Global Issues: One Aspect of Obama's "Asian Pivot"
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Her Lao
2016-08-16 15:51:57 UTC

As China becomes more and more forceful, due to its ability to project bigger, stronger, and more long-distanced economic and military power --- including the building of military bases in Africa, something the Europeans and Americans have done for centuries --- America is also ratcheting up its "pivot to Asia" activity, even during these last few months of Obama's presidency.

With India and China continuously having more than little verbal and military skirmishes in western China and northern India, over disputes, and with both India and China buying their top-end from Russia....for decades now... India seems to be also doing somewhat of a pivot of its own, in military buys.

India recently concluded, I believe, a deal to buy close to 40 French Rafale fighter jets, even though it also put in some ordered, along with a few billion dollars, to buy Russia's up-coming Pak T-50, which is mostly still flying on an older engine, awaiting its new engine, which won't be finished for another 5 ore more years.

Now, India's also turning to the USA, for more top-end air force needs; it has recently turned down Lockheed Martin's old, 4th generation F-16... so Boeing is trying to sell India it's F-18 super hornets.

But the consensus thinking out there is, India is LIKELY to ask for Lockheed Martin's newest fighter, the F-35... and the thinking, while still tentative, is that India is LIKELY going to be approved for it... if not right away, perhaps 3-5 years down the road...

And getting an approval to "buy," (whenever that okay is given), of course, doesn't mean you're going to get the F-35 right away, since there are 10 other countries who have been with the US from the start and even they haven't gotten theirs. Most won't have their initial deliveries of a few until 3-5 years from today... so getting the okay to buy the F-35 by India --- or by another other "late comers" (e.g., Malaysia, etc) --- in "3 to 5 years" won't get you any F-35 until probably 6 to 10 years from that date... America will want to have at least 90% of its 2,400 F-35 before it starts to deliver good chunks of them to ally countries like Britain, Italy, Norway, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc.

Israel is the one exception: Israel is the only country that gets pretty much any thing it wants from the USA --- not all but pretty much most things --- and it likely will get many of its F-35 before most other ally countries, since America considers Israel's needs much more urgent and special than any other ally countries needs...

Note that we give Israel, a tiny nation of 8M (like Laos population) of EXTREMELY EDUCATED AND HIGH INCOMES roughly $3B-$5B YEARLY... so a lot of that could be used towards purchasing American weapon systems...
Her Lao
2016-08-19 15:57:46 UTC
Dumb US --- Obama ---- policies that could, contrary to idiotic reasoning, do us all in as a species.


Think carefully and very simply: nukes are likely NEVER to be used against non-nuke, third world, small nations.

Nukes (both the "strategic" large ICBMs and these smaller, "smart" nukes that Obama is pursing, which close $10B-$15B for 300 to 400 of them) are also NOT to be used against big, developed nations like Russia and China THAT ALSO HAVE NUKES of their own.

Why you don't use nukes against small, third world nations that don't have nukes? Because they don't have nukes.

Why you don't use nukes against big, powerful, and NUCLEAR nations like Russia and China? Because they also have nukes.

The IDIOCY --- mindless idiocy, by the Obama and the hawkish Republicans who want these smaller, "tactical" nukes --- is that if you used these small nukes against, say, Russia or China... because they are so small and don't cause a lot of physical damage or human lives (let's say one damages only a neighborhood and only a few hundreds to a few thousand people, along with soldiers, died)... RUSSIA AND CHINA WILL NOT RESPOND with ICBM types of nuclear missiles!


In a conflict where the USA decides to use "only a few small, tactical nukes" against China or Russia, resulting in MILITARY AND CIVILIAN DEATHS in Russia and China, or WHEREVER THEY HAVE PEOPLE AND SOLDIERS, do you think the Russians and Chinese will sit down and say, "Hmmm.... it' bad and it's not okay, that you use those small tactical nukes on us, resulting in deaths... but we will let it go this time"?

Of course not!

Run this scenario in the various ways: put yourself in Russian and Chinese shoes, if you're attacked by American "tactical nukes."

Would you just idly stand by and say, "Well, it's ONLY SMALL TACTICAL NUKES"?

Or would you ASSUME that since American went ahead and used NUKES ON YOU, INTENDING TO CAUSE YOU SERIOUS HARMS AND DEATHS, that's it's also a PRUDENT respond to RESPOND IN KIND BY LOBBING your own NUKES... to make sure they know they don't get to use nukes on you and get away with it?

Now, just be Americans yourself: If China or Russia decided, in a conflict to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS against you, regardless whether they are "small" or "big" nuclear weapons... would you just sit idly by and ask them WHY they did it?

Or would you respond in kind do it in such a way that they know they should never have targeted you with nuclear missiles in the first place?

Of course, it's the latter.

Again, NUCLEAR WEAPONS ---- beyond those two crude ones dropped on Japan in the 1940s --- must NEVER be used again.

Or if they are ever used again, it may trigger a CHAIN REACTION among nations that could easily and quickly lead to the demise of most humanity, if not all, within hours.

Nuclear weapons, BIG AND SMALL ALIKE, can and should never be used... neither against small, non-nuclear nations NOR against big, nuclear states that also have hundreds to thousands of nuclear weapons.

When we, Americans, already have a few THOUSAND nuclear missiles and bombs --- which could reach anywhere in the world between 30 minutes to an hour, speeds that NO FIGHTER JETS OR BOMBERS could attain --- and when Russia has a few thousand more, and when Chinese have between 300 and 500 of them, most are ICBMs that also fly between 9,000 MPH and 15,000 MPH.... to waste tens of billions of dollars MORE ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS, making them "smart" and "smaller" and "tactical"... that is just idiotic.

There, again, is NO REASONABLE NATION which also has nuclear weapons/missiles that would NOT USE THEM AGAINST THE USA, if we used nuclear weapons against them. Saying "But we only use a few small, tactical nukes on you, okay?" isn't going to cut it. If you use nuclear missiles against another nation that also has nuclear missiles, it is UP TO THEM TO RESPOND, SINCE THEIR EXISTENCE has been put on jeopardy.

You don't get to tell them "but we only used small nukes on you.... why did you lob mighty ICBMs our way"?
Her Lao
2016-08-21 05:53:48 UTC
First time several of each of America's mightiest bombers were sent to the US island territory of Guam.

One of the few times the US converged two aircraft carrier strike groups.

Each "carrier strike group" consists of a Nimitz class aircraft carrier and a dozen or more of other supporting naval ships, including submarines, destroyers, fast and small patrol and logistical ships, and supply ships. So all together, a carrier group is a large one, with 7,5000 to 10,000 soldiers and supporting personnel, with close to 100 flying aircraft vehicles...


The following is what China wants, when it comes to small, individual nations around China: it was to either bribe or intimidate small countries, individually, to stay away from central fights China has with others around it.

Small and poor countries like Laos, for example, a country that does not have maritime claims since it has no ocean access but which is still important because Laos is a part of the ASEAN nation group and, I believe, currently, holds the rotational president or lead seat in ASEAN... small nations like Laos, Cambodia, etc., China could simply bribe them, by signing some "business" deals with some of its highest/most important leaders and their business associates. Or it could be a road, rail, or dam project of national import, where China is willing to come in and put up several hundred million dollars.

And such nations would simply AGREE NOT TO SAY ANYTHING that is considered to be "positive" or "negative." That's all China wants, from such small nations who are their neighbors but who don't have direct involvements in disputes.

Others, like the Philippines, Vietnam, etc., with poor military and general maritime infrastructures, China simply marches ahead and does what it wants, daring them to counter-act.

With advanced countries like Australia, China tries to use both "carrots" and "sticks" approaches: please, don't interfere and you and us, we will have great relations. But if you do interfere, you must know our previously good international relations could be in jeopardy, so make your decisions carefully, okay?

While, on the other side of China, the border with India, there's also disputes.

That is why despite the fact that India participates with Russia in the building of Russia's PAK T-50, 5th generation fighter jets, it is also looking to buy Western and American fighter jets. India has already ordered close to 40 French Rafale; it turned down Lockheed Martin's F-16, and it is looking at Boeing's newer and bigger F-18 Super Hornets...

But the word is that India wants in on the F-35; and it is likely Washington and New Delhi are in some early, prelim discussions on whether or not India could buy F-35s, if not ordering right away then in 5-10 years down the road...

That is crucial for India, because China also relies heavily on top-end Russian made military products, from their top fighter jets to the engines that run those jets... That being the case, India thinks it'd be prudent to not put all her eggs in one basket in terms of ordering top-end military equipments from Russia, even though India, like China, has long had a good military business transaction with Russia...

Her Lao
2016-08-28 05:30:55 UTC
Her Lao
2016-08-30 02:29:28 UTC
Post by Her Lao

"While in Asia, Obama will also pay the first visit by a sitting U.S. president to Laos, where he'll see both the president and prime minister. Ahead of the visit, the White House acknowledged the "very difficult history" between the countries, alluding to the roughly 270 million cluster bombs the U.S. dropped on Laos in the "secret war" during the Vietnam War. Obama is expected to announce new steps to help clear unexploded ordinance from Laos."
Her Lao
2016-09-05 04:54:55 UTC


This piece here by the sick Libral New York Times is a NEGATIVE PHENOMENON PIECE --- to paraphrase positive thinkers only like our comrade ambassador "Thanouxy" et al who are defenders and patriots of Laos COMMUNIST PARTY, the only allowed ruling correct political party --- talking badly about Laos and her gentle, peaceful, law abiding leaders and nature.

If you read it, you need to know ahead of time it is a bad piece of journalism, having nothing to do with reality in Laos. Because, in truth, all of Laos leaders, CORRECT LEADERSHIP, know Sombath Somphone was either working for the CIA, a gang, or Hmong rebels... so he probably ran away after work one day.

Blaming that man's so-called disappearance on Laos peace loving, correct leadership or how it handles bad people.... that's not right!
Her Lao
2016-09-05 05:06:10 UTC
Post by Her Lao
BTW, smart Laotians will also immediately point it out that in the evil, Satanic USA, dozens to hundreds of people === who believe in all kinds of ideologies === "disappear" each year, too, never to be found again.

So for America and bad thinking people to point out about JUST ONE MAN in Laos disappearing as an "abysmal" human rights record... THAT tells you Americans and sick Librals and communist hating Cons are bad people who don't want to talk about the endless marvelous things and achievements the CORRECT LEADERSHIP in Laos, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and its one and only correct ideology of LPRP have brought down from the Heavens, through ceaseless work and innovation, for all of Laos multi-ethnics...

If you would open your eyes, Laos today is light years ahead of Laos of pre-1975, when it was ruled by a corrupt puppet government with imported Western ideologies not natural for the local population, LIKE COMMUNISM which is underpinned by real ideals from from Russia... by Asian-like thinkers like Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky et al....
Her Lao
2016-09-05 05:26:36 UTC
Her Lao
2016-09-05 14:03:25 UTC

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned President Barack Obama on Monday not to question him about extrajudicial killings, or "son of a bitch I will swear at you" when they meet in Laos during a regional summit.


That Third World mentality is something === we call it "politically incorrect" and the truth telling of Cons in the USA === my hero, the Greatest and richest man on earth, Donald J. Trump, is promising to engage in, too, when he moves to our White House.

We will FUCK with anyone who question us, our Great Leader, or anything we decide to do.

"Listen, you mother fucker (China/Chinese), we gonna tax you 25%!"


These little China Man, they gonna know whose in charge in NEGOTIATIONS, when my hero, the Great Orangutan Man, is prezdent of the USA!
Her Lao
2016-09-05 17:19:23 UTC
Her Lao
2016-09-05 17:23:24 UTC
Post by Her Lao
I guess the Laotians don't have YouTube or access to YouTube, Facebook, and other internet venues, FREELY?

I don't have any YouTube clips of Mr. Kenyan-born Isis Hussein Obama running down the steps of Air Force One in Vientiane's Inter Airport today, Monday, when he came from the G20 meeting in China...
2016-09-05 17:40:44 UTC

cool stuff. so obama has landed at the wattay airport in vientiane. high on his agenda on wednesday is a trip up to luangprabang for a town hall meeting with young folks. i can't wait for that one.

also if tony bourain of CNN parts unknown is up there too, i am thinking both will end up together at the coffee shop next to the old palace for a khao piek bowl, french baguette and coffee like they did in hanoi a few months ago. and it won't surprise me if both dare to try a khao-poon bowl in one of the eateries along the nam-khan river.
Her Lao
2016-09-05 21:43:37 UTC

I can't wait to see and to hear my hero, the Greatest and toughest man to be President of the USA, calling this little Pinoy a third world "mother fucker"!

My hero would probably go further, by saying things like:

"If you don't shut your little ugly mouth, about me as the Greatest, Bestest, Smartest, and Fairest president of the United States, after George Washington and Abe Lincoln, I will order the mighty US Air Force to flatten your little apartment there in Manila!"


And my hero WOULD SAY AND WOULD DO THOSE THINGS, TOO! I am not joking... Here, some short sample clips of my hero being truthful about stupid people and how he'd deal with them!

Her Lao
2016-09-06 02:37:44 UTC
Heart breaking tragedies...for Laotians, especially those in Xiengkhouang, even after 41 years since we left Laos...


Hundreds of thousands of us left Laos in 1975. Today, it is 2016, some 41 odd years after the war.

Remember that the US dropped two atomic bombs on two big Japanese cities, in 1945. By the mid 1960s, Japan was already trying to sell very small cars, both domestically, with their objective going internally, especially coming to compete against American cars.

But early 1970s, they succeeded, due partly to the oil embargo by Arab oil producing nations. Small Japanese cars worked well, since they consumed less oil. And by the time we arrived in the late 1970s, Japanese cars were already household names.

From 1945 to 1975... just 30 years.

Of course, just like the case with Germany, which was also burnt to the grown through firebombs, but which got enormous help after it surrendered to the Americans and Allies, Japan, too, received a lot of rebuilding help.

Americans more or less dictated to how the Japanese new CONSTITUTION was drafted and finalized ("a pacifist" constitution allowing only a "defense" force, not an offense one), so the Japanese turned all of their energy and creativity into creating products to compete against its occupiers; and the Japanese, again, succeeded within 30 years...

So, what are the lessons we may glean from these different experiences?
Her Lao
2016-09-06 03:51:29 UTC

There, the Great ISIS Founder, Mr. Hussein Obama, in Laos... clips from ABC news...so it means no one in Laos === say ordinary Lao citizens who supposed to have basic rights === was allowed to take videos of Mr. ISIS Founder?

Oh, wait... I guess they're all too polite and just not do it, once asked nicely by the "correct leadership"? That must be it...
Her Lao
2016-09-06 04:50:34 UTC

Good old documentary: No, we do not have combat troops in THAT country.

Well, there were a few advisors and, you know?.... But we are merely "helping" the Royal Lao government, not getting involved in Laos beyond that, no...
2016-09-06 06:21:20 UTC
barack obama, the president of our time...

can't wait to see him up in luangprabang and if luck has it, he will be sipping lao coffee at that coffee shop close to the old palace.
2016-09-06 11:03:28 UTC
POTUS speaking from the heart and recognizing the past...

Her Lao
2016-09-06 17:52:52 UTC
POTUS speaking from the heart and recognizing the past...
Her Lao
2016-09-06 19:17:42 UTC



Note: both Seatle Times and Huffington Post are notoriously unreliable as part of the socialistic Left Libral Media... so whatever they say, take it with both salt and butter... I have no idea if they're true or reliable like what we have in the world's bestest and most accurate Fox News organization, which has the smartest reporters and most honest ones, too!
Her Lao
2016-09-06 19:44:19 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Note: both Seatle Times and Huffington Post are notoriously unreliable as part of the socialistic Left Libral Media... so whatever they say, take it with both salt and butter... I have no idea if they're true or reliable like what we have in the world's bestest and most accurate Fox News organization, which has the smartest reporters and most honest ones, too!
Her Lao
2016-09-07 08:53:19 UTC

Certainly, Southeast Asia has regressed politically over the course of the “rebalance,” with the notable exception of Burma (officially called Myanmar), which has moved toward qualified democracy. A military junta has run Thailand since a May 2014 coup d’état. Malaysia’s opposition leader is once again behind bars, while Prime Minister Najib Razak stands accused of embezzling $700 million of state funds. (He denies any wrongdoing). Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei and Laos remain autocratic, with the 2012 disappearance of award-winning activist Sombath Somphone still unexplained in the latter.
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