2015-05-01 07:43:46 UTC
on that fateful day where were you? yes each of you?
i know where i was. i was riding my old beat-up bicycle around ANOUSAVARY in downtown vientiane not knowing what to do. should i stay or should i go? our family had hushed discussions as to what to do that is to flee to nongkhai and wait and see there.
for me and my family, the question of staying and be part of the new communist regime was totally impossible. after all we have fled from these laodeng once in samnua and half of my male family members were decimated through soldiering for the french, it was more than totally impossible to stay and be a statistics for the new regime.
vientiane was abuzz with changes. student demonstrations seemed to fade away to make way for takeover of critical places by the new regime. of course nobody knew who the new regime were. kaysone? no idea. souphanouvong? yes very prominent. phoumi vongvichit? very prominent with his soothing speech. souvannaphouma? the mofo simply told the people to split if they didn't like the new peace agreement(ໃຜບໍມັກສັນຕິພາບໃຫ້ໜີ).
i know where i was. i was riding my old beat-up bicycle around ANOUSAVARY in downtown vientiane not knowing what to do. should i stay or should i go? our family had hushed discussions as to what to do that is to flee to nongkhai and wait and see there.
for me and my family, the question of staying and be part of the new communist regime was totally impossible. after all we have fled from these laodeng once in samnua and half of my male family members were decimated through soldiering for the french, it was more than totally impossible to stay and be a statistics for the new regime.
vientiane was abuzz with changes. student demonstrations seemed to fade away to make way for takeover of critical places by the new regime. of course nobody knew who the new regime were. kaysone? no idea. souphanouvong? yes very prominent. phoumi vongvichit? very prominent with his soothing speech. souvannaphouma? the mofo simply told the people to split if they didn't like the new peace agreement(ໃຜບໍມັກສັນຕິພາບໃຫ້ໜີ).