The "white elephant in the room" issue that, have two decades of pissing matches we no longer care too much to "debate" about is, COMMUNISM.
And the diaspora is made up of LOSERS from the struggle from which Communists declare triumphant victory.
In politically correct dialogues, and in polite society, 99.99% of Communists in Laos, especially politicians and politician wannabe's and civil servants like Comrade "Thanouxy" say: Let the past be the past... We are moving toward the future.
But when WE DEAL WITH COMMUNISTS --- even if we don't want to call attention to it ---- we KNOW THERE IS NO ULTIMATE TRUST.
And that's MORE than just issues of business disputes on contracts, on lying about product quality, on quality control, on illegal trading practices, etc.
It's more.
With Communists, it is VERY FACT and FOUNDATIONAL knowledge that you CAN'T CRITICIZE THOSE IN POWER, in Communist countries, there is a gap, a chasm, way too big to overcome.
In advanced, PLURALISTIC societies --- whether we like them or not, whether we think they are as free as we are, as others are, or not --- you could, IF YOU SO DESIRE for whatever twisted reasons.... walk up to a politician or political leader who you think is a piece of shit and tell him or her so, to his/her face, and at worst, get a punch in the face!
In Communist countries, NOT only you can't and SHOULDN'T do that, but again CONTRACTURAL PRECEDURES and other RULES OF CONDUCT are based on DECREED LAWS, by the Communist leaders and THE PARTY, the ONLY IDEOLOGICAL PARTY ALLOWED....
So, of course, if you "keep your mouth shut" and "just follow the law (whatever the fuck it is)" then you have no problem.
Problem is, in diverse, advanced, and dynamic societies --- and WITH THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN SUCH SOCIETIES --- that kind of crude, rigid, and totalitarian attitude is just not going to sit well... with us, as WE ARE INDEED NOW from such advanced societies, where we grow up and grow old AMONG diverse people who believe in diverse and competing ideals...
As some guy named "Hans Luther" or others, he said he's a descendant of some famous family of that family name, said, some 18-20 years ago, in a piece of research or lecture we even posted here for debates: in rigid, totalitarian societies like Laos, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc., YOU ARE INDEED FINE IF YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT; but what happens, when the PARTY or local communist leaders have some unhealthy interest in YOU personally or in your business?
Who's gonna arbitrate? Would you simply trust that THE PARTY would decide fairly, if there's a serious disagreement between you AND ITSELF?, or between you and a communist citizen? Sure, if that communist citizen was just some Joe Blow, AND YOU WERE WELL CONNECTED with people of power and connection like Comrade "Thanouxy" or his bosses, then, no problem.
But what if it's you versus THOSE IN POWER IN THE COMMUNIST PARTY?
Would you trust a "court of law" that IS PART OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY?, deciding an issue/disagreement or legal case BETWEEN you and THE COMMUNIST PARTY or people in powerful position in THE PARTY?
I doubt it.
And such problems do NOT have to happen everyday, for an outsider to be afraid of Communist functionary; it's just the FEAR that if a problem of disagreement, ro contractual issues, arises.... that you won't get a fair deal.... that fear alone is enough for MOST ORDINARY PEOPLE not to get involved in Communist countries...
Take one hypothetical and a rather odd example:
I am no citizen of SWITZERLAND, but let's say I had some good capital and I wanted to do business there. And further, let's say I think the RULING COALITION in Switzerland, unfortunately, was really sucks or horrible. Let's say, for some twisted reason, I'd made negative comments about the ruling council... or against the powerless president, or some other high officials, of Switzerland.
Do you think A COURT IN SWITZERLAND would care much about that, if I had a contractual issue with some business man in Switzerland, or the Swiss government, when or if my case is decided? Of course not. The COURT would simply look at the case and decide ON THE MERIT what the contractual disagreement was...
That is NOT TRUE in a communist, theocratic, or similarly totalitarian society (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt, Laos, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc)... In such a society, WHAT YOU SAY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT or a high official --- even if you simply called them retarded imbeciles who have no business running the government ---- can and will be used to decide your case, IN ADDITION TO THE MERIT at stake.
In fact, such rigid and totalitarian states, business/contractual and/or legal issues WILL TAKE SECOND SEAT to the question of whether "you have insulted our good leader, our government, our holy beliefs...." and some imaginary man from beyond the cloud who is said to be keeping THE LOCAL CITIZEN GOOD, RESPECTUFL, AND MORAL... that is, if or when you have problems WHILE INSIDE THOSE COUNTRIES....
It just don't work like that in THE REAL WORLD of complex, dynamic, & plural societies...