On Life & Living: Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer
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Her Lao
2015-07-01 23:31:06 UTC

I've spent most of my life reading books and ideas. And thousands of books I've read; out of those, three authors, I can claim, have influenced me the most. And two most of you likely have not heard or read much about, and they are Phillip Slater, THE PURSUIT OF LONELINESS, and Peter Singer, PRACTICAL ETHICS.

But the one who influenced me the deepest, the writer I've tried to follow my whole life, was someone I am sure most people who've gone to college must have at least heard or read a bit about: Henry David Thoreau, which is also my posting namesake in cyberspace.

I truly have lived and have practiced, to the degree that I could, Thoreau's simple dictum:

............ If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away................

To me, that truly is the most unique, the deepest of a short encapsulation of life and living.
2015-07-02 16:08:16 UTC
Hygge..... That's equivalent to "Sabay-Sabay" in Lao. It's the way of life and living for Lao people no matter where they are.

If there's NO communism involved in Lao land, then "Hygge" would be a daily life of Lao-Bor-Pengyang people. There's no country that i know of that has Boon every month of the year and a week off work to celebrate their new year like in the old day Laos.

Post by Her Lao
I've spent most of my life reading books and ideas. And thousands of books I've read; out of those, three authors, I can claim, have influenced me the most. And two most of you likely have not heard or read much about, and they are Phillip Slater, THE PURSUIT OF LONELINESS, and Peter Singer, PRACTICAL ETHICS.
But the one who influenced me the deepest, the writer I've tried to follow my whole life, was someone I am sure most people who've gone to college must have at least heard or read a bit about: Henry David Thoreau, which is also my posting namesake in cyberspace.
............ If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away................
To me, that truly is the most unique, the deepest of a short encapsulation of life and living.
Her Lao
2015-07-02 20:22:41 UTC
If there's NO communism involved in Lao land, then "Hygge" would be a daily life of Lao-Bor-Pengyang people.


I doubt very much powerful, rich, AND well connected people like comrade "Thanouxay" et al give a shit about COMMUNISM, if they really understood it.

And I doubt very much most of them ("Thanouxay", et al) UNDERSTOOD DEEP ENOUGH, during those "hey days", or presently, UNDERSTAND WESTERN THINKING enough ---- and that's where COMMUNISM is, it's a WESTERN THINKING, although one that has faded in the West due to its inability to sustain itself from the onslaught of COMPETITING ideas, both good and bad --- to truly care about SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM.

Socialism and Communism are truly only understood by those who are PRACTICING THEM in their daily lives: people who don't amass large quantities of properties, food, utilities, titles, power, liquid monetary currencies, etc.

If you accumulate tons of such properties, assets, commodities, and goods, then you ARE NO SOCIALIST or COMMUNIST.

What the-in-name-only Communist leaders and rank and file people in the 4 or so last Communist countries like Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and China LIKE THE MOST IS UNCHALLENGED POWER; that's all they care about. Again, they don't care about communism or socialism. And they don't give a shit about not understanding such concepts.

But when you pretend to believe in ONLY ONE CORRECT IDEOLOGY, like comrade "Thanouxay" and all this fake communist friends do, and you move up the ruling structure, YOU GET TO ENJOY ENORMOUS POWER, CONNECTION, WEALTH, AND PRESTIGE.

Again, most people crave those things. So there's nothing wrong about that.

But only fake communists and socialists --- who, again, don't really give a shit about true communism and socialism --- MAKE THEMSELVES AND ONLY ONE IDEOLOGY THE ALLOWED AND CORRECT ideology, because such a ruling structure HARKENS BACK TO THE AGE OF FEUDALISM, where ordinary citizens challenging the ruling elites guaranteed their heads being chopped off....

THAT, again, is what Chinese, Lao, Vietnamese, and Cuban communist leaders CRAVE the most: that NO CHALLENGE to their rule and stupidity IS ALLOWED, through law, THE LAW OF THE LAND.

I don't even consider Laos "good friend" North Korea to be a communist country; that country is a HORROR SHOW, a train wreck in slow motion.... Of course, Laos, Vietnam, China, and Cuba ARE NOT THAT EXTREME... because at least 95% of the citizens living in these 4 communist countries won't even feel the heavy hand of COMMUNISM if they just live their lives without saying ANY NEGATIVE THING about the system or any leader running it.... even if DEEP DOWN, in private, BOTH THEY and THE COMMUNIST LEADERS know the system is a FACADE, A FAKE and no one takes it seriously beyond observing the rule that IT CAN NOT BE CRITICIZED...
2015-07-02 21:40:18 UTC
Post by Her Lao
Socialism and Communism are truly only understood by those who are PRACTICING THEM in their daily lives: people who don't amass large quantities of properties, food, utilities, titles, power, liquid monetary currencies, etc.
no matter how high or low ranking they're in the communist circle, no matter how hard or how good they're practicing socialism or communism, at the end of the day they're all ended up becoming the worse greediest people than any leader in the free world.

The simple reason is that they HAVE the absolute power in their hand, no one else can't challenge!

socialist or communism as you understood and said hare is only a dreaming regime or dreamed ideology, it didn't, don't, and won't happen in real life, real world, or real people!
Her Lao
2015-07-03 07:26:13 UTC
Post by pizone
socialist or communism as you understood and said hare is only a dreaming regime or dreamed ideology, it didn't, don't, and won't happen in real life, real world, or real people!

I personally considered this guy a true socialist: He is at the top of the ruling structure; but he DOES NOT, did not, accumulate wealth or power or property or connection...


He donated most of his SMALL salary to poor people and charity. He picked up hitch hikers on his way to work or from work. He doesn't own properties and lives in a very small house, with no extravaganza...

He would tell people himself, he's no angel; he smokes weed and has other eccentricities.... but he TRIED very hard, as hard as he personally humanly could, to do what's possible for THE PEOPLE, without giving to himself, to his friends, to his families, to his college classmates, and to those who are connected to other powerful people who have money and who will contribute to him...

"It is glorious to be a RICH COMMUNIST communists today are just FAKE socialists and communists, because, AGAIN, they CRAVE THE SAME SHIT that people here in the West and all other parts of the region crave:

wealth (cash & properties) and TONS of it,
power and lots of it,

But UNLIKE other people, and the WEST, communists in Laos, China, Vietnam, and Cuba DECREED that they and their powerful friends and colleagues in charge ARE CORRECT AND ARE THE CORRECT LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP, and whoever that make their way to the top AREA ALSO CORRECT AND CORRECT LEADERS WITH THE CORRECT IDEOLOGY and they CAN NOT BE CHALLENGED.

That's the difference between the RULERS of Laos, China, Vietnam, and Cuba, the last four communist countries on earth, ON THE ONE HAND, and all other politicians and leaders of OTHER countries around the world, ON THE OTHER HAND.
Her Lao
2015-07-11 00:09:27 UTC

I laughed so hard, my head hurts.
