-02 16:53:23 UTC
Post by Her Lao
When someone shifts from the "prime minister" to the "president" and back and forth, putting his lieutenant(s) in charge of the other office he's just recently vacated --- whether due to term limits or because he wants to jump between the two most senior posts in the government, as he sees fit, with the just-vacated position being subordinated to the present one, like Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogen of Turkey are doing --- you know they are aspiring to be long term dictators.
The Great Leader of Mother Russia, Mr. Jujitsu Putin, said he could, at an impulse, should he desire it, take Kiev --- Capital of Ukraine and therefore the whole country --- in two weeks time.
And, subsequently, we have to assume, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, too.... since there are a whole bunch of Russian speakers in those little Baltic countries, which used to be satellite states of the Great Union of Soviet Socialist Republic...
So, here, Mr. Cameron phrase the squabbling, frightened and leaderless WESTERN NATIONS vs Great Mother Russia as a dithering Naville Chamberlain versus a decisive and feared and respected Adolf Hitler...
Personally, I don't see how 345M Americans and another 300M or so Western Europeans could be scared of this little Putin guy.... You don't have to go "nukular" against him to make him crawl on his knees around other leaders of the world.
You cut him and Mother Russia off from all business and diplomatic spheres and see how Russia would its oil and gas... China alone and a few dozen third world countries won't be able to provide the advanced goods that the Russian people must have... on their own, Russia would be reverted back to living like they did in the 1960s and 70s, at the very least...
And if Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons against the WEST and AMERICA, then hopefully someone or some group from the Russian military would decapitate the little man BEFORE he has a chance to do that, since DOING THAT would ensure ABSOLUTE MUTUAL DESTRUCTION (MAD), since England, France, and America WILL ALSO NUKE RUSSIA to hell, with nothing but the vast and smoking Siberia left, not suitable for wheat crops for hundreds to thousands of years....
Whenever, in any era, that we have little rough and tough men threatening the world, with his soldiers and weapons, THE WORLD NEEDS TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.... and put HIM and his people in their proper place... or otherwise, HE WOULD THINK the world is scared of him...
most people had under-estimated the Russian SEVERELY AFTER that1991 THE union broke out BUT IF A WAR breaks out at this time most people will be hurt BADLY BY the current RUSSIAN FORCES. JUST keep in mind RUSSIAN was hurt in 1991 BUT NOT ENTIRELY OUT OF THE GLOBAL FORCES. RUSSIAN WAS HURT BADLY BUT IT´S STRENGTH AND MUSCLES ARE STILL FULLY INTACT INSIDE IT BODY A TRIGGER TO RELEASE THOSE POWER and the RUSSIAN can still do a MAJOR damage to it´s VICTIMS. I NEED TO RUN AWAY FROM THE METRO to OTV 150 miles away from a major metro area of millions in people to attract the RUSSIAN for a nuke STRIKE.
Her Lao
2014-09-26 03:38:58 UTC
Her Lao
2014-09-26 22:53:32 UTC
Post by Her Lao



The POINT to all this is this: It's not just Putin, Erdogen, Pol Pot, Hun Sen, Ayatollah Khomeini, Kim Jong Ill, Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad, et al.

The POINT IS: if and when societal allowed --- willingly or unwittingly --- a person, a small group, or a family to rule a societal for years and then decades, THERE IS INEVITABLE CORRUPTION.

You allow ME to rule a city, a state, or a country for 10, 12, 15, 20, 40 or so years and YOU WILL SEE THAT I CORRUPT just like any other.

Of course, I WILL TELL YOU AND THE WORLD, I only rule at the people's behest, on their behalf, and I am the BEST RULER, the fairest, most benevolent, AND MOST DIMOCRATIC so on and so forth...

Any and all of the men who governed America TOO WOULD BE DICTATORS, if they are allowed to rule more than 1-2 terms, 4 years each term.... even if THE RULING STRUCTURE for this society is quite well defined...

It is INEVITABLE that corruption happens, when ONE MAN, ONE FAMILY, ONE EXCLUSIVE IDEOLOGY, or ONE SMALL GROUP is allowed to rule for years and decades... because they begin to think they are the best and that's why they are ruling... and thus, their pals, business associates, family members, and others who pay tributes to them WILL SLOWLY and then at accelerated rates begin to ACCUMULATE WEALTH and POWER and it will get harder and harder, as each year and then each decade, passes to unseat these rulers and their associates and families and connections...

Think about it:

If you are able to accumulate vast wealth, like the Bushes and Clintons and Gores, et al. AFTER ONLY 4 TO 8 YEARS in the White House, imagine how much wealth you could accumulate if you were able to stay for 10, 15, or 20 years, when MOST of the most powerful positions in STATE and FEDERAL governments are those closest to you IDEOLOGICALLY, closest to you in family and business relationships, etc....

This is not rocket science, as the phrase goes...
Her Lao
2014-10-03 06:29:35 UTC


This guy, formerly $15 BILLIONAIRE man, is actually being generous, when he said Putin would likely bring about regime change, via the 1919 Communist revolution that overthrew the autocratic, corrupted czar family.

Chess playing genius Garry Kasparov called Putin the most dangerous man on earth right now, as Putin could bring about WWIII for real, just to see how much he could push others around, since Russia has more nuclear weapons than anyone, although militarily, in a more conventional set of parameters, Russia isn't that strong... at least nowhere as capable as America, with 10 times the giant aircraft carrier capacity that Russia has....


Again, I remind folks: We are humans and we are selfish, self-serving, although most people would deny that, saying THEY ARE really the nicest, most generous, most selfless people around.

Fact is, if you put ME in charge of America, Laos, Russia, China, England, Mars, the Moon, the Galaxy for 10, 15, or 20 years, I WILL SHOW YOU HOW CORRUPT I could and would be... Because I would put people I know in important positions and then, in POWERFUL POSITIONS, and I would simply say THEY ARE THE MOST QUALIFIED, fairest, and so on and so forth.

After many, many years at the top, most of the other very important positions in society would be filled by people close to me, people with very similar outlooks like mine, and so on.... from domains ranging from education, to political offices, to regulatory offices, to judgeships, etc.

And if some rich citizen from MY COUNTRY LOOKS DANGEROUS TO ME, looks like he or she is going to challenge me, I would CHARGE HIM OR HER with state/federal corruption, tax evasion, etc. and THEY WILL BE CAUGHT UP IN THE CRIMINAL COURT SYSTEM for years!

This has been what's going on in Russia, under Putin, as he rules Russia for many years, shifting from President to Prime Minister and back to President.... very much like Erdogen of Turkey, too. Notice that that man, Erdogen, is also incredibly powerful these years, with little to no serious challenge against him, including the military, which used to be very powerful and stand-offish and independent...
Her Lao
2014-10-03 07:03:56 UTC

Thousands of ordinary and high-skilled, well educated Chinese have left China, specially Hong Kong, when it was returned to Communist China in 1997. Most of the rich ones ended up in Canada, because Canada is physically big and they had, and still have, a small population and rich Chinese who could hundreds to millions of dollars over from China was a welcome thing.

The exodus had slowed down a bit and Canada has made it a bit tougher, but yearly, there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of Chinese would GLADLY emigrate to the West, to countries like Sweden, Switzerland, England, France, Canada, USA, Australia, Germany ,etc. IF THEY'RE ABLE.

Rigght now, with Hong Kong being sucked into the inner-core of Communist China, at an accelerated rate, in order to dismantle this ONE-NATION-TWO-SYSTEMS trial, so Communist China could take over every aspect of things, MORE YOUNG CHINESE WILL LEAVE HONG KONG, too... anyway they are able to.

Ditto for Russia, now that it is entering into a recession due to the sanctions from the West, because of the forcibly taking over of Crimea and the direct support for Russian speaking rebels in the eastern part of Ukraine...


On the positive:

Communist Vietnam is now allowed to buy hand-me-down weapon systems and vessels from America, the first time since the Vietnam War, so Vietnam could better keep up following China's ships as the latter sails the vast "East China Sea" looking for oil... even when it's close to the shores of Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, etc.
Her Lao
2014-10-03 18:38:32 UTC

More on wealthy and educated Chinese wanting and planning to leave behind China.

Sure, you could point to the fact that 65 year-old Tina Turner or some other useless entertainer Americans, as well as some 25 year-old Facebook guy who made some $2B overnight from the stupid social site's IPO who thought the USA taking 25-30% of it ---- by the way, ALL OF HIS MONEY WAS/IS FROM AMERICANS, not from Chinese or Malaysians or Swedes ---- was too much taxes... and he bailed to Malaysia to staff his money... sure, you could point to some idiots like that; but America is where the most educated and richest are or want to be.

And, as the little Latvian story above here said, if America were to pass similar laws --- "Come, however who could buy $500,000 properties, we welcome" ---- imagine such a law was passed by Congress! You'd have likely 50M Chinese applying for it overnight!
Her Lao
2014-12-16 03:29:52 UTC

And what would a Great Dictator --- sorry, I mean a GREAT LEADER --- do without a giant glittering Palace of the Wise Ruler?

But you haven't seen nothin' yet! Wait until this Great Leader of Turkey gets his 100 F-35s from the Great Satan USA! His power and prestige ---- as the ultimate ISLAMIC RULER OF THE MIDDLE EAST --- would dwarf all others in his little corner of the world!

No wonder those stupid little European Union knuckleheads didn't want Erdogan and Turkey to become a member of the EU... they was scared of this great Ottoman Islamist leader!
Her Lao
2014-12-30 22:29:37 UTC

You know, I know, and the dictators know... someone is becoming a dictator when all his or her opponents are either scared into silence, driven out of the country, or put in jail and prison and house arrest... with promising: "If you don't stop your illegal and unpatriotic acts, we will come after you, no matter where you are or who you are," etc.

And these days we know a dictator and a dictatorship are being created when ONE PERSON, or ONE IDEOLOGY says NO OTHERS "NEED TO APPLY;" that "WE HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN ALL THE CORRECT LEADERS;" and anyone not of this correct ideology, not approved by THE PARTY or GREAT LEADER is not gonna be allowed to compete for top political posts.

And the very first SIGN of dictatorship is when that leader, being very popular or feared or loved, ROTATES from one top position to another, creating a spanking new constitution empowering himself or his political party... or if there's already a constitution in existence, CHANGING or MODIFYING IT "to make it better," so he could rule for more years, or so he could jump from presidency to prime minister positions, etc.

THAT is a sign a dictator, or a dictatorship, is being ushered into society.
Her Lao
2015-01-14 06:41:20 UTC

A good, benevolent, wise, and incorruptible dictator, of course!
Her Lao
2015-02-09 10:12:20 UTC
Her Lao
2015-03-02 17:55:02 UTC
On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 4:12:21 AM UTC-6, Her Lao wrote:



1. Scare your opponents to death

2. Kill them off, if possible

3. Drive them out of the country, through whatever charges necessary

4. Rotate yourself & Cos. at top offices for as long as possible, and for LIFE if possible;

5. Bring in all powerful & rich people & give them good deals if they cooperate

6. Create serious/major crisis and solve them to great fanfares, to project an "effective, caring, and powerful leader" image and tell the public, in the various ways THEY CAN'T and SHOULDN'T live without you!

7. Repeat those above as necessary, in different permutations wherever & whenever necessary;

Her Lao
2015-03-02 18:05:33 UTC
Post by Her Lao
1. Scare your opponents to death
2. Kill them off, if possible
3. Drive them out of the country, through whatever charges necessary
4. Rotate yourself & Cos. at top offices for as long as possible, and for LIFE if possible;
5. Bring in all powerful & rich people & give them good deals if they cooperate
6. Create serious/major crisis and solve them to great fanfares, to project an "effective, caring, and powerful leader" image and tell the public, in the various ways THEY CAN'T and SHOULDN'T live without you!
7. Repeat those above as necessary, in different permutations wherever & whenever necessary;
Forgot two very crucial items:

#8. Change the constitution, if he originally had term limits!

That way you could minimize the opponents you have to kill off, since you'd be extremely powerful once you and your closest deputy have ruled, by taking turns, the nation for 10, 15, or 20 years...

#9. Make it ILLEGAL for other ideas, people, or political parties to compete!, saying

"We need only ONE IDEA, ONE PARTY... since it is ALREADY THE CORRECT AND BEST ONE, for our people here, if not for stupid people elsewhere..."
Her Lao
2015-03-26 05:42:21 UTC

The "good citizens" who live in CORRECT-LEADERSHIP-based societies must know, need to know, they can NOT and should NOT make false and stupid and ILLEGAL allegations about their good and correct and wise leaders BEING GAY or INCORRECT or CORRUPT, etc.

It is NOT a smart thing to do, in addition to the fact that it is ILLEGAL; and you can be punished according to the GOOD LAWS which prevent such falsity from being spread in the first place!

My god, how could people be so stupid like that?

If you want to insult your leaders and call them FALSE NAMES and other hurtful and ILLEGAL stuff and GET AWAY WITH IT, you come to the TERRIBLE WESTERN COUNTRIES where everything is chaotic, stupid, and violent where leaders are stupid, violent, and don't know right from wrong JUST LIKE THE CITIZENS and no one, not leader and not citizen, gives a shit even when you say STUPID and FALSE things about them!