40th Anniversary of Lao PDR
(too old to reply)
2015-12-01 17:52:13 UTC
Looking back those 40 years:

1975: Two High Schools (Lycee de Vientiane and Fa Ngum High-school
Now: thousands

1975: Per capita income= US Dollar 85
Now= US Dollars 1850

1975: Zero kilometre of Railway
Now 3.5 kilometres and 480 kilometre in 2020

1975: Not sufficient rice for domestic consumption
Now: production = 4 MIllions tons of rice

1975: 136 Megawat installed capacity of Electricity
Now: 16 thousands MW of installed capacity and the installed capacity will double in five years time

1977: I start my profession as Journalist by using Morse
Now: Lao PDR is among the Club of Countries which have its own Satellite

1975: total Road Network in Km = 3,500 Km
Now: 40,000 Km

Longlive Lao PDR
2015-12-01 18:57:00 UTC
Title: ຂ້ອຍຮ່ວມສ້າງຝັນຮ່ວມເຈົ້າໃນ”ຊີວິດຈິງ”ເທົ່ານັ້ນ...


ຈົ່ງຢ່າຂ້ອຍຝັນໄຂ້ຜິດຄີງ,ແອບອີງ, ຜິດບ່ອນ
ບໍ່ຝັນເຝີຝັນເຝື້ອງ ພົບບ່ອນເຈົ້າຢູ່ຮ່ວມຂ້ອຍ
ກໍ່ໃຫ້ເຊົາ ນອກຈາກ ”ຄວາມຈິງ” ເທົ່ານັ້ນ.


ຈົ່ງຢ່າຕີງຈົ່ງຢ່າຢອກ ຂໍບອກເຈົ້າແມ່ນແຕ່ຂວັນຄີງ...
“ເພາະບໍ່ແມ່ນຊີວິດສຸກສັນ...ພົບພໍ້ກັນໃນຝັນ ເທົ່ານັ້ນ...”
ຂໍພົບພໍ້ພຽງຮູບຮ່າງຄີງ...ແທ້ຈິງຂອງເຈົ້າ ເທົ່ານັ້ນ......
ຂໍພົບກັນໃນຂັ້ນ ”ຊີວິດຈິງ” ພຽງນີ້....ສາທຸ...

2015-12-01 22:29:08 UTC

impressive numbers there. but this is the minimum that any government can achieve for the old muonglao be it communist like right now or a democratic one.

after 40 years, it can be way better than this.
Her Lao
2015-12-02 02:01:34 UTC
impressive numbers there. but this is the minimum that any government can achieve for the old muonglao be it communist like right now or a democratic one.
after 40 years, it can be way better than this.
You always are a half-empty man, Casalao. If 40 years ago, 99% of the Lao people were farmers, earning 80 dollars worth a year, and 2015, they are earning 1,800 dollars a year, THAT'S over 22 or so times as much.

Why complain, when you know if the corrupt Royal Regime were in charge, Laos would be lucky, if they didn't revert back to living like it was under Fa Ngums time, of roughly 50 CENTS A DAY!

Power to the righteous, awesome, smart, & CORRECT LEADERSHIP, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, for now & FOREVER!

Stupid people and their stupid ideas are not needed, when you have smart, educated, and AUTHENTICAL Lao leaders in the LPDR, using local communist ideas, to developing Laos at unprecedented rate, using THE CORRECT IDEOLOGY by THE CORRECT LEADERSHIP, the only one ever needed!
2015-12-02 14:57:58 UTC
Dear Casalao,
Yes the performance could or should be better but you have to acknowledge that Lao PDR is among the club of countries where Political Stability is the most sustainable. And you may appreciate it that Political Stability is a pre-requisite condition for Sustainable Development and Economic Growth to the extend that Thai friends really envy Laos...
Sok dee
2015-12-03 02:14:10 UTC
Post by thanouxay
1975: Two High Schools (Lycee de Vientiane and Fa Ngum High-school
Now: thousands
1975: Per capita income= US Dollar 85
Now= US Dollars 1850
1975: Zero kilometre of Railway
Now 3.5 kilometres and 480 kilometre in 2020
1975: Not sufficient rice for domestic consumption
Now: production = 4 MIllions tons of rice
1975: 136 Megawat installed capacity of Electricity
Now: 16 thousands MW of installed capacity and the installed capacity will double in five years time
1977: I start my profession as Journalist by using Morse
Now: Lao PDR is among the Club of Countries which have its own Satellite
1975: total Road Network in Km = 3,500 Km
Now: 40,000 Km
Longlive Lao PDR
Indeed...LONG LIVE "LAOS"!!!

The political debates surrounding Laos have been grossly and overly debated from every angle since the inception of SCL. I simply and am tired of the seesaw rhetorics being thrown back and forth between lao nork and lao nai.

As much as I disagree with Thounoxay on many fronts....However, one thing I do agree with him is that Laos need to be politically stable in order to make advancement for the betterment of the country. It is time for the LPDR to truly live and develop the country as they were promised to do during the secret war campaign.

As a product of that campaign....I find no animosity toward my Laotian brethren. It's time to move forward and leave the past to the past. This forum should be a place to engage in productive discussions on the national development of LAOS and how can our people bring positive development to Laos.

I've always believe that a legitimate government is one that put the interest of the people first before the individual or group of individuals. IF Laos' leadership wants to develop LAOS like other industrialized nations...it must invest in its PEOPLE FOREMOST.

Her Lao
2015-12-03 03:26:41 UTC
Political stability MAY be attained in a variety of ways.

Political stability through "correct leadership" is an IMPOSITION.

Impositions --- in whatever clever or fancy phrases you want --- don't and can't build lasting governance.

Unlike most of you nice and courteous people, I don't think Laos "political stability" under the "correct leadership" of the LPDR is true or lasting. Nor do I agree that it's because of this "correct leadership" that Laos people have enjoyed the 22 folds of increase incomes in the last 40 years.

When you had ONLY ONE WAY, ON IDEOLOGY, to do things --- with all the other ways and ideas being OUTLAW --- you can test NEITHER the soundness nor the validity of whatever that's been asserted in the name of that "correct leadership."

Sound approaches and sound thinking DO NOT work that way; asserting that they do ("at least they do work that way HERE in our nation, among our people," etc) doesn't make it true.

On the other hand, if we had to find ONE good thing about the Communists, I'd say it was its FORCING of the various groups to come together, to a higher degree, than it was under the old regimes; and more than forcing people together, it explicitly codified that ALL CITIZENS are equal under the law (however we may judge THAT law to be).

To me, that's much bigger and more important than these nice-sounding big BS like political stability, unique or unprecedented LPDR correct leadership and development, etc.

And, please, note that it is more or less THE SAME THING in most Western countries which had had TERRIBLE history of discrimination, racism, ethnic oppression and persecution, etc.

Take America, for example. Whites WERE NOT gonna give women --- including White women, their own mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, etc --- and Blacks and Asians and Hispanics equal rights, if the latter didn't fight and die for such rights. And GENERATIONS of progressive/liberal Whites, Asians, Blacks, women, Hispanics, et al HAD FOUGHT for the LEGAL EQUAL RIGHTS we enjoy today.

Communism, overnight, did it through top-down mandates.

And that's ONE of the things of what authoritarian regimes are able to do so much more efficiently and quicker than back-and-forth struggles, with minorities struggling on their own in a country where SLAVES and SERVITUDE were a big part of life, as it was in America, from the 1600s through the 1800s...

And, so, while I would NEVER be able to live in an authoritarian society like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Laos, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc., even I could say a good word about LAOS COMMUNISTS declaring that all its many ethnic groups are now equal in the eye of the law (even if, we all know, in ACTUAL CASES, the rich and powerful and connected, in all societies including Communist ones, WILL ALWAYS be MORE EQUAL than the poor and the uneducated)...

And that WAS CLEARLY NOT TRUE, from what my parents and elders said about the OLD LAO of their youth, under the various kings and land owning elites who, with the king's blessing, helped to run Laos... of the old...

To me, then, THAT single issue --- on public equality among all citizens of Laos (even if privately any one could still hate others and call them names) --- was a big watershed achievement, for the LPDR...

But we know IMPOSITION, again, never has been good or lasting.... especially when the lid is blown!

Hopefully, Laos various ethnic groups have learned from the experiences of OTHERS from around the world, and have made concerted political and educational efforts to make that de jure equality a de facto one, too, so that a person is judged only by the CONTENT of his or her character and NOT by the ethnicity or skin tone he or she was born into/with, no fault of his or her own...
2015-12-03 04:41:01 UTC
It is exactly this Political Stability and social cohesiveness that gave the entire Lao multi-ethnic peoples the opportunity to develop themselves. At the level of the Nation, we will fight to get rid of the status of Least Developped Country (LDC) by 2020 and by 2025 be among the countries with High Mid-Income with per capita income equal to US Dollar 8500. If we fulfill those two major targets, it will be a real landmark for the Lao Nation since Tiao Fagnum.
We strongly believe that we will deliver.
Sok Dee
Her Lao
2015-12-03 05:44:42 UTC
Post by thanouxay
It is exactly this Political Stability and social cohesiveness that gave the entire Lao multi-ethnic peoples the opportunity to develop themselves. At the level of the Nation, we will fight to get rid of the status of Least Developped Country (LDC) by 2020 and by 2025 be among the countries with High Mid-Income with per capita income equal to US Dollar 8500. If we fulfill those two major targets, it will be a real landmark for the Lao Nation since Tiao Fagnum.
We strongly believe that we will deliver.
Sok Dee
I do dislike to rain on someone's glorious imaginary parade, but Thanouxay, even you know per capita income for Laos people going from the current of $1,800 - $2,000 (or even if we picked a higher number like $4,000), today 2015, to $8,000 in 10 years, 2025, IS RAINBOW PIE IN THE SKY!

It will NEVER happen, even if you turned the entire country of Laos into a Las Vegas or Macau styled giant casino center, with profits in the 2,000 percent range for the next 10 consecutive years! Wishing it so doesn't make it so. Pulling numbers out of one's buttocks doesn't make it reality.

Laos LDC status is there FOR A REASON, not because scientists and economist hated the righteous and correct LPDR leadership.

If Laos true per capita income is gauged right now, in 2015, to be around $2,000.... her people's per capita income in 2025 will be no more than $4,000 to $5,000, AT THE ROSIEST PREDICTIONS, assuming there's large-scaled, SUCCESSFUL manufacturing and trades going on...

Admittedly, I have ZERO knowledge of Laos EXACT manufacturing development, economic & trades, and educational activities, so I can't say whether such successful, societal shifts --- in those fields I've roughly mentioned here --- have indeed been going on for a while.

But from the indirect and entirely anecdotal reading and videos from and about Laos, it doesn't seem like SUCH UNDERTAKINGS have been going on and going on successfully to the degrees they'd propel Laos per capita income from a $1,800 - $2,000 to a $8,000 - $9,000 per capita income.


My understanding of Euclid and Euler's various basic mathematical theorems and laws and equations COULD HAVE BEEN WAY OFF.... but I doubt it...

Understand me, it's NOT that I don't want that to happen or that, again, I am rudely piss on something good.... it just is ECONOMICALLY, EDUCATIONALLY, AND STATISTICALLY CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE for that to happen... in another 25 to 30 years, sure... if everything works out... but in 10 years? I might as well say it's IMPOSSIBLE....
Her Lao
2015-12-03 05:47:38 UTC
I do dislike to rain on someone's glorious imaginary parade, but Thanouxay, even you know per capita income for Laos people going from the current of $1,800 - $2,000 (or even if we picked a higher number like $4,000), today 2015, to $8,000 in 10 years, 2025, IS RAINBOW PIE IN THE SKY!

It will NEVER happen, even if you turned the entire country of Laos into a Las Vegas or Macau styled giant casino center, with profits in the 2,000 percent range for the next 10 consecutive years! Wishing it so doesn't make it so. Pulling numbers out of one's buttocks doesn't make it reality.

Laos LDC status is there FOR A REASON, not because scientists and economist hated the righteous and correct LPDR leadership.

If Laos true per capita income is gauged right now, in 2015, to be around $2,000.... her people's per capita income in 2025 will be no more than $4,000 to $5,000, AT THE ROSIEST PREDICTIONS, assuming there's large-scaled, SUCCESSFUL manufacturing and trades going on...

Admittedly, I have ZERO knowledge of Laos EXACT manufacturing development, economic & trades, and educational activities, so I can't say whether such successful, societal shifts --- in those fields I've roughly mentioned here --- have indeed been going on for a while.

But from the indirect and entirely anecdotal reading and videos from and about Laos, it doesn't seem like SUCH UNDERTAKINGS have been going on and going on successfully to the degrees they'd propel Laos per capita income from a $1,800 - $2,000 to a $8,000 - $9,000 per capita income.


My understanding of Euclid and Euler's various basic mathematical theorems and laws and equations COULD HAVE BEEN WAY OFF.... but I doubt it...

Understand me, it's NOT that I don't want that to happen or that, again, I am rudely pissin' on something good.... it just is ECONOMICALLY, EDUCATIONALLY, AND STATISTICALLY CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE for that to happen... in another 25 to 30 years, sure... if everything works out... but in 10 years? I might as well say it's IMPOSSIBLE....
2015-12-03 14:32:08 UTC
Post by thanouxay
It is exactly this Political Stability and social cohesiveness that gave the entire Lao multi-ethnic peoples the opportunity to develop themselves. At the level of the Nation, we will fight to get rid of the status of Least Developped Country (LDC) by 2020 and by 2025 be among the countries with High Mid-Income with per capita income equal to US Dollar 8500. If we fulfill those two major targets, it will be a real landmark for the Lao Nation since Tiao Fagnum.
We strongly believe that we will deliver.
Sok Dee

I wish nothing but the best for your hard work and the ambitious goals for your country. Keep in mind that even though LPDR may have reached their goal as a LDC by 2020. It is important to note that that doesn't mean anything to the ordinary citizens of Laos. To truly be LDC, real practical reforms MUST BE MADE through political and economic strategies with the interest of the PEOPLE at the CENTER of such reforms. The PEOPLE are the true champions/mobilizers that will eradicate LDC permanently!

Laos can be GREAT like any other developed nations. However, to obtain that status, the nation's ability to raise up REST UPON ON THE SHOULDERS and INGENUITY OF its LEADERS to mobilize it's CITIZENS. KILLING and TORTURING citizens for simply voicing their rights to disagree with their own government will NOT endow a nation to rise in economical status, let alone wins the hearts and minds of the people.

2015-12-04 02:35:34 UTC
Congratulations to Laos.

The difference between ai Yong and the rest of us in here(SCL) is that ai Yong is like a pro NFL quarterback in a real game on the playing field while the rest of us are watching the game from our easy chair. We may think we can play the game better than the real players out on the field, but we all know that we are just fooling ourselves.
Her Lao
2015-12-04 06:22:38 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Congratulations to Laos.
The difference between ai Yong and the rest of us in here(SCL) is that ai Yong is like a pro NFL quarterback in a real game on the playing field while the rest of us are watching the game from our easy chair.


Whatever the name of THAT "pro NFL" football team we are METAPHORIZING here, it must have been very successful, even at the very, very bottom of "pro NFL" football ranking...

That "very, very bottom" ranked NFL team quarterback ai Yong's playing for ... it's probably a BAD, INVALID RANKING.

ESPECIALLY if we flipped the ranking on its head...
2015-12-04 16:38:35 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Congratulations to Laos.
The difference between ai Yong and the rest of us in here(SCL) is that ai Yong is like a pro NFL quarterback in a real game on the playing field while the rest of us are watching the game from our easy chair.
Whatever the name of THAT "pro NFL" football team we are METAPHORIZING here, it must have been very successful, even at the very, very bottom of "pro NFL" football ranking...
That "very, very bottom" ranked NFL team quarterback ai Yong's playing for ... it's probably a BAD, INVALID RANKING.
ESPECIALLY if we flipped the ranking on its head...
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.....this is cracking me up! Looks like "ai Yong" and his "PRO FOOTBALL" team never made it to the SUPER BOWL at all?

2015-12-13 01:31:22 UTC
It is always amusing to see unemployed armchair quarterbacks talk smack about how they think they can do better than the real players. Hehehe
Her Lao
2015-12-13 02:20:39 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
It is always amusing to see unemployed armchair quarterbacks talk smack about how they think they can do better than the real players. Hehehe
It's so true. I have all the admiration for earth-moving, wealth-creating business tycoons like y'all who've given so much to so many people, here in the USA and in Laos! LOL

Teaching boys and girls to read, write, and do basic math and chemistry has always been the chore reserved for badly edukated idiots who don't know what the hell they be sayin' ...

No wonder people are so dumb... 'cuz all the smart geniuses have gone into businesses like real estate, computers & internet, law & politics, and governments!
2015-12-14 10:00:05 UTC
Oh, you're that famous Lao professor at MIT huh? Hehehe
Her Lao
2015-12-15 00:51:02 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Oh, you're that famous Lao professor at MIT huh? Hehehe
No, just some guy who understands things a bit clear and better than you, some moron who thinks SOME 3rd world mid-level BUREAUCRATS HE PERSONALLY KNOWS were comparable to PRO FOOTBALL QUARTERBACKS who are taking their teams places... compared to errrrrr HOMELESS, JOBLESS PEOPLE!


So.... let me get this straight:

As some moron who's nightly and weekly in front of his big screen TV screaming --- sometimes caressing his guns and beers at the same time, after some stressful days of trying to flip a few business deals to squeezing a few more dollars out of people --- I am guessing.... FOR YOU.... EVERY QUARTERBACK in the NFL is just equally skilled?


Too stupid to tell them apart... since YOU NEVER PLAYED IN THE NFL, either!

There ain't no difference, for example, between Brady, Montana, Manning, Young, Marino, Aikman, Favre, Elway, et al., ON THE ONE HAND.... from the BOTTOM OF THE PACK quarterbacks who and whose teams NEVER GO ANYWHERE, on the other...

Right, Mr. Non-NFL player?

Just so you know, dummy... I DO NOT watch football so I DON'T KNOW THESE INDIVIDUALS BY HEART... I googled them and read their respective STATS...

Intelligent and educated people don't talk and don't behave like you dummies do: intelligent and educated people deal with INFORMATION; we make comments based on the QUALITY, QUANTITY, & RELEVANCY of information...

Educated and intelligent people don't make stupid, irrelevant METAPHORS, thinking we're really smart....

Intelligent and educated people know when and where to deploy metaphors, similes, & other juxtaposed expressions...

Apparently, that's beyond the intellect of a dummy like you who's capable of little more than flipping a few deals here and there attempting to squeeze a few more dollars out of this or that business deal....


Commenting on THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES on soc.culture.laos ---- in terms of ... (1) who the leaders are.... (2) why they are third world status in education, in businesses, in research, in governance, in laws, in technology, etc.... (3) why their people are stuck with failures, such mediocre people & leaders, etc. ---- does not rise to the level of relevancy or sophistication requiring the time or attention of people at MIT, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Caltech, etc.

But, then, again, I don't expect a poorly educated moron like you to understand such distinctions & subtleties, do I?
2015-12-15 23:34:01 UTC
Lol You don't need to justify your worthless self to me. All I see is an unemployed armchair quarterback yelling at the players on the tv screen. Lol
Her Lao
2015-12-16 02:19:31 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Lol You don't need to justify your worthless self to me. All I see is an unemployed armchair quarterback yelling at the players on the tv screen. Lol
In other words, since you never play quarterback position in the NFL, you're just babbling like a moron --- as you are --- when you speak of NFL and quarterback.
2015-12-17 01:21:31 UTC
Lol, You're the moron. 5555
Her Lao
2015-12-20 04:03:55 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Lol, You're the moron. 5555
The argument of a low IQed, mindless moron, like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ:

You are some homeless, jobless moron who don't know any thing, particularly GOVERNMENT and GOVERNANCE.

I know. Ai Yong of Laos knows. He, compared to you, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.

I know PRO NFL QUARTERBACKING. I used to be one myself, a PRO NFL QUARTER.


I obviously don't watch football, so I don't know if there are NON-PRO NFL quarters; but I trust this moron, ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ, when he said Yong or Thanouxay, compared to jobless/homess me, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK, something this moron KNOWS INTIMATELY, since, according to HIS LOGIC, he was --- no, he MUST HAVE BEEN --- A PRO NFL QUARTER in college.

That's the argument of people with IQs that are at least ONE STANDARD DEVIATION below the average.
Her Lao
2015-12-20 04:12:37 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Lol, You're the moron. 5555
The argument of a low IQed, mindless moron, like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ:

You are some homeless, jobless moron who don't know any thing, particularly GOVERNMENT and GOVERNANCE.

I know. Ai Yong of Laos knows. He, compared to you, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.

I know PRO NFL QUARTERBACKING. I used to be one myself, a PRO NFL QUARTER.


I obviously don't watch football, so I don't know if there are NON-PRO NFL quarterbacks.

I trust this moron, ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ, when he said Yong or Thanouxay, compared to jobless/homess me, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK, something this moron KNOWS INTIMATELY, since, according to HIS LOGIC, he was --- no, he MUST have been --- A PRO NFL QUARTER in college.

How the fuck else would a moron like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ know any thing about "PRO NFL QUARTERBACK" ... unless, of course, he HAD been a "PRO NFL QUARTERBACK" himself sometime during his life, being a certified imbecile with an IQ of one SD below average notwithstanding...
Her Lao
2015-12-20 04:18:55 UTC
The argument of a low IQed, mindless moron, like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ:

You are some homeless, jobless moron who don't know any thing, particularly GOVERNMENT and GOVERNANCE.

I know. Ai Yong of Laos knows. He, compared to you, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.

I know PRO NFL QUARTERBACKING. I used to be one myself, a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.


I obviously don't watch football, so I don't know if there are NON-PRO NFL quarterbacks.

I trust this moron, ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ, when he said Yong or Thanouxay, compared to jobless/homess me, is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK, something this moron KNOWS INTIMATELY, since, according to HIS LOGIC, he was --- no, he MUST have been --- A PRO NFL QUARTERBACK after college.

Or perhaps he went straight to be a "pro NFL quarterback" after high school, skipping college?

How the fuck else would a moron like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ know any thing about "PRO NFL QUARTERBACK" ... unless, of course, he HAD been a "PRO NFL QUARTERBACK" himself sometime during his life, being a certified imbecile with an IQ of one SD below average notwithstanding...
2015-12-21 00:53:31 UTC
You're one butthurt moron. 5555
Her Lao
2015-12-24 04:58:18 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
You're one butthurt moron. 5555

The argument of a low IQed, mindless moron from Laos, ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ:

You are some homeless, jobless moron who don't know shit about GOVERNMENT and GOVERNANCE.

I know. Ai Yong of Laos knows. Compared to you, ai Yong/Thanouxy is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK

I know about PRO NFL QUARTERBACKING. I used to be one myself a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.


Typical babbling --- asserted as logical arguments --- of mindless, low IQed, GUN CRAZED buffoons!
2015-12-24 20:23:55 UTC
Lol You don't need to justify your worthless self to me. All I see is an unemployed moron yelling at the players on the tv screen. Lol
Her Lao
2015-12-27 22:17:22 UTC
The argument of a low IQed, mindless moron from Laos, ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ:


You are some homeless, jobless moron who don't know shit about GOVERNMENT and GOVERNANCE.

I know. Ai Yong of Laos knows. Compared to you, ai Yong/Thanouxy is a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK

I know what I am talking about when it comes to PRO NFL QUARTERBACKING. I used to be one myself, a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK.



Typical babbling of mindless, low IQed, GUN CRAZED buffoons in dark glasses & impressive suits.... who think they are geniuses from Laos... 'cuz they, y'know?, KNOW and deal with a few corrupt mid level civil servants whom the morons think are like "PRO NFL QUARTERBACKS"!

Her Lao
2015-12-27 22:25:00 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
Lol You don't need to justify your worthless self to me. All I see is an unemployed moron yelling at the players on the tv screen. Lol

The typical deep, ONE-LINER Lao entrepreneurial-philosopher-PRO NFL QUARTERBACK and his deep one-liner argument!

"Me rich smart, know powerful quarterback, you stupid homeless jobless!"

2015-12-28 03:08:14 UTC
You sound butthurt. 5555 The world belongs to those who do things, not to idiots like you who sits in front of the computer screen and talk big. Hey, when you do 10% of what you've said, let me know OK? I'll celebrate.
Her Lao
2015-12-28 11:09:27 UTC
Post by ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ
You sound butthurt. 5555 The world belongs to those who do things, not to idiots like you who sits in front of the computer screen and talk big. Hey, when you do 10% of what you've said, let me know OK? I'll celebrate.

The typical deep, ONE-LINER Lao entrepreneurial-philosopher-PRO NFL QUARTERBACK low IQed moron and his deep one-liner argument!

"Me rich smart, know powerful quarterback who run successful countries, you stupid homeless jobless!"

Her Lao
2015-12-28 12:36:29 UTC
ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ & his usual, mindless, moronic babbling:

It's always what he PERSONALLY knows or doesn't know... or what he personally has or doesn't ... that counts --- NOT what more intelligent people NEUTRALLY describe reality to be...


Typical brain prowess of same LOW IQ types on VASTLY different issues:

They *know* it's Jesus Dad who sent plaques like HIV, droughts, floods, & earth quakes to punish homosexuals, sick Liberals, & the unbelievers...

But they shit all day long or all year long, it seems, and MISS the floods & tornadoes & hurricanes that kill or injure or displace thousands in the BIBLE SOUTH, where there's a Jesus-God church on every other street corner...

Morons get out of their homes in April or May or June, in higher latitudes, to SOMETIMES find snow on the ground ... as EVIDENCE stupid Liberal scientists don't know shit about any thing, much less some hoaxy socalled climate change induced by human heavy industrial activities of the last 150 odd years...

Morons like ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ think poor, authoritarian, under-developed societies like North Korea, Haiti, Laos, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Venezuela, Swaziland, etc. are run by PRO NFL QUARTERBACKS compared to, errr, the homeless & jobless like yours truly!



As the saying goes:

You could take stupid people out of poor or bad situations --- & put them in sophisticated societies that have well rounded out-looks & progressive values.... & even TEACH them how to work like stupid dogs so they could to buy their little toys --- but you just can't take stupidity out of them.

Third-world-minded buffoon ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ --- idiot who has moved from used to new cars ... who brags about his meaningless deal-flipping-for-cash job... who fancies himself a 2nd Amendment Skoler SIMPLY because he's just some low IQed, dangerous GUN CRAZED knuckle-dragger --- clearly demonstrates that axiom...
2015-12-29 14:16:06 UTC
Why you all talk no listen?
If you'd listen as much as you talk, maybe you too can be an Ambassador. Moron... Hehehe
Her Lao
2015-12-31 04:55:45 UTC
As the saying goes:

You could take stupid people out of poor or bad situations but you just can't take stupidity out of them.

ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ --- the idiot who has moved from used to new cars ... who brags about his meaningless deal-flipping-for-cash job... who fancies himself a 2nd Amendment Skoler SIMPLY because he's just some low IQed, dangerous GUN CRAZED knuckle-dragger --- clearly demonstrates that axiom...

The buffoon thinks poor, authoritarian, under-developed SOCIETIES like the Democratic Republic of North Korea, Haiti, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Hun Sen's Cambodia, Chavez's Venezuela, the Castro's Cuba, Swaziland, etc. are run by PRO NFL QUARTERBACKS!

And the buffoon KNOWS a thing or two about quarterbacking, PERSONALLY, as he was one himself!

2016-01-01 01:50:13 UTC
Don't just bark and bark like a little idiotic Chihuahua. Do something to show what you think you know.
Her Lao
2016-01-01 02:38:45 UTC
As the saying goes: You could take stupid people out of poor or bad situations, but you can't take stupidity out of them.

ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ --- babbling idiot who fancies himself a 2nd Amendment Skoler SIMPLY because he's just another low IQ, dangerous, GUN CRAZED knuckle dragger --- clearly demonstrates that axiom...

The buffoon thinks authoritarian, under-developed SOCIETIES like the Democratic Republic of North Korea, Haiti, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Hun Sen's Cambodia, Chavez's Venezuela, the Castro's Cuba, Swaziland, etc. are run by PRO NFL QUARTERBACKS...

... compared to HOMELESS & JOBLESS PEOPLE IN AMERICA, of course!


And, the babbling goes, the buffoon KNOWS a thing or two about quarterbacking, PERSONALLY ... 'cuz, unlike some jobless & homeless Americans, he --- the buffoon known as ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ --- was a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK once!

We all know the buffoon would NEVER talk about, or allude to, something HE DOES NOT KNOW ANY THING ABOUT, don't we?

Curious? Which "PRO NFL" team the buffoon played for... for him to KNOW about "pro NFL" quarterbacking so intimately... hmmm
2016-01-01 03:18:46 UTC
Don't just bark and bark like a little idiotic Chihuahua. Do something to show what you think you know.
Her Lao
2016-01-02 07:29:38 UTC
You could take stupid people out of poor or bad situations, but you can't take stupidity out of them.

ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ --- babbling idiot who fancies himself a 2nd Amendment Skoler SIMPLY because he's just another low IQ, dangerous, GUN CRAZED knuckle dragger --- clearly demonstrates that axiom...

The buffoon thinks authoritarian, under-developed SOCIETIES like the Democratic Republic of North Korea, Haiti, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Hun Sen's Cambodia, Chavez's Venezuela, the Castro's Cuba, Swaziland, etc. are run by PRO NFL QUARTERBACKS...

... compared to HOMELESS & JOBLESS PEOPLE IN AMERICA, of course!


And, the babbling goes, the buffoon KNOWS a thing or two about quarterbacking, PERSONALLY ... 'cuz, unlike some jobless & homeless Americans, he, the buffoon known as ທ້າວໄຂ່ມືດ, was a PRO NFL QUARTERBACK once!

We all know the buffoon would NEVER talk about something HE DOES NOT KNOW ANY THING ABOUT, don't we? LOL!
2015-12-29 14:17:25 UTC
Why you all talk no listen?
If you'd listen as much as you talk, maybe you too can be an Ambassador. Moron... Hehehe
2015-12-15 18:03:33 UTC
Post by thanouxay
1975: Two High Schools (Lycee de Vientiane and Fa Ngum High-school
Now: thousands

i want to take issue with this number. you are saying that today's laos has thousands of highschools? the number doesn't sound right at all.

here in america, take a city like san diego where i live with a population of 3 millions there are no more than 40. and up north in los angeles, a city of 12 million has around a few hundreds highschools.

are you counting all schools or just high schools?

also be mindful that political stability must exist before anything else and that's what pre-1975 didn't have like today's Lao PDR is having.
Her Lao
2015-12-16 02:27:41 UTC
Post by thanouxay
1975: Two High Schools (Lycee de Vientiane and Fa Ngum High-school
Now: thousands
i want to take issue with this number. you are saying that today's laos has thousands of highschools? the number doesn't sound right at all.
here in america, take a city like san diego where i live with a population of 3 millions there are no more than 40. and up north in los angeles, a city of 12 million has around a few hundreds highschools.
are you counting all schools or just high schools?
also be mindful that political stability must exist before anything else and that's what pre-1975 didn't have like today's Lao PDR is having.
It's not the CONCENTRATED dumping ground kinda of high schools --- of a few dozen --- like those in San Diego that you and I know, and not like those in LA, in the several hundreds as you said, that you and I don't know about.

Those Thanouxay --- our LAO NFL QUARTERBACK brother Yong, per some moron we know here --- speak of are the QUALITY kind, each with only a few high school students.... kinda of school, one-classroom high school with no more than 2 to 10 high school students.

Sure, if you focus on QUALITY and not concentration, like stupid Westerners do it here in our large cities across America, you could have THOUSANDS of high schools, across the great Fa Ngum's land...