Her Lao
2015-06-17 07:12:36 UTC
Who yearns to RETURN to the good ole days.... of the 1950s, 1930s, 1880s, 1770s... the good centuries and good decades of our past where smart God endowed leaders still ran the country, something that today Liberals have done away with when they put in illegal aliens in charge of our nation, as well as in charge of our cities and farms...
So I am voting for this big, powerful, and respected business man to be our Prezden of the Unit Tistate of America...
He's the only man who could make us a first rate nation again, like we was in George Washington's days in the late 1700s, when people KNEW right from wrong, and when MEXICANS didn't export nothing but criminals, rapists, and welfare dependents to America, like it has been the case under this Kenyan-born Black Man, Barrack Obumbma!
This man can and WILL kick that little man, Putin's ass, or that China-man from Chinaland, Mr. Xi.
And, yes, that little Mexican Nieto... Prezden Trump will tell him: you had better stop sending your criminals and rapists to Americaland, where I'm prezden, or I could send in my Marines and the French Legions!
So I am voting for this big, powerful, and respected business man to be our Prezden of the Unit Tistate of America...
He's the only man who could make us a first rate nation again, like we was in George Washington's days in the late 1700s, when people KNEW right from wrong, and when MEXICANS didn't export nothing but criminals, rapists, and welfare dependents to America, like it has been the case under this Kenyan-born Black Man, Barrack Obumbma!
This man can and WILL kick that little man, Putin's ass, or that China-man from Chinaland, Mr. Xi.
And, yes, that little Mexican Nieto... Prezden Trump will tell him: you had better stop sending your criminals and rapists to Americaland, where I'm prezden, or I could send in my Marines and the French Legions!