Her Lao
2015-12-01 00:21:54 UTC
Environmental negotiators meeting in Paris should strike a climate change deal to save a world "at the limits of suicide," Pope Francis said on Monday.
"I am not sure, but I can say to you 'now or never'," he told a group of reporters aboard the papal plane, en route home from Africa, according to Reuters. "Every year the problems are getting worse. We are at the limits. If I may use a strong word I would say that we are at the limits of suicide."
I'm on my ass and knees every night, praying and talking to the Lord Jesus and his Dad, the Creator of the Universe who created Earth to be non-ruinable, and Jesus and his Dad, God, NEVER said nothing about HUMANS --- especially his second favorite tribe, Christians --- ruining the earth by releasing BILLIONS tons of tons of FAKE chemicals into the air, water, oceans, and atmosphere, every year, like these stupid sick gun and Bible hating Librals keep babbling about!
If it's bad, like homosexuality, secularism and atheism, the Lord creator of the Universe would have told us in his HOLY BIBLE!
If it's not in his HOLY BOOK of divine knowledge, as he dictated to Noah, Moses, and Abraham during the Stone, Iron, and Bronze ages, folks, it's all LIES by Satan from the depth of Hell, to try to take our good living and cash from us... like Satan and his faithful, Libs and Atheists, always do!
Environmental negotiators meeting in Paris should strike a climate change deal to save a world "at the limits of suicide," Pope Francis said on Monday.
"I am not sure, but I can say to you 'now or never'," he told a group of reporters aboard the papal plane, en route home from Africa, according to Reuters. "Every year the problems are getting worse. We are at the limits. If I may use a strong word I would say that we are at the limits of suicide."
I'm on my ass and knees every night, praying and talking to the Lord Jesus and his Dad, the Creator of the Universe who created Earth to be non-ruinable, and Jesus and his Dad, God, NEVER said nothing about HUMANS --- especially his second favorite tribe, Christians --- ruining the earth by releasing BILLIONS tons of tons of FAKE chemicals into the air, water, oceans, and atmosphere, every year, like these stupid sick gun and Bible hating Librals keep babbling about!
If it's bad, like homosexuality, secularism and atheism, the Lord creator of the Universe would have told us in his HOLY BIBLE!
If it's not in his HOLY BOOK of divine knowledge, as he dictated to Noah, Moses, and Abraham during the Stone, Iron, and Bronze ages, folks, it's all LIES by Satan from the depth of Hell, to try to take our good living and cash from us... like Satan and his faithful, Libs and Atheists, always do!