Her Lao
2015-01-23 06:56:56 UTC
I. ONE VIEW, ONE UNDERSTANDING OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH: There is only ONE kind of FREEDOM OF SPEECH (for the dumb ones who pretend to be smart).
* FREEDOM OF SPEECH = Say, or write, think, or draw ANY thing*
You can stop HERE, or go to an abbreviated version of the MANY KINDS of FREEDOM OF SPEECH that REALLY SMART people go by, below here...
There are MANY kinds of FREEDOM OF SPEECH (for the REALLY SMART ones who use their smarts smartly, depending on space-time where they are, without paying attention to definitional bullshit).
*Note: --- SMART PEOPLE (& I mean the REAL ONES, not the stupid one who CLAIM, erroneously, that they are smart but in fact are really not smart, judging by the big mouth acts!) KNOW that some aspects, or some versions, or some definitions, of FREEDOM OF SPEECH are better & more correct & superior than others.
Those smart people, further, also KNOW WHERE and WHY and HOW NOT TO SAY, or not to write, or not to draw STUPID or DANGEROUS THINGS that would UPSET the good political leaders, the esteemed religious leaders, the various holy or divine or sacred ideas, figures, and books.
THOSE SMART PEOPLE KNOW to violate that prohibition, to write and act and think DANGEROUSLY, CAN and DO cause harms, deaths, destruction, disharmony, etc.
The following is a VERY SHORT list of things, ideas, figures, books, etc. that SMART PEOPLE know, in their understanding and expression of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, NOT to violate:
FREEDOM OF SPEECH = Say, or write, or draw ANY thing or subject ... BUT NOT THE FOLLOWING (or something very similar to it, depending WHER you live: check your local PROSCRIPTION!)
(1). Local, state, and/or federal leaders (judges, politicians, business men and women, et al.)
*Note: --- we don't care whether these leaders are considered, PERSONALLY BY US, to be "good" or "bad" or "corrupt" or "not corrupt." If they are LEADERS as noted above here, they CAN NOT BE INSULTED or written about in a BAD WAY.
But, yes.... in SOME VERY, VERY, VERY RARE CASES, if they are really bad or corrupt.... I mean fuckin' bad or very, very corrupt... then, yes, SMART WRITINGS about them and their badness or corruption are oaky, if a writer or thinker HAS THE APPROVAL from the APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES to write or comment on THOSE BAD leaders!
(2). Any & ALL BOOKS, or IDEAS, or PERSONS, or SUPER BEINGS or CREATORS or ENLIGHTENED ONES THAT DEAL WITH holiness, divinity, or sacredness, or enlightenment, or sacred or holy BOOKS about one's own, or SOME ONE ELSE, tradition or culture.
(NOte: --- the following is only a SHORT list of the obvious ones; but there are ENDLESS MORE similar ones that MUST NOT BE WRITTEN ABOUT, INSULTED, in a BAD WAY; check with your local authorities, elders, or smart leaders:)
*the Holy Bible,
*the Holiest of Holy Quran,
*the Talmud and Torah,
*the sacred Hindu and Buddhist texts,
*Animists and their traditional beliefs & rituals,
*And any other religious or traditional or holy or sacred beliefs or practices that are ESSENTIAL TO THE COHESION AND HARMONY AND MORALITY OF SOCIETY
(3). Kings, Queens, Royal Family members, and Associates.
(Note: --- Righteous or Major Business Partners of Kings, Queens, Royal Family members and their Important Associates MAY ALSO BE SUBJECTS writers and thinkers, if they really smart, shouldn't be touching or criticizing. That would also undermine the fabric of society that instills harmony, law and order, and other righteous and moral things a good society must have.)
(4). Generals of the army, air force, navy, and marines OR those in the ARMED FORCES of one's nation.
(Note: --- the wives and children and parents, as well as the CLOSE OR PRINCIPAL business partners of THE ABOVE GENERALS and other generals in your local society, MAY NOT BE CRITICIZED or written badly or falsely about, either. Such acts, as I just said above here, MAY CONTRIBUTE to the undermining of societal harmony, law and order, etc.)
(5). Law of the Land (local, state, & federal), the Courts & Judges (local, state, & federal), Police Officers (local, state, & federal), IMPORTANT COMMUNITY and NATIONAL ELDERS and/or LEADERS.
(Note: --- some of this list ARE COVERED above, in #1, but redundancy can never be bad, since there are a lot of very stupid people, writers, thinkers, cartoonists, etc. and they MAY NOT SEE OR UNDERSTAND EVERY ITEM, so if PROHIBITIONS are listed more than once, in different lists, they WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE.. such as "Duh, I didn't see that prohibition in #1; you should have made the LIST OF PROHIBITION AND/OR HOW TO USE FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN A SMART WAY more ubiquitously!)
(6). (I) HOLY or DIVINE beings, spirits, or creators & THEIR BOOKS & Ideas;(II) Enlightened figures & ideas & books; (III) Sacred books & ideas & figures
(Note: --- Here we're talking about books or ideas directly dictated & inspired by the holy or divine being themselves, as well as, those that were written or correctly ATTRIBUTED to them, by their Faithful followers and Wise men and scholars who KNOW them or know about them more than any other...)
(7). INSITUTIONS (E.g, Churches, Temples, Mosques, Other worshipping places or centers, or learned centers), GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS & OTHER IMPORTANT LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL PROPERTIES & TRUSTS, as well as, THE LEADERS leading OR overseeing those Institutions & Trusts & Important Properties.
(8). People in GENERAL & in SPECIFIC should NOT be insulted or written badly about, or drawn in a negative way, for the most part; and they must not be written or criticized WHEREVER there are LAWS prohibiting such DANGEROUS acts.
NOTE: --- the REASON why smart thinkers, writers, and cartoonists SHOULD NOT write badly, negatively, or untrue things about PEOPLE is that SUCH STUPID AND DANGEROUS ACTS can and will spark violence, wars, deaths, and destructions.
The following, again, is NOT AN EXHAUSTED LIST; it's only an abbreviated one; you need to check with YOUR LOCAL authorities on a more complete list WHERE YOU LIVE:
*Native Americans, of both north & south Americas (Sioux, Lakota, Apaches, Yanimami, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, et al; there are THOUSANDS OF THEM; again, check with your local authorities for a more complete list).
*Australian Aborigines
*Vikings (Icelanders, Norwegians, et al)
*Germanic tribes
*The Franks
*Anglo & Saxon tribes (these are related to the Germanics)
*Spaniards & Portuguese & Catalans & other around there
*Thais, Canadians, Chinese (Hans, Miao, Mein, Hmong, etc. Again, redundancy will prevent ignorant claims like "Duh, I didn't see it before now!"), Japanese, Koreans, Iranians & Persians, Iraqis (Sunnis, Kurds, Shia, etc), Egyptians & Berbers, Morroccans & Algerians & Tunisians, Libyans, Sudanese (both north and south), Australians, Laps, Peruvians, Colombians, Argentines, Brazilians, Mexicans, Russians & Slavs (related), Vietnamese, Nigerians, South Africans, Cameroons, etc., etc., et al....
CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES on a more complete list of people you SHOULD NOT INSULT OR WRITE BADLY OR NEGATIVELY ABOUT, because SUCH DANGEROUS ACTS can and will spark violence, instability, destruction, etc.
* FREEDOM OF SPEECH = Say, or write, think, or draw ANY thing*
You can stop HERE, or go to an abbreviated version of the MANY KINDS of FREEDOM OF SPEECH that REALLY SMART people go by, below here...
There are MANY kinds of FREEDOM OF SPEECH (for the REALLY SMART ones who use their smarts smartly, depending on space-time where they are, without paying attention to definitional bullshit).
*Note: --- SMART PEOPLE (& I mean the REAL ONES, not the stupid one who CLAIM, erroneously, that they are smart but in fact are really not smart, judging by the big mouth acts!) KNOW that some aspects, or some versions, or some definitions, of FREEDOM OF SPEECH are better & more correct & superior than others.
Those smart people, further, also KNOW WHERE and WHY and HOW NOT TO SAY, or not to write, or not to draw STUPID or DANGEROUS THINGS that would UPSET the good political leaders, the esteemed religious leaders, the various holy or divine or sacred ideas, figures, and books.
THOSE SMART PEOPLE KNOW to violate that prohibition, to write and act and think DANGEROUSLY, CAN and DO cause harms, deaths, destruction, disharmony, etc.
The following is a VERY SHORT list of things, ideas, figures, books, etc. that SMART PEOPLE know, in their understanding and expression of FREEDOM OF SPEECH, NOT to violate:
FREEDOM OF SPEECH = Say, or write, or draw ANY thing or subject ... BUT NOT THE FOLLOWING (or something very similar to it, depending WHER you live: check your local PROSCRIPTION!)
(1). Local, state, and/or federal leaders (judges, politicians, business men and women, et al.)
*Note: --- we don't care whether these leaders are considered, PERSONALLY BY US, to be "good" or "bad" or "corrupt" or "not corrupt." If they are LEADERS as noted above here, they CAN NOT BE INSULTED or written about in a BAD WAY.
But, yes.... in SOME VERY, VERY, VERY RARE CASES, if they are really bad or corrupt.... I mean fuckin' bad or very, very corrupt... then, yes, SMART WRITINGS about them and their badness or corruption are oaky, if a writer or thinker HAS THE APPROVAL from the APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES to write or comment on THOSE BAD leaders!
(2). Any & ALL BOOKS, or IDEAS, or PERSONS, or SUPER BEINGS or CREATORS or ENLIGHTENED ONES THAT DEAL WITH holiness, divinity, or sacredness, or enlightenment, or sacred or holy BOOKS about one's own, or SOME ONE ELSE, tradition or culture.
(NOte: --- the following is only a SHORT list of the obvious ones; but there are ENDLESS MORE similar ones that MUST NOT BE WRITTEN ABOUT, INSULTED, in a BAD WAY; check with your local authorities, elders, or smart leaders:)
*the Holy Bible,
*the Holiest of Holy Quran,
*the Talmud and Torah,
*the sacred Hindu and Buddhist texts,
*Animists and their traditional beliefs & rituals,
*And any other religious or traditional or holy or sacred beliefs or practices that are ESSENTIAL TO THE COHESION AND HARMONY AND MORALITY OF SOCIETY
(3). Kings, Queens, Royal Family members, and Associates.
(Note: --- Righteous or Major Business Partners of Kings, Queens, Royal Family members and their Important Associates MAY ALSO BE SUBJECTS writers and thinkers, if they really smart, shouldn't be touching or criticizing. That would also undermine the fabric of society that instills harmony, law and order, and other righteous and moral things a good society must have.)
(4). Generals of the army, air force, navy, and marines OR those in the ARMED FORCES of one's nation.
(Note: --- the wives and children and parents, as well as the CLOSE OR PRINCIPAL business partners of THE ABOVE GENERALS and other generals in your local society, MAY NOT BE CRITICIZED or written badly or falsely about, either. Such acts, as I just said above here, MAY CONTRIBUTE to the undermining of societal harmony, law and order, etc.)
(5). Law of the Land (local, state, & federal), the Courts & Judges (local, state, & federal), Police Officers (local, state, & federal), IMPORTANT COMMUNITY and NATIONAL ELDERS and/or LEADERS.
(Note: --- some of this list ARE COVERED above, in #1, but redundancy can never be bad, since there are a lot of very stupid people, writers, thinkers, cartoonists, etc. and they MAY NOT SEE OR UNDERSTAND EVERY ITEM, so if PROHIBITIONS are listed more than once, in different lists, they WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE.. such as "Duh, I didn't see that prohibition in #1; you should have made the LIST OF PROHIBITION AND/OR HOW TO USE FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN A SMART WAY more ubiquitously!)
(6). (I) HOLY or DIVINE beings, spirits, or creators & THEIR BOOKS & Ideas;(II) Enlightened figures & ideas & books; (III) Sacred books & ideas & figures
(Note: --- Here we're talking about books or ideas directly dictated & inspired by the holy or divine being themselves, as well as, those that were written or correctly ATTRIBUTED to them, by their Faithful followers and Wise men and scholars who KNOW them or know about them more than any other...)
(7). INSITUTIONS (E.g, Churches, Temples, Mosques, Other worshipping places or centers, or learned centers), GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS & OTHER IMPORTANT LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL PROPERTIES & TRUSTS, as well as, THE LEADERS leading OR overseeing those Institutions & Trusts & Important Properties.
(8). People in GENERAL & in SPECIFIC should NOT be insulted or written badly about, or drawn in a negative way, for the most part; and they must not be written or criticized WHEREVER there are LAWS prohibiting such DANGEROUS acts.
NOTE: --- the REASON why smart thinkers, writers, and cartoonists SHOULD NOT write badly, negatively, or untrue things about PEOPLE is that SUCH STUPID AND DANGEROUS ACTS can and will spark violence, wars, deaths, and destructions.
The following, again, is NOT AN EXHAUSTED LIST; it's only an abbreviated one; you need to check with YOUR LOCAL authorities on a more complete list WHERE YOU LIVE:
*Native Americans, of both north & south Americas (Sioux, Lakota, Apaches, Yanimami, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, et al; there are THOUSANDS OF THEM; again, check with your local authorities for a more complete list).
*Australian Aborigines
*Vikings (Icelanders, Norwegians, et al)
*Germanic tribes
*The Franks
*Anglo & Saxon tribes (these are related to the Germanics)
*Spaniards & Portuguese & Catalans & other around there
*Thais, Canadians, Chinese (Hans, Miao, Mein, Hmong, etc. Again, redundancy will prevent ignorant claims like "Duh, I didn't see it before now!"), Japanese, Koreans, Iranians & Persians, Iraqis (Sunnis, Kurds, Shia, etc), Egyptians & Berbers, Morroccans & Algerians & Tunisians, Libyans, Sudanese (both north and south), Australians, Laps, Peruvians, Colombians, Argentines, Brazilians, Mexicans, Russians & Slavs (related), Vietnamese, Nigerians, South Africans, Cameroons, etc., etc., et al....
CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES on a more complete list of people you SHOULD NOT INSULT OR WRITE BADLY OR NEGATIVELY ABOUT, because SUCH DANGEROUS ACTS can and will spark violence, instability, destruction, etc.