Obama People Started "Cherry Picking" Data, to Support their View, Like the Bush Folks Did...
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Her Lao
2015-09-10 23:59:54 UTC
regardless of the ACTUAL DATA said... data and analysis that are done by career intelligence analysts...


Because Obama's folks believe they've killed off 10,000 ISIS members, after having dropped more than 10,000 bombs and missiles on them, in Iraq and Syria... and so the Obama folks ASSERT they are WINNING, even when hard data MIGHT HAVE SUGGESTED otherwise...

So, this is the same bullshit pulled by the Bush folks, just before they started invading countries: regardless what intelligence analysts say in their data collection and analysis, Cheney and other top Bush folks simply MANUFACTURED --- OKAY, let's be gentle, kindler and say they "cherry pick" --- data that supported THEIR PERSONAL VIEW... so they could "show the public" why war and invasion of X and Y countries were necessary, in order to safeguard humanity and America...


Her Lao
2015-09-11 14:15:35 UTC

Barack Obama's intelligence chief is said to be in frequent and unusual contact with a military intelligence officer at the center of a growing scandal over rosy portrayals of the war against the Islamic State, the Guardian has learned.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, is said to talk nearly every day with the head of US Central Command's intelligence wing, Army Brigadier General Steven Grove - "which is highly, highly unusual", according to a former intelligence official.

Grove is said to be implicated in a Pentagon inquiry into manipulated war intelligence.

In communications, Clapper, who is far more senior than Grove, is said to tell Grove how the war looks from his vantage point, and question Grove about Central Command's assessments. Such a situation could place inherent pressure on a subordinate, sources said.

Knowledgeable former officials are doubtful that Clapper directly intends to manipulate intelligence. And they do not say that the director of national intelligence - who apologized to his Senate overseers in 2013 for publicly misleading Congress on the scope of domestic surveillance - ordered Grove or anyone else to change the command's assessment of the war.

But one former intelligence official said Clapper "has to be careful of the Cheney effect, going over to the CIA and how does that affect people" - a reference to pressure felt by CIA analysts before the 2003 Iraq invasion to portray Saddam Hussein as posing a more dire threat than he actually did, following then Vice-President Dick Cheney's direct interaction with far more junior analysts and officials.

"He can be manipulative," a former senior defense official said of Clapper. For Clapper as a senior US intelligence officer with access to assessments across the 16 US intelligence agencies to query Grove, the Central Command intelligence chief, the ex-official said, "something's wrong".
Her Lao
2015-09-15 19:28:47 UTC
On Friday, September 11, 2015 at 9:15:36 AM UTC-5, Her Lao wrote:


Her Lao
2015-09-16 04:41:29 UTC

Only complete mindless idiots think, or thought, sending 50 CIA-trained into battlefield, to direct American war planes, would result in spectacular military success.

Remember, we're not even talking about HALF of the other problem, who have fighter jets and hundreds, if not thousands, of Iranians and Russians "advising" them.... We are merely talking about ONE SMALL, well organized ISIS group, which the OBAMA people said they've killed over 10,000 members, in the last 15 or so months of bombing from the air.... the Obama folks said they've dropped over 10,000 bombs and missiles and other ordinances on ISIS and have killed over 10,000 Islamists from ISIS alone.

And they thought if you send in JUST 50 Syrian Rebel fighters vetted and trained by the CIA, as basically RADIO OPERATORS for some American fighter jets, that they gonna do GLORIOUS THING...

I mean, Obama is either drunk or intrinsically stupid/naïve, if that's the plan.

Please, note that Obama has bungled the plan so bad, right now over 60% of Americans are willing to send in GROUND TROOPS; when we started talking about this issue, last year, I think only 30-40% were willing to commit ground troops.

Of course, naturally, American voters are willing to commit ground troops... since 95% of them don't have sons or daughters serving in group troops capacities who will do the fighting and dying in another foreign war.....

But I STILL LOVE ORANGUTAN-HAIRED MAN, Donald Trump, the best: I am gonna make our military SO BIG, SO POWERFUL, we'd NEVER have to use it since NO COUTNRY would wanna tangle with us!

My hero, Prezdent Donald Trump!

And, oh, yes... we are TAKING OVER IRAQ'S OIL FIELDS, TOO, when my hero becomes Prezdent of the USA... he's gonna send in 20,000 or so special ops forces to encircle Iraq's vast oil fields, and tell them to stay away from them, as "They now belong to America, which has again arisen from the ashes, thanks to the greatest Prezdent of all time, Donald J. Trump."

Her Lao
2015-09-16 17:28:24 UTC
Her Lao
2015-09-19 03:34:43 UTC

The Obama folks didn't want to make any substantial move, so Putin did.

Now, the Obama people MUST react to it, since the calculus is totally different now, with Putin being in charge in HOW the Syrian crisis is to be negotiated.
Her Lao
2015-09-22 20:23:31 UTC
Post by Her Lao
The Obama folks didn't want to make any substantial move, so Putin did.
Now, the Obama people MUST react to it, since the calculus is totally different now, with Putin being in charge in HOW the Syrian crisis is to be negotiated.

Obama's attitude of I am not gonna get involved in another Mid East war, but I could degrade and destroy ISIS and AL QAIDA from 50,000 feet up, 5-10 bombs a day, on average, with one of my hands tied behind my back which I will show you all the time I am not lying.... is biting him in the ass.

As I always have said, as a Liberal: if you're going to NOT-GET-INVOLVED, you get the fuck out of the Middle East, and you don't care what the Russians or ISIS are doing.

You merely station hundreds to thousands of soldiers in and around your official embassies, if you have them, in the Mid East.

But you CAN NOT do these stupid Middle School-ish nonsense Obama has been doing, and that's to TIE THE HANDS OF US MILIARY COMMANDERS BEHIND THEIR BACKS and TELL THEM, on a daily and weekly basis, what they must and must not do, when you spend between $1B-$2B a year, like this whole past year, using aircraft carriers and DOZENS of F-16s, F-15s, F-18s, and F-22s dropping a few bombs a day from 50,000 feet up AND TELL AMERICA AND THE WORLD you're going to degrade and destroy ISIS.

And, oh, said you gonna train 5,000 moderate Syrian rebel a year, to fight ISIS, too... but not ASSAD... and train, AFTER A WHOLE FUCKIN YEAR, only 50 individuals, and, after just 2 weeks of being on their own, 45 of them having quit, been killed, or gone missing....

If this is not considered a military FIASCO, I have absolutely no idea what is...
Her Lao
2015-09-23 03:50:29 UTC

One fiasco and embarrassment after another, for the Obama Doctrine of "I didn't wanna do it but others pushed me into it, so I only went in half-hearted."

Now, Obama WILL secretly task US SPECIAL OPS FORCES to go and wipe out the group of Al Nusra that this "moderate Syrian rebel leader" had joined up with... note that the CIA gave these few dozen "vetted and trained" rebel fighters VERY EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENTS, which allow the US to track them, so fight jets could bomb ISIS from the air...

But if Obama just sits and blinks fast, chewing on his finger nails --- or if he sends the world that message by not conveying something else --- it will be another public black eye for Obama.

So that means OBAMA needs to send in special ops and have them evaporate buildings that known al Nusra members are known to gather... to make it clear to those who DECEIVED THE CIA on purpose to make it look stupid... that if you do that, you won't have an easy life where Americans are concerned... after all, you have signed a pledge and have been trained and equipped with American weapons and technologies... and you have gone boastfully to the enemies...

As I said, whatever you do, you need to do it whole-heartedly.

This approach of Obama has been a failure and it is also embarrassing; because it is that of a picture of an indecisive leader who draws one "red line" after another and never cares whether they are crossed by those he said should not cross "or else."
Her Lao
2015-09-26 03:28:14 UTC

Obama embarrassingly half-hearted rebel training program, of training no more than 50 or so at a time, and every time these 3 or 4 dozen lightly armed guys enter Syria, they have to use their American-supplied equipment as bribing fees, so they could travel across al Qaida and other Islamist territories...
Her Lao
2015-09-26 03:33:12 UTC

Remember, Obama's bombing was supposed to "degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS"... but it looks like it has been expanding since Obama started bombing... expanding now solidly into formerly only Taliban and Al Qaida controlled Afghanistan; into Yemen where, again, it used to be just Al Qaida and the Houthi rebels; into Libya and virtually all of northern Africa, going as far as central Africa, in terms of being able to convince formerly independent terror groups like Boko Haram to pledge allegiance...
Her Lao
2015-09-26 03:50:39 UTC
Her Lao
2015-09-26 03:57:17 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Notice what the Pentagon official said, there, in the Time's last paragraph:

These people HAVE NOT THOUGHT THROUGH as to what to do in case something like this happened, since it was, in their little head, VERY UNLIKELY! LOL

Shouldn't the CIA training these Syrian rebels take them aside, even if only INFORMALLY and away from supriors, and whisper into their ears some in the order of:

You know we WILL KNOW when these SPECIAL EQUIPMENTS are given away, and we WILL have to be forced, immediately, to treat YOU as the enemies and we WILL COME AFTER YOU at any time of our choosing and there won't be any warning, since THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU WILL HAVE?

This is the ineptitude of some social studies/constitutional/history teacher like Obama trying to dictate MILITARY TACTICS from his office. It just doesn't work.


"In light of this new information, we wanted to ensure the public was informed as quickly as possible about the facts as we know them at this time," Colonel Ryder said. "We are using all means at our disposal to look into what exactly happened and determine the appropriate response."