Classic jokes of all time for the immigrants that I like to share.......Thailand Joke book on sale OK to read by Napo kid(s) in the late 80s to learn English. Hehehe!!
Uncle Funk is a Cambodian who got offered a class to learn English by Vietnamese teacher at Thalansit camp in Thailand before going to America. He is quit thrill about the new meaningful word because the word is close to the spelling of his name “Funk” as to “F*ck” and the pronunciation is almost the same to his name. He was told by his best friend who sit next to him who is Burmese that Americans like to use this word a lot in the movie and that Chinese like to make “f*cking” products to sale to Asian-Americas. Today classroom is quit a thrill for, he is to understand American English grammars usage, by reading the reason why people like to come to America and like to say the word “F*ck” as adverb with “ly”, adjective to describe noun, and verb to be with “ing” and “ed”.
The reason the Laotian likes American “f*cks” is because everytime he puts up a middle finger at American guy, he likes it because he got a middle finger back. To both of them it means “f*ckingly” OK, he likes to get “f*cked” back by the Americans every time. It means to him greetings, it is an OK “f*ck”, it means great! Have a great day that kind of thing for the guys!
The main reason Thai like to “f*ck” with Americans because American’s “f*ck” makes half-bred beautiful kids that Thai like.
American view and let know that American likes to do “f*cking” too, and do it all the time to only the one that he likes to “f*ck” with.
At the end, Uncle Funk concludes about Vietnamese teacher saying is that, “any time “f*cking” is better than no time “f*cking” at all.
Happy Friday joke to the Social Culture Laos at Hehehe!!